2007 Year of Unification

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2007 Year of Unification

Post28 Jan 2007

2007 Year of Unification

On the PBK web site; http://www.ShivBaba.ca/summary1.htm

It says that the BKs and the PBKs will re-unite in 2007. I think this will be a good thing, and I hope that it happens. Does anyone have any idea how it will happen?

The PBKs, it seems to me, are not interested in fame, power and money, and they give their teachings and Murlis openly.

I may not agree, as an ex-BK, with all of their teachings, but I do respect them for their honesty and integrity. I think they will be a good influence on the BKs if they do re-unite with them. I am even more inclined to read what the PBKs write now that Brother Arjun has shown his more ordinary human and humourous side by telling such interesting and illuminating stories on the forum.

I heard when I was a BK, from many senior Sisters, that there are a number of trance mediums being trained ready for the inevitable demise of Gulzar Dadi. So the idea that the BKs will turn to the PBKs Chariot if Gulzar Dadi dies may be a false idea. Can some PBKs enlighten me please?

I feel supportive to the PBKs rather than critical, so please take this in the spirit in which it is meant, but what will happen to the PBKs if the prediction of re-unification in 2007 does not happen?

Will it be like 1976 was for the BKs?

I expect that there are many BKs who are trying to prevent it, those who have vested interests. Just look at the incidence of beatings and kidnappings. It is no surprise to me that the BKs want to keep Knowledge of the PBKs away from their own followers. As a BK I was never told about even the existence of the PBKs, I found out on the internet. When I found out I first began to doubt the sincerity of my BK teachers. I thought, "Why did they keep such an important fact secret from me?" As soon as I started to question that was the beginning of my losing trust in the BKs. Of course, they never answered any of my questions.
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Re: 2007 Year of Unification

Post29 Jan 2007

proy wrote:... but what will happen to the PBKs if the prediction of re-unification in 2007 does not happen? Will it be like 1976 was for the BKs?

One of the academics stated that the PBKs also had "failed" predication for Destruction of around 2000/1. I think it was Dr John Walliss. I don't know the details. I don't even know if there is a centralized PBK policy or if it was just one group/individual going off and doing their own thing.

The nice thing about the PBKs is that one can expect an open and honest answer from them unlike the tortuous BKWSU response.

That is not a comment aimed at individual BKs that might well be completely open and honest about their beliefs but rather the institution that has tied itself up into trying to be something it is not, or to many things to too many people. I hope the two parties sort things out and the BKs become more like the PBKs.
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Post29 Jan 2007

Proy wrote:I feel supportive to the PBKs rather than critical, so please take this in the spirit in which it is meant, but what will happen to the PBKs if the prediction of re-unification in 2007 does not happen? Will it be like 1976 was for the BKs?

Omshanti. As far as I know the above website is not the official website of Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalay (i.e. PBKs), although most of the content appears to be in line with the Advanced Knowledge being narrated by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). As regards the mention of the year 2007 as the year of unification, I am not able to find it in the web-page that you have referred. However, as far as I know ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has not claimed that all the BKs and PBKs would unite in the year 2007. In the discussion CDs he has been talking about the Confluence Age continuing up to the year 2036. However, it is possible that the process of unification of BKs and PBKs may start in the year 2007 in a subtle form.

The increasing opinion in favour of a unification on this forum is a good sign of this process having begun in an earnest way.

On Godly Service,
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Post29 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:One of the academics stated that the PBKs also had "failed" predication for Destruction of around 2000/1. I think it was Dr John Walliss. I don't know the details. I don't even know if there is a centralized PBK policy or if it was just one group/individual going off and doing their own thing.

Yes, many among the PBKs had expected the destruction in the year 2000. This was perhaps partially based on the talk about the year 2000 in the Avyakt Vanis and also on the explanation of the World Cycle, as part of the Advance Course.

But, I think this Destruction was also supposed to be subtle in nature and not physical destruction of the world. Just as the year 1976 marked the destruction of demoniac elements among the then world of Brahmins (i.e. BKs), the year 2000 marked the destruction of demoniac elements among the world of Brahmins (i.e. PBKs).

