Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post05 Jan 2022

What is the scene behind.



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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post05 Jan 2022

Shivani Verma is suffering from narcissistic disorder.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post05 Jan 2022

naval wrote:No, Shivani Verma is suffering from narcissistic disorder.

Very likely, & very typical of the BKs.

One needs to look right back to their founder & try & work out what disorders he was suffering from, & then passed on to the rest of his following establishing it as a norm; narcissism & 'off the scale' delusion of grandeur, passed on to vulnerable & impressionable young women & girls who knew nothing else of the world via a condition known as 'Folie À Plusieurs' (literally meaning, a "madness of many").

You don't have to be mad to become a BK, but it helps. If not, it will make you mad. They encourage & reward madness. The teachings & lifestyle disciplines produce & promote breakdowns. What the Seniors do is attempt to keep a balance to ensure the follower is in a state of highly functioning mental illness, that they can then exploit for free money, labor, property & other wealth.

Shivani is definitely not right in the head.
Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.

Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder centers around talk therapy (psychotherapy).

I saw many of the symptoms as described even in the personalities of the leaders like Janki Krpalani that they worshipped, adored & have since deified.

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:
    Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
    Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
    Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
    Exaggerate achievements and talents
    Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
    Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
    Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
    Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
    Take advantage of others to get what they want
    Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
    Be envious of others and believe others envy them
    Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
    Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:
    Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
    Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
    React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
    Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
    Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
    Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
    Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post06 Jan 2022

I have seen BK Shivani's doings behind the closed eyes of all knowing BKs. She is nothing but a narcissistic abuser and a psychopath. She gaslighted me & made a smear campaign behind the scenes, and took the support of others for her wrongdoings.

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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post06 Jan 2022

I forget, have you actually met her in person or is this all projection?

Have you left the BKs now? If so, it might be healthier to move on with your life now.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post02 Jan 2023

ex-I wrote:but I seriously doubt Shivani is behind them. She's just not that powerful or skilled.

Here is the series of videos uploaded by a lady in south India who seriously affected by Shivani. She is also explaining almost the same happening, which Naval has told in this thread.

It's in Hindi, but if it is understood by any one of the experts, to provide a solution for it.

This is a series of 7 videos fully explained by the victim that how she has been harassed psychically by Shivani and others.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post03 Jan 2023

I cannot understand Hindi. What is your impression of what she is saying?

I see from the comments on the videos there is another channel concerned about the BKs, e.g.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post04 Jan 2023

Lots of people are facing same issue. I am sure we will find a solution.
I cannot understand Hindi. What is your impression of what she is saying?

I see from the comments on the videos there is another channel concerned about the BKs

This channel is mine. I have asked join me suffering family to join me. The video of female is of a property case with the BK centre Agra India.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post11 Jan 2023

Arun1968 wrote:Lots of people are facing same issue. I am sure we will find a solution.

It's a big open question as to how real this particular problem is. One thing, for sure, is that it is NOT unique and exclusive to the BKs.

Yes, many active BKs and some ex-BKs report or believe that BK leaders are, in some way, psychically attacking them but it is also a fair common symptom reported by people suffering from mental illnesses, e.g. "paranoid-schizoid" spectrum, which is characterized by especially strong suspicions of others' motives, and by a sense of being persecuted.

In many case, I would put it down entirely to a latent mental illness encouraged or 'given language to' by the BKs.

By "given language to", I mean that the BKs encourage their followers to believe all sort of crazy things, i.e. that god is speaking to them personally, that their leaders or deceased founders are still alive in an afterlife and active giving instructions and guidance to, even using the physical bodies of BK followers like puppets to do their willing. If an individual has a tendency towards such mental imbalances, BKism can tip them over into abnormality, even rewarding them from doing so.

In short, it encourages followers to say and do all sorts of crazy things on the basis of a belief in that this is what is happening, e.g. they'll talking about "Baba touching the soul", "Baba using the instrument" (the BK or BK's body) in a psychic manner.

