Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claims

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Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claims

Post25 Apr 2022

BK Thagaran "Bubbles/Gregory" Chetty, a self-styled spiritual teacher & facilitator at his own "Healing and Blessings Center" has been blackballed by the BKWSU for using their Shantivan Campus address to promote himself and his business as a stress, tension, anxiety, depression and suicide counselor. Chetty claims an "Advanced Diploma" (1980 - 2000) in "Meditation and Positive Thinking Classes", and as a Lifeline Counsellor (meaning his BK involvement.

In a global news release, the BK organization claims,
Very Important Information about Healing and Blessings Centre (in Hindi and English) 14 April 2022

Om Shanti.

Please see the attached file in Hindi and the below text in English on the Healing and Blessings Centre.


This is to inform you about a Brother named Bubbles (Thagaran Chetty) who is originally from South Africa and has also spent some time in Australia. Currently, he resides outside the Shantivan complex and has begun a business called the ‘Healing and Blessings Centre’ that he portrays as an NGO and he has falsely given the address of the Shantivan complex.

We draw your attention to the fact that this is his personal business and it has no connection whatsoever with the Brahma Kumaris in Shantivan. However, he has been trying to influence BK’s by offering himself for programmes or trying to arrange programmes at various centres and places, in an attempt to solicit funds for his business ventures and requesting donations to a current account in the Bank of Baroda. During his time in Australia, there were several complaints about this Brother's conduct and behaviour and a letter was sent to him that he is not allowed to teach or represent the BK organisation.

All teachers, BK Brothers and Sisters should pay attention that they remain cautious and alert to such individuals. We request that you do not hold any programmes related to the Healing and Blessings Centre in your places, nor provide any co-operation/funds for it. Other than this, if you have any other information or questions related to this Brother, then please contact the Secretary of the Management Committee, Sr Shashi, at shashi@bkivv.org.

In Godly service,
BK Brijmohan
BK Dr Nirmala
For Management Committee

What's strange is how inconsistent the BKWSU itself can be while it warns BKs to remain cautious and alert to such individuals but then allows & promotes other groups & individuals, often White Westerners to promote their business services widely across BK global networks.

For some time, the BKs were promoting Bubbles as one of their media faces.
Facing an Uncertain Future

About the Speaker:

Bubbles Chetty is a Spiritual Teacher who helps with Positive Thinking and Stress Management to individuals from all walks of life. Born is South Africa and now living in Australia Bubbles have experience in many different countries and studied counseling, religious beliefs and scriptures from all cultures and religions. During his journey and search, he has finally discovered Spirituality which takes one above religion.
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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post28 Apr 2022

Dear X

Thank you soul for bringing up the double standard of Brahma Kumaris, they are behaving like Christian missionaries.

If we can achieve peace while practicing Raja Yoga right away then it must follow the science and study. On the other hand, it is depend on the love for the Father and Father's love for the child (how can it be measured?).

I have experienced depression since 1992 and I took Brahma Kumari and PBK meditation, it never helped me to heal the disease, it may help along with medication a little bit (not clinically significant) so, in my opinion, if this is true then you should see the growth in your spiritual capacity. They say you are driving this body like a car, in that case, I cannot literally drive my body without medication (I cannot drive a car or watch Youtube or read an article without medication).

Because I am a Hindu some of the teachings of VD tally with Hindu teaching I had so trusted him but I did not gain any benefit. As a soul, I cannot drive my body to forget the brain, so if this teaching is not good for mentally ill patients then how can it help normal people? Not only that the teaching does not distinguish mentally ill and normal.

Brahma Kumar advertises it helps with depression. Obviously, there is some depression which can be treated with counselling so, obviously, Brahma Kumaris might be helping but I am quite sure it is not an eternal cure. What they promise is an eternal solution but what we are observing is a temporary solution.

Shiva did not talk about the atom bomb until one dropped on Hiroshima. But it is true that the Russians and Americans are fighting, that we can see even today. But the teaching is not about atom bombs it is about self-transformation and driving your body the way you want.

It never happened.
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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post01 May 2022

jayadeepan wrote:I have experienced depression since 1992 and I took Brahma Kumari and PBK meditation, it never helped me to heal the disease ... It never happened.

It is unethical to target individuals with mental illness. In fact, in the old days, it even used to be against the Maryadas. I guess they comprised for the sake of business?

Depression can be a terrible illness with a combination of causes from inherent biology, to deep trauma. Are the BKs qualified to diagnose what it and is not treatable? Have they, as you suggest, sponsored proper studies? I don't think they would be possible.

I imagine that some aspects of the lifestyle are beneficial; no intoxicants, some group support, cleanliness, external order, a focus away from one's problems etc but the danger is as they don't work to cure it, the individual is encourage to make even more efforts to "clear their karma" or gain such results. I would agree with you it is a false promise exploiting those suffering with the condition, with the added danger of nihilistic "end of the world" thinking.


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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post08 May 2022

In reality, depression is not suffering. It is just that you cannot focus or pay attention. Say, for example, you want to sleep at night, with depression you cannot shut down the mind and focus on relaxation, so when you take the medication it helps. Again these medications also have issues with resistance, so definitely a lot of homework and self development is needed to be done for this disease.

Obviously, there is a lot of help you can find from Raja Yoga or mindful meditation. It is not true that you can totally go into soul consciousness and heal the disease. There is a lot of false teaching on Youtube going around, by Shivani like Sisters, promising false healing. She looks like she is sleep-deprived in her videos anyway. But Virendra dev does never look like he is sleep-deprived, he is full of energy. (Not necessarily spiritual energy but his voice does not sound like sleep-deprived).
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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post08 May 2022

jayadeepan wrote:But Virendra dev does never look like he is sleep-deprived, he is full of energy. (Not necessarily spiritual energy but his voice does not sound like sleep-deprived).

Is Virendra Dev Dixit back with the PBKs? Have his legal troubles finished?


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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post08 May 2022

Om Shanti

Dear Brother, I am never in touch with any BK or PBK. I practice at home using websites and videos. When I tried to E-mail them they are not responding. The PBKs looks highly unorganized and not informed properly or connected through websites like youtube or WhatsApp or Facebook.
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Re: Bubbles Chetty blackballed by BKWSU for fraudulent claim

Post08 May 2022

They had a few Western followers, ex-BKs who became PBKs. I wonder if they still follow, or have given up?

A few of them did some research into the history of the Yagya (Om Mandli and the early days of the BKs) based on the historical discoveries we made, and what they found was that Virendra Dev Dixit did not know the true history, that he was just repeating the false history that the BKs had told and made into comic books. They spent a lot of money doing research. They traveled to Pakistan (the Sind) to visit old properties, they found Lekhraj Kirpalani's birth certificate & other original documents etc.

What they discovered was that there were severe incongruities, e.g. Virendra Dev Dixit claimed to be Lekhraj Kirpalani's partner, but Lekhraj Kirpalani's partner was a member of the Anti-Party. In reality, there may have been two different Shewakram/Sevakrams in the history. They found it very strange that while Virendra Dev Dixit claimed to be the Chariot of God, & the reincarnation of the partner aka the "original Chariot", he did not know the true history.

I think it shook their faith in him and the PBKs. Then the legal problems started and Virendra Dev Dixit absconded.

I don't know anything else since that time. The BK-PBK forum started but it turns out the leader of it was an anti-PBK, and then passed it on to BKs, so it failed quickly. It is off the internet now.

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