On Godly Service,
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Re: 2007 Year of Unification

Post29 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:The nice thing about the PBKs is that one can expect an open and honest answer from them unlike the tortuous BKWSU response.

Yes, I agree, and we are both proved right by Bro Arjun's straightforward answers here.
I hope the two parties sort things out and the BKs become more like the PBKs.

Me too, ex-l. The BKs have a lot to learn from the PBKs.
Arjun wrote:The increasing opinion in favour of a unification on this forum is a good sign of this process having begun in an earnest way.

I sincerely hope so, and I think you are right. Thanks for your answer Bro. Arjun.
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Post29 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:Yes, many among the PBKs had expected the destruction in the year 2000. This was perhaps partially based on the talk about the year 2000 in the Avyakt Vanis and also on the explanation of the World Cycle, as part of the Advance Course.

Top marks as ever for your honesty, Arjun.

Were the remarks in the Avyakt Vanis (Murlis to BKs) revised/re-edited remarks made by the BKs or by BapDada?

Would you mind documenting the "date-wise" predictions or interpretations of dates from the PBK point of view?
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Post30 Jan 2007

Arjun wrote:I am not able to find it in the web-page that you have referred.

Dear Brother Arjun,
The link seems to work but strangely it sometimes shows the 2007 date and sometimes not. If you go to the bottom of their home page and click on "summary" then you should see the page I am looking at. I have copied and pasted the text of the web page below for you to see. I do not know how to copy and paste the images, but you will get the idea of what they are saying from the text.
Note that it says "first to the Brahmin family and THEN to the outside world". This supports what you say.
Arjun wrote:The increasing opinion in favour of a unification on this forum is a good sign of this process having begun in an earnest way.

You say these people are not the official PBK web site. Do you know who they are?
Do you have the resources (server access, time etc) to run your own web site. In the UK most Internet Service Providers give you plenty of free web space on their server, and it is easy for someone even as non-technical as I am to run a web site. A forum like this is more difficult, and our thanks go to Admin for giving the PBKs the opportunity to convey their news to the world.

This is from the Advance Party Web Site -


Advance Godly Knowledge
(for BK's only)



* Soul of Krishna (Brahma) (Worldly name: Dada Lekhraj).
* plays the role of Mother from 1937 to 1969.
* gives sustenance to Basic Party (B.K.'s) from 1937 to 1969.
* Temporary Chariot of God Shiva--not revealed to the world.
* Brahmins who recognise only Mother are called :
(1) Half cast Brahmins
(2) Left hand Brahmins
(3) Moon Dynasty Brahmins

* 2,25,000 Moon Dynasty Brahmins (Vijay Mala)
(basic knowledge)


* Soul of Ram ( Prajapita- Adam) (Worldly name: Virendra Dev Dixit).
* plays the role of Father-Teacher-Guru (1969 to 2007)
* gives sustenance to Advance Party (P.B.K.'s) from 1969 onwards.
* Permanent Chariot of God Shiva--revealed to the world as ADAM.
* Brahmins who recognise both Mother and Father are :
(1) Full cast Brahmins
(2) Right hand Brahmins
(3) Sun Dynasty Brahmins
* 2,25,000 Sun Dynasty Brahmins (Rudra Mala)
(Advanced Knowledge)
Merger from year 2007 onwards
(2,25,000 Couples)
* From 2007 onwards Ram's Soul will be revealed as Prajapita ( Father of Humanity) first to the Brahmin family and then to the outside world.
Ram will be revealed as World Emperor or Shri Narayan and will control the world through 108 Souls

* Period 2009 onwards will be Paradise which the whole world will see ( 6 billion souls).
* merger of BKs and PBKs will be numberwise starting from First couple to last couple.
* 2,25,000 couples (4,50,000 Souls) known as Angels or Farishtas will be revealed to the world who will survive the destruction and will be instrumental in giving birth to the first generation of SatYuga (Golden Age).
* These 4,50,000 souls are the seed souls who will not leave their bodies during destruction and become ancestors of the entire human civilisation (6 billion souls).
* Destruction.
* After destruction, these 2,25,000 couples will undergo divine transformation of their bodies in 18 years.
* After the Divine transformation of 2,25,000 couples is complete, then 2,25,000 couples will give birth to 2,25,000 twin children (on son, one daughter) making the total of 9,00,000 souls at the begining of the Golden Age.
* Golden Age starts.
* Coronation of Prince Krishna who adopts the Title of Shri Narayan from his Father - World Emperor Ram
* 100 years of Confluence Age ends.