Now, some cultures believe in psychicism, spirits, channeling etc more than others - and who can say what the phenomenon is - but we can say for sure that the BKs believe it, & encourage their followers to believe they are subjected to it, e.g. Baba or the Seniors visiting them in a ghost like manner to watch, or guide them.

Your problem then with helping such individuals is to either work out what is going, or work within the framework they present, i.e. if they believe in spirits, use the language of spirits. But what I will tell you is that if the individuals is genuinely mentally ill, even if highly functional, you will have a really hard time getting them to accept it, & seek help on that basis.

Speaking personally, I think Lekhraj Kirpalani was mentally ill, albeit highly functioning, and that BKs evolved as a collective mental illness - a folie a plusieurs - and has evolved as a highly functioning, instituted mental illness to this day ... but that individuals are also subjected to psychic influences beyond their control, however we are to understand that, e.g. on the basis of individual or collective consciousness etc.

What I am absolute sure about is, however, that BK Shivani does not have the special powers that certain people project onto her. It's just similar to the state of mind fanatical followers of movie stars or musical popstars have when they believe their "star" is speaking to them personally etc. Yes, they may appear in dreams etc, due to the media exposure they have had, but at that point you are just into an ordinary level of dream or psycho analysis, e.g. parts of themselves speaking to them symbolically.

For example, BK Shivani symbolises some part of them, or some kind of woman, that they want to be or become, e.g. "spiritual", respected, powerful, liberated etc in the same way as "Mama" Om Radhe, Dadi Janki or some other Senior Sister did to previous generations of BKs. Personally, I don't think Shivani's that clever or insightful at all. For me, she's just like a parrot, or a human tape recorder, i.e. good at memorising & repeating BKism but not thinking or questioning.

What are your impressions?


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post09 Feb 2023

My case - Shivani Verma hold mass media weapons or mass shooter equipment or uses such covert technology for self pleasure and uses energy of myself (victim of Shivani Verma) to nourishing herself. So it's very late for myself that I survive like a victim purely victim of her abuse.

BK Shivani Verma use psychotic weapon or army grade weapons or misuse mass media equipment (microwave or harmful electromagnetic waves at people in very hidden manner) to control, manipulate, torture and transmit thoughts via transmitter. She gaslight, control, manipulate and sent current shock waves at my brain area from a long distance due to this i have several disease and i feel sick and ill regularly. She play a torture program at me with group of people and she do smear campaign at me. All times she control thoughts and our's create a situation of Physical Violence at my home while earlier before this it's never possible. She is threat insidious to me and sent panic attack also. I am a young girl still she show herself to charm by using my young energies or may be two ladies play sexual activities with my ora and sometime insidious in my mind. She slowly make me mentally ill and I am unable to survive now. I find and understand actually what she do after a long period of enquires that it's a psychic attack, voice to skull hypnotise and fall undue torture and covert narcissist abuse. So please help me at this and solve my matter if know about mass media transmitter attack or Mount Abu media channel transmitter used by Shivani Verma at wrong model of microwave as a transmitter and harash electronically to me. She also have any technology at gurugram with her computer and transmit my mind at computer by plugging my thought. I have no connection with Shivani Verma but 6 years ago I do few minutes meditation only during CA final and I face energy attacks and voice of Shivani Verma and now I am survive as a victim purely victim. So please help because she never disconnects her connection from my brain, mind and body but regularly hammar at the same pain again and again.

She target me and do experiments with people at me from last 6 years. It's totally ill treatment of myself which she do.

I reported this in orc but only for few period of time they disconnect her that they not invite to her because when she have program she is at 7th sky and torture more than normal days. But she is rigid and chipku lady who chase again to them and get invitation from ORC because she tried various modus operations or tact for this or she send same frequency at the program organizers so they invite her at ORC for talkings etc otherwise it is never possible. Because she use lust or kam urga or energy for her attraction while she drain my energy 32 years and have connection with several others and use energies to charm rich or luxury people or innocent Brothers so that they shy and make foolish or may be some body give direct donation to her or flowers or invite her for talkings or appreciate so these are the hidden intention of her behind her agenda of looted young ladies energies. She need to extra glow at Mount Abu because she is now 52 and still have a hunger to charm new comers and get benefited from them.

