Hypnosis and the BKWSU

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Hypnosis and Raja Yoga

Post20 Aug 2006

From : DeltaFlow refering a book called "God & Science" by Dr. Richard L. Thompson Ph.D. in mathematics specializing in probability theory and statistical mechanics. [Dr. Thompson has done scientific research in quantum physics, mathematical biology, and remote sensing. He has extensively investigated ancient Indian astronomy, cosmology, and spirituality.]; God & Science
In 1920 Professor Leonid Vasiliev of the University of Leningrad, Russia performed an experiment where he would monitor a subject in a darkened room, detecting when she would fall asleep. A psychic would then be directed to a special lead-lined room some distance away. There the psychic would find a sealed envelope with instructions written by a neutral third party to either:

Remain in the room and issue a command to the subject to fall asleep
Exit the room and issue the same command
Exit the room and issue no command

The resultant average time it took the subject to fall asleep were:


The experiment suggests that telepathic influences are very real ...

Anyone have any other leads? The similarity between hypnosis and BK Raja Yoga techniques have been hinted at before on these forums.
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Post22 Aug 2006

First time I read a book on self-hypnosis i nearly fell off the chair. It is all exactly what we used to do. I think every BK and ex-BK should read a book on self hypnosis.
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Post21 Sep 2006

In reading Adi Dev book by Jagdish, it talks a bit about trance messengers and how things like names were revealed through trance messengers. i.e. I believe it says Dada Lekhraj got the name/title Brahma through a trance messenger.

One thing that comes to mind is, is trance messenging a solitary experience or can it be a group one. In trance explainations, it tells of Brahma meeting a gathering of children. Is this literally a group of BKs going into trance together or one BK having a trance vision and included in that other BKs are seemingly there, who are not in trance?

If a group of BKs in trance all come back with the same account of events, it could be a plausible confirmation of the phenomenon i.e. travelling to the Subtle Regions.
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Re: hypnosis

Post01 Jan 2007

eromain wrote:first time I read a book on self-hypnosis I nearly fell off the chair. it is all exactly what we used to do. I think every BK and ex-BK should read a book on self hypnosis.

Just doing some research into the similarity. One question to ask is, "how are the closely related hypnotic effects filtered out of BK Raja Yoga practise? See,

Hypnotic Induction Techniques for Direct Gaze Method.
This process is the Direct Gaze Induction Technique. This is the most powerful technique of all, and also the most difficult to use because you have to express perfect confidence. If you have any doubt, hesitation, or fear, it will show in your eyes; the subject will read it and it will inhibit their response ... you say to them, "All right, I want you to fix your eyes right here." Take the index finger of your right hand and bring it up under your right eye. If they're seated, or lying down on their back, say exactly the same thing.

When you're looking the subject in the eye, it is important for you not to blink. Narrow your eyes slightly, enough to keep your eyeballs from drying out. Time your counting in response to what you see happening in the subject's eyes. If you don't see any response, stretch out the suggestions ... Now I want you to look right here. Don't take your eyes from mine.
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Re: hypnosis

Post03 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Just doing some research into the similarity. One question to ask is, "how are the closely related hypnotic effects filtered out of BK Raja Yoga practise?"

This is a more academic/professional introductory lecture about how hypnosis works. Apparently, telling individuals how it works makes the effects deeper. Something we also did as Raja Yoga teachers.

One interesting thing is he says that the conscious mind, the point of focus, can only hold approximatly 7 to 9 bits of information. That goes along with the hypothesis I am exploring that "Gyan", or BK Knowledge, is actually just a way of plugging up those ... say ... 7 to 9 bits of information. Perhaps plugging the handful of deepest questions/bits of information we need to make critical decisions about our lives but not teaching or allowing to use our critical factors to develop. Links: There are many amazing hypnosis videos on Youtube. I would ask people to look at some of them and serious as where if it is possible to create such strong effects, is it not possible or unlikely we are also being impressed upon?

I am not say that what is taught or experienced in Raja Yoga is not also true, but how do the BKWSU filter out any hypnotic similarities?
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Post03 Jan 2007

Where has hypnotism come from, anyone know? What is the history and place of origin?

Has anyone on here ever actually been hypnotised and would have first hand experience?
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hypnotised me!

Post03 Jan 2007

John wrote:Has anyone on here ever actually been hypnotised and would have first hand experience?

