Who will care for you when you become old or terminal ill?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Who do you think will be your primary carer, when you become old or terminal ill?

My physical family
Other BKs
The State or Government of your country
It wont happen because Destruction will happen and Baba is protecting me
Its OK, I have a private pension plan
I will die alone
Total votes : 46

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Re: Who will care for you when you become old or terminal il

Post23 Apr 2016

Sorry 99agr99 ... you did not put the starting comment as quotes so i thought it came from you, please don´t mind.

On the other hand, BKs in fact look for emotionally and psychologically weaker persons, and ones already challenged by life, but with good sized pockets and start spreading their spiritual traps.
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Re: Thanks

Post23 Apr 2016

99agr99 wrote:I just wanted to question BK logic of different ranks in Satyug.

It's a fair question then.

I'd say the simple answer is the idea appealed to the mentality of materialistic 'social climber', Lekhraj Kirpalani, and the original Sindi Om Mandli followers ... and it continues to work for many Indians who are imbued with images of Krishna and Vaikuntha whilst surrounded by oppressive poverty. I think LKs world view was more informed by early Bollywood depictions than accurate psychic visions.

As long ago as the 1980s, many Western BKs had a dissident view of heaven on earth that was far more divine, natural and eglitarian, but they were never official adopted. I guess the old Sindis were just far more into their class/caste world view ... one in which some people are destined to be more happy and contented and materially wealthy than others.

From memory, the status of a cremator was reserved for those BK who had sex ... or the "pyre of lust" as it is called ... in this life and so perhaps it really just has a metaphorical value?

I am not a believer in the BKs' future. In my opinion, their "Golden Age" full of grand palaces, formal gardens, courts and flying machines is in the here and now.


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Re: Who will care for you when you become old or terminal il

Post28 Apr 2022

Dear Brahmins and non Brahmins

Om Shanti

There is no guarantee your family will take care of you when you have no money, if you have too much money they can fight each other for money too. It's totally your karma or your luck to your experience.

Number one is to eat healthy like vegetarian meals and herbal antioxidants and do exercise and meditation regularly to control your emotions. Then you will age graciously and do not worry about death. Baba never promises he will take care of you when you get older. And only one in a billion self-transform and the rest of them will pay the price for a karmic account. Why do you worry about death accept reality and live cautiously do some savings but not too much?

Poor people live here too. Raja Yoga does not promise you healing the body, it promises you healing the soul. so you must learn to live with disease and suffering. Baba did not talk like Jesus and promised miraculous healing.
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Re: Who will care for you when you become old or terminal il

Post03 May 2022

jayadeepan wrote:Baba never promises he will take care of you when you get older ... Raja Yoga does not promise you healing the body, it promises you healing the soul. so you must learn to live with disease and suffering.

It's not the advice the BKs give. Perhaps they have changed but up to my time it was "grind your bones in service", give up sleep, & hand over all your money & property to the Yagya. I knew of Indian Brothers who handed over 100% of their salary, & then got pocket money back from the centre.

In the USA, under Hansa Raval, they were arranging bogus visa to get Indian BKs over to earn money working in IT. It may still be going on.

What did you see happening with the elderly or infirm in India? Are you still in contact with either the BKs or PBKs?


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Re: Who will care for you when you become old or terminal il

Post29 Jul 2022

That is a meaningless question, some fools invested their life long earning and surrendered, for those fools it is true. But in the real world, we do not know when the American housing buble crises happens, we do not know when dollar collapses. We do not know if America will fight for Taiwan when China invades. So these kinds of questions are useless.

We are trusting nationalised banks. Today's news in Kerala (Kerala is ruled by the Communist Party and opposition is the Congress Party and Muslim League). All these parties have their own banks and people invested billions after working like a donkey in Gulf countries. Now they are saying we do not know what happened to the money.

I can accuse Brahma Kumari as a spiritual leader of such Ponzi scam and the world is a replica of it. We are all trapped into it, our stock market, mutual funds, everything can evaporate over night like a house of cards. No one can escape the Maya of Brahma Kumaris. It is almighty and omnipresent.

I was watching news yesterday, India's new president is from a forest tribe. As I was reading, I found out she was a Brahma Kumari. That institution must have given good funds to the party. And institution is also a vote bank for Hindu Party. So this Maya is far more powerful tomorrow we will know they control the Washington and Moscow.

Oppenheimer was churning Bagwath Geetha and the one sentence he churned was death. The same Murli that preaches love can be the source of poison that Shiva drank. It is happening to the Bible, Quran and all religions. They are all hijacked by so called unknown god.

Hallucination and anti-psychotic does not work for this type.

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