The Confluence Age

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The Confluence Age

Post26 Jan 2007

It is the Confluence Age, a 100 year period which we are 70 years into, supposedly, and I have no reason to doubt. So, we have a 100 year period which may act as a drama blueprint / essence for the following 4,900 years (approx). So, the greater drama apears to be acting out this small slither of time, tree from a seed. Perhaps I am not taking it seriously enough in that case, how do we know that we are doing what God would have us doing at this moment? Do I understand the consequences of my current actions during this 100 year period and their effect on our future? Because the BK thing fizzled out for us, does that mean that my spiritual effort making should come to an end also? If so, why if the drama and the creation of it is still going on?

The term heart to heart has come up often, it does no harm to have a heart to heart with the self every now and then. No doubt the very last person we are likely to have a heart to heart with. No matter what our experiences with the BKs / others, there are positive things within all of that which we can use to our benefit, beyond the gold fish bowl of BK-ism. So, 30 years until, um, until, until 30 years have past. Then another 30 years will pass ... We are gradually working our way there, not suddenly on the wave of a wand, though there may well be a "quickening" of sorts.

So how have I been using this 100 years? How will I use the remainder? The Knowledge was always about empowering the self, that is Gods wish for us. So is it we who don't trust ourselves with the power which may be on offer? An organisation will never empower me as an individual but I can do that within the self, and if the organisation helps, then fine. The organisations in question have a shelf life, being the Confluence Age and all that, so detached and flexible is good ... although one is reminded of the picture, with each offering one hand to hold up the world.
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Re: The Confluence Age

Post26 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote:It is the Confluence Age, a 100 year period which we are 70 years into, supposedly, and I have no reason to doubt. So, we have a 100 year period which may act as a drama blueprint / essence for the following 4,900 years,(approx) ...

I just wanted to remind folks that originally it was taught that the Confluence Age was 40 years and it was to end around 1976. This was at least on the original teaching posters of The Ladder ... I suppose the BKWSU have had a toe warming little book burning session up in Abu 'off season' to remove other traces of this Godly blooper.

I had a query though that I was not sure of;
    • Is the Confluence Age ONLY related to those years after coming into Gyan, e.g. non-BKs are still in Kali Yuga and only BKs are in the Confluence Age?

    • Or is the Copper Age applicable worldwide, e.g. is all the world experiencing the Confluence Age at this time?
My thought is that it is the former, as the in the latter the individuals have not experienced the "Meeting" with Shiva.

Does anyone else have more references to the 40 year Confluence Age? Especially original Murli quotes?

In my time the Confluence Age was clearly and specifically taught to be 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation, e.g. pointing to a 1986 Destruction. This was modified to 60 years and 40 years as "God's" predications continued to fail or be misinterpretated. We have now clocked over 70 years which is taking us close to the time when the first deities need to be born if they are to be crowned again 30 to 35 at the beginning of the Golden Age. It does not look like it is going to happen according to the BKWSU plan ... and, of course, they are re-writing it.
    • Ditto, does anyone have pre-revision copies of Murlis confirming this please?
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Post27 Jan 2007

How many clocks are there and which one is giving the accurate time?

No matter how much we want it to be otherwise, these are essenceful times. It seems a shame for people to be put off spiritual discovery due to an organisation, or a few individuals within, who are too conservative to make changes on a path of self TRANSFORMATION. Hold on, 'change the self' not others? That gets them off the hook while adorning themselves in luscious power.
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Post27 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote:How many clocks are there and which one is giving the accurate time?

Nice avatar image ... There are not many clockmakers left in business that make clocks 30 year out but what you say is fair. I have often wondered if the changes are coming and have nothing to do with Shiva and the BKs, they are just jumping on a wave and attempting to position themselves as the leaders or at the head of it when, in fact, it was going to happen any way. With or without them.

Indeed, one ought to honest question whether the BKWSU is actually trying to cap progress and evolution so that one cannot progress more than them. This seems to be at the essence of what you are saying. Of course, I also agree it is not "The BKs" but certain elements within it.
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Post02 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:In my time the Confluence Age was clearly and specifically taught to be 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation, e.g. pointing to a 1986 Destruction. This was modified to 60 years and 40 years as "God's" predications continued to fail or be misinterpretated. We have now clocked over 70 years which is taking us close to the time when the first deities need to be born if they are to be crowned again 30 to 35 at the beginning of the Golden Age. It does not look like it is going to happen according to the BKWSU plan ... and, of course, they are re-writing it.
• Ditto, does anyone have pre-revision copies of Murlis confirming this please?

Here are some Murli quotes from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs. The translation has been done by PBKs. These Murli quotes have been taken from a book titled 'True Gita, Vol-I' published by PBKs long back. This book is under revision/correction presently.

"Baba explains for 40 years." [Mu.17-9-70]
• "The Subtle Region is created for 50 years." [Mu.15-3-70 ]
"This Auspicious (Purushottam) Confluence Age is a small age of 50 years." [Mu 2-3-74 Pg-2]
"It takes a little time of 50-60 years to establish the complete Kingdom." [Mu 24-7-72 Pg-2]
"It takes approximately 50 years time for the destruction of Iron Age and establishment of Golden Age. Some souls remain after this. Then they establish their Kingdom afresh." [Mu 11-2-73 Pg-2]
"In this Confluence Age I remain in them for 50-60 years and transform them." [Mu 29-11-77 ]
"By knowing Baba, one can know the path of pious actions. It takes 40-50 years to become pious." [Mu 11-9-73 Pg-4]


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