The following from their web site is also very interesting -



Divine Brothers & Sisters,

I am a Godly student of the Godly Spiritual University studying RajYoga since 1984. Before I got this Godly Knowledge I had been to several spiritual organisations in search of true spiritual Knowledge but nowhere I could find anyone who could answer my questions and quench my thirst for true Knowledge. I was first introduced to this Godly Knowledge in 1984 and after finishing the 7 days course I realized this Knowledge was quite different and that it requires an in-depth study. After about a month's study and deep thinking, I was 100% convinced that this Knowledge is being given by the Supreme Soul God Shiva Himself. Most of the questions about life and Karma, which were bothering me for quite some time, were also answered.

In my early years, I was totally intoxicated by this Godly Knowledge and even though my feet were on the ground I used to feel that I am flying and I was always in very high spirit. As years passed by, I came in close contact with most of the Dadis and Didis and Senior Brothers and Sisters and I used to give this Knowledge to everyone I met including my family, friends and relatives. I used to go to Mount Abu quite often and never missed a chance to do Godly Service, which made me quite popular amongst the Sisters of RajYoga Centre which I attended. But there was one regret that I could not meet the Supreme Father in person and one question always remained unanswered- Why did the Supreme Father leave in 1969?

After 1990-91 my intoxication with Godly Knowledge started declining and on churning The Knowledge more unanswered questions started cropping up. I discussed The Knowledge in detail with senior Brothers and Sisters but they too were in the dark and could not provide convincing answers. Day by day I become restless and my initial enthusiasm vanished. I could no longer meditate properly and suddenly the seemingly perfect and complete Knowledge became imperfect and incomplete. On top of that the behaviour of the Dadis and senior Sisters also alarmed me and surprised me as I saw a visible decline in their divinity, as in myself. In fact I could see declining divinity in the whole Brahmin family, with The Knowledge being pushed in the background and upsurge of materialistic interests in the forefront. I could not understand what was happening and why was it happening!

Then one fine day in 1993, I was introduced to the Advance Godly Knowledge by a friend who told me that ShivBaba is still in person and that He is giving Advance Godly Knowledge and sustenance to the Advance Party incognito. I was so thrilled on hearing this that I packed my bags and left for Farukabad (U.P.- India) immediately to do the 7 days course of Advance Godly Knowledge and to meet ShivBaba in person. After staying in Kampil Village-Farukabad for 7 days there was a miracle change in me and again I was on cloud nine. I was completely rejuvenated and got a new lease of life. Suddenly life appeared to be more meaningful than ever before and past, present and future became crystal clear. My experiences after meeting ShivBaba in person just cannot be put down on paper. The Advanced Knowledge is so deep and perfect that you have to take it yourself to realize it. The questions which were not answered in Basic Knowledge were convincingly answered by Advanced Knowledge. I had found the true jewels of Knowledge and the treasure house of Knowledge (ShivBaba Himself in person).

Most senior BK’s when asked about the Advance Party are still groping in the dark --- each one has his own concept and nobody really knows the Truth.
Given below are some questions not yet answered convincingly by any B.K.

1. Where is the Advance Party ?
2. How will the Advance Party give birth to the 1st generation of Golden Age?
3. How will world transformation from Iron Age to Golden Age actually occur ?
4. What will happen after Destruction ?
5. Which Souls will survive the Destruction ?
6. How will Prince Krishna & Princess Radha take birth? Who will be their Parents ?

