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Post23 May 2006


I am pretty sure that ; and

were PBK sites.

What happened to them? They seem to have disappeared off the internet.

Has the owner left or do they need help? One seems to be trapped by a "buy this domain " company and is up for sale at $1,088.00!

Does anyone know where the owner went?

They used to have a good dictionary.

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Post24 May 2006

Hi ex-l,

I am not sure actually but i found the same problem recently when I tried visiting those sites. Perhaps the owner who was from Poland i think forgot to renew their domain. I will pose the question in an email over to PBK HQ and see if anyone knows. 8)

Om Shanti
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Post24 May 2006


Clever how you put the URL as the topic name. It comes up as a link, but instead of going to that URL, goes back to the BK.I forum.

A kind of big, bold-faced inverted non-spam spamlink; had me confused for a few moments.

And then I got snarky. :)

I'd put a graphic smiley in, but they're all so dark that I cannot see the faces to choose. They're all just blue meanies to me. Yel-low! Yel-low! Yel-low!
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Post24 May 2006

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Post24 May 2006

John wrote:Is this the site

The pictures are the old BK classics.

The text is a little hard to read. If you look you will find that world destruction is coming in June 1967.

Will someone do the service of transcribing them? I think they should definitely be linked to factual BK-related sites.

Kudos to the PBKs for being honest about where they come from!!

<Now I am going to eat these slices of banana cream pie before the world goes up in flames.>
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Post24 May 2006

joel wrote:I'd put a graphic smiley in, but they're all so dark that I cannot see the faces to choose. They're all just blue meanies to me. Yel-low! Yel-low! Yel-low!

I agree, unless maybe they can be made a paler shade of blue.



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Post25 May 2006


In the Lakshmi Narayan picture the date for destruction is given at "within 9 years" and the picture is dated June 1967".

In The Ladder picture the date of destruction is given as "in ten years". The picture is not dated.

If anyone wants images of these pictures I can email them.

So the time of destruction was believed by the BKs to be 1976. It is said that after 1976 many lost belief in the Sakar Murli and avyakts (which gave a countdown to 1976 destruction - "three years to go....", "two years to go...." etc).. It is said that many left the BKs at that time and of those who stayed, much less attention was paid to the Murli and more to the views of the Seniors. Hence it is now possible to give instances where fundamental points of Shrimat from the sakars are ignored by BKs.

I guess this is the main gripe - BKs do not follow the Murli because they listen to Seniors and don't learn direct from the Murli. Why? - because the Murli is complicated. So who should explain? - human gurus (Seniors) or the One who spoke it. Because of attachment to Brahma Baba, even though they must realise the part of Shiva is not complete (no Golden Age has been created) the BK Seniors won't even consider if there is another Chariot of Shiva. So they try and complete the job of Shiva themselves - "we collectively are Shankar". They collectively try and usher in the Golden Age.

So much for "remember One only".

And Brahma Baba / the Krishna soul has in these senior BKs' minds replaced the one who gives the teachings that complete the Confluence Age. And every day (nearly) in the Sakar Murlis ShivBaba tells his children over and over "the biggest blunder is to make Krisna God of the Gita". But no-one (BKs) understand or it appears even wonders why ShivBaba would repeat this point so often if it releated to the Copper Age (when BKs think Krishna is erroneously made God of the Gita).

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Post25 May 2006

Jim wrote:Joel

In the Lakshmi Narayan picture the date for destruction is given at "within 9 years" and the picture is dated June 1967".

So the time of destruction was believed by the BKs to be 1976. It is said that after 1976 many lost belief in the Sakar Murli and avyakts

Dear Jim,

Based on the above, the BK belief that destruction would occur in 1976 seems understandable, and if this picture was dated 1967 I presume it was approved by Brahma Baba himself. What is the PBK view on why / how God's Chariot got it so badly wrong?



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Post25 May 2006


The pictures were obviously created at the time that Brahma Baba was the Chariot of Shiva. As I recall, the images of the pictures were "received " by Sandeshi Sisters, put on canvas by artists and then finalised by ShivBaba. Brahma was convinced that the end would come in 1976 and to convince the powers that be to take notice, he promised to give the government his fortune if 1976 came and went without "fireworks".

