Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba?

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Post08 Dec 2006

arjun wrote: which surely means that Brahma is bound by drama to complete the shooting of Dwapur and Kaliyug i.e. subtle Bhakti-marg, and only in the end when Ram and Shiv become combined as ShivBaba, then and only then the true Gita knowledge will come forth from the present Chariot)
That is alright. The True Gita will not come out now. Now the shooting of Bhakthi marg is going on. When the living (chaitanya) True Gita comes then the True Gita will also come.

Dear arjun Bhai.

From the above answer from Baba, it means that Bhakti marg is going on in the Advance Party at present; and according to the Murlis "when there is Bhakti there is no Gyan and when there is Gyan there is no Bhakti". So, the question is what are we supposed to believe now?

Do we believe 100% in the Advanced Knowledge in the Advance Literature and the clarifications given in the cds? How much weightage do we give to the clarifications? (Keeping in mind that they are subject to refining and changing from time to time); Do we take them seriously or do we take them with a pinch of salt. (As we now know that the absolute Truth i.e. true Gita is still to come in future).



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Post14 Dec 2006

That is alright. The True Gita will not come out now. Now the shooting of Bhakthi marg is going on. When the living (chaitanya) True Gita comes then the True Gita will also come.

As per my churning this means that the clarifications of the Murlis/Vanis are the True Gita already and we are studying it now and what Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) wants to say is that "will also come" means will come to be available to everyone.

or maybe I am wrong?

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Re: Gita

Post14 Dec 2006

or maybe I am wrong?

I think you are wrong.



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true Gita

Post16 Dec 2006

Hi Brother,

So I am wrong. OK, so we are both right - we suspect that the truth is hidden somewhere. Maybe you could give me a clue as why I am wrong. Mean time, I came across this passage from Discussion CD 151, where Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) explained:

"When it fits into the intellect that this is the part of Gita, this is the part of false Gita, this is the part of True Gita, this is True Gita - Shiv Gita; heaven gets established in one second through it. This is false Gita. It causes the world to become hell in 2500 years. It has to fit into the intellect ... It is already a hell, is not it? Now it would become even more hell. The world of PBKs would become even more hellish, but in that world there would be one such world also, which would experience an inheritance of heaven within the hell."

I Think this "true Gita" is one that reveals whereabouts of Father. The equation is like this:


And when I use this equation I sometimes experience this "such world ... heaven within this hell". It is as if the so called heaven is somewhere close by - not far. That is my experience; sometimes it comes through dreams and sometimes is like a feeling.

Kind regards to all!

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Father comes only once.

Post15 Jan 2007

Dear PBK Brothers.

In Murli khand 1 (printed by PBKs) Murli dated 30-6-01 on page 351- says that '' Bap kabhi punar-janam nahi lete hai ; ek hi baar aakar saare vishwa ko pavitra banane ke liye rajyog sikate hain". --(meaning that "Father never takes re-birth ; He comes only once to make the whole world pure by teaching RajYoga''.)

Now which Bap comes only once?? According to Advanced Knowledge, Shivbap first comes in sevakram in 1937 to explain the meaning of visions to Dada Lekhraj; then Shivbap comes in some mata after sevakram leaves his body in 1942; then Shivbap comes in Dada Lekhraj in 1947 to deliver Murlis; and then again Shivbap comes in Virendra Dixit after Dada Lekhraj leaves the body in 1969; these serial births of Shivbap in Sangamyug directly contradicts the Murli point above.

So what is the truth hidden in the Murli point??
Is there some other 'Bap' whom Shivbap is describing who will come only once in the near future when the real purushottam Sangamyug starts and will teach RajYoga.

Can any PBK throw some light on the above discrepancy between the Murli point and the teachings of Advanced Knowledge.

OK Om Shanti


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Post15 Jan 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,

I always though that when the words "He only comes once" , the "once" was meant to mean once in the entire Cycle, i.e He only comes in the Confluence Age. So Father Shiva is with us from the start to the end of the 100 years.




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Post17 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:Dear Brother shivsena,

I always though that when the words "He only comes once" , the "once" was meant to mean once in the entire Cycle, i.e He only comes in the Confluence Age.

Dear bansy Bhai.
Whichever way you look at the birth of Shivbap in Confluence Age, He first gives visions to Dada Lekhraj in 1937 and then BKs do not know what happened from 1937 to 1947 ;In those 10 years there is no proof of Shivbap's entry in Lekhraj Kirpalani; Shivbap entered into several personalities to recite the so-called ''peeu ki Vani" and Lekhraj Kirpalani used to write on paper, which were then read in the morning class; only from 1947 the Murlis were recited through Lekhraj Kirpalani; then the question arises, where is Shivbap after the demise of Lekhraj Kirpalani in 1969?? so which ever way you look at things; Shivbap has many incarnated births in Confluence Age itself and so the Murli point that "Father comes only once" should have some other deep meaning.

So Father Shiva is with us from the start to the end of the 100 years.

That remains to be seen whether Shivbap is with us for full 100 years or He leaves for Paramdham when paradise (Vaikunth) is established in the near future .(as we all know that Shivbap does not enter paradise.)

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Post23 Feb 2007

He comes once in the form of Father, Teacher and Satguru.
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Post23 Feb 2007

Andrey wrote:He comes once in the form of Father, Teacher and Satguru.