The list of question goes on and on --- one question giving rise to another. But there are no answers. What started as a simple Humble OM-MANDLI in 1937 has become a multi-million dollar spiritual conglomerate today where imparting true Godly Knowledge is no longer the prime objective but where only commercial interests thrive. Baba says that “Simplicity " is the hallmark of Godly student life but the comforts and luxuries of 5 star RajYoga centers throughout the world prove otherwise. The affluent lifestyles of most Senior Brothers & Sisters have raised many a eyebrows. One really fails to understand how the senior BKs can preach about "simple living and high thinking", when they themselves do not practice it in life. Also, is it not a paradox that the BKs who make tall claims of transforming the world are themselves ignorant about how transformation will actually occur!

I am writing this letter, not to criticise anyone, but to share my experiences of Godly life with my divine Brothers & Sisters of the divine family. My personal request to all BKs is that everyone should take the 7 days course of Advance Godly Knowledge himself and judge it with one's own intellect and not rely on rumours. I assure you that you will stand to gain immensely from this endeavour.

I am taking this opportunity on the Internet to communicate with my Brothers & Sisters of the Brahmin family world wide that I am available for a healthy face to face discussion of the Godly Knowledge (Basic + Advance ) at any time, should anyone feel inclined. ( e-mail : ShivBaba@vsnl.com )

In the end, with malice towards none and best wishes towards all, I would like to mention that Truth can he suppressed for some time but not for long, for in the end only the Truth and nothing but the Absolute Truth shall prevail. OM-SHANTI

Greetings from a Godly Student -- Advance Party (P.B.K) -- India."
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Post30 Jan 2007

Proy wrote:I have copied and pasted the text of the web page below for you to see. ... The following from their web site is also very interesting -



This indicates that the site is being run by an individual and not by a group, and not certainly by the Sisters made instrumental by ShivBaba. In the Advance Party most of the official service is done by/through the Sisters/mothers made instrumental by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).
You say these people are not the official PBK web site. Do you know who they are?

The person(s) running the site are definitely PBKs known to many PBKs, but it would not be proper for me to reveal the names. After all, they are also doing that in the name of Godly service only. And Godly service is best done in an incognito way.
Do you have the resources (server access, time etc) to run your own web site. In the UK most Internet Service Providers give you plenty of free web space on their server, and it is easy for someone even as non-technical as I am to run a web site.

As far as I know efforts are being made to have a website run by the nimitt Sisters, but probably lack of adequate human resources is delaying the process. You might have observed from the email numbers that I quote while communicating answers from Baba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) that ever since the emails began to be assigned numbers last year (from Jan'06), more than twenty thousand emails have been replied. So, it must be a great amount of strain on Baba as well as the nimit Sisters to answer all the mails, check the Murlis that are released in audio, video and typed forms, to check the literature, besides the day to day affairs of all the mini-Madhubans, Gitapathshalas etc.
A forum like this is more difficult, and our thanks go to Admin for giving the PBKs the opportunity to convey their news to the world.

Yes, until the official website becomes functional, this forum (thanks to Admin) as well as the site quoted by you have proved useful for many souls to get in contact with ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) and PBKs.

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Post30 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Were the remarks in the Avyakt Vanis (Murlis to BKs) revised/re-edited remarks made by the BKs or by BapDada? Would you mind documenting the "date-wise" predictions or interpretations of dates from the PBK point of view?

The remarks in the Avyakt Vanis were not revised/re-edited but part of the seasonal Avyakt Vanis released by BKs from time to time (1969 onwards)

As far as I know, like the PBKs, the BKs were also expecting the end of the world in the year 2000 and when that did not happen, Avyakt BapDada mentioned in one of the Avyakt Vanis regarding the year 2005. I don't think he has given any further hints about the date (of destruction or establishment).

From the PBKs point of view, as per the original explanation of the rehearsal of world cycle during the Confluence Age was supposed to take place between 1936-2000. Then another year was added to the shooting/rehearsal of the four ages within the Confluence Age taking the total period to 2004/05 (just as a grocer adds a little extra quantity to the weighed articles)

As regards the period after the year 2004/05, I have already quoted in one of the Q&As that it would take nearly 3-4 years for the revelation of the soul of Vaishnavi Devi (alias Vishnu) to commence in the world of Brahmins. So this is a period of interval going on.

