A new website - www.PBKs.info

for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris (Advance Party), or those interested in becoming PBKs, to discuss AIVV matters in an open, non-judgemental manner.
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A new website - www.PBKs.info

Post11 Jan 2007


This is to intimate everyone that a new website has been created for enabling all the souls who are interested in listening to the Advanced Knowledge being given by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) to do so. The site contains both audio and video clarification Murli files. Further details are available on the website.

Since I have not downloaded any audio or video files from the site due to lack of time, I cannot reply to any technical question that may arise as a result of this information. Those PBKs who might have used that site to download audio/video files may kindly help in answering any questions related to the site for the benefit of everyone here.



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Post11 Jan 2007




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Post11 Jan 2007

bansy wrote::P

Hi Sister Bansy! What do you mean by :P ?

You know ... http://www.PBK.info is a good site to get the clarifications and listen to Baba(Virendra Dev Dixit) on the move, anywhere. I think this site is the best thing available up to now to all of us PBKs and any other souls that may have taken the 7 days Advance Course.
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Post11 Jan 2007

What do you mean by :P ?

I think she means :P

Anyway Surya2037, it sounds like you have got it working OK, tell me Cassettes (MP3s) 1-99 can you get them to work? I get a 'not available' message???


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Post11 Jan 2007

I do mean :P it's the best icon out of the 20 on the left of the screen. I was inadvertently passing the screen when I noticed this new message, so I chose the first icon, and had to go away. Now back for a few minutes.

The BKs have BapDada classes and Dadi classes and Senior classes on MP3s and DVDs etc. However I am aware they do not list them to the public (maybe they may do so now....) in such a consolidated way as the PBKs website has, they are scattered all over in volcano Yoga bhatti websites, other BK forum websites. However, they could be more worried since it means that they have to produce the source of their Murlis.... revised one, which one, which year....etc. However, sometimes these classes are quite good to listen to.

Anyway, this thread is for the PBKs. So the :P means :P for the PBKs.

It's OK Brother surya2037, I know this forum can sometimes get loopy at times. The latest BapDada Avyakt Murli 31 Dec 2006 said to bring newness this year, and that each child has right to the Father. So this is a new start.




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Post13 Jan 2007

John wrote:Anyway Surya2037, it sounds like you have got it working OK, tell me Cassettes (MP3s) 1-99 can you get them to work? I get a 'not available' message???

What I can suggest is that if you got any specific problems you email the administrator of http://www.PBK.info, but I can tell you in advance that this problem occurs sometimes to me too because the site is under construction or being updated often, so your feedback will help all of us.

Sometimes the MP3s or Videos may not be available when you log on but will be available an hour later.

So far.... I managed to download many of the Cassettes (MP3s) 1-99 without any problems.




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Post05 Apr 2007

I've had a few queries regarding this, so just to clarify once more, are the following PBK-gyan related websites official :
They look the same and there are also Hindi mirror sites. Also there are Murlis in them.

If they are not official, then either the information in them is unreliable or the person writing the site has not been able to convince the PBKs to make them official, or it was done without the guidelines or authorisation of the PBKs, or (oops, my mind is wandering ...). That would have meant a lot of time wasted and/or a possible disgruntled website owner it seems. Especially as it seems a lot of work was done in these sites, only to be not truly recognised material.

Whatever the reasons, can someone from the PBKs clarify if these websites are official.

Well, people are able to create whatever website they want to nowadays. Even this one :P
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Post05 Apr 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:I've had a few queries regarding this, so just to clarify once more, are the following PBK-Gyan related websites official :[list]advance-party.com, creator-creation.com, ShivBaba.ca

As far as I know these are not official PBK sites, but a lot of the material posted in these sites is in accordance with the Advanced Knowledge. It appears as if the owner/caretaker of the site has published his/her own views also in the site along with the Advanced Knowledge. In fact there is no official PBK site other than the one that has been mentioned in this thread.

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Post06 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:I've had a few queries regarding this, so just to clarify once more, are the following PBK-Gyan related websites official :

They are not official sites in the sense that the idea to create them came about as a result of a soul feeling unable to help Baba when he was in prison, so the next best thing was to spread The Knowledge on the latest technology, and not much was known about it so it was in experimental stages. The original one website has mysteriously :roll: gone, and so another name had to be taken! ShivBaba.ca was ShivBaba.com! Now it seems you get to the basic knowledge site on that which has the logo of Prajapita Brahma Kumari etc. The sites you mention are accurate in The Knowledge they contain and the Murli clarifications are mostly accurate.

The confusion comes when personal thoughts and answers are confused with Murli points etc. Our intellect should be subtle enough to be able to see it for what it is. If you don't understand then ask. When Baba was asked whether those websites should be gotten rid of he said no, as they are doing service and until there is something to replace them with they should remain.

http://www.PBKs.info is an official site because it contains no personal dialogue. It is open to all. Baba has been consulted before setting it up.


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Post11 Jul 2007

Has been some time looking into the Google videos, and now the PBKs have ShivBaba on the site:
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Post11 Jul 2007

bansy wrote:Has been some time looking into the google videos, and now the PBKs have ShivBaba on the site

My goodness ... that is going to have a few bods in Abu coughing up their morning tiffin.



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Post12 Jul 2007

Om Shanti

On this issue of official PBK websites - as far as I know Baba (VVD) hasn't officially said any site is official/unofficial. Not surprisingly since any site will be maintain by a Brahmin child - who are generally somewhat errant in their sticking to Shrimat.

The Murli clarifications speak off which source of Gyan is best - direct in front of Father, on video or tape, written down.

So second to being in front of real live Father is watching the video;
    PBKs.info is a place to get Baba's video and audio classes.



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Post29 Aug 2007

Anyone having problems getting stuff from http://www.PBKs.info could try http://www.archive.org - I searched "ShivBaba" on google and just found it - there seems to be the English translations plus the MP3 recordings and a few Hindi vids. The videos on Google video are a bit out of sync on the hole though google streamed better than archive.org.

I found a few broken links on http://www.PBKs.info and emailed their Admin - it was fixed pretty fast so give it a try if you can be bothered.


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