Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills Again

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Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills Again

Post28 Aug 2020

Another day ... another Brahma Kumari centre fighting over some family's property, and the Will of a deceased member. This time in Bangalore City. World Renewal Spiritual vs Smt P. Sunitha on 23 May, 2020.

How blatant is this persistent modus operandi of theirs? As per their modus operandi, as we saw in a recent case in London, the Brahma Kumaris had held on to a copy of the Will.
It is stated that the aforesaid Brahma Kumari Mala, who is the resident of same locality has be friended with Lalithamma under the guise of giving company to her for ever day walk and in this process she has collected personal information and background including the details of assets owned by [the deceased] and gradually gained her confidence. In this way, Brahma Kumari Mala has played fraud and pavital role in creating the alleged Will Deed in collusion with the plaintiff trust
It is stated that the plaintiff trust has been involved in brain washing the minds of innocent public in the name of spiritual activities by propagating that one should not have any kind of attachment with the family members and relatives and also one should not have attachment to any property. In this way, the plaintiff trust has been involved in misleading the innocent public and forcing them to part away with their valuable properties in its favour.

All sounds very par for the course in our experience.

Interesting quotes from the case, however. It seems in this case, as they often do, they targeted an older woman on her own, whose husband had died intestate. The case examines the issue of "undue influence", however, it appears the family were unable to provide proof of it.

The Brahma Kumaris won the case and got the deceased money and property, planning to knock it down to build a new centre.
It is alleged that the plaintiff trust is of the habit of amassing the properties and gulfing the properties of innocent public.
It is denied as false that the plaintiff is a public Charitable Trust and conducting Raja Yoga meditation and other spiritual classes. At various branches in Bengaluru including its branch at Srinagar for the last three decades.

According to the defendants, the plaintiff trust has been involved in amassing the wealth of innocent public in the name of spiritual activities and it has cheated many people and incurred a bad opinion amongst the general public.
it is denied as false that during her life time, [the deceased] left a writing as a last Will and it was executed in the office of the Sub registrar on 28.09.2011. It is denied as false that [she] had executed the said Will in the presence of two attesting witnesses on her own volition. According to the defendants, the aforesaid Will is a concocted and fabricated document and it is not the last Will of late [the deceased]. It is stated that the alleged Will came into existence out of the undue information and fraud played by the aforesaid Brahma Kumari Mala.

It is stated that the plaintiff trust had appointed said Brahma Kumari Mala mainly to get the wealthy people to the trust in the name of meditation and spiritual classes and thereafter to induce them to execute the documents to get transfer the properties belong to them in the name of the plaintiff trust.

What's outstanding in this one, is that the Brahma Kumaris are writing wills in English, and then getting Hindi speakers to sign them.
[The deceased] was not knowing the reading and writing English and only by practicing she used to put her signature in English. Thus, the Will set up by the plaintiff trust, which is in English is not at all the one executed by [the deceased] by understanding its contents. It is also stated that [the deceased] was not in a position to understand the English language.

Therefore, the alleged Will is fabricated by the plaintiff by misleading her and by obtaining her signature in the Will.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post29 Aug 2020

Another case, B.K. Ramesh Shah Etc vs B.K. Naryani Etc on 13 February, 2020, having dragged its heels until both the original complaint and Ramesh Shah had died, and Hardy Mohini, aka Gulzar, has gone senile. It hit the dust too.

It seems to be that a BK center-in-charge in at the Bhiwandi Branch, was reported by ex-trustee B.K.Ramesh Shah to ex-leader B.K.Hardya Mohini as incompetent AFTER their having spent money on renting and repairing a property, and filed a defamation case against the BKs. The BKs wanting to appoint someone else to run the centre.

The BKs then countered the complaint by accusing the junior BKs of "creating lot of hindrances and disturbance in Yaga services".

A civil suit with regard to the property in question was pending between the petitioner and accused B.K. Ramesh Shah and Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishvariya Vishva Vidyalaya, and so the court dismissed any criminal proceedings.

How sweet Baba's "non-attached" children are to one another when it comes to spats relating to property.

And how much time and money they seem to spend on court cases!

No wonder how much they targeted the Jurists.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post30 Aug 2020

Such manipulation of the elderly and attempts to acquire the property of the deceased has been going on since the concept of ”property” was invented! A venerated tradition to exploit the vulnerable venerable!!!

