Janki Dadi's class from Mount Abu

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Post11 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki - 1 January 2007 - Madhuban (over the phone to London)

Keep Madhuban in your mind. What else would you have in your mind? The three jewels - Baba, the Murli and Madhuban. Today Baba’s Murli was very lovely. Those who have the Murli in their mind perform great elevated actions - through performing such actions they become karmateet, perfect - and by following Baba in this way they attain their Avyakt stage - the same as the Father.

Today is the 4th day of the bhatti that we have put ourselves in and I am sure that where ever you sitting - you are also experiencing the bhatti - and becoming the true pukka children - the unshakeable and immovable children who do not experience any kind of fluctuations. This stage brings you close to Baba - near and dear to Baba - the close ones. When you have the elevated stage - you are able to do such wonderful service - whoever comes into connection with you experiences the interaction to be one filled with contentment, a lot of deep love and faith.

The ones who are totally free from any type of dependence become the ones who have a right. With such a right you become the ones who are able to claim from Baba and receive respect. Those who become respect-worthy in this way do not need to ask for anything - but Baba automatically gives them everything and the feeling is that Baba is making them move.

Now in the month of January experience such happiness that it remains with you eternally and immortally -bringing you peace, love and power. If not now then never! Do whatever you need to do now in this special month of blessings and it will remain with you eternally. Everyone Dadi meets mentions they are really enjoying the powerful vibrations of the bhatti - and so it will continue until the 18th January so that nothing is remaining - you become free from any fluctuations- you become the real strong ones. Baba has given us the gift of a lift and with this lift we become completely tireless. Any tiredness that there was Baba has completely removed - it is the blessing of being tireless.

Someone asked Dadi a question - Baba performed actions whilst here in the corporeal form so, what is He now doing through the Avyakt form? Dadi’s response was: In the Sakar form Baba performed the highest actions - we saw how he created his elevated stage - so elevated that even today - the children are receiving power from it. Through His Avyakt form- He is giving help and blessings and also power so that we perform such action and attain that same stage - become like Him. It is Baba’s wonder - this is the inheritance.

Baba used to tell us - whatever God does, no one else can do. He used to explain to us so that we could explain to others. In a practical way, Baba gave us the experience that what God can do - truly - no human being can do and that it is God’s work we are seeing happening now.

In the Sakar days Baba never never used to say that you have to become equal to the Father. It is now through the Avyakt form that Baba is saying this and at the same time pushing us and giving us so much power that we actually become that. In the Sakar form the soul of Brahma became complete and perfect by playing His part as a detached observer and being loving and detached. Now, in the Avyakt form, He says: child - if you are to become something become like this one.

In the Murlis nowadays Baba is opening our eyes to such an extend that we come to realise what God is teaching us. In the Murli Baba talked about the four authorities - and specially the fourth authority. If all of our close friends come to realise how these authorities work and how the power of silence works - it would become very clear. Each one can actually become the embodiement of authority. It is wonderful knowledge - bringing each one close - giving constant happiness. It gives us supersensuous joy and makes us worthy to be constantly swinging in the swing of supersensuous joy.

Om Shanti
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Post11 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki Sunday evening - 7-01-07 Om Shanti Bhawan

Creating the avaykt elevated stage with the authority of elevated actions

Baba is filling us with the power of all four authorities. Where are we going to get the authority of religion from? My original religion is peace, but my original religion is of truth. Peace is my religion and I am establishing the religion of truth, by destroying irreligiousness, and for this, we need to have such deep dharna. First is the authority of religion and on the basis of this, we will rule our kingdom. With the authority to rule, our mind and physical organs will be under our control, as we are the kings. The mind doesn’t go anywhere and the physical senses are not dancing to its tune. Intoxication of being a king of the mind and the physical organs.

Baba used to make us embroider The Cycle and The Tree on material at night so that our intellect could remain connected to God. Baba used to say: These will be buried and emerge in the Copper Age and The Knowledge of the Gita will emerge from these. I said to Mama: Your mind doesn’t go anywhere now, does it? Mama replied: My mind is my baby and when I put it to sleep, I am able to do everything comfortably, the mind doesn’t trouble me. Give it nourishing food. Be a mother of your mind, sing it a lullaby and put it to sleep in the swing of supersensous joy.

Baba loves the beloved children who have an honest heart. Baba will provide everything for the children who have a true and honest heart. The love of an honest heart creates such a strong foundation. No matter what happens, I have to maintain my religion, my dharna. I am establishing the religion of truth so that no name or trace of irreligiousness, that is any form of impurity remains or impure thoughts remain in me, and through this I will develop the authority to rule. Where do I get the authority to rule from? From the authority of vigyan (Yoga). All four are deeply connected. Vigyan means the power of silence.