Yes, he comes just once ... three times. :shock:

I hope that Virendra Dev Dixit is not hit by a bus and killed. (or hit by a BK and killed!). It will really screw things up ...
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Post23 Feb 2007

Indeed this form of Father has been in the beginning, but only to sow the seeds and not to give inheritance. No one knew him then. Now even BKs don't like to accept but know. And they also do negative type of advertising, which is also advertising. However, in the beginning he did not play as teacher to clarify, teach each meaning of each word and the role of a Satguru is not played even yet.

He comes only once means in the form of Father, not the form of mother.

However it is said that he does not come alone but he comes as Trimurti. These three murtis has been there together at the same time in the beginnig, and in the end they also reveal together, but only one of them is Father.
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Post23 Feb 2007

I hope that Veerendra Dev Dixit is not hit by a bus and killed. (or hit by a BK and killed!). It will really screw things up ...

He has indeed gone through the experience of a very-very serious accident many years ago (probably late 1990s). The vehicle in which Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, Mama and many PBKs were travelling on a national highway between Delhi and Chandigarh overturned (or to say somersaulted) in a road accident. Some PBKs including Mama suffered minor injuries in the accident, but Baba escaped unscathed. If I am not wrong, at around the same time a serious accident killed some BKs including BK teachers and this incident was also mentioned in one of the Avyakt Vanis of that season.

He was lodged in a jail located in the UP state of India which is at present thought to be/ presented in the media as the state with the worst law and order situation (remember the alleged Nithari serial killings by Pandher and Koli?). He lived in the midst of hard core criminals for nearly four months, but he not only came out unscathed, but also left a good impression of the Godly knowledge on them. Since I could not visit him in the jail, I cannot write much, but those who have interacted with him about his days in the jail can throw some light on the issue.

The District Farrukhabad where the training center of Kampil and the mini-Madhubans of Farrukhabad are located is one of the most sensitive districts of Uttar Pradesh from the law and order point of view. This district is part of a belt of districts famous for notorious criminal gangs. People carrying rifles while travelling on two wheelers/Jeeps is a common sight on the roads of Farrukhabad district and the neighbouring districts. Travelling on these roads is not advised between dusk and dawn. Once some PBK mothers of Delhi went to meet the District Superintendent of Police in connection with some Police case involving two PBK Sisters and when they informed him that they were going to leave for Delhi the same evening, he was surprised and said that he was ready to give an escort till the borders of that district for our safe journey.

Such is the notoriety of that district where Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has lived for most part of his spiritual life and has travelled with PBK Sisters and mothers on such dangerous roads hundreds of time. Most of the times only one or two PBK Brothers would have accompanied him (including the driver). If anyone visits the office of the District Superintendant of Police, Farrukhabad, they can realize the sensitive nature of the district from the list of SPs who have served there in the last couple of decades. Very rarely a SP has completed even a year of posting in that district. The forthcoming elections to the State Assembly of UP is going to be organized by the Election Commission of India in seven phases due to security reasons. This shows how sensitive the state is from the point of view of law and order.

That is why ShivBaba has mentioned in one of the Sakar Murlis (published by BKs) that He comes in a land of crocodiles!!!!




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God of Gita - Krishna or Ramshivbaba?

Post02 Apr 2007

Dear arjun Bhai and other PBK Brothers.

In the broad drama of 5000 years, after Copper Age, Krishna becomes God of Gita for 2500 years and the world degrades till the end of Kaliyug reading this jhooti Krishna ki Gita; How does the shooting of this 2500 years takes place here in the BK and PBK family?

In the BK family, the shooting is easy to understand; on the Murlis they have printed the name of "Pitashri" (Brahma) before "ShivBaba Yaad hai" and so in adharmurt BK world 'Krishna' becomes the 'God of Gita' in a subtle sense (even though BKs believe theoritically that bindi ShivBaba is God of Gita.)

Now i want to know: How the shooting of this is happening in the seed world of PBKs?? or is the shooting limited only to the BK world??

Can any PBK explain how the broad drama mistake (ekaz bhool) is being subtly rehearsed in the seed world. (An honest answer to this question will put an end to the debate: who is giving the Advanced Knowledge; Krishna or Shivbap!!)

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Post02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother,

the Gita from the path of Bhakti on the World Drama stage of 5000 years, after the beginning of Copper Age does not contain the name of Krishna in the begining. In the beginning, it has the name of the incorporeal. The name of Krishna gets added later on. In the Advance shooting some souls initially think it is ShivBaba speaking then they say it is Krishna speaking.
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Post02 Apr 2007

Andrey wrote:the Gita from the path of bakti on the world drama stage of 5000 years, after the beginning of Copper Age does not contain the name of Krishna in the begining. In t he beginning it has the name of the incorporeal. The name of Krishna gets added later on. In the advance shooting some souls initially think it is ShivBaba speaking then they say it is Krishna speaking.

Yes, this could be one of the answers for the shooting/rehearsal for Krishna being considered as God of Gita.

Nar-Deva, welcome to the forum.

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Post02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother shivsena

a story you may find appropriate;

In the woods there lived a troup of monkeys. It was winter and they were cold. They saw a firefly and thought it to be fire. They gathered branches put them over it, stared to blow on it and to act as if they feel the heat. One of them was blowing most intensely. Then came a bird, and on seeing what they were doing, went to the ear of the monkey to say, ”It is not a fire, but a firefly”. The monkey did not like to hear. It started to speak more loudly, over and over again to repeat this when the monkey grabbed it and hit it with a stone to break its head, beak everything.

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