Murli points on Destruction

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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post20 May 2022

Baba's prediction is coming close

If the prediction is right then by this time you (sincere BKs) should be in the divine womb with upcoming deity body. And we, the shudras, should be in Paramdham in soul form.

We are very much beyond the years predicted by Baba!!!


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post02 Nov 2022

BK Suraj again predicting the end of the world and mahavinash in 2036. He knows very well that his sayings and predictions are failed many times before. Still he is not ashamed of misguiding thousands of youths because of his **** predictions. When will he realize that?
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post02 Nov 2022

Thanks for the post. I guess it's just how he earns his living. Lying with sincerity. I cannot speak Hindi, does he make any new claims?

How do they believe Heaven/Sat Yuga is going to be created now? Will it be in an instant, or will there be ANOTHER 100 year Confluence Age AFTER 2036?



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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post03 Nov 2022

Now the claim is in 2036 the arrival of deities will start. Then they will grow-up after that the Sat yuga (Diety kingdom) of Laxmi-Narayan will begin. 100 years is of Sangam Yuga. After 100 years Brahma Baba will go home (Paramdham) along with Shiv-Baba. Then Brahma-Baba will born as Krishna and thus the arrival of deity will start. Then they will grow up, Suraj Bhai don't know they will handle the Sat yuga seat at the age of 25 or a little bit later. This only time will tell.

Shri Krishna will not born in kali yuga but yes, a little bit Sangam Yug will be there. Few Non-BK will also be there.

Kali yug will almost end. When Krishna will born there will be little bit disturbance everywhere. After Krishna's birth all disturbance will disappear.


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post03 Nov 2022

He also claims that major catastrophes will start in 2026 and go until 2032. Then things will start to settle down until 2036. Then BB will come back for a walk on part to set the stage for the deities and leave. He will then come back as Krishna and take the throne around age 25.

In the final video was a question about whether Mt Abu would survive this and Suraj basically came up with something like "it will sink into the ground peacefully".

When asked about the billions of people that will perish, he said post corona, there has been an epidemic of mental health crises, so the Destruction has already started. The coming nuclear war is just the capstone. In his mind, the process has already started.

This is not the first time I have seen BKs get excited at the prospect of wide spread death and Destruction. Trump and Kim Jong was another time that I noticed quite a few BK get pretty happy about impending world wars. There was some dude from Australia who was visiting. He basically asked the BK in the audience to meditate and give Trump the strength to do what needed to be done.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post04 Nov 2022

The first Christians thought Jesus would return in their own lifetimes. He, a descendant of the great King David who slew the giant Goliath, would overthrow the Roman conquerors and restore a new Jerusalem as the capital of a redeemed Jewish Kingdom. Never happened. The time frame kept getting pushed out with new explanations and theology developed.

After a hundred years, then another two hundred, it became obvious that Jesus ain't coming any time soon. By this time, the Roman Empire had officially become Christian and this meant the prophecy was about to be fulfilled. Lots of evidence for it if you looked. But the empire then split into two - the Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox - empires. The prophecy then became about how reuniting the world (the empire) under one glorious holy empire would invoke the second coming of Christ.

European history until around 1000 CE revolved around the idea of One King to Rule Them All (all nations of Europe), who'd re-create the Holy Roman Empire after which Jesus would come. We had competing popes, holy wars, Crusades ... the Protestant Reformation changed that paradigm but any catastrophe was a sign that the end was nigh.

Now, in the BK version of the monomyth, we have a simple jewel merchant from Karachi and Calcutta who is related (by reincarnation not genetics) to Krishna and Narayan, and would be the vehicle by which the Ring can be returned to Mordor ... sorry, wrong story ... the vehicle by which the corrupt rulers of the world, and especially the Congress Party of India, will be overthrown and holy mother Bharat would be restored as a divine kingdom in which her children can frolic and play free of care.

As the BK prophecies fail, and the timeline gets pushed further along, well-documented on this website over many years by ex-l, the faithful grasp at new straws and employ their well-practiced magical thinking that denies previous "absolute truths" were ever absolute, and defies even BK logic and its previously divinely revealed mathematics. (I wonder how Suraj, who made his name in the BKs as a "scientific thinker", explains the Murli "numerology" now?).