What new in my case -

Usha Verma mother of shivani verma totally in support of her daughter because her mother is poor before joining Brahmakumaris but only at Shivani Verma she could able to purchase two flats in Gurgaon. She is well benefited by her daughter while shivani verma have account balance and not spent anything. She have a proper arrangement how to deal with BK because she hammar BK's who have no awareness about her hidden technology of transmitting thoughts at tahir minds also she torture people of here in Gurgaon via Mount Abu plan. She feel happy when she panic to anybody.

But her mother Usha Verma works according to Shivani Verma and Shivani Verma instruct usha Verma that she meditate such a frequency of my mind and enter in my body and she watch my activities and when I ask why she do this she said she have exceptional experience in my body and she mitigate her boring by watching my day while she drain my food and I feel I not eat anything or she warm my stomach at night. And she inspect auras of people near by me and punish them or unnecessary inttrupt their livings while she have not correct knowledge of them.

Actually before 4 years ago i search Shivani house in Gurgaon and i really want to discuss from her about the voice I have in my head or about such attacks but she is not present at her house and her mother usha bhen only say ki vo nahi hai and I not go their again but Usha meditate at my mind frequency and change my inside or fix in my body and she use my energies but i not know from that time and now she hijack me and manipulate myself and erase the address and steal my mobile by cutting my sense or awareness. So this is matter I face. She create pain in my body. What we can do at both mother and daughter because I have no connection with mount abu and center while she regularly and I am isolate uses as protocol because the frequency of wrong or mislead msg comes affect the person at the front of me and it's a position of anything bad or disturbance and I am aware but everyone not know the reality or sometimes not believe that what I tried to say that it may possible you feel some distract thoughts due to this. So I am in isolate. She want my attention every second and grab my attention. Total 4 ladies Shivani Verma in head or lips, Usha Verma inside voice and 1 lady in my speech and one join to them for few minutes when i have something precious or knowledgeful movement or some puja or do something more spiritual etc.

It's true Neelam Sharma died due to cancer but shivani verma is behind her because she pour cancer at her. Shivani Verma mentally ill or corrupted because she do sexual Yoga only now a days and sometimes she only feel bias for her Verma community while she is aash up of Punjabi and verma not any caste bit inter caste marriage of her parents. Father is Verma and mother is Punjabi. So it's true she do black magic at Neelam Sharma from last 3 to 4 years because some ladies at her house center doing these things tantr mantr and kala jadu vidya.

Also it's most prime suspected because she have connection with me and she uses myself as medium ship although it's a corecive control at me but it's a fact and 100 percent true that Mr. Rawat aeroplane is hijjacked by any group from mount abu because Mr Rawat a discipline officer and her wife connecting with them but.they not donate big amount to ashram people and because both goes in helicopter with army people for army seminar and due to jelousy they hijjack and murder them. Also her wife is social worker and social worker so her work but not to donate anything so it's a reason of such tragedy.

Shukla's mother life with BK after death of shukla these death are mysterious because of money or properties directly hold by single people may be like that.

Also i find one family experience that one aunty goes around 25 years to brahmakumaris and she have a strong feelings that she want a near and clean house in her life and her husband build such a house after doing hardwork . It's a two story building house she shifted and she every day goes to center but aunty not donate such a amount to them as her wishes is fullfilled while the center she goes now a very dirty place for her because she have a clean house and BK's iritate or doing such a magic in her ora or doing such a things because of jelousy that she only murdered. Story rent person killed her wife and 3 year child with sharp knife into pieces and aunty goes at stairs what happen and the person also murdered aunty with sharp killing tools and drop that house. While if she not go at centr she never killed and she never desire of such clean house and because of jealousy of BK and black magic or sense cutting things only drop a serious mark. So beware from BK and even not go there. Royal standards of BK without earning any money how full fill to murder people but it's only create jealous of revenge etc between BK. Nice thing, poor people prepare or sent money and seva and samagri VIPs infrastructure builder and middle man murder by devotees so what is this very bad thing of our nation and society.

