Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed form

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Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed form

Post15 Nov 2022

The Devadasi system was abolished on 9 October 1947, through the Madras Devadasi Act. The law gave Devadasis the legal right to marry. It also made it illegal to dedicate girls to Indian temples. In the year of Indian independence, the Madras Devadasi (Prevention of Dedication) Act outlawed dedication in the southern Madras Presidency.

The Devadasi system was formally outlawed in all of India in 1988, the Brahmakumaris are up to establish more or less the same rituals in its so called "royal" and "divine" forms.

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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post15 Nov 2022

You make a good point I was not aware of.

What do you think the attraction for the young women, or girls, is?

Is it to escape arranged marriages? Are they forced into it by their mothers? Is life as a BK Sister more attactive to them?

And what happens to them, are they basically used as full-time house servants after they are marriaged off to the BK god?


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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post16 Nov 2022

Is it to escape arranged marriages? Are they forced into it by their mothers? Is life as a BK Sister more attactive to them?

Yes, the arranged marriages in India bring so much family responsibilities. Now in Modern world, women also expected to do job and earn money for the family. Then the Husband-wife relationships are also breaking very often. Divorce rate is also very high in India. Just to escape all this, may be the girls (mostly from low to middle income family) opting for this lifestyle which brings love and respect for them. Also, the feeling of serving the GOD and thus humanity making them to live in the centres.
And what happens to them, are they basically used as full-time house servants after they are married off to the BK god?

100% involvement in all types of activities in the centre. Right from cleaning the centres, taking Murli class, food preparation, marketing in the public by various methods to attract new people. Every thing she has to do under the strict supervision of the Senior Sister.


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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post16 Nov 2022

And they call the sincere yogis, the honest sevadharis who leave the organisation after seeing all this, the "weak bricks", the surprisingly "running away souls". When the ship loses its course, then getting away from the ship is not a betrayal.
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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post16 Nov 2022

What was going on?

Are the two young women in gold surrendering themselves to the cult? Are they supposed to be brides, or is that a bridal procession?

The radio control kid's car with the wobbly Shiva lingum around on top around 22 mins was too funny. They clearly have too much money, and not enough sense.


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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post17 Nov 2022

Are the two young women in gold surrendering themselves to the cult? Are they supposed to be brides, or is that a bridal procession?

Yes. They trying to convey the message that groom Shiva has come to take the brides with him.


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Re: Is Devdasi System coming back in India with the changed

Post19 Nov 2022

Anyone with a family or friend suffering due to the Brahma Kumaris cult can contact me & we will start movment in India.

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