Just be a carefree emperor. Do what God inspires you to do, but remain a carefree emperor such that you have no worry and no fear. Nowadays, no emperor is able to remain carefree. Fakirs don’t have as much worry as the emperors. Kings have so much in their palaces, and yet they live with the fear of being shot at any moment. Poor people don’t have anything so no one would go to them. Be a fakir who has nothing belonging to him, not those who beg for something.

In the early days, when I was taking notes, Baba pulled my ears: Why are you taking notes? Baba is teaching you and you are looking down taking notes, so what are you going to learn? You don’t receive so much power when looking down, as you would when you look directly at Baba. When do you read the notes that you have taken?

Baba has given so many signals and I have always put those signals into practical form, whereas some are not even catching Baba’s signals. Avyakt Baba had said: Let your intellect be such that you have good catching power and touching power to be able to catch the right things at the right time. Your intellect should be clean and elevated. First of all catch Baba’s signals directly and He will touch you at the right time. Sometimes, Baba would say: Wait and see. You don’t need to think at any moment, and the plan would be created automatically. Whatever is in your heart, that is in your head and in your vision and then such a world is created accordingly.

A true altruistic server is not attracted to anything and is able to have a direct connection with God. Brahma Baba repeatedly says: Remember that One, and Shiv Baba keeps on saying: Follow that one. I cannot remember that One when I don’t follow this one.

What are Baba’s actions at this time? Brahma Baba performed such elevated actions that he surrendered himself completely and didn’t keep a penny for himself. He only accepted everything that was given to him by Mama. Baba completely surrendered himself and had such elevated thoughts, words and actions and yet not once did Baba say: I have surrendered or renounced everything. He became a unique trustee - he performed those actions and we are eating the fruit of it.

Sakar Brahma Baba and Shiv Baba, the resident of Paramdham, both together are giving us power to have all four authorities, so that we are able to create our stage, and also perform such elevated actions. In Sakar days, Baba always said: See the Father and follow the Father. Baba never said: Become bap samaan (equal to the Father). Avyakt Baba says: Become equal to the Father. Keep both of them in front of you and you will receive those virtues and powers.

I give great importance to the month of January - every January, there has always been something new happening. What newness should there be in this month that I can truly become the carefree emperor? I have a slight concern that Baba’s very good children who don’t have the slightest thought of becoming good. They can become equal to the Father and yet they don’t have the thought to become good. They are just continuing to move along as they have been doing, without any transformation. When will those in whom Baba has so many hopes become the stars of success when they are not even becoming the stars of hope? I always think: I will fulfil all of Baba’s hopes. With this thought, success has been my companion. Time and money have been used in a worthwhile way.

First we are stars of hope. When we receive a new birth, Baba has great hopes in us. Internally, we also feel that we will definitely fulfil Baba’s hopes. Nothing else enters their mind that “I want this and this.” They have no other desires. We never felt lazy about following the directions that Baba gave. Whatever service came in front of us, we did that with great happiness, regardless of whether we had any thought of it or not. Baba then gives blessings, “Child, continue to do it and you will be successful.” First I have the thought to fulfil Baba’s hopes. Then success accompanies you and you become a sparkling star. Others see you and begin to wonder where you have come from.
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Post11 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki Monday - 08/01/07 Om Shanti Bhawan

Qualifications to claim a high status

How do you receive health through Yoga and wealth through Gyan - think about it? Those who have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm cannot stay without doing service. Such serviceable souls will prepare food in remembrance by themselves and eat that food. They will not have any greed for good food or clothes. Patients who have greed take a long time to get well. Those who stay in remembrance all the time get well quickly. Doctors and nurses should understand how to help patients. Whatever happens, we must not rush as this will cause accidents. When someone is upset or is a little dozy, then it is dangerous. Sometimes, souls become lazy in service.

Baba gives so much wealth of knowledge and if I don’t donate this, how will I become wealthy? In order to donate wealth, I need to have good dharna. The arrow will hit the target when I have very good dharna of The Knowledge and Yoga that Baba is teaching me. Some want to do a lot of service, but they don’t have any attention on dharna. They don’t do the service of reminding other souls of Baba. No matter where you are, you should inspire souls to be pulled to have remembrance. If you remain happy, you will have health and wealth.

In order to claim a high status, Baba tells us many very good things. If you want to claim a high status, don’t look at the weaknesses of others. Just note down in your heart the things that Baba has related for claiming a high status. Someone may not have a low status nor a high status, but just an ordinary status.