Yes, I have. I have also done a lot of self-hypnosis. It can be very similar to Raja Yoga, both in method and in its effects. One self hypnosis CD I have even tells you to "Relax and gaze at a dot on the wall (real or imaginary)". My experience is that drishti is also like hypnosis.

I do not think hypnosis is necessarily bad. It can help with insomnia or to give up smoking. I would say that in modern terminology most BK practice is in fact a form of hypnosis. This is the man I went to;He was a traffic policeman until he witnessed the aftermath of a horrific accident and had to retire because of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So he has been through his own problems and learned how to use hypnosis as a therapy through his own healing. He is a good man and was a good friend to me before he left this area of Scotland to move further south. If you look at his website you will see how hypnosis and especially N.L.P. work to help one's state of mind without religious BS. (N.L.P. Neuro-Linguistic-Programming. Look it up, do a Google, it is worth it. It makes hypnosis look like a kiddies game).
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Post03 Jan 2007

Hi Proy.

Would you say the treatment lasted/was permanent or do the symptoms eventually come back, i.e. would a smoker eventually start again? Have you ever been hypnotically regressed?

Do you think the stage/tv hypnotists are real or is it all a set up? I am wondering whether hypnosis originated from India.
eromain wrote:First time I read a book on self-hypnosis I nearly fell off the chair. It is all exactly what we used to do. I think every BK and ex-BK should read a book on self hypnosis.

For me it was the opposite, I knew of/read about hypnotic ideas/techniques and positive thinking before I came across Raja Yoga of the BKs. It was only using the ideas of BKs that I could actually get anything out of it. Maybe it was also a matter of faith i.e. having strong faith in an idea helps you see it through with persistance.
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lasting effect

Post03 Jan 2007

Hi John.
John wrote:Would you say the treatment lasted/was permanent or do the symptoms eventually come back .i.e. would a smoker eventually start again.

In my experience the effect is lasting with occasional regressions to former habits. John Lawrence's approach is that after a number of sessions the effect is permanent, and so far this has been the case (one year since treatment for insomnia).
Have you ever been hypnotically regressed?

No, but I have had spontaneous past-life regressions, if that is what you mean by regression.
Do you think the stage/tv hypnotists are real or is it all a set up

I know that the use of stooges is very common in all forms of conjuring and hypnosis for entertainment - but I think some of it is real. Paul McKenna I think is real. Uri Geller I think is a fake.
I am wondering whether hypnosis originated from India.

I used to wonder if everything originated in India, but I may be still hypnotised by my BK days!
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Post04 Jan 2007

From; self-hypnosis.org.
A planned hypnotic state of concentrated attention may be induced in different ways.

Some use fixing the gaze on a single spot, a fascinating hypnotic object, or a candle flame. Sounds, or music have been used to induce hypnosis. Even persistent pressure applied to a single part of the body has been used to induce hypnosis.

The modern method of hypnosis, preferred by many professionals, is the use of descriptive imagery to bring about a powerful concentration on the inner senses.
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Re: hypnosis

Post04 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Even persistent pressure applied to a single part of the body has been used to induce hypnosis.

This is one of the methods used in N.L.P. They call it anchoring.
john wrote:Yes. I was witness to a past life regression session. Where basically the hypnotised person was a soldier who died by drowning (in his past life). He told how peaceful it was after he'd got past the initial drowning bit. It seemed all for real, but you never know if he was a stooge.

I am convinced that my own experiences were real.
my interest in India was way before I became a BK

Without going too far off the topic of hypnosis, these past life experiences (mine and others)have convinced me that most BKs are reincarnated Indians, and that most Ex-BKs are reincarnated BKs. The ex-BKs remember, either consciously or unconsciously, what the original Yagya was like, and are repelled by the disgrace it has now become. Many, like you John as far as I can see from your posts, want to continue being BKs but want out of the BKWSU. Others, like myself, have a tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater quite gladly.
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An application of hypnotic techniques to dating

Post05 Jan 2007

Tho written from a man's perspective, women could use the same techniques. Those familiar with the BK methods (however one judges their motivations and values) will likely see some parallels.

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Re: hypnosis

Post05 Jan 2007

proy wrote:Without going too far off the topic of hypnosis, these past life experiences (mine and others)have convinced me that most BKs are reincarnated Indians, and that most Ex-BKs are reincarnated BKs. The ex-BKs remember, either consciously or unconsciously, what the original Yagya was like, and are repelled by the disgrace it has now become. Many, like you John as far as I can see from your posts, want to continue being BKs but want out of the BKWSU.

