The Arts

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The Arts

Post10 Jan 2007

I don't know about now, but in the old teachers hand book, artists were singled out for special attention. Something like- they are all egotistical swines.

It is against BK principles to express ones self in an artistic way though they turn a blind eye and try to accommodate these arrogant types. We who sit and talk at people on the other hand have never experienced ego and never will, it is not possible, only artists can experience this, those with Guru sanskars cannot. Just more insulting ignorance and blindness. Of course, things may have changed, to bringing in none BK artists from the outside.

We are all artists, some have lost it to some degree, so is this a jealousy thing, or just a lack of understanding? Mama was into music and song, Brahma used to write songs (and may still do through others for all we know). Anyhow, it seems to be that we would rather take some old love songs from old Indian movies and change the words. No wonder they bent over backwards to accommodate the likes of Bliss.

The Law of Karma is still in operation in all of this, and the bureaucratic types, money types and political bores who destroy the lives of artists may have to face the music sooner or later.
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Mr Green


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Post10 Jan 2007

It could be related to the caste system in India, where performers are traditionaly sexual deviants :lol:
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Post11 Jan 2007

The arts may exist to remind us that life is in fact just a play, one which we can take far to serious. Theatre, films, song and dance are all individual plays in their own right. We will vary in our faith that life is in fact just a play. Artists allow others to see things from a different view point, and are therefore capable of promoting spirituality. Many professions create harmony out of chaos, but few better than the arts. The arts and spirituality, the true source of harmony, are a potent combination.

Contrary to what some may think, I have no big personal issues with the BKs over music and money, or indeed others benefiting from the BKs financially for their creations. Money, for many artists, is a means to an end, a necessary evil, an unwelcome distraction from the current project. The whole idea for all whatever they do is to move forward. My main issues with the BKs is more to do with nurturing, facilities in particular to allow artists to develop, and an outlet for their creations, these are the things that artists think about, not the glory and praise. With support, they will produce even better material, and all benefit. We go to the BKs for spiritual enlightenment and not to pursue our other interests. There is no reason why this could not happen none the less. Get caught up in it, and you may find chaos coming your way.

Artists can bring people together, so it may be worth tolerating them and their ways up to a point, even if you don't always agree with their output. What is acceptable will always be an issue I suspect. Artists see from a different viewpoint, spirituality is partly about seeing things from a different viewpoint, both can be consciousness altering. I would like to think that the BKs will support more and more artists who have a spiritual aspect to their work as time goes on throughout the world. If we raked around, I am sure that we could find more misappropriation of funds than supporting 'the arts and spirituality'. The BKs can benefit from it anyway.

When the soul is in the Soul World, there is no expression what so ever, ego-less. So ego could be taken to mean expression. Artists are souls who express themselves in a particular way, ways which catch the attention. As I say, if you are a BK artist, get caught up in it, and expect problems. Detached and no expectations is the way forward.
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Post11 Jan 2007

Thanks for this thread. I will confess that this area is of particular interest to me. No I am not an artist but I do not think that eliminates one from being able to appreciate the role that Art and Culture plays throught The Cycle. One only has to look at the mass-reach that a performer is able to have and the potential becomes clear. For example how succinctly powerful is a 3 minute song. Maybe others will join in this thread.

The BKWSU was the first place that my creative instincts became public (so to speak) and I remember asking God - privately - how it was He knew that I could do it. Till then much of my creative expression was private or in my head. Even as I write this post there are a number of so-called projects that I would love to brain-storm with others - to explore their vialbility as forms of entertainment as well as consciousness raising.

But it strikes me that one may need to be careful not to be seen as foisting a particular BK life-style on others through the medium of the Arts. Or else it could seem like just another way to 'recruit'. The more I read your post Sparkal the more I see that we have had similar thoughts and for the BK's to 'ignore' this seems a great oversight especially as we are told that in the Golden Age artistic past-times are part and parcel of Deity life.

I would really like to explore this more with like-minded souls. Perhaps it is indeed possible to put together an initiative along these lines.
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Mr Green


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Post11 Jan 2007

Art is a spiritual thing ... it conveys a non- physical message that can at best transcend all social barriers.

Sometimes I think art is the highest form of spirituality.

I play in a band now, and I love it ... something I couldn't do at all for many years, and there are moments of cohesion between the different musicians that creates an energy between us that is truely moving in a clean happy way, and anyone listening feels it too ...

