BKWSU HQ Decrees ... 8 Hours Meditation Per Day!

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BKWSU HQ Decrees ... 8 Hours Meditation Per Day!

Post02 Jun 2021

Latest decree from the BKWSU HQ ... 8 hours of meditation per day! It appears many no name BKs have been dying of Covid-19. Just how is that's going to protect anyone from a virus?

Meanwhile, new financial laws relating to foreign donations being brought in by the government of India threaten to cramp BK spending. The law governing overseas contributions include a ban on transfers of money to many groups and a spending limit of 20% on administrative costs, such as staff and offices. The BKs are most concerned about the Global Hospitals that are used to take care of their elderly leaders.

The Foreign Contribution Amendment Bill (FCRA) requires charities to receive the money in the State Bank of India, does not allow re-granting or sub-granting, caps administrative expenses at 20% of foreign funds received, and requires foreign funds to be transferred to the appropriate government arm if the NGO is closed down.
Important Letter from Dadi Ratan Mohini - 30 April
1 May 2021

Dear Centre Coordinators,

Beloved Avyakt image, Mother and Father, BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, and all Brothers and Sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, ones who become complete and perfect with their pure and elevated attitude always, ones who are stable on the globe of the world and with their angelic form, donate the powers of the mind to all souls, ones who are yogi and experimenting with Yoga, please accept love-filled sweet remembrance.

While hearing news of the land of Bharat and the lands abroad, all of you must be having special Yoga at your own places. At present, our sweet Ishu Dadi and many Brothers and Sisters of our Brahmin family are receiving treatment in the hospital. Some members of our Godly family have suddenly shed their bodies through the illness of corona and gone into BapDada’s lap. Everywhere, there is the atmosphere of insecurity and fear.

At such a time, our sweet BapDada’s signal for all of us children is: Children, at the time of this illness, the power of your Yoga and the vibrations of happiness will work like medicine and with your courage and the power of your faith, God’s co-operation will be like blessings. This is the method to pass through this difficult situation.

Today, I am especially writing this letter of remembrance to all of Baba’s children, that all surrendered Brothers and Sisters at the centres and all those living in their households, please make time from your daily timetable and make a programme to have such Yoga tapasya in which, each one has at least 8 hours of Yoga every day.

Let every service place become a light-and-might house. Let each one, with their double light angelic form, do the service of giving subtle sakaash with your mind to the elements and all souls, and with the setting of your viceless stage, protect yourself and also help the whole world.

With these good wishes,
In Godly service,
B.K. Ratan Mohini
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU HQ Decrees ... 8 Hours Meditation Per Day!

Post06 Jun 2021

ex-l wrote:8 hours of meditation per day! It appears many no name BKs have been dying of Covid-19. Just how is that's going to protect anyone from a virus?

Well, if you are meditating for 8 hours, you aren’t going to be moving about as much to transmit or catch the virus, so that protects you and others. They could just as easily say stay in bed longer or stay home and watch movies!

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