Those who are to claim a high status will not allow their intellect to go into their past, into their lokik relatives. When you haven’t finished body consciousness you will still remember the body and the family of the body, your lokik family would also be concerned about you that you won’t be able to survive there. We came for only a few days, but Baba sat the child here because of being peaceful, lovely, simple and straightforward. If you are eating from God’s bhandara, you should not be remembering the lokiks or any other things. Sanskars of the past pull the old world back. Nature of the past doesn’t allow you to stay with the Father.

If you don’t remember anyone of the old world, you can claim a high status. While you remember other bodily beings, you will not claim a high status among the subjects either. There will be 108 like Hanuman though memorial is only of one. Memorial of Arjuna is also only of one, but all who become part of the Pandava army are Arjuna. Imbibe all knowledge and attain victory with a loving intellect. This knowledge is very deep, entertaining and meaningful. If 108 develop a stage like Hanuman, the eyes of the whole world will open.

I have to understand it first and then explain to others. When listening to this knowledge, those who want to imbibe it will never feel sleepy. I have never missed out on putting into practice all the directions that Baba has given for service. Those who are to claim a high status will instantly follow all the directions that Baba gives. Service should not be of your choice, but wherever you are asked to do service. Serviceable ones have to be obedient, faithful. In order to be a yogi, I need to have true love. Do everything while being sensible. Baba is making the 100% senseless ones 100% sensible in just one birth.

This 18th January is going to be very wonderful with the Yoga bhatthi that we are having now. You have direct Yoga with the Father. Those who have total control over their physical organs will never ask for anything else. In Sakar days, Baba gave us such training that our vision was never drawn to any type of food, but we just accepted what Baba gave. We were never allowed to ask what the menu was, because if it was something good, you would want to eat it, and if it were not something you liked, you would say that you are not hungry. We have to train ourselves to control our senses with such discipline.

Tie a knot to have remembrance. Just tell them two things: Manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. Give everyone the Father’s message. Renounce all bodily religions and remember, you the soul have to remember the Father. Then your sins will be destroyed and you will go to the Father.
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Post11 Jan 2007

Sat. 6/01/07 Dadi Janki Gyan Sarovar

Soul is covered with the rust of body consciousness. So, be soul conscious in Baba’s remembrance and only then can the rust be removed, otherwise the soul is useless when rusty. Rust comes off with great difficulty, especially when it has accumulated over so many births. It took 1250 years to accumulate just a little rust, like a pinch of salt in a bag of flour, but from the Copper Age onwards, the soul began to become rusty very fast. All rust on the soul has to be removed for it to be pulled by the magnet, the Almighty Authority. It takes a little effort to remove the rust, but with remembrance of Baba, the Magnet, when you see the rust coming off, you begin to feel the pull of the magnet.

Previously, we were of no use, but Baba then not only makes us useful, but makes us like Himself. He is the Purifier and not only purifies us, but makes us the purifiers so that we can purify others through our company. What should my stage be to become a purifier like Baba? The Purifier Father comes and makes Bharat pure through the mothers.

Last few days, the blessing in the Murli has been of being a karma yogi. Only when we are karma yogis do we receive blessings. We are so fortunate that we don’t need to ask for blessings from Baba. We receive blessings from Baba by being good elevated karma yogis and following Shrimat. Elevated actions and powerful Yoga so that whoever you perform actions with also become yogis. Those working with you should not be influenced by you in any other way. Am I doing everything in a state of Yoga? Then everything is fruitful and successful and nothing goes to waste. A yogi would not have waste thoughts about others being like this or that. It should feel that I am performing actions for Godly service and for the Yagya, not just because I have that speciality or capability because that would be like doing something lokik.

What would I do sitting at God’s feet? Wherever the Father steps foot, let me place my foot there. My Father is the Boatman and also the Master of the Garden. He is changing us from thorns into flowers. I once took one person with me to Baba and Baba said: You have brought a good flower, and he was happy. Next day Baba said: You have brought a flower, but you haven’t brought a bouquet. Baba had never been to Bangalore and the people there were always asking for Baba to come. Baba said: they haven’t yet prepared a garden, so how can Baba go there?

Once Baba was going to come and we had made all preparations for Him to come. We had invited many others to come, and were waiting for Baba to come for so long, but Baba didn’t come. When I spoke to Baba on the phone, he said: It was not in the drama. Then I went to Bombay from Pune and told Baba so many people were disappointed - what would they say. Baba said: Never mind others, what happened to you? Anything could have happened to Baba if he had come. Baba taught us many subtle things in this way.

We receive Baba’s directions, Shrimat and signals. Child, you cannot do this and so I would not do it. Child, you must do this, and so I don’t have any thoughts about how it is going to happen, but I know it will happen because Baba has said it. My intellect should be so clear that I don’t even have the thought of that which I mustn’t do. If I am not meant to do something, then circumstances become such that I am prevented from doing that. And when it comes to doing something essential, Baba will somehow make it happen. Sometimes, I would not know that I am making a mistake, but Baba would point it out to me and this would be a life long lesson for me.