I feel the day will come when true artists who make art because it's part of who they are will be valued greatly in society again ... rather than this celebrity ******* we have at the moment.
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Post11 Jan 2007

I feel the day will come when true artists who make art because it's part of who they are will be valued greatly in society again.....rather than this celebrity ******* we have at the moment

Is it just me or is there a growing trend towards the least you do and least talent you have the more celebrity status you get?


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Post11 Jan 2007

I appreciate music and art in all forms, in fact I think the sound of laughter is the best, and more so that of children.

Regarding talent and celebrities, I guess we never really see a an image of an idol banging drums or a goddess diety plucking a guitar. Though we do have images of angels strumming a harp. Unless I haven't been observant in looking at paintings and murials in Madhuban and other BK centres. Any other musical angelic/diety images ?
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Post11 Jan 2007

What about Krishna and his flute?
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abrahma kumar

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Post11 Jan 2007

That image is always symbolic we are told.


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Post11 Jan 2007

Sorry, other than Krishna (otherwise there is no Murli), I meant those of other dieties, gods and goddesses. The Murli/flute is of course the music this website has been trying to get hold of. I'll also exclude the conch.
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Post11 Jan 2007

In some pictures of Golden Aged scenes you will see deities playing instruments and they are mentioned in the Murlis (Sakar) if I remember right it was along the lines of, they will be very easy to play and even small children will be able to play ... also in the Murlis it says things like in Golden Age all education will be done through songs and plays.
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Post11 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:in some pictures of Golden Aged scenes you will see deities playing instruments and they are mentioned in the Murlis (Sakar) if I remember right it was along the lines of, they will be very easy to play and even small children will be able to play ... also in the Murlis it says things like in Golden Age all education will be done through songs and plays

And everyone will draw, as in artwise. I think it's says musical instruments will be very easy to play, requiring minimal skill ... Apple Mac laptops?
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Post13 Jan 2007

The aim and object of the spiritual process is to live life itself as an art-form.

Perhaps there was a time when we could just express without thinking, knowing that what we expressed would be pure, now, what with all these life experiences of thousands of years, and the traits developed, we never know what we may express. I think this may spook the Seniors. Also, they are aware that artists can get attention, when they may want spiritual people only to get attention. In other words, name and fame in the BKs can only be had through REAL service and not through artistic service. I may agree to some point here but an elevated soul fears no one in terms of competition. What happened to all this putting others forward stuff? Well, they did not mention Baba Baba one hundred times during the creation, so it is unworthy of Brahmin consent.

Let's be honest, there is fear of artists and what they can do. Why else did they buy over the music industry and shut out anyone who is saying something? The film and music industry's etc can be rather twisted perverted places which is all the more reason to support BK artists. Most artists will struggle on the BK path beyond a certain point in their development. But is that failure? Do the BKs really want to keep a hold of us? The centre wasis may but the teacher may want some out here without feeling guilty. I just think that it is sad that artists have been feared by those who may themselves be looking for name and fame, yet pinning the tag of purity or indeed the usual no communication at all as to why someone who can do service (?) is being shut out.

Another take is that, royalty are performed to and don't do the performing. Sounds a little tight assed and rigid, taking the whole game too serious. And, of course, the arts teach us about spontaneity.

Is there still a choir in London? This is a wonderful way to join in and have fun whilst creating powerful harmony and vibes in group format. I have left the inter faith choir. I enjoyed it, but now want to start a non-institutional spiritual choir. I was the only male in the choir which, after the BKs, I really did not need more bossing and bullying from a group of women. My song, my choir, my religions song/choir etc. And of course, the BKs felt that they had the right to screen and judge any songs I submitted to the choir. It was over a year before I submitted anything and it caused problems because they knew it worked and was powerful. It has left just more sick feelings and another bad experience.

Actually, it was a good experience. The frustration comes from observing potential but some arrogant and possessive (female competitive arrogance) individuals stops that potential from being reached out of fear. As with the BKs, it was a universal all genders welcome exclusively women's choir. There is no telling if the BKs had any part in my problems with the choir. I was attending the centre at the time, yet the BKs gave me no encouragement, as a musician, to join the choir. I did it through my own path. More fear? You see, I don't know because when it comes to basic communication skills, the BKs are attrocious at it. The BKs are ruled by fear and attachment.

Of course, there are also the powers at be beyond who may not allow us to move forward untill we have overcome certain things within.




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Re: The Arts

Post14 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote: No wonder they bent over backwards to accommodate the likes of Bliss.

This sounds interesting :) Why do they have to accomodate bliss?
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Re: The Arts

Post15 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:This sounds interesting :) Why do they have to accomodate bliss?

Its a BK pop group. See the links section under Bliss Music.

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