Om Shanti,

I have heard many saying that usually Kumars and Kumari's ie unmarried souls tend to be BK's in their previous birth. But there cannot be a rational proof to the statement.

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Use of Hypnosis

Post05 Jan 2007

Use of Hypnosis

This is how I think it works. The meditation techniques used by the BKs are a form of hypnosis, in fact, several forms of hypnosis combined; gazing at a point, drishti, guided imagery, music, being among them. There is nothing wrong with hypnosis in itself, it can be used to improve life by giving up addictions or overcoming problems. It can be used to gain peace of mind as advertised by the BKs, but a hypnotherapist would more likely call this stress relief or relaxation techniques. You will notice that many of the BK-Lite programmes will use this type of neutral terminology. All fine and dandy, but this is not the BKs real agenda.

They are using the hypnosis to link people up with two very real, and not necessarily benign, astral entities known as BB and S\B. Personally I believe BB is past his sell by date and S\B is not God but merely the planetary logos. Even if you believe these entities are benign, do you really want to surrender your free will to them? Well, when I was a BK that is what I did, willingly, I do not blame anyone. I knew the agenda because I had done a lot of work in the Western Tradition already. Most people are just pulled in bit by bit. Actually it is my observation that even most of the Seniors and Dadis do not actually understand what they are doing. One exception to this would be Sudesh.

Once a person is linked to the entities it is permanent unless they are able to reverse the process. This will usually require the help of a gifted hypnotherapist who knows what the BKs are and how they work, as my man John Lawrence does, or the help of a real psychic counsellor. There are few hypnotherapists in this category, and many psychics are fakes and charlatans, or they do not know what they are doing and will get people into worse problems than they are in already. So beware. Also note that I am talking about DE-programming from a brainwashing experience here, not RE-programming. Do not end up like this poor soul

http://www.reachouttrust.org/articles/t ... maanon.htm

Who has just exchanged one entity for another. I say the entities are malign because they tell the people they possess through surrender to stop touching other human beings. If a child is not touched it will go into trauma, even die. If adults get a phobia about touch they will, at best, suffer neurosis. My main point here is that this forum is a valuable, even essential, stepping stone towards becoming a real ex-BK, no more. You will not regain your freedom just by talking or reading or writing, or just with the support of friends. Look again at Howiemac's last message to us before he got his full freedom. You will see he went to a psychic to be freed of his possession by S\B. Now, like all people who are well and healthy again, he does not need us and has said his goodbye. This forum was his stepping stone to freedom in the full sense, not just freedom from the BKWSU but freedom from BB and S\B. My experience has been much the same. I am seeing a psychic counsellor every day now. I realise what happened to me and I know I need the stepping stone of this forum so I do not get my feet wet. I also want to pay back the help I have been given by the support you all have so kindly helped me with.
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Post18 Apr 2007

yudhishtira wrote:It is tough for me to read when so many think that it is not my Shiv Baba speaking, and think that they are being hypnotised, when I personally don't believe that. But I feel it's important for those who identify with being BKs to be heard and seen here.

From the BK only thread quoted above... as a supporter of the BK hypnosis hypothesis, I wanted to say that I, personally, do not believe it is a question of "either Shiva or hypnosis". I think it is more of a question of Shiva AND hypnosis. That is to say that a large part of the practice is not just identical to hypnosis but it actually is hypnosis.

That does not mean that a Shiva, or other souls, have no place in the mechanisms being used. Hypnotic suggestion/susceptibility appears to be hard-coded into the human soul, that this is not openly discussed within the BKWSU suggest to me that it is too contentiously close to the truth. I think this is more true, the more 'New Age' the BK guided meditations become, e.g. Mike George going, "create a point of consciousness in the middle of the forehead" instead of "be" or "experience yourself" as a point of conscious and some of the phantasmagorical imaginings of other Sisters.

As to when and whether it is Shiva ... that is another question.
    For sure Lekhraj Kripalani is in there contributing in both Sakar and Avyakt Murlis.
    Without a doubt, the who-ever-it-is that was being channelled by Lekhraj ALSO appeared in other mediums before Gulzar.
    It also states in the Murlis that he/she/it/they also use junior individual BKs when it feels like it or needs to.
So, all in all, that opens up a wide variety of influences, including that he is putting in appearances elsewhere. There is also the whole Lekhraj Kirpalani/Avyakt Brahma split; his "higher self" ... for a long time debate raged over whether there was "someone else up there" separate from the someone down here, ditto of Vishnu and Shankar. Some may still believe that.

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