BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wife?

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BeeGees & BKs

Post08 Jan 2007

Try this one. Go to - Is Cherie becoming a Brahma Kumari? by Sajeda Momin. Anyway, the news is in India and is there if you look for it.

Ian Woodward wrote:Bee Gee Robin Gibb outraged his family and friends by revealing on live radio, "My wife's a lesbian and I love it." His outburst caused such reverberations that he refused even to confirm whether it was true or not. Now, Robin and Dwina talk for the first time about their most unusual marriage ...

The Bee Gees string of pop hits brought Robin Gibb 50 million but, he says, it was his wife Dwina who brought him liberation ... As we sit by the pool in their sumptuous Miami mansion, he looks at her and says: "Dwina's brought something to my private life which I doubt any other woman could bring." As for Dwina, she says: "If Robin hadn't come along, I would never have married. Definitely not."

She may not be a great advocate of marriage, but the couple have been together 15 years now and celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary on July 31st. They have even weathered the storm that raged in the British tabloids following Robin's revelation on American radio that his wife was a lesbian.

At the time, a shocked Dwina said "I am going to kill him", and Robin has remained tight-lipped on the subject since then. But now the couple want to tell it how it is. Robin, 45, whose hits include "Night Fever", "Stayin' Alive", "If I cannot have you" and "Massachusetts", explains: "I was being interviewed by the biggest shock jockey in the US on live radio. You have to shock with him or you become the butt of his treatment, so I got in first. It wasn't until I got on the plane later to go to London that I realised what a can of worms I'd opened... but yes it's true, Dwina is bisexual with me."

Dwina says she wasn't hurt by Robin's revelations, but admits: "His comments did upset me, but only because I was worried about how my family, my mother and our son Robin-John (now 12) would take it. I did not have shames about what Robin said, and I still don't. I've always been liberated. No one can hurt me in anything they do or say, I just carry on living my life."

And a very luxurious lifestyle she has, too. After the dust had settled, she decided to impose a fine on her husband: "I said, "You owe me the biggest diamond ever", and as I like Jaguars he gave me a diamond-blue XJRS with a number-plate that says DRUID." Dwina, who was born in Northern Ireland, is a Druid leader as well as a successful artist and novelist. And, to show him all was forgiven, she gave Robin a gold ring with a cameo of Lord Nelson which had belonged to Lady Hamilton.

The couple are physically very different - Robin is extremely thin in drainpipe jeans, with diamond ear stud and bikers boots, and Dwina, 40, is blonde and blooming - but they believe they are kindred spirits. "We share the same philosophy about breaking down the barriers erected by society, about pushing back the frontiers in terms of sexuality," says Dwina. And Robin says that she's "made me more open, liberated me". He insists: "We have freedom to do our own thing. If we're parted from each other for two or three weeks, we don't worry about it. We don't have any jealousies. We've passed the frantic boyfriend / girlfriend thing." "If Robin met another woman and wanted to have a fling, so what?" asks Dwina. "We have a spiritual / physical bond whereby we know we're always going to be together. And, because of AIDS, we're extra careful not to march unthinkingly into extra-marital affairs."

Robin comes straight to the point. "I knew Dwina was gay when we married, but that did not matter because I was in love with her; I still am very much in love with her. And, anyway, she is bisexual with me. She is the best wife any husband could want."

"If we find somebody who sexually excites us, we can actually talk to each other about it," says Dwina. "We'll discuss it without fear of feeling guilty. It's totally open. We like to cruise and we like to watch." The Bee Gee leans forward. "All of which is why I got an enormous kick from talking about this on the radio. There was no malicious intention, just high-spirited tomfoolery in order to engage the moment." Says Dwina: "He was trying to shock - and he certainly shocked my mother!"

So what did his Brothers Maurice and Barry, who live close by, think? "They're used to Robin," Dwina answers. "On one radio show they were asked what past lives they might have led, and Robin piped up, "Barry was probably a rent-boy for Oscar Wilde". He tends to throw in these bombshells. That attraction began back in 1980. "Our first meeting was at Maurice's house", she recalls. "Robin was going to commission me to do some artwork, and I remember him peeping out from behind the curtains as I arrived with some drawings."

