Dadi Worship?

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Mr Green


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Dadi Worship?

Post08 Jan 2007

Hey, I've started a thread instead of just making silly comments on other peoples, so feel free to make silly comments here!

The thing that got me thinking is how little humour you find with the Seniors and I witnessed people not laughing when the Seniors were present in case they were seen as not holy. Do you think they idea of pleasing the Seniors is perpetuated by them and if so is it healthy?

Well, I thought it was interesting.
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Post09 Jan 2007

It is.

I think Seniors do and it's not healthy. Why is any BK classed above another I really don't know.
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abrahma kumar

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Post09 Jan 2007

Mr. Green did you ever hear it said that deities do not laugh aloud and so for any Godly student to do so is most unroyal!

A slightly different tack on the 'pleasing Seniors' question if you do not mind: In my experience (observational only I hasten to add) sitting at that much vaunted gaddi - in a typical BKWSU Centre classroom it is the seat at the front of the class from where GOD's words are read - has about it certain peculiar side-affects. One of which is that the encumbent soul seems at one time or another to eventually rise above the rest of the 'dots' into realms of those especially chosen by GOD ... or is it one of the Seniors...perhaps there is no difference.

Resulting from this malaise we hear words like: I am Baba's instrument; you have Maya; Dadi must come to my centre to see what glorious service is being done by me; that student can not come to meditation because ...

Though I cite this phenomena I have no evidence that such expressions/attitudes are encouraged by the Seniors. What I do know is that because of it some souls definitely experience rulership right here, right now in the Confluence Age - no need to wait till Golden Age.
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Post09 Jan 2007

Mr. Green did you ever hear it said that deities do not laugh aloud and so for any Godly student to do so is most unroyal!

Yes, I heard this. Now I am wondering where or from whom. I've not read it in Murli.
Dadi must come to my centre to see what glorious service is being done by me;

Maybe it works like the government funding thing and school league tables.
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Mr Green


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Post09 Jan 2007

Yes, I know what you mean and have seen, and even experienced, some of it myself.

Power does corrupt of that I am sure. If you make some sort of 'rank' you cannot help but have a certain smugness about it, amongst the general misery of being surrendered you always have that to fall back on ... "at least I am a royal soul". You see a common belief is that centrewasis are actually royal souls and you can even revel in how you have become one of the lowest and most wretched because, of course, that is just the flip side of how great you really are in The Cycle ... I definitely experienced these type of feelings.

I was at a teacher's retreat once where Dadi addressed everyone there as the court of kings, that sort of thing. There was definitely a feeling of not just being a BK, but being a special BK.

And it is a miserable life. You work every hour you can. You push yourself and become addicted to pushing yourself. And the inevitable consequence is you become uptight.

You're right about not laughing outloud. Also running was seen as un-royal ... these are all probably from Dadi's classes. I don't think they are in the Murlis, not literally anyway.
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Post09 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:You're right about not laughing outloud. Also running was seen as un-royal ... these are all probably from Dadi's classes. I don't think they are in the Murlis, not literally anyway.

But farting out loud is fine ... I once heard Dadi let rip. I bet all the senior Sisters do it in their private rooms. That is why they need them. Somewhere they can let loose.

I can distinctly remember Baba saying in the Sakar Murlis that "the children should always run on service" ... because I did it literally.

As for laughing ... I don't know. I always thought a sense of humour was a sign of a living soul. Indeed, I can even remember Dadi Janki laughing her head off.

The thing is, these souls say these things at the time with some relevance to the audience in front of them They do not stand as absolutes for all times and all people.
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Post09 Jan 2007

But farting out loud is fine

And spitting in public. OK I did not see it myself, but a BK told me he'd just seen it.
As for laughing ... I don't know. I always thought a sense of humour was a sign of a living soul. Indeed, I can even remember Dadi Janki laughing her head off.

Absolutely, if you cannot have fun and a laugh even in serious spiritual matters then I don't think it's working properly. Would be nice to see DJ laughing her head off.
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Mr Green


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Post09 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:But farting out loud is fine ... I once heard Dadi let rip. I bet all the senior Sisters do it in their private rooms. That is why they need them. Somewhere they can let loose.

:lol: I bet it had no bad odour.
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Post09 Jan 2007

:lol: I bet it had no bad odour

Yes, that should be the test :lol:



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Post11 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:But farting out loud is fine

... and big burps too.

i remember early on in my BK days having to assist with cooking a meal for Dadi and her entourage. She was doing a public programme in our area. After the meal she let rip with an almighty burp and with my best spiritual efforts i suppressed the giggles. Even funnier though was that she just continued as if nothing untoward had happened - as did everyone else in the room. Evidently i was still in English culture and not Brahmin culture.

On reflection, i took the burp as a compliment for my cooking. I think if she ate anything i cook these days she would probably be sick instead of burping.

I like the idea that senior's farts shouldn't smell.
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Post11 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:I like the idea that senior's farts shouldn't smell.

It all depends on whether they are; afartna, sufartna or vifartna.

Only afartna farts are farts without consequence and the BKs teach this applies only to the Golden Age. By the time we enter the Silver Age there is a slightest of whiff about them.

To get to the bottom of the matter; Dadis do Shrifartnas and, as an example, they are safe to follow. One's own wind is called manmafartna and other BKs' emissions are called parmafartnas. Strangely enough, one's manmafartna rarely smells too bad and many people even enjoy listening to their own time and time again. No need to say, other people's parmafartnas are always terrible and to be avoided. ;-)

That reminds me of an incident that happened at our center after a particularly fermented beany Bhog curry. At Dadi's class afterwards one new Brother, who was obviously suffering the effects of "Delhi Belly", tried to quietly slip a little bit of gas out to give himself ease. But instead let rip a real Ganesh-style trumpet.

The sister-in-charge, a real tight ass, was shocked and scolded the Brother by saying, "I beg your pardon Bhai, do you mind not farting before Dadi?" To which the yogyukt Brother retorted, "Oh, I am very sorry Sister ...
    ... I did not know it was her turn".
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Mr Green


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Post11 Jan 2007

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:



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Post11 Jan 2007

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post13 Jan 2007

Come on now Brothers, Sisters do not fart, or sweat, you should know that, and Seniors don't even know the meaning of the word.

With regards to clapping with one hand, we should laugh with one mouth and, yes, fart with one backside, and try to avoid farting from our faces.

Interesting how souls don't mind the smell of their own Bhakti also. We get used to our own smells and so cannot always detect them, where others might. And this may be partly at the crux of this thread. I am sure the Seniors have blown as many holes in the ozone as the rest of us :roll: .
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Dadi Worship?

Post03 Feb 2007

Morning class by Dadi ji Gulzar
Russia, St. Petersburg
12 September 2006
So always dance and sing in happiness. "I am Baba's and Baba is mine!". God has become yours. It's not a small thing. Do you consider Baba to be yours? Or is He Dadi's Baba? (Someone answered, "Baba is mine and Dadi is also mine!") Yes, that's O.K.You can remember Dadi as well.

However, Baba is first! You receive the property by remembering Baba and not by remembering Dadi. Otherwise, you can make Dadi yours as well!

This is crazyness!

What is going on, have they lost their minds ...

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