BK participation in this forum

for Brahma Kumaris, or those becoming BKs, to discuss matters in an open, non-judgemental manner.
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Post31 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:Yes, I am not interested in everything in the forum and don't re?d everything. I believe, there are many useless things which will not make use for me and I don't even touch them. Iti s normal to be like that. Everywhere it is like that.

So you are happy to be not well informed, fair enough but it makes communication difficult at times, whilst perhaps leaving you with an unbalanced view of a poster ...
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Post01 Jan 2007

Yes, I am happy to be not informed because i don't care for the world, its a dead world. I don't believe that here i would find true information. Yes, there are resorcess like libraries, one can make it clear to find, one can find some fact but it is like the stagnant water of the pond. We like drinking pure, fresh, cool water from the spring and, yes, communication would just continue to fail more and more because of the difference in opinions.

What i study and believe is what I would naturally expect others to do the same, know the same, understand in the same way, like we are in one community af alikes and then whilst expressing our opinions it becomes obvious the gap between us will just grow. i don't aim to become poster number one, this is not the aim, it is just a medium to become knowledgeful. What is the point if it does not make you become meaningful? Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit even says what is the point in becoming close to the Father if one has to experience peacelessness and be unhappy.

So we should always know where to put our attention, where to invest time and energy ... we should be able to separate what is valuable and what is rubbish and don't waste time in useless matters. We should have the eye to see what is the time to do now and the courage to do it now. Yes, there are useless things. There is only one diamond and everything it comes from it is valuable. It is a unique case. Everything that comes from others is rubbish. We can be well balanced in the Godly study but if the essence does not fit in the intellect, as to who teaches, what is this study for? In the essence there is the whole of expansion. We all have rubbish in us. The world is full of rubbish. It is worth understanding, accepting and moving along whilst considering it ...

We should give The Knowledge from God in the most pure way. It would become more and more difficult to explain in casual manner. It would start appear strange and distant and we should have connection with those who have connection with Him. What are we to do with others, what is it that we have in common ... and we should talk to those who like to listen.

BTW, in the Murli via Lekhraj Kirpalani it is said that we should not ask lokiks and follow their directions.
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Post01 Jan 2007

I like to celebrate diversity.
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Post01 Jan 2007

Andrey wrote:Everything that comes from others is rubbish ... We should give The Knowledge from God in the most pure way ... and we should talk to those who like to listen.

BTW, in the Murli via Dada Lekhraj it is said that we should not ask lokiks and follow their directions.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was off his head. BKs encourage individuals to go off their heads. Even from the PBK point of view, "his intellect was child-like" you say.

So, what, you would not accept directions to walk down a street from a Shudra ... or driving lessons ... or legal advice ... or medical advice from a Kali Yugi doctor ... or professional training ... where is the dividing line between using and accepting human intelligence and only accepting "Godly directions"? Are you suggesting we cut ourself right off from society?

Andrey, I wish that you would listen to your own advice because, of course, for us you are just an "other". Why don't you just stick to providing the Murlis, documenting the history of the Yagya or even the pure PBK Knowledge?
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Post02 Jan 2007


From what you say I am not sure if this forum is a healthy place for you. Why not take your far superior self to better shores?



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Re: BK participation in this forum

Post11 Jan 2007

worldpeace wrote:What we lack in this forum is a good participation by the BKs (Without discrediting a few who post). The BKs owe an answer any questions related to Gyan...Now, this forum is overloaded with questions with no credible (from BKs) person to answer... By credible I mean, an answer which doesn't include "as far as I know, IMO, if, might be" and so on. A simple straight forward answer institutionally edorsed by BK.

hi worldpeace,

I am a BK but I have no desire to be some sort of official spokespearson for the BKs. The thing that i like about this forum is that it's all about IMO and 'as far as i know'. Is that not the point of a forum? I hope you don't mind but I am not about to start running to the Seniors asking questions - I am not that sort of BK.