And I see Admin of this forum is bias at BK Shivani Verma and say these are projection of mind etc and may be think true to Shivani Verma but it's a hidden face of Shivani Verma and people seeing her simplicity but I face my experience like that and even i not aware anything wrong in the spirituality but I know later when I face coercive control or Shivani verma and watch my life from 5 years. And even it is never possible in our livings such a things happen. It's very pain ful and sorrow because she deliberately doing these things. So question arises why and how anybody can control any person life, acts, mind and body. And also she said she have a right at me to control or manuplate. But it serious and nobody have such a powerful mind to panic 24 hours but he have a framed technology and personal transmitter through which she sent waves and voice embedded hypnotise and erase sorrow or memory blank. I accumulate knowledge for passing any examination and she drain my accumulated brain neurons by attacking at night in few minutes like a monster. She harash my sleep and i have sleep disorders. So please found how I can block her or block such beam waves sending by her. She create a holl in my skull and I feel it's directly in my intelligence. Search anything for this that how we can block such signals and save myself. You all try to search such a technology for me to block signals. Or anybody in Mount Abu say to them to check their mass transmitter and instruct their nobody can torture any body like this. So please help ???????

It is not necessary to take pleasure while to panic any one or use wrong setup of meditation to feel extraordinary because meditation via setup is not necessary it's free for everyone and people can meditate according their needs but without setup. Because they have setup or if anybody thing how it's easy for me then they meditate even at frequencies of others mind so they early have their self realisation because Shivani do this she take money from people she share idea to them early self realisation and she suggest them to meditate such a frequencies which she capture because i she think my mind power goes high to supreme power. So if people directly do meditation at the frequency then they have self realisation and foolish person or people even crazy to doing such a thing but give a such big amount to Shivani. And Shivani said in my ora that she panic the persons who do this once only they accept or grab total deal money from them. And she revenge and empath to me like that. So pls write what i do because i have power to preach but i not want to preach because i prepare for any govt officer job. And may be i started early to preach people. So write an idea how i block signals or stop her. And because i totally disagree with Brahma kumaries or agree with them. Or give idea what if I open a centr of BK at my house. Because Shivani do same i never accept such a place where she trained people it's a very dirty cheep flat in gurgaon. I have to work 3 years but have a place better then Shivani so it's easy to open a centr or pathsala directly. Because Shivani koi tata birla nahi hai vo ek pagal narcassist hai or i need to study in my life because it's a CA final exam I cannot write after my self realisation because numerical paper but i am able to preach but i need study I want a good govt job and i do hard work for this. So pls stop to Shivani and suggest me what i do. She deliberately doing at me so it's highly painful and sorrow.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post11 Feb 2023


Why do you think is Shivani focused on you rather than other more influential people?

Please reply clearly, and in brief, if you don't mind.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post11 Feb 2023

Likewise, the case of Naval.

I had a cases whom I talked and they complained more or less the same issue though not so much in detail as that of Naval.

1 lady, a housewife told that she got some type of scenes (not dream), in her day to day activity. She said Brahma Baba speaks to her through others body, also Mama speak. She said, she noticed unknown foot prints in her room (got photo of this) and when she told to centre in-charge, she said that Brahma Baba coming to her room. She was very fearful and got some anxiety and panic attacks which started affecting her relation with lokik family members.

The then got medical treatment for 6 months to get away from these nightmares. Even now, sometimes she get fearful and fill with severe guilt of leaving God.