Robin, who has two older children (Spencer, 22, and Melissa, 21 in June), was going through his divorce. He says: "I wasn't actually looking for anybody to have a relationship with. It was a pretty heavy period for me, but in the end, we were both won over. We have the same sense of humour, the same interests in history and life. "She's always accepted me totally for what I am, as I have her. We've both benefited from each other's lives, attitudes and personalities. It's a chemistry thing. Ours is very much a case where two similars have attracted. I couldn't live with somebody who was opposite to me, or who held grudges. We never go to bed on an argument."

Dwina remembers, "I'd been a loner for about 10 years when I first met Robin. I'd had a little girl who was born prematurely and. sadly, she died. I was too busy working to give any thought to romance, living among brick dust in a house in south-east London while trying to do it up. I did not have a roof over my kitchen and I was using the electric fire to cook three course meals." She now has an in-house chef in each of her millionaire-rowhomes.

She goes on: "Not long after Robin and I met, we both knew we wanted a child together before actually being with each other. We felt ours would be good genes to put together. But the baby never came along until we started living together. Robin found a breath of fresh air blowing through his life when he met me. I've brought him so many things, and vice versa. I am poet, artist and novelist, and he has helped me to focus on getting things finished." Dwina is certainly a prolific author. She's just finished a novel, "The Shackles", set among the gay and straight communities of Miami's South Beach area. Two other yet-to-be-published books, "Under Wraps" and "Whispers Tell Lies", explore women's relationships. "Writing about a woman who has this deep love for another woman is a subject that's completely natural for me to tackle," she says. "There's a section in "Whispers tells Lies" about lesbianism and voyeurism. These are books I just had to write. I don't like the boundaries that society confronts us with and Robin's the same. He was breaking boundaries when he talked about me on that radio show."

As they look back on 10 years of marriage, Robin, whose solo hits include "Oh Darlin" and "Saved By The Bell", says: "We weren't really that interested in the idea of being married. We did not even contemplate it, alone expect it." "Anyway," reflects Dwina, "I don't think that a piece of paper really ties you down. I've always been a rebel in that respect, and so has Robin." "But," he insists, "that doesn't mean we have multiple partners. It simply means that we make our commitments in the eyes of God."

Robin says he fell in love with Dwina for her looks, personality and sexuality as much as for her spirituality. Today, she is a Druid leader - her full title is Patroness of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids - and one room in the Miami home houses spiritual artefacts from around the world.

"I've always shared Dwina's spirituality," says Robin, "though I've never actually been converted to Druidism. It's really a belief in the elements and the worship of nature, rather than dancing naked around Stonehenge." But Robin does have some unusual beliefs of his own. He believes he was Dwina's Brother in a previous life. Dwina, descendant of an Irish king, looked into their family trees and found that one of her ancestors married one of his ancestors. She says: "We're almost like twins. We were born on the same day."

And he's also obsessed with historical figures. "First it was Charles Dickens, the Oliver Cromwell, then Winston Churchill. Now I share my bed with Horatio Nelson," reveals Dwina. "And, of course, living in a house with such historical connections as this, he's in his element." Apparently the house was frequented by President John F Kennedy 30 odd years ago. He took a succession of blonde lovelies there for amorous trysts, including Marilyn Monroe. "Our bedroom is where Kennedy made love to all his girlfriends," says Robin, who seems to have a penchant for buying former lovenests. His previous Miami home, four doors down, was the hideaway of gangster Al Capone and Hollywood movie queen Lana Turner. When Robin-John was born, the Gibbs moved to their present abode.

"It was like the castle after Sleeping Beauty's 100-year sleep, all over-grown," he says. "And inside, it was almost like Miss Havisham's house in "Great Expectations": everything covered in dust. It had been pretty much empty since Kennedy's assassination. I used to drive past it every day though you couldn't see the house for overgrowth. The gates were open and people would drive in and use the grounds for love-making sessions. I saw there was potential. I just knew this had to be my house in America. We've now been here for 12 years and I never tire of the place." Their Miami home is where Robin and Dwina work, Robin on a new Bee Gees album at their own recording studio in Miami and Dwina finishing her Celtic saga, "Cormac: The Sage". When they want to relax, they go to their 4 million medieval property set in 20 acres in Oxfordshire.