My point is this. History shows that there have always been people who will believe such stories and will grasp at any interpretation and selective events to confirm their beliefs.

What I find interesting about these last speculations from Suraj, is that the old apocalyptic paradigm is alive and well in India while, so I am told, in the West they have dropped the language and narrative around "Destruction" completely.

In the West, they are now effectively greenwashing Vinash (using the language of environmentalism to cover up their failures) by using language like "transformation" and "transitioning"; heralding the "clean energy revolution" as proof of the development of "Golden Age technologies" - which in Murlis past, before being revised for the umpteenth time, was said to be nuclear powered).

You can say anything and have it believed if you believe it yourself!

There is, as I understand from Western BKism now, still a "golden dawn" ahead, but getting there will now be relatively untraumatic (compared to the fire and brimstone rivers of blood and nuclear armageddon of past narratives). There's now no need for a nuclear holocaust apparently (someone tell Suraj). Maybe the old BKs, possibly traumatised by decades of expecting a nuclear armageddon at any moment, find this new view to be one they can happily accommodate without question given that it's much easier to live with?

It's a gradual evolution now, based on personal well-being found in BK lifestyle and morals, and donating to the yugya (of course) that brings on a new kind of New Age (that still accepts that for those lucky chosen well-deserving few to rule the world and live long & prosper, 99% of the population must somehow cease being around.

Here comes another asteroid - that'll explain it!
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post04 Nov 2022

Arun1968 wrote:100 years is of sangam yug. After 100 years Brahma Baba will go home (Paramdham) along with Shiv-Baba. Then Brahma Baba will born as Krishna and thus the arrival of deity will start.

100 years from when?

The supposed entrance of Shiva, which could be anything from 1932 to 1956? Is it a rough average of 1936 for the "official entrance" even though there was no mention of Shiva in the religion until 1956?
EricCartman wrote:Then BB will come back for a walk on part to set the stage for the deities and leave. He will then come back as Krishna and take the throne around age 25.

What form will he come back in, via a new trance messenger or as a 'new-old fashioned' human being?

Yes, it's all made up nonsense yet again.

I suppose if it fails again, they'll be able to re-write yet again for 1969 ...

It's truly despicable and shameful. There are no other words for it. It contradicts what they have said in the past ... but, sure, still works to serve the confident trick with "Destruction", just around the corner yet again. 2026. It's like they know 2 to 3 is close enough to frighten people, but far enough away for them to forget, so they can change it again.

It's just what they did in the 1980s, the 70s, the 60s, the 50s, the 40s. It's just what they do. It is Brahma Kumarism.


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post12 Nov 2022

It's just what they did in the 1980s, the 70s, the 60s, the 50s, the 40s. It's just what they do. It is Brahma Kumarism.

Why not the law simply arrest them and put behind the bars. Spreading such things for decades is a heavy crime
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post12 Nov 2022

I don't know Indian law but I'd guess it fall under "undue influence" which is a kind of fraud but a civil offence, not a criminal one.

There is also such a thing as "undue influence by spiritual injury", e.g. religiously instilled fear (section 115 of the Representation of the People Act 1983). Indian law tends to follow English law quite closely. Undue Influence within religious cases have a long legal history, and I suspect India must have its own examples.

But I don't know if it is a crime, rather than just a civil offence. Crime = police, civil = individuals going to court.

Short answer is, it will probably take a group action of many ex-BKs claiming personal and financial losses due to their dishonesty and manipulation. The problem we have had in the past, is trying to get ex-BKs together to do something. Most just want nothing to do with the BKs at all after they leave. Secondly, that whereas the BKs are highly centralised, we are all scattered over the world. And before the internet, we were not able to communicate with each other.

I think it will have to happen in India where there are far more ex-BKs and families that have been damaged by them. And people who won't easily be bought off by the BKs (which has also happened in the past).

If such a group is created, we have the materials to prove the case.

See also; How Should Religious Fraud and Religious Undue Influence be Regulated by the Courts?


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post19 Nov 2022

Yes, we can start movment from India. I am ready and started on social media, if anyone is interested please contact me.

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