But notwithstanding above dates, the exact date/year of destruction has not been predicted yet. It has been mentioned in the Sakar Murlis (published by the BKs) and also in the clarification Murlis that the new world would be established within the old world. That means that the Golden Aged Krishna and Radha may take birth while the old world still exists, but they would not have any connection with the old world. The old/outside world would know that the new world has been established but vicious/impure souls from the old/outside world would not be able to enter the new world because Baba has said in the Murlis that the fort of Pandavas would become such that no vicious person would be able to enter into it. The present situation (whether in the Madhuban of BKs or the mini-Madhubans of the PBKs) is such that anyone (whether they are numberwise pure or impure) can enter (For example: the article published in The Mail, London). However, ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said that although it is late, but not too late. So, any soul from anywhere in the world can make efforts to enter that new world that is going to be established or probably has been established within the old vicious world.

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Post30 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:The person(s) running the site are definitely PBKs known to many PBKs, but it would not be proper for me to reveal the names. After all, they are also doing that in the name of Godly service only. And Godly service is best done in an incognito way.


Om Shanti, thank you for your answers.

I was not meaning to ask for the actual names of the people running the web site. I just want to know if they are really PBKs and if their information is correct in your view? It is a very interesting web site, but as you know material on the internet is not always authentic. Good luck with your official web site.

I hope that when you do get that web site running you will still continue to post here, I am enjoying reading your input and your refreshingly open and straightforward answers to questions. You must be working very hard with the infrastructure that you do have, I assume you are Zulu Time plus five or six hours. I am GMT (Zulu Time).

Thanks again. OGS, PR.
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Post30 Jan 2007

The website mentioned above has had different dates because there are mirror sites with different dates on. Although BKs and PBKs try and make educated guesses on dates of the Global destruction date, non actually know because ShivaBaba will not reveal the date at all. BrahmaBaba never knew and I really doubt Virendra Dev Dixit knows either.

The only time period mentioned with any certainty is the 100 year Confluence Age, yet still as with all things in Murli it could be open to interpretation in the event of the year 2036 not actually being a Global destruction date. The meaning could then well be revised again. I doubt it, but it does tend to happen quite a lot.
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Post31 Jan 2007

John wrote:The only time period mentioned with any certainty is the 100 year Confluence Age, yet still as with all things in Murli it could be open to interpretation in the event of the year 2036 not actually being a Global destruction date. The meaning could then well be revised again. I doubt it, but it does tend to happen quite a lot.

Of course it will. There will be all sort of fudging with justification and debate over WHEN Shiva actually incarnated into Lekhraj Kirpalani, when Lekhraj Kirpalani became BB, when the Confluence Age began for the clock to start ticking.

For me, the point of failure will start more to do with when the 450,000 or 900,000 deities are not born ... which should have to be being born right as we write. Presumably Krishna cannot become Narayan (in BK terms) without have an Empire to rule over. it could even be re-written to say that the Confluence Age did not start until 1969 when Lekhraj Kirpalani allegedly reached perfection by BK terms.

What is the PBK position? That the Golden Aged Krishna etc are born as ordinary humans but then their bodies are magically transformed?
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Post31 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:For me, the point of failure will start more to do with when the 450,000 or 900,000 deities are not born ... which should have to be being born right as we write. ?

I think 900,000 deities have already born. But as we know some leave The Knowledge, some have varying stages so the number is not fixed yet

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Post31 Jan 2007

John wrote:The website mentioned above has had different dates because there are mirror sites with different dates on.

Is a mirror site a fake? Like a phishing site?
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Post31 Jan 2007

mitra wrote:I think 900,000 deities have already born. But as we know some leave The Knowledge, some have varying stages so the number is not fixed yet

Wouldn't ALL of the dieties have to be 'born', at least those coming into the Silver Age, how many is that? Is it 10 crore or 2 crore I cannot quite remember the figure. Surely they would all have to have taken in an amount of Gyan to qualify and been part of the Brahmin family.
Proy wrote:Is a mirror site a fake? Like a phishing site?

No, I don't think any are fake. Possibly owned by different people which is why only a few have been updated with 'revised' dates, though I don't know the reason why for sure.

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