Theirs may not be a conventional marriage but they're adamant it is one that works. "Our marriage has always been the same," she says softly, "and I think it always will be. We have a special relationship." "A very special relationship," endorses her husband, as they sit in their gazebo looking across a magnificent moonlit bay. "We have a healthy understanding of each other's needs. I understand her creative spirit." "It's impossible," insists Dwina, "to have a conventional lifestyle if you are creative people." "Ours is not a conventional lifestyle," says Robin.

"We don't live by the rules. What we do in our private lives might not be to many people's liking, but that's their problem. Life should be lived to the full, and that's what we're doing. I am not a monk, and Dwina's not a nun!""
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Mr Green


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Post08 Jan 2007

I saw it happen countless times at the centre, marriages breaking down etc., unmarried couples splitting up. Whichever of the couple is leaning towards the BKs and getting to the point where they take direction from their teacher ... They are 90% of the time encouraged and sometimes helped to leave their partner.

But you have to see the mentality of the BKs, they don't care ... They make pretend to care noises in front of the right people but secretly they couldn't give a sausage.

Don't forget Jayanti and the like are men haters, men just don't figure or matter in their little worlds unless they need something fixing.

What people outside the BKs rarely see, or realise, is that a pukka BK (means one following Shrimat and Maryadas) will and are encouraged to take direction on these matters from their Senior Sister ... What's she going to say, "yes carry on living with your Shudra husband" or "come, come into the flock, your plaited pony tail is waiting"?
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Post09 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:Unmarried couples splitting up. Whichever of the couple is leaning towards the BKs and getting to the point where they take direction from their teacher ... They are 90% of the time encouraged and sometimes helped to leave their partner.

I can just imagine the faux care and sympathy the pro-BK partner receives ... how do the BKs cope with unmarried couple?

That must have been a new one for them as in India you just would not have had an unmarried couple living together. And so, it would have been by their concept pure sin and a social embarrassment.

It makes me wonder what the Indians really think of the Westerns and all their sinful sex lust relationships? Do you really think they are "man haters"?

The articles quotes, my guess, BK Maureen Goodman saying the Brahma Kumaris demands celibacy because, "sexual intercourse, while capable of being an expression of love at the human level ... pulls our consciousness firmly into the material domain." How do these inventions sit with ShivBaba?

Ha! I find myself defending Gyan again. Can anyone remember a Murli point that says, "sexual intercourse is capable of being an expression of love at the human level" ... and what are they if they are not humans!?! I suppose the thought of Maureen gettin' jiggy wit' it would pull anyone's consciousness firmly.
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Post09 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:The articles quotes, my guess, BK Maureen Goodman saying the Brahma Kumaris demands celibacy because, "sexual intercourse, while capable of being an expression of love at the human level ... pulls our consciousness firmly into the material domain." How do these inventions sit with ShivBaba?

From where have you quoted the above statement? Is it part of any newspaper article/report or is it from a Book written by BK Maureen Goodman? If it is from a book with her name as the author, then she is free to express her individual views, but if she has given the statement as a spokesperson of BKs or written in her book as a representative of BKs, then the BKs definitely need to quote a Murli point to support the above statement.

I don't think Baba has ever said that "sexual intercourse is capable of being an expression of love at the human level". In fact, Baba never uses the word 'sexual intercourse' directly in the Murlis. He refers to it as 'vish' (poison) or 'vikaar' (vice or lust) or 'kala muh karnaa' (blackening of face).

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Post09 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:From where have you quoted the above statement?

It is from the Mail on Sunday article above and it is quoted - specifically - as being the Brahma Kumari spokesperson. An opinion of the Brahma Kumaris. The journalist spoke to her.

I think you see Arjun, why they upset us with their double talk. This is a BK Sister that has been involved for 30 years or more having given up work many years ago. We suspect - but do not know - that she is financially supported by her husband David Goodman who is a trustee of the BKWSU UK charity. You will have to ask Mr Green but I understand she has been fully surrendered for many years.
BKWSU wrote:Sister Maureen is the Programme Co-ordinator at the International Centre of the Brahma Kumaris in London. She travels widely giving workshops and lectures on themes related to spiritual development. She has worked with a variety of community groups, developing the University’s outreach work in the UK in prisons, healthcare, education, youth and women’s issues and interfaith dialogue. She is also the University’s representative at the United Nations, Vienna as well as a member of the UK Committee for Rights and Humanity. maureen.goodman@uk.BKWSU.org


House of decadence where JFK took his mistresses by WENDY LEIGH
Shameless: Blairs freebie holiday at Bee Gee mansion

The silver-clad mime artists have gone home, the top-class caterers have packed up their porcelain crockery, and the giant marquee has been taken down. But in the 50ft square living room, with its grand floor-to-ceiling picture win-dow overlooking Biscayne Bay, the party is far from over.