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Post15 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:I hope you don't mind but I am not about to start running to the Seniors asking questions - I am not that sort of BK.

Any response is welcome and better than zero response.

And really cherish the links with BKs ... I hold BKs in great esteem and still believe that you people will indeed change the world in to a better place.

But I feel BKs owe an answer to me. I constantly live under the fear, rather confused of Destruction. Never able to make concrete career/personal decisions.

And life continues, God is after all the only source of hope ... Its not easy being an ex-BK ...
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Post15 Jan 2007

worldpeace wrote:But I feel BKs owe an answer to me. I constantly live under the fear, rather confused of Destruction. Never able to make concrete career/personal decisions.

Yes, that is the purpose of it. Always has been. Seeding deep internal insecurities that lead you to only one conclusion ... give up all of your life and feed it to the BKWSU / Shiva. Take your pick which.
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Post16 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:
worldpeace wrote:But I feel BKs owe an answer to me. I constantly live under the fear, rather confused of Destruction. Never able to make concrete career/personal decisions.

Yes, that is the purpose of it. Always has been. Seeding deep internal insecurities that lead you to only one conclusion ... give up all of your life and feed it to the BKWSU / Shiva. Take your pick which.

Indeed, it is a scam

most religions have used it,
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abrahma kumar

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Post17 Jan 2007

In today's Murli - 17/01/07 - there were a few words spoken about ... taking an axe to their own foot. Apologies for my incomplete recollection, maybe some Godly student can quote the section verbatim in a post please? Thank you. In the interests of fairness it would be wondeful if the exact quote could immediately follow this post but drama being what it is that might not happen. Therefore I will say outright that what will follow is NOT an attack on the BKWSU or God. Om Shanti.

In the meantime however I wondered what a young person might feel on being repeatedly exposed to some of the language and imagery that is prevalent within the basic tenets of the organisation?

Could some of the sentiments expressed by the teachings be tantamount to emotional blackmail?

Does such imagery encourage BKs to feel 'pity' for those who leave Gyan whilst at the same time reinforcing their own 'feelings of specialness' for staying within the gathering? Can such sentiments entrap one?

Can teachings as referred to in the Murli of the 17th January really equip one to serve the world in a "balanced" way?

Are organisations like the BKWSU a special club whose teachings do not really apply to the world at large?

And if these are God's words that can not be altered no matter how unpalatable souls may find them are we to understand that it is because of that souls own impurity/imperfection that feelings of concern may araise?

Can one become emotionally dependent on organisations such as this to the extent that the prospect of walking away would be too frightening to seriously consider?

Can one become emotionally dependent on organisations such as this to the extent that one becomes unable to think certain thoughts; thoughts that might otherwise be healthy?

Does being loyally affiliated to ANY organisation nowadays call for the individual to 'let go of himself' for the common good of the whole? Is this a form of brainwashing?

If any organisation has amongst it's doctrines aspects that could leave one emotionally scarred does that organisation have a moral responsibility to provide, either directly or indirectly, support in the restoration of the well-being of that individual? I know that this may be difficult to define but I ask nonetheless. Apologies

When a soul chooses to participate in the activities of institutions such as the BKWSU it will not have any idea about some of the teachings (messages) it will become exposed to over the years. Should there be a 'health warning' issued as part of the 'introduction' to any organisation that propounds 'revolutionary' ideas?

I use the term "revolutionary" in this context as a catchall for any ideas/beliefs/practices that place one "outside the mainstream of humanity"?

And lastly for those who find these questions totally ridiculous, do you think I have Maya? or am I just mad?
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Post17 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:In today's Murli - 17/01/07 - there were a few words spoken about those who "came to hear God's word and then left" as "having taken an axe to their own foot".

