What is sakash according to BK?

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What is sakash according to BK?

Post02 Oct 2023

Dear beloved BK Brothers

I came across a WhatsApp group of people asking Saksh for a girl who has been hospitalized. According to my understanding sakash is for people who are having difficulty in doing Purusharth and definitely not a charity. If you are giving free Sakash there are people suffering in hospitals you can visit them, like Christian missionaries. From my understanding sakash is given by souls who have the power to enter the Subtle Region and the capacity to lift up the soul temporarily. It is not a replacement for purusharth, one must do the purusharth anyway.

Correct me If I am wrong.

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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post03 Oct 2023

Not sure why you are asking this here. Most here are not BKs

In my opinion, and my experience, one person sharing a sandwich with one hungry person does more to relieve hunger than a thousand people meditating on ending world hunger.

Better than 10,000 people sending their "good wishes" after a natural disaster, which does nothing other than assuage the conscience of the meditators, is if each of the 10,000 donated $1 to a disaster relief organisation that helps rebuild houses and infrastrcuture.

Of course, if someone does both, meditated to send "sakaash" and also made a practical contribution, at least they backed up their fine mental chatter with real action and weren't just polishing their spiritual ego.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post03 Oct 2023

It's the BKs' way of thinking they are doing something, being seen to do something "good", while doing nothing ad keeping the money for themselves.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

The idea of sakash in BK ideology has been taken from traditional yogic ideology with limited understanding. I have personal experience of meeting people who could manifest reality by power of their thoughts. For instance if you have some problem, be it physical, emotional or circumstantial i.e. related to job, family life, health etc, they could provide partial or full relief to you just by the power of their word or thought (depending upon their sidhhi and how you interpret it).

One such being told me that their are many such people like that even today but they always live in ordinary way in total humility and devoted to their personal saadhna. If you would believe me, I have first hand experience of such power in my own body, for a very brief period of 6 months or so before I left it and joined the BK cult in 2010 at the age of 19 and denounced the very same 'shakti' that brought me back from the dead, and announced to my friends and family that I have found GOD in the BKs. A decision I deeply regret to this day, despite knowing that we all make mistakes and it is part of being human. A regret so deep that only death will take it away from me ...

Now, coming back to the point of sakash, it is important to note that there is a clear order of evolution of human consciousness which you cannot just bypass at your whims and fancies. So, for ordinary folk like us, first we have to do physical actions which gradually purify our heart like giving food to hungry, medicines to the sick etc and that too without expecting anything in return, except perhaps some amount of joy and happiness that we could do some good in this world (which I believe is beyond most BK-like people).

Only after our consciousness evolves, after eons of selfless service to mankind which takes many lifetimes in most cases, the nature grants us such abilities.

So most of the people who indulge in such 'sakash' like things are deluded fools who think that they are some great beings who have descended on this earth from somewhere. In Hindu shastras, such people are also classified as 'asuras' who want to claim the status of deities but without undergoing necessary spiritual evolution process.

Mind you, what I have written is about 'true' BK followers who have become rare these days (like senior Didis etc). Then, of course, there are people who are clear in their head that they are simply into money making and hoodwinking business (I have heard their are many housing societies and other such business being run by BK followers).

Unfortunately, in today's social media age, fast food spirituality has becoming a fad but if you ask me it is better to become an atheist than become a cult follower like that. But, again, we all have our individual journeys, who am I to judge? A nobody.

Hope that clarified my point.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

human being wrote:Now, coming back to the point of sakash, it is important to note that there is a clear order of evolution of human consciousness which you cannot just bypass at your whims and fancies. So, for ordinary folk like us, first we have to do physical actions which gradually purify our heart ... Only after our consciousness evolves, after eons of selfless service to mankind which takes many lifetimes in most cases, the nature grants us such abilities.

For the sake of discussion, I'll include a quote from a BK website below. I think the BKs translate sakash as "blessings" in English at least to outsiders.

I have to concur that there are people with real "gifts" on Earth, but it remains a mystery to me how they earned them. What separates Lekhraj Kirpalani from them is that he bought his powers in his late 40s, i.e. the history of how he went to an unnamed saddhu in Bengal, gave him a large amount of money, and was initiated into some kind of unnamed siddhi or power, after which he changed.

We know nothing more about it than that; not which siddhi, not which tradition, not which saddhu or guru, however, generally it is thought in spiritual circles that if you buy a gift it is a bad thing, i.e. that you are involving yourself with lower level of spirits. I have to believe some of the Seniors asked him about it, but they never spoke about it. Or perhaps they did not because even the "Seniors" that we had up until a few years ago were all young children at the time.

Within BKism, despite heavily denying it, there has been a funny sort of transference of ideas from Western New Age spirituality, back into BKism, which are then repackaged in a way to make them look BK. What worked to appeal to Westerners, then being sold back to Indians. I believe this idea of sending light or blessings is one of them and that part of it is is just about 'being seen to do something', or being made to feel like one is doing something, when in fact, one is doing nothing.