The reason the Roman Catholic church brought in the rule of compulsory celibacy for all of their clergy was largely so that the clergy could not will their possessions over to any children they had (whether from a marriage or from other relationships) and it would stay with the church. Such property was not only real estate but also often valuables bequeathed or donated to that parish priest/church which often led to questions around who owned them, who were they actually given to?

So, if a priest had vowed poverty and celibacy, given some stipend from the church to live on, any other donation or property was the church’s. Big return for the church from a small outlay!
It is stated that the aforesaid Brahma Kumari Mala, who is the resident of same locality has be friended with Lalithamma under the guise of giving company to her for ever day walk and in this process she has collected personal information and background including the details of assets ...

In the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, where the risk to the elderly in aged care and elsewhere is of major concern, a recent news item here in Australia reported on a local survey conducted by social service organisations. It found that, of the elderly who died, whether in home care (in their own homes) or in aged care facilities, 30-40% willed substantial amounts of their estates to their carers, and often all of it. The proportion was higher among those who had home care - both in terms of how many did it, and the proportion of the estate.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post31 Aug 2020

What is the old saying, "Once Is a Mistake, Twice Is Choice, Three Times is a Habit"?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post31 Aug 2020

Pink Panther wrote:a local survey conducted by social service organisations ... found that ... 30-40% willed substantial amounts of their estates to their carers, and often all of it.

I should have gone on to say that many of these carers really did work long and hard caring for the person, often at all hours in emergencies etc, and over many years, sometimes decades, and were not seeking to gain anything after death.

I know two such people who inherited good amounts after years of attentive and dutiful service and care for which they were paid wages and other benefits. Neither of them expected anything from the estate, especially of any size.

To simply go for walks and be a companion for a few hours may give comfort to an elderly person but to do that with any ulterior motivation, to abuse that relationship to influence them to do with their estate what they, the carer, would like them to do, is less about "caring" and more about ”investment in hope of a profit”. That’s just devious and disgusting, greedy and evil. Two-faced hypocrites.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post31 Aug 2020

Well, we all know the pressure that BK HQ puts on local centres to bring in the cash; and we know the example Dadi Janki, who very often put on that pressure, set for bringing it cash; and we all know the position of women in Indian society, especially those without husband, family and any professional skills ... that all adds up to a very dangerous equation, in which one has to ask how conscious the intention is.

Or even if it is directed. You will remember how much time and energy the Kirpalani Klan used to put into courting rich Sindhis who were clearly not "self-realised" as BKs, nor ever going to become so.

is not the Vile Parle VIP center in Mumbai specifically set up for such service? What a joke, a "vile parlez" would mean ugly talk in English!

My version of BK history would include how the emphasise on bring in the money helped her attain the status within the organisation that she did, from a very poor beginning.

And now, how wonderful, they even have hospitals and sanctuaries for dying people, so they don't have to go out and capture them ... they have a honey pot to attract them in with.

I don't know the current status quo, however, all that added together raises serious ethical issues that I don't see being raised publicly by BKs, and is highly suspect even within non-BK professional carers.

(As an aside, I once knew a priest who landed a very nice little cottage next to a cathedral from a cantankerous old women he became the sole carer of. It went to him and then his non-biological family ... but not before a conman swindled him out of £50,000 of it!).

A lot of it goes on, especially at their minds start to slip.

Anyone reading this who parents or grandparents are being courted by the BKs ... get them to write their Wills to the family or a real charity ... NOW.

Some old people turn nasty and do it just to spite their family who they feel unvalued by, whereas the lovely, "Om Shanti Sisters" seem to nice, bring them sweeties and listen to all their crap.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post01 Sep 2020

Dear Ex-I,


There’s a growing tyranny in my family and the incriminated member is my own Father. I have said that earlier. No, no, a big no; he’s not an enlightened figure!! He assumes himself to be though and the BK office nearby has assigned himself to be a “dharmaraj atma”.

He is creating a lot of troubles in the family, including a vexed “clinical depression” in my poor mother. She has been taking medicines for the last 15 years and she does not seem to be improving. I am stuck with such a miserable situation that I cannot share this with anyone. Nobody is going to listen any longer. I have tried that earlier too but have not found specifically about how the problem is going to be resolved. Tsk!!

Terribly frustrated,

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post01 Sep 2020

Arcane wrote:... the BK office nearby has assigned himself to be a “dharmaraj atma”.

He is creating a lot of troubles in the family, including a vexed “clinical depression” in my poor mother. She has been taking medicines for the last 15 years and she does not seem to be improving.

