BKWSU Teacher training

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Mr Green


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Post05 Jan 2007

Yes, channelled spirits, gurus and all the other stuff are 2 a penny in India.

It's completely part of the culture there.

And, yes, enlightenment seeking westeners fall for it hook line and sinker. In fact, for many Indians it's no big deal and many of them take it nowhere near as seriously as a Westener might.

I started giving the 7 day Curse to a Western man once, who decided not to continue with because I was from Essex and he expected to meet a wizened old Indian man !!!!!

So he stopped and went on his way in persuit of 'truth'.
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abrahma kumar

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Post05 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:I started giving the 7 day curse to a Western man once, who decided not to continue with because I was from essex and he expected to meet a wizened old Indian man!!!!!

so he stopped and went on his way in persuit of 'truth'

Mr. Green. "Talk about laugh I nearly pain my licence fee". Apologies for that response it is just a bit of gibberish but your post made me laugh so heartily that it came to mind.
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abrahma kumar

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Post05 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:And yet with Raja Yoga you are allowed to go and mess around with individuals minds at equally as deep or even deeper level. At least in traditional guru chela systems you have to stick around for years, may be 7 or more before they will allow you to go out and practise the tradition.

What were other individual's own experiences in being trained and let loose to teach Raja Yoga?

Being trained. What do you mean! in my experience being trained can take the form of the following assertion: "you have taken Baba's Gyan and you understand it so you can give the 7-day course".

Surely this is no way to do it. I know that it must have worked for the Yagya for many years but as someone said implied with great eloquence, the potential repercussions from things going belly-up are enormous.

So a point worth considering for our BKWSU would be some sort of formal development path through which 'attaining the qualification' to be a teacher of Raja Yoga would arise. Or would that slow-down the development of the Yagya? Or is it too bookish? To all readers of this post kindly note that I am not being simple-minded or stirring trouble but if we really consider what is at stake when imparting Godly knowledge then ...

Or is it that we simply have to master the awareness of being Shiv Baba's instrument and He will do everything. Thanks for raising this point primal.logic.
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Mr Green


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Post06 Jan 2007

The thing is, for the BKWSU to implement a teacher training system they would have to re-write their ethos ... which they are starting to do.

You see, in the old days you did not ask or apply to be a teacher. This would be seen as ego of the highest order. You would be asked to do modest service first to see if you were 'serviceable'. Yes, this is a real term used by Seniors to describe the stage their students have reached!

So you would get to do cleaning etc and would slowly work your way to teaching. Now the problem is BKs believe that God is working through them. Especially the more senior ones who give public talks. They truly believe that they are instruments who have surrendered their minds and intellects to the Supreme Soul and it is he who is working through them. And they expect you to believe this as well ... So the teaching qualification was based on you having a clear intellect with no man-mat or Maya in your intellect

See they are now faced with a big problem. They know they have to change the teaching system because it is open to abuse either intentional or otherwise. If you have a load of God happy, over enthusiastic individuals running around with the idea that God is getting it done through them, things are bound to go ary. And they have. But the problem is those at the top believe this about themselves more than the little guys and the little guys want to think they are as elevated as the top guys because "the final numbers have yet to be announced" or "those at the back will come to the front" type of reasoning.

So, basically, the whole system is sick and has to change but those at the top have to change first. However, this is unlikely to happen. Can you imagine Maureen announcing something like, "please don't come to Seniors for advice any more because we do not think it is safe any more to give out life changing advice on the presumption that God is working through us" !!!!!!!!!!!

I could give a list of terrible advice I was given on many matters by the Instruments.

I don't think the BKWSU is yet ready for the change that has to take place because they still believe in the Murli at such a fundamental level.
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treacher training

Post07 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Being trained. What do you mean! in my experience being trained can take the form of the following assertion: "you have taken Baba's Gyan and you understand it so you can give the 7-day course".

I heard that BKWSU teachers are instructing mothers to be detached and not touch their children physically, that there is a subtle emphasis on splitting couples apart or supporting women to leave their husbands in practical ways.

There is one thing about becoming a teacher of BK Raja Yoga meditation and knowledge ... fine. Do the 7 Days Course and then go out and teach it if you will.

But how and where are they taught to become such all encompassing experts on the whole of life, especially when the Seniors are all virgin crones that either left their children or never had sex or relationships?

    • I know that they have teacher training camps now, what goes on at them?

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