Lee James

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Post09 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:re Denise. Actually, there maybe a lot left for her but I do notice she prefers to stay away from the westerners in Mt Abu. After all she is now living there whilst the others simply just come to visit.

it would be great if someone of her stature came and wrote here. I understand that she had a bit of a nervous breakdown, went home to the lokiks to get better and, personally, read the shift to Madhuban as a sideways promotion to avoid Big Mohini in New York and reward for having suffered so much on the frontlines.

Am I being unfair?
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Post11 Jan 2007

I think that the advert that initiated this string is more the object of critisizm than Lee. It is typical BK exploitation of existing ideas - like the "ancient Raja Yoga" trip. But of all the people I have dealt with in the BKs I have found Lee the most reasonable.

He is currently banging his head against the BK establishment on our behalf - you might not know that he is a psychologist and that he is significantly more broad minded than the 'rest'. He has prepared a quite satisfying brief for the development of a duty of care policy and he has presented it to Dadi Janki. I am waiting for the response at the moment.

Although one would not anticipate it to be successful, it would be no fault of Lee's. He has been very open to concerns that I think all ex BKs have, and had clearly anticipated many of them - he took no convincing. I wish him luck, as I expect he is pushing s**t up hill, but I am very grateful for his efforts on behalf of all of us (and all those who are yet to become ex-bks).
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Post11 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote:I met L J once when he came to perform for a week.

Lee is an expressive artist, which in my opinion is the type of person who needs to be put forward. There has been an awful lot of people sitting talking at people, without the powerful vibes.
The arts are a powerful tool to promote spirituality, compared to someone sitting talking at people, without lifting them into another state of being because they don't have the Yoga connection to do so.

I have never met Lee or seen him perform but I agree in principle with what you are saying. Use the arts and Yoga more and change the vibes.

Can you realistically see it actually happenning? You have often said that your own experience is to the contrary, and others I trust have backed you up in these opinions. Art and Yoga are not given much weight or value in BK service seems to be the reality.


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Post11 Jan 2007

Primal Logic,
That is good to hear about Lee James. As he is open to all concerns, do you think it would be opportune to ask him about the original Murlis and how they can be obtained by all the BKs ?
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Post11 Jan 2007

I trust Lee but he is up against the same brick wall we all are. The good thing though is that he is very in tune with our duty of care concerns - concerns he has had for sometime himself - and he is on the 'inside' - he is well known to Dadi Janki and has her ear. So no one should be holding their breath while waiting for results. For that reason we shouldn't let go of our intention to warn the rest of the world that the Brahma Kumaris as an establishment is a cult and has devious and deceitful means.

Lee has also been told that no one here is going to hold fire.
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Post25 Jun 2007

Lee is now living in the Brisbane centre. Seemingly he is openly gay. Should he not live in a Sisters centre? :wink:
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Post04 Jul 2007


not sure

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Post30 Aug 2007

Lee James is a good example of how BKs, condoned by overseas Zonal-in-Charges, promote and teach in the West their own selves and ideas, not the original Raja Yoga of India.

Lee has been working hard to be accepted a guru for many years. He started out as an actor in soup operas in Australia; then found a role on bigger stage to act out his fantasies provided by BKs. If you teach the old style Raj Yoga you don't get political and monetary support in the West in a big way. So Lee, Brian Bacon and Mike George etc, lead the way in making BKs a commercial successes for Janki, Nirmala and Mohini etc and the trust funds they control.
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Post30 Aug 2007

lalita wrote:Lee has been working hard to be accepted a guru for many years. He started out as an actor in soup operas in Australia; then found a role on bigger stage to act out his fantasies provided by BKs.

"Failed actor" is always a pretty cruel title to hand out to anyone but I remember that main devotee/teacher of Swami Muktananda (Siddha Yoga) also used to be an actor but gave it up to become a guru. I know a number of Buddhist, Hare Krishnas, New Age teachers and corporate trainers that did the same.

Once you know how to be confident, "work the crowd" and project yourself, it is not hard to use that talent in any environment. But are talents and virtues and spirituality the same thing? On the other hand, putting yourself in front of a crowd is a good test to check your stage with.

I would be a lot less critical if they had stuck to good old fashioned Raja Yoga instead of wrapping it up in all sort of disguises.
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Post24 Sep 2007

I see the Lee Jame video clip has been pulled off Youtube ... http://mefeedia.com/entry/2431285/ ... "due to terms of use violation." Someone complained?

Meanwhile, elsewhere, God tugs a string (with help) and the audience is beside themself with happiness.
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Post29 Sep 2007

Someone suggest to me that Lee James has recently gone his own way or separated in some way from the BKWSU? Does anyone know if this is true?
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abrahma kumar

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Post02 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:Someone suggest to me that Lee James has recently gone his own way or separated in some way from the BKWSU? Does anyone know if this is true?

Very interesting. If true, I wonder if Brother Lee would be headed to Europe, USA or Asia? I wonder what insights into the organisation a BK of his length-of-service could share with us? Not to forget that in some circles he is spoken of as a 'special soul'.

Maybe i will beat on the tom-tom that the Vishnu Party presented me with and see if Brother Lee will be able to catch the signal :roll: and appear over here to share with us.
Om Shanti Brother Lee.
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Re: Sister Denise

Post27 Feb 2008

I was very much present when Denise had come to SFO to meet with DJ and in fact translated one of DJ's lectures and stopped midway ... she did have her issues with Gyan/Yagya ... The story goes as to how one Sister promised a house to Baba in LA and finally pulled the plug off ... She was very dissappointed and then had migraines to handle.. she left for her lokiks started to discard white clothes and stuff like that

She was offered San francisco or Madhuban. She chose Madhuban ... she was to do service for the BK University and was dialoguing with the Mysore university ... I hear all is well with her so far ...

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Re: Lee James

Post27 Feb 2008

Lee is very much in Gyan and doing well. He is studying therapeutic theatre at university as a masters degree.

But why are we talking about him or Denise? Is this not just gossip?
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Re: Lee James

Post27 Feb 2008

primal.logic wrote: Is this not just gossip?

Ah, you left have Gyan now primal, you are allowed to gossip. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? ...

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