Left what though? Gods word? the BK org?
Virendra Dev Dixit the originator of the PBKs left the BK org in 1969 and, he is said to be the new Chariot of Shiva.
I have a feeling Murlis are re organised to support what the BK org want us all to believe.
An example if you haven't seen it yet.
A Murli point describing how Shiva doesn't use a virgin as a Chariot was changed by BKs to read Shiva does use a virgin as a Chariot.
Why? because the present Chariot that they claim Shiva uses is a virgin, Dadi Gulzar.
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abrahma kumar

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Post17 Jan 2007

Thanks John I have slightly amended the post. Your question is a vital one though because I took it as those who came to God via the BKWSU, heard His words via the BKWSU Murli and then left. I wish I had the Murli so that I could post the exact words.
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fear of walking

Post17 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Can one become emotionally dependent on organisations such as this to the extent that the prospect of walking away would be too frightening to seriously consider?

Yes, definitely, I have met many people in this situation even in my own short time with the BKs
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Can one become emotionally dependent on organisations such as this to the extent that one becomes unable to think certain thoughts; thoughts that might otherwise be healthy?

Yes again, and those thought patterns are very difficult to dislodge once they are established.
Abrahma Kumar wrote:If any organisation has amongst it's doctrines aspects that could leave one emotionally scarred does that organisation have a moral responsibility to provide, either directly or indirectly, support in the restoration of the well-being of that individual? I know that this may be difficult to define but I ask nonetheless. Apologies

And yes again. I believe that this is what the aim of this site is, ie not to destroy the BKWSU but to bring it to the realisation that it must take responsibility for its actions. Some progress is being made in this area.
Abrahma Kumar wrote:When a soul chooses to participate in the activities of institutions such as the BKWSU it will not have any idea about some of the teachings (messages) it will become exposed to over the years. Should there be a 'health warning' issued as part of the 'introduction' to any organisation that propounds 'revolutionary' ideas?

This is my main objection to what the BKs are doing. I am not anti-cult as such, just so long as they are honest about who they are and what their real agenda is. "Free meditation Lessons" as an advertisement in the newspaper is not a full and honest account or "health warning" of what you will actually get if you start going to a BK centre.
Abrahma Kumar wrote:And lastly for those who find these questions totally ridiculous, do you think I have Maya? or am I just mad?

These are some of the most relevant questions I have ever seen asked, and you are far from mad. As for Maya, it is all Maya until we realise that we are all Infinite Conscoiusness.
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Mr Green


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Post17 Jan 2007

You are spot on imho, BKs are full of pity for those that have left:
    "he's just gone on holiday"
    "he just has to fill his urn of sin"
    "he's just gone away, but will come back"
    "he has karmic accounts to fulfill out there"
    "he has to return at the end"
All of these I have heard in real life.

The reality is, and I don't expect any BKs to take this seriously, is that if you do leave, once you have recovered any sense of equilibrium, you realise that it is the blind faith following members that are to be pitied ... Many will blindly follow that path of falsehood until they die, with nothing to show for it at all.
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Post17 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:All of these I have heard in real life

The reality is, and I don't expect any BKs to take this seriously, is that if you do leave, once you have recovered any sense of equilibrium you realise that it is the blind faith following members that are to be pitied ... Many will blindly follow that path of falsehood until they die, with nothing to show for it at all

I have heard them too. The truth is more like, "The poor soul has finally got a life".
Yes, those trapped in Gyan and the BKs are more to be pitied than fought against, poor souls who have to have someone else tell them what to do and what to think. Even the PBI (poor bloody infantry soldiers) get to think as long as they keep quiet about it.
Andrey wrote:Can BKs come here peacefully? If one appears ... he’ll be overwhelmed with questions, mocking, abuses, accuses ... who likes that?

Om Shanti Andrey.

I am trying, Andrey, I am really, really, trying not to tear into them. I want them here, but I want some straight answers from those who come please. If they want to discuss Gyan amongst themselves then I will keep out of the BK part of the forum. It must be a relief for them to be able to discuss the questions that are not allowed to be discussed with the Brothers and Sisters in the centres.

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