Three drag queens sporting purple and flame-red wigs are lounging on a plush sofa in one corner of the room. In another, a group of leather-wearing lipstick lesbians sip champagne. In their midst, dressed in a full-length black Versace dress that reveals more than a hint of her ample bosom, is Robin's second wife, Dwina.

Robin himself sits alone by the fire, staring into the flames. A wafer-thin reed of a man, he is lost in thought and shows little interest in his bisexual Druid priestess wife and her lesbian coterie. That night, at the Gibbs' Gypsy Party in aid of an AIDS charity, was without doubt a typical scene in their extraordinary open marriage. For when Robin Gibb has said in the past: 'Ours is not a conventional lifestyle,' he was only hinting at the weird truth about his 21-year marriage to Dwina Murphy, formerly of County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

Robin and Dwina Gibb have a marriage which, as he puts it, is, 'totally open. We like to cruise and we like to watch'.

The Gibbs' unconventional marriage is played out in the same Miami mansion where the Blairs are currently enjoying their family holiday. And it is mind-boggling to think that the Prime Minister and his family are staying in a home which has been a Mecca for sexual shenanigans and adulterous relationships. The house on Miami's Millionaires' Row - with Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin and Robin's Brother Barry all living in neighbouring mansions - was the location for John F. Kennedy's licentious extramarital trysts with Marilyn Monroe and other paramours.

Kennedy boast 'Our bedroom is where Kennedy made love to all his girlfriends,' Robin routinely boasts.

When he first saw the ten-bedroom house more than 20 years ago, Robin fell in love with its gothic charm, as well as its unusual history. 'It was like the castle after Sleeping Beauty's 100-year sleep - all over-grown,' he said. 'And inside, it was like Miss Havisham's home in Great Expectations. It had been pretty much neglected since Kennedy's assassination. 'I used to drive past it every day, though you couldn't see the house for overgrowth. The gates were open and people would drive in and use the grounds for love-making sessions.'

The mansion is a world away from Robin's humble roots. Born in the Isle of Man, he grew up in abject poverty with his twin Brother Maurice, older Brother Barry, and four other siblings. At six, he and Maurice would sing for their parents, 'to create a magical world for the three of us,' as he remembered. Spotting their talent as an opportunity to make money, their impoverished Father touted Robin and Maurice around clubs when they were only seven, charging half a crown a time for their fledgling performance.

'I can still remember my dad counting out coins to try to get us through the week. Sometimes chips and buttered bread was our only meal.'

By 1958, the family had emigrated to Australia in the hope of finding a better life - but it continued to be a struggle. Everything the Gibbs owned was on hire purchase and each weekend, Robin, Maurice and Barry were taken to the Brisbane races, where they dashed out between cars to pick up coins thrown on to the track by the crowds. Soon, though, their singing talent made them child stars in Australia and they won fame and fortune. Their biggest coup came in 1977, when they recorded the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever, which sold 30 million albums.

These days, with 110 million albums sold altogether, the Bee Gees are the fifth bestselling act in history, with Robin's share of the fortune estimated at more than £140million. Despite their success, however, their lives have been dogged by tragedy. Their younger Brother Andy became addicted to cocaine and, in 1988, died of a cocaine-induced heart attack aged just 30.

Three years ago, Maurice Gibb died in a Miami hospital at 53. Even today, Robin finds it difficult to look across the bay to the hospital where his twin Brother died. Robin was introduced to Dwina by her cousin Ken in 1980, when she was running a beanbag factory in Plumstead, in South-East London, while trying to make it as an artist.