I should be an altruistic server, be egoless and viceless and have an incorporeal stage. No desires about anything in service. Just imagine how much love you would receive from Baba then. Keep Baba’s words in front of you and check yourself: Am I present in front of Baba in the way that He wants me?

From today’s Murli: Someone made Baba’s Chariot (Brahma Baba) a sweater. Baba accepted it with a lot of love and next day gave it away to someone. The person who had given it said: Baba, I made it for you, why did you give it away? Baba said: If I keep it, I will keep on remembering you.
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Post11 Jan 2007

If it is posible to post Dadi Janki's classes, is it possible to post Murlis?
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Post11 Jan 2007

:roll: Sorry- Until now not possible :roll:

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Post11 Jan 2007

Mitra wrote:Sorry - Until now not possible

Why? Seriously.
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Post11 Jan 2007

:) As per the present situation, Murli's are available only in the centre. They are not permitting it to be taken outside :)

mitra :o
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Post11 Jan 2007

I think the main point being made erlier is of clarification. The Seniors are examples who others follow, so it should be one code of conduct for all.

In other words, we all need to be kept informed of any changes in principles. Shrimat is - Be soul conscious and remember me.


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Post11 Jan 2007

Although these DJ classes are good for service and teaching, do we have an official representative, or better DJ still, to respond to remarks made about her classes, these classes are given almost daily to all BKs I understand and are posted on various BK websites and forums ? Or are we going to get a barrage of cut-and-paste of such classes on this forum without DJ responding ?

Is there an official BK here who will answer for queries on these classes, like the way PBKs do. Maybe Admin can advise us what to do, otherwise this very post could also get drowned in scrolling through pages of unread Dadi class articles.

I would prefer million times more to read Murlis of course.

Mind you, it means that the growing readership of this forum for BK articles could even be more inviting than having the same posted in the BK websites :shock:
In the early days, when I was taking notes, Baba pulled my ears

Well, actually I did a skim read through the articles, it is not surprising that Dadi uses the past tense a lot, such as "Baba used to " "Baba was " etc. How can we follow the Father in the past tense. e.g. Baba used to pull Dadi's ears, but how can Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) pull my ears now ?
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Post11 Jan 2007

Thanks for acknowledging my point, sparkal and mitra ... if only the Seniors of the BKs were as open minded as you two 8).
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Post11 Jan 2007

Mitra wrote:As per the present situation, Murli's are available only in the centre. They are not permitting it to be taken outside

I agree with ex-l that when DJ's classes can be available freely, then why not the Murlis? Do we all not aim to reveal ShivBaba to the world? Are we not making the souls of the world subjects (praja) or devotees (bhakt) of souls instead of making them the direct children of the Supreme Father?

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Post11 Jan 2007

I think that's a great idea bansy is going to propose :lol:.

It would be nice to have some in roads of communication with BKSWU, maybe one day they might even concede that this forum is a formidable think tank on issues?


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Post11 Jan 2007

Brother Mitra,

Don't get me wrong in the previous post before. Everyone is allowed to post, though this is still a forum I think rather than a bulletin board.

Maybe it possible that there could be a dedicated thread in the BK section, a bit like the ones at the top of the PBK section, where there are posts of similar nature occasionally posted to those threads. However, the PBKs have so far been, on the most part, been quoting Murli points (rather than a Dadi or Senior class). Secondly, when queries are raised to such points, there are PBKs who will answer and/or they send their query to the PBK ShivBaba for a reply.

Thus if the BKs are to have something similar and have an "accumulation of points or a Dadis class" thread, then they are expected to reply to forum member queries, so who will answer for the BKs ?

Although the following is a slightly different issue, to be fair if BKs are allowed to post their BK classes here, would the BK websites allow PBKs to post onto their forums too ? Well, no because the website belongs to the BK's.

However, BKs have already got forums but PBKs do not (for reasons unclear), so why would BKs need to duplicate their posts over here ?
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Post12 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:Although the following is a slightly different issue, to be fair if BKs are allowed to post their BK classes here, would the BK websites allow PBKs to post onto their forums too ? Well, no because the website belongs to the BK's. However, BKs have already got forums but PBKs do not (for reasons unclear), so why would BKs need to duplicate their posts over here ?

In this forum there are specific compartments for specific groups. But in BK forum they do not exist. We can ask them to open specific areas.

BKs are not duplicating. Souls who are visiting this site may/may not visit the BK site. So every one should get a chance to read the classes


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