When did Angels enter the BK theology?

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When did Angels enter the BK theology?

Post28 May 2006


we are documenting the changes and developments in BK lore, I was just wondering when did " Angels " enter the BK theology?

It seems to me that the form of angels they consider is a very Western view and not traditional to Hinduism or the Eastern Tradition where may be dakinis, devi, gramadevatas but not the angels that appear in Islam and Christianity.

It is said there is no concept of angels in Hinduism but there are beliefs in certain super-beings, which can perform acts not done by normal human beings and that these beings too are worshipped as deities by some Hindus.

Answers please.

[ See general topic on defining angels in the " Religion, Spirituality and New Science " forum ]
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Post28 May 2006

we are documenting the changes and developments in BK lore

Sounds a great project!
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Re: When did Angels enter the BK theology?

Post12 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:we are documenting the changes and developments in BK lore, I was just wondering when did " Angels " enter the BK theology?

Om Shathi to Everybody.

I think, the Angelic form got it's momentum after Lekhraj Kirpalani became Avyakt. In many of the Avyakt Murlis (through Dadi Gulzar), Baapdada has stressed to practise being body of light. Again, Baapdada has also suggested to practise Angelic stage if at all it is difficult to practice soul concious stage. It is also said 'Brahman - so -Farishtha (angel)- so Devatha (deity).

What i understand from this is, from Brahmin we transform to Farishtah (angel) and from Farishtha, we transform to Deavatha (deity).
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Re: When did Angels enter the BK theology?

Post25 Oct 2006

creative wrote:I think, the Angelic form got it's momentum after Dada Lekhraj became Avyakt. In many of the Avyakt Murlis (through Dadi Gulzar), Baapdada has stressed to practise being body of light.Again, Baapdada has also suggested to practise Angelic stage if at all it is difficult to practice soul concious stage. It is also said 'Brahman - so -Farishtha (angel)- so Devatha (deity). What I understand from this is, from Brahmin we transform to Farishtah (angel) and from Farishtha, we transform to Deavatha (deity).

Very interesting. I suppose one has to also discuss as to which angle one is viewing the word "angel" from. I suppose one could say that a deity can also be termed as an angel. The Avyakt stage can also be termed as the angelic stage, i.e. one is an angel when one is in that stage. But then again the word "angel" can be seen from various lights.
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Post24 Nov 2006

:D Only if a soul achieves his angelic stage, he can become a spiritual projector to the world. Souls will recieve "Sakshatkara" i.e. divine visions through this angelic soul.


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