'I showed him my drawings,' she said. 'He asked me to come house-hunting with him and we scampered in and out of houses together, getting to know each other. We had a lot in common. We are both interested in history, mythology, old churches and buildings. We even share the same birthday.' The couple also share a desire to walk on the wild side - and neither is ashamed of the fact. 'I knew Dwina was gay when we married, but that doesn't matter because I was in love with her. And, anyway, she is bisexual with me. She's the best wife any husband could want,' Robin has declared defiantly.

'If we find somebody who sexually excites us, we can actually talk to each other about it. We can discuss it without fear of feeling guilty. We don't live by the rules. What we do in our private lives may not be to many people's liking, but that's their problem. Life should be lived to the full, and that's what we're doing. I am not a monk and Dwina's not a nun.'

Howver, Dwina has not always enjoyed Robin's openness about their bizarre lifestyle. After he declared on the Howard Stern radio show in the early Nineties, 'My wife is a lesbian and I love it,' she demanded he pay her a fine. After initially declaring: 'I am going to kill him,' she calmed down and said: 'His comments did upset me. But only because I was worried about how my mother and our son, Robin John, would take it.'

But she defiantly added: 'I don't have shame about what Robin said and I still don't. I've always been liberated. No one can hurt me in anything they do or say. I just carry on living my life.' Nonetheless, she extracted a blue Jaguar from Robin as an apology. As well as fast cars, Dwina's other pursuits include writing. She has written a novel called 'Shackled', about Miami's gay community, is credited with the translation of Sappho of Lesbos; The Poems and has produced a film entitled 'Entwined', which features a romance between two women.

She recently brazenly declared: 'If Robin met another woman and wanted a fling, so what? We have a spiritual, physical bond whereby we know we're always going to be together.'

Let's just hope Robin and Dwina are on their best behaviour during the Blairs' stay.
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abrahma kumar

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Post09 Jan 2007

I feel a rant coming: Am writing in response to this alleged Mail on Sunday article. Is it factual?

And as for any BK Brothers or Sisters who happen across this post and feel that words such as this can only be expressed by someone with a WHOLE HEAP OF Maya - I can not help you. So here goes ...

Ever so slowly I feel as if I am seeing a new light. And yes I AM UPSET. Why? You see when I did the thinking positively course and then immediately after that the 7-Day course it was inspite of myself. What do I mean by that? There was power in the things that were shared with me. Power enough that even someone in my situation was able to feel that.

Later on I was to hear GOD - i just made a decision to return to using this title - say: soul you have good and bad sanskars. GOD tells us this and I took it as a fact. Through GOD's teaching He encouraged me to hold on to that consciousness and remember it always and more importantly GOD encouraged REMEMBER ME AS YOUR Father, TEACHER and GUIDE.

Somewhere else I asked a question in response to a post I saw whether the senior's came to this site. Perhaps they should visit sites like this and comment where they feel that there has been a public misrepresentation of GOD'S Yagya.

We know that many, many souls have dedicated a lot of time to the Yagya; a lot of effort to becoming Narayan from an ordinary man and Lakshmi from an ordinary woman. A lot of time on the service field. They have suffered many falls along the way and no doubt this will happen again. One only has to read some of the posts in the forums on this site to know that following the BK path and dealing with the BK politics and some of the personal repurcussions is 'not like going to yout Auntie's home'. So why did they embark on this journey? One reason might be that they believed the Murli. They felt something incredible touch their lives and they were inspired - each in her/his own way to reach for the sky.

For what ... to see GOD's Yagya discussed by the chattering masses as if it were the latest fad? To see the Seniors shepherded into the hallowed realms of the rich and famous. For what? Which B-list celebrity will it be next GOD? Or maybe I am getting all worked up over nothing because all that we see in the drama are the things that you have told already: Is this service of the mike's, GOD? Is my elevated vision being clouded by my own failures? GOD am i jealous?

Again i know that the journalist has no way of knowing that certain expression are way off the mark in so far as God's teachings through the BKWSU is concerned but the writer expresses - and I quote - "The Bee Gee is also a follower of Dadi Janki and credits her with helping him overcome the death of his twin Brother Maurice in 2003. Both he and Dwina wear red lapel pins with a tiny diamond to represent the point of light Brahma Kumaris members use as a focus for meditation. Once asked what she thought of the "BKs', Dwina replied: "They are living, walking angels on this earth. They can help us become angels too."