Being a little concerned at the prospect of the departure of these assets, Brothers set about a plan to put Brahma's wealth into a trust. They did not give it the name of the organisation but instead called it "World Renewal Trust". Furthermore the Brothers even broke the central tenet of the teachings - to put Sisters in front. One Brother, the master mind of the project, made himself a trustee. The trust was registered on 16 January 1969 and the trust deed placed before Baba on 17 January 1969.

I wonder how he felt at this betrayal? Maybe the events of the following day tell the story.

How did Brahma get it so wrong. Well I guess he did not according to drama. He played his part. However it says in the Murlis that Brahma Baba (Krishna soul) has a baby intellect. For this reason in Bhakti Krishna is shown usually as a small child.

If Mama had been alive she would have seen the meaning. But Baba Brahma did not see - he took it literally. Those who remember Brahma will become like Brahma - they won't see the un-limited meaning.

The meaning is that in 1976 one soul will destroy its vices and become free. In the beginning - 1936/7 the Father created the Mother (by giving knowledge to her (Father = The Ram soul/Sevakram/Peu - Brahma's business partner)). Baba Brahma then took on the responsibility/role of Mother and gave birth to the Yagya. He nourished and sustained it, he loved and raised the children and gave the basic lessons. But the children failed to respond to the un-limited love of Brahma and did not follow her/his instructions. So as in all families, the Father is required to straighten out disobedient children - with knowledge. He teaches the advanced lessons and distributes the inheritance.

The period of the Father started in 1976.

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Post25 May 2006

One thing that always comes to my mind is why did not Shiva straighten this point out.Why was Brahma left to think in this way for so long?



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Post26 May 2006

Om Shanti John bhia

For a drama, everyone must play different parts. ShivBaba originally spoke and now clarifies the essence that is / becomes the truth in each religion. He speaks it in such a way that each of us can understand it according to our sanskars / our true religion - and we then act accordingly.

So we all understand as we should so that we can play our part. There are no mistakes in our part - although some will call our actions inaccurate and our efforts /actions numberwise.
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Post26 May 2006


I thnk your answer is too simplistic, yet in some ways correct.

So following on from that idea, then really it cannot be known how accurate the PBK knowledge is. As PBKs act as they understand, including the Chariot.
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Post26 May 2006


When I say simplistic I mean that really you are saying 'it is drama', which is an answer, but is it the answer. Really to say 'it is drama' can be applied to anything, but does it give an answer?

I was looking for the reason why Shiva did not correct Brahma when he misunderstood things.
Is everything Shiva says true?
If everything Shiva says IS true, then do we have a situation where he speaks the truth, but it is the chariots and followers that misunderstand and add there own interpretations.
Following on from that(if correct) then how much of PBK knowledge is understood correctly and how much is interpretation?



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Post26 May 2006

John Bhai

John said
If everything Shiva says IS true, then do we have a situation where he speaks the truth, but it is the chariots and followers that misunderstand and add there own interpretations.
Following on from that(if correct) then how much of PBK knowledge is understood correctly and how much is interpretation

I'd say it's all interpretation but is it correct interpretation? Each soul will interpret what is spoken through the Chariot. As far as I can see the only test of "correct interpretation" is there will be one who can show he has attained the aim of the teachings superior to all others - he must have got the best interpretation and implimentation of knowledge (implimentation as remember Raven is also shown holding the scriptures - knowledge is not the preserve of the good guys).

At present many think they know better and give different versions or represent The Knowledge as their own. This is good - it sows the seed of the religions and the religioyus devotees.

Eventually all souls will come to know who has the best grasp of knowledge and more importantly implimentation and they will accept him as superior. He will then become known as Prajapita Brahma; the Father of the world....and unity will follow.

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Post26 May 2006


So you are saying the chariots interpret the Gyan?

So who is in charge of the information given out on the 7 day courses, BK and PBK?

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