What percentage of BKs do you think can influence anyone outside of their own head?
How to Give Sakash (healing body and soul)

Yoga Sakaash (or Sakash) is given, to heal diseases, relationships, etc. Sakash can be given to the light body (angelic body). This is sending them vibrations of peace, love and power to heal their weaknesses or disease of body. This works and is also done by most of BKs (Brahma Kumari and Kumar) at many events. Whenever for example there is an earthquake of other natural calamity in anywhere around the world, then we site together at a particular big centre hall and do collection meditation (healing RajYog) to give vibrations to those souls who became a victim during calamity. Sending them energy of peace and power to tolerate does give them inner strength to overcome all their difficulties.

This method of giving sakaash was first introduced by Shiv Baba during Sakar Murli, during 1960s. Then it was known as 'giving light and might'. Now we call it Sakash. The term sakaash was given by Avyakt BapDada.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

In my opinion, most of the senior Dadis and 'accomplished BK yogis' (they are far less in number though most of them are deluded enough to believe that they are yogis) spread their ideology by this sakash thing. If you look at their initial days, this collective mass psychosis can only be explained by this. They were all wealthy, influential people living ordinary lives. Suddenly they come in contact with Lekhraj and his famous ' drishti' start having visions and god knows what.

Even today whenever they go to meet any influential person, they practice this sakash thing on him/her.

You will be amazed at the collective power of human consciousness and how when a lot of people focus on single thought, especially on influencing other persons mind, can achieve. That's a typical tantric way to operate by the way.

When I was BK, and connected to their 'GOD spirit', I often felt it channeling through my mind. My mind/intellect became more subtle, but there was always an element of cunningness in it. Like how to somehow channel everything towards working for the BK group and that entity in particular.

Another thing which I disliked about their 'Avyakt BapDada' is his complete lack of empathy towards the suffering of those who are not in his cult. That to me was an omnious sign. That spirit would use its power only to manipulate others and make them dependent on him. All the goodness and credit goes to him and all the problems are because of your bad karmas of past!

Lolz, I could do an entire podcast on why that spirit is so wrong. :D
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

To your larger question on Lekhraj's tantrik exploits, I do not speak much because there are many possibilities. Also I do not have credible info, so I do not directly accuse him of being evil from the beginning. There are many people, especially in the Bengal region of India, who have such tantrik siddhis and are totally devoid of any moral compass. So it is a possibility that someone might have sold him some sidhhi to influence other people's mind. It is also possible that he may have some delusions in his mind and someone channeled a ghost/spirit into his body and made him his own puppet.

But why their spirit wants to make more and more people believe in it is fairly obvious to me.

With regards to what their own website says about sakash, I couldn't give a rat's ass because I believe I have a far better understanding of their psychic tactics and gameplays than even their Dadis, call me arrogant if you will.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

human being wrote:Lolz, I could do an entire podcast on why that spirit is so wrong. :D

You should do, on Youtube. There's no enough properly critical material about the BKs up there.

I do, however, worry that most people have a very short attention span these day, TikTok style, so you need to make quick 30 second takeaways to introduce it too.
It is also possible that he may have some delusions in his mind and someone channeled a ghost/spirit into his body and made him his own puppet.

I tend to think something like that happened and that they are garnering power by having everyone focuses their mental energies upon them.

We know that the whole 1936, "Shivoham, Shivoham" Shiva entering his body story is a complete lie. That he thought he was God Brahma, God Krishna, God Narayan etc (there was no mention of Shiva until after 1955).

That's my big problem. In my book, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a "pure/divine" spirit would tolerate so many lies, so much manipulation. Nor associate with people who perpetrated them.
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Re: What is sakash according to BK?

Post04 Oct 2023

That's my big problem. In my book, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a "pure/divine" spirit would tolerate so many lies, so much manipulation. Nor associate with people who perpetrated them.

I am fairly certain that it's the other way round. That is, that spirit is not tolerating lies and manipulation but ordinary people are becoming liars and manipulators because of that spirit.

It's the only reason I wrote all that above. It is this aspect only which I believe is worth highlighting. There is no depth in their "spiritual knowledge". Even a child can see through the logical loopholes in their "Godly knowledge". But you see all sorts of engineers, doctors and scientists identify themselves as BKs. People try to rationalize and intellectuallise their mumbo-jumbo. It is that entity which has been influencing the collective psyche of their people since the very beginning.

I can go into some depth but the discussion will take a dark turn (search "burari murder mystery" and go through some detail if you want) and not many people understand these things or view them through this lens. Such cults and their benevolent looking cult heads have existed for a very long time.

That's why in Hinduism it is a must to worship only mainstream, accomplished deities and if you make a guru you should know which tradition he belongs to upto at least 3 generations. Same goes for Tibetan budhhism and other Sister religions.

Too many wannabe gurus, prophets are roaming around these days. Perhaps that's why this age was called the Kali yuga in first place.

Anyways enough of this nonsense. Good night from India.

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