So I want to ask the question of any BK who comes to this site: Are you a follower of Dadi Janki?

Link to the; Mail on Sunday Article
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abrahma kumar

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Post09 Jan 2007

And here are a few Reader comments as a result of that article copied here exactly as found on the Sunday Mirror Site.
8 people have commented on this story so far. Tell us what you think below.

Cherie Blair is simply preparing her network in the USA so she and hubby can ride the gravy train once he steps down.

- Dr Stephen Fox, Sydney Australia

The saying goes that you are judged by the company you keep,suppose that says it all really,the desperate need to be a someone,just in case you
fall back into obscurity again

- Rose Howard, England

These are the people who influence the UK's domestic and foreign policy through the PM's wife.
God save The Queen, that is the only comment on the story.

- Lil, london UK

The Prime Minister and his wife claim to be Christians and although trying to keep their spiritual life secret, they have used this Christianity to electioneer in the past.

Like everything else we are discovering about the Bliars, there is more than meets the eye. From Egyptian 'raising up' ceremonies, to bizarre cultish ceremonies, I am beginning to wonder if David Icke was correct.

Are we led by people who publicy appear 'normal and Christian' but who in reality are part of a secret cult?

- Ken Hall, Barrow in Furness, UK

I am surprised the Blairs have struck a friendship with the Beckhams, they all seem to be on the same planet - which is definitely not the same planet as the rest of us!!!!

- Karen, Ex Pat USA

Birds of a feather . What fun Mrs Blair has meeting such fab ``in`` people and obviously passing on untold knowledge and wisdom to her adorable prime minister . No wonder Great Briain is crashing out .

- Andrew, Paris . France

Deary, deary me.
Cherie consorting with a druid. I know several in this area who tend to be, latter-day hippyish, misfits, of dubious value to the community and some are just plain ugly.

- Drew, Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway.

Fear not for Britain's karma; dice are rolling anyway for Tony and his Cherie.
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abrahma kumar

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Post09 Jan 2007

And another thought crosses my mind looking at the sort of network that this article reveals some of the BKs hierarchy are building in Godly service.

Maybe we should all be careful less GOD's high-powered friends are available for hire in the event that the BKWSU feels that there is a need for an example to be made of any soul that attempts to tell the story of her/his own spiritual journey with them be it print or movie or song or stage play ;)
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Post09 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:I feel a rant coming ... So I want to ask the question of any BK who comes to this site: Are you a follower of Dadi Janki?

I am really sorry Abrahma ... I understand what you are going through. Here you are, God dragged into the gutter press between leather clad lipstick lesbians druidesses and war mongering politicians.

But this is the BKs' karma coming back to them. When you look at the other threads on how the 3 Dadis have been marketed with billboard size posters, you can see where and why this personality cult problem has started ... and here I am, as a BK Anti-Christ, disgusted at it not them.

I have no doubt the Gibbs and all those celebs do treat Dadi J as a Guru, and Dadi and the middle management does encourages them to do so because of their fame ... See also the "spiritual entrepreneur" thread. Same again to the capitalist world. Who is next? Paris Hilton perfoming in a white sari?

Now, the theory is that if you do seva in Baba's Yaad there is no karma, Baba takes care of it. Well, I think this disproves that they are, or it does. And what about accepting donations from non-BKs or from individuals not following principles too ... that was writ into the Murlis. It looks like Murlis out (what is left of them and what has not been edited out), Dadis in.

But then Dadi worship has its roots in the BK family ... Dadi Bhakti ... We have discussed it here before. They do nothing to disuade individuals from it. I hear you can even buy pictures of the Dadi at "Madu-Lourdes" in Mount Abu.
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Post09 Jan 2007

Maureen has indeed been surrendered now for many years. She and her husband David, who worked until recently, were seen as one of the first white couples to surrender.
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Post11 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:Maureen has indeed been surrendered now for many years. She and her husband David, who worked until recently, were seen as one of the first white couples to surrender.

She and her husband were not that old. How old are they? 50-ish? How has he managed to retired?

Another surrendered BK that had the foresight to keep up the pension payments despite Destruction coming, or a big savings account?
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Post11 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote: How has he managed to retired? Another surrendered BK that had the foresight to keep up the pension payments despite Destruction coming, or a big savings account?