P.S - I discussed the matter with one of the senior BK Teacher. She simply said this is the end of the Kalpa and many cases with arise in near future. This happens because souls are settling away the karmic accounts and its speed will increase in coming days. All what is required is Baba's remembrance.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post11 Feb 2023

Actually, the thing is, Brother, that I got self realization unknowingly without going to any center with very little meditation and Shivani says in the ashram that if she gets this done without spending any money then what are all those mad people who give money to centers. Yes, and the truth is that I had no idea that the people of this meditation business are so mad and gradually I understood everything and she also says that due to my self realization the set up of her ashram meditation had stopped, so she is controlling me and apart from that set up, she is making people meditate on the frequency of my mind for the last 5 to 6 years and because there were no such people in my contact and no action was taken on that from my side. If she could not, then she has got unmistakable success in establishing illegitimate control over me. Initially she had many people with her and later she is harassing me by her mother by making her family and people around me allies. And you understand I am very clear because if something is hit again and again it becomes very clear so my brain part is suffering badly air is sounding in whole head and shivani verma means live conversation And her mother makes fun of me inside me and forcibly wants to stay inside me and then Shivani Verma means she is busy so she looks at my energies once or twice a day and she has taken help of another person in this. Actually Shivani Verma has technology under control while her mother has beej mantra under her control and there is another lady she has all god's armor umder her control and another one has Bahgwan's worship under her control. She is doing like this. She says that she has been trained to achieve success by doing all these things slowly, while I was not aware of my safety because I had done meditation for concentration in my studies and she is telling me even superconscious, while something like this And that's why she makes people meditate by focusing on me, while she herself enters my body for her own entertainment.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post11 Feb 2023

I don't think you answered Pink's question.
Pink Panther wrote:Naval,

Why do you think is Shivani focused on you rather than other more influential people?

Please reply clearly, and in brief, if you don't mind.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post12 Feb 2023

In Australia, UK, and many other nations there are strict rules about what can be done and shown on TV.

Example 1. - pPrograms that have scenes with flashing lights or strobes are required to have a warning that it may affect some viewers, those with neurological conditions that mean they are prone to seizures.

Example 2. - In Australia, some indigenous nations have a custom that they do not discuss or keep images of those who have died. If a program or news story is going to do that, they warn the viewers. If the story is about a recently deceased socially significant indigenous peron who died, they will seek permission of the family before showing the image.

Example 3 - Fictional programs avoid using any phone numbers, email addresses or web addresses that are actually real because audience members often will then ring or try to contact them and this can lead to legal action around harassment or defamation etc. And the most relevant example here is:

Example 4: - You are not allowed to have actual hypnotism take place "to camera", i.e. you cannot have the hypnotist look to camera as if its a person. You also cannot have "therapy" sessions or financial advice on screen, and in any shows that do have it in some way, they will have a disclaimer that it is not meant as suitable for everyone, that it is not to be taken as professional advice and that any person needing similar advice or help should seek their own direct professional help for their own specific situation.

These rules exist because it has been known for a long time that too many people are susceptible to "suggestion".

Indeed, there are many very ordinary, sensible people who will confuse the roles actors play with the actual person, or think that the musician whose songs affect them means they have some kind of direct relationship with them. They project their deeper need onto the actors and performers, because emotional and psychological needs shape our logic and reasoning, our actions and beliefs.

The BK meditation and dristi techniques, the advice and talks they give, never have any of these warnings or riders. As far as BKs are concerned, they can say and do no wrong, one size fits all, and if any harm comes to anyone from BKisms, its bc they are weak souls, not "chosen ones", Silver Aged, their karma etc etc.

Naval, stop watching or listening to Shivani, avoid the BKs and anything to do with them, don't even discuss BKs with others. If I comes up, say - Sorry, I want nothing to do with them.

Substitute the BK junk food with more nourishing mental food.

Maybe you need to avoid everything BK the way a person with epilepsy avoids strobes and flashing lights.

It's your choice Naval.

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