If I remember right David was a dentist and they do earn a lot of money. I met him several times and he seemed very nice, sort of the quintessential nice Englishman. In fact, with few exceptions most of the BKs and ex-BKs I met were and are "nice". It is a shame in a way that the more fanatical of them I find it impossible to have a normal conversation with. Apart from one or two BKs I tend to feel they are talking "at" me. When I remember I was starting to be like that myself I cringe. It reminds me of the Jehovah's Witnesses, they have a one track mind, no real discussion possible.
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Post11 Jan 2007

I am tired of dogmatic bully's. Souls telling me that I should have sex, trying to orchestrate and manipulate events to that end even. People imposing their own religious (way of life) dogma and personal issues onto others. Social bullying. Assuming that all others are as weak as them. Assuming that we all must be the same. Assuming that they know something about that which they have no experience of.

Yelling 'more sex' as an answer to celibacy or sex abuse is very short sighted and narrow minded. And to say that the BKs have "banned" sex is complete and utter nonsense. No one tells me what to do in life, no one has ever banned sex in my life, I am responsible for my own thoughts words and actions. To call for a "ban" on celibacy (between the lines), well, perhaps I should expect nothing more from a paper which is no doubt owned by Satanists. Male on Sunday, you are welcome to come and debate, your own sexual practises. Oh, I see. People need to be very clear now about what they are calling for, including the members of this forum.

We cannot impose our ways upon others. We can however apply pressure to bring about some sort of laity within the BKs. I can only imagine that it will take much noise and yes, national news papers even to spur them into some sort of compromise. But let us not go to the other extreme. It is a personal thing. The BKs need to consult and deal with their own individual and collective fear of sex and learn to mix with people who are not celibate, yet who do not impose their dogmatic filth upon others like the Mail on Sunday :wink: . I support celibacy, if it is a decision taken by the individual. There are many souls on this planet who are celibate and who have had nothing to do with spiritual groups.

If souls think that shouting for a Sodom and Gomorrah type world is going to solve sex abuse, they are dreaming. There is almost a hint in the air which says, celibacy = sex abuse. All sex abusers are celibate people. Normal people are always correct, besides, there are more of us than you. Normality rules.

For every harmonious relationship, there will be an abusive one, which will be forgotten as souls yell, more sex, lets all have sex, it is great. Sure it is, and so is the hurt and pain of attachment. Come and tell me the merits of owning the body of another after the relationship has fallen apart. To some, sex may seem rather gross and spiritually immature and they just don't feel comfortable. Are we to put a gun to their head and force them to have sex? The world is reeking with sex abuse, and we won't hear half of what goes on, in the mind of a Mail on Sunday journalist.

BKs hurling things at each other is one thing, journalists interfering from the outside is another, though perhaps it has been coming, this is a family matter, and it should remain that way. The main thing in this is the need for change in the BK outlook as a collective. Individuals can make up their own minds on the basis of their limitations and capacity. 8)



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Post11 Jan 2007

Interesting article

no doubt there are going to be a lot more where that came from. as the BKs become more well known there are going to be more people wanting to shoot them down. so the need for transparency i think is vital.

I see nothing wrong with one partner being encouraged to become celibate - if that is what they really want to do. i always think that one of the best indications of spirituality is when one half of a couple becomes a BK and the other does not, and they continue to have a loving, happy and supportive relationship.

i think people are encouraged to leave relationships when the other half tries block their spiritual efforts. if there was respect in the relationship I am sure this wouldn't happen. i would hope that people are not encouraged to leave relationships when the other half is supportive - just on the off chance of them becoming un-supportive or from a belief that attachment may hinder spiritual progress.
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reforming BK

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Post11 Jan 2007

I think people are encouraged to leave relationships when the other half tries block their spiritual efforts. if there was respect in the relationship I am sure this wouldn't happen. I would hope that people are not encouraged to leave relationships when the other half is supportive - just on the off chance of them becoming un-supportive or from a belief that attachment may hinder spiritual progress.

I think it depends how smitten the BK half becomes, I remember my gf at the time of me becoming a BK ran away, my fair weather friends disappeared, my real friends wanted me to stop being so 'weird', did I care, no, I was smitten.

I am now a lot more incognito about my beliefs :D

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