What is a "dharmaraj atma" (this week)?

Firstly, of course, we know that in the real world what BKs say is utterly meaningless twaddle. It's just encouraging praise in their language. Dharmaraj is supposed to be the strict judge like form of a perfected Lekhraj Kirpalani/God who judges humanity at the end of time. They used to claim there are 8 BKs who are almost equivalently "perfect" who sit in a panel judging.

Are they saying his is strict, near perfect, a "lawful" BK, what?

To be, it sounds like your mother is just suffering a lack of love from your Father. She's been emptied out raising a family, giving and not getting back; and now the BK Sisters have come along to seduce your Father and get him to give his love ... a long with his time, money and energy ... to them.

For me, that is 99% of what the BKs do. They are basically gold diggers and spiritual adulterers. Women who live off other wives' men. They don't give back sex (mostly, although sometimes in the West it has happened), but they use 'feminine guiles', of flattery and attention, to mentally and emotional pick up men. And, as we have discussed in other topics, do so on the investment of them rewarding the BKs a little often, and then a lot when they die.

The BKs Sisters have the advantage that they don't have children, or jobs, and can take rest in the afternoon, so they tend to look "fresh", and they are not beyond sending a younger, fresher Sister to do the job of "sustaining" the older men's interest.

We know from the teachings, they teach detachment from non-BK family, so what relationship is your mother in? An unpaid house keeper?

I don't know, so you'd have to say.

Has she considered divorcing him and, where you live, do women get to taking half or more of the property etc?

If she does not, it will all go to the BKs.

We've even had cases where the husband gave the property along with an ultimately non-BK widowed wife who ended up just that, a housekeeper in her own home, tolerated because they were going to get it all when she died.

I am guessing he does not give her any physical affection any more?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post01 Sep 2020

I have been secretly looking at his notes/diaries for a while now. “Me and my Baba, no thirdie” is his mainstream motto.

Well, maybe that’s good for him but is that good when a so-called “dharmaraj atma” resides in grihasta and tortures his own fellow members?! Not at all!!

What/who should be the judge to decide if one is a dharmaraj? I believe with utmost sincerity in my heart that such a labeling is inappropriate in the first place. He does not spend ten good minutes with any family member. Most of the time he is alone and meditating. He keeps himself totally aloof from any discussion about almost anything. Mostly, he is handled by the BK Sisters from the nearest centre. “I am the only one that is the purest and all of you are shudras”, emanates in his expressions and all forms of his behaviorism; including thought, speech and deed.

Even in speech, you see!!

Regarding physical getting along, nope!! They are at their early 60s now and that kind of a thing was repressed for a long long time because of 25 years of so-called gyana.

Myself, being a doctor, I can see that the etiogenesis of mom’s depression is my Father’s bad behavior for a long time. The misery is that there is nobody who is going to listen. This is the consequence of the dogmatism the BKs are selling and the stupidity of the people who happen to adhere to the same.

There is not a proper authority here where I could go and complain.

Things are pretty f***ed up here. Tsk!!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post01 Sep 2020

Like many so-called spiritual organisations, the BKs are so caught up with teaching ”the highest” morality they forget that anything high has to be built on something basic.

You cannot ignore basic human decency, the golden rule found in all cultures - do unto others as you would have done to you - or - don't do to others what you would not like done to you - or, as a good friend of mine paraphrased it - ask yourself, ”How would you like it, c*nt?”.

The BKs (and others like them) are in denial of the essence of being human - we are social creatures. We have the nature and the neurones for empathy and we practice cooperation gladly. In our brains, mirror neurones fire in sympathy with others’ actions or emotions.

We experience anxious tension when we enter into conflict because it goes against our nature of empathy, we sense how it would feel, how we would not like what we are doing to them to be done to us. (Except for sociopaths and psychopaths who seem to have little ”mirror neurone” activity and feel nothing for others or from them).

It is that same social need, our personal identity within a group identity, that is easily exploited through simple praise and validation. The appeal to ego with all the so-called ”blessings” the BKs give out. "You are this, that”, ”you are special” and now we recognise ”that" in you and you feel good, show us you recognise us as qualified to give you that validation by giving us your loyalty, time, energy and money.” The real group identity however is ”humanity” - all of us, and dare I say, all of existence in this universe.

But, would the BKs like it if someone came along and wooed them, pretending to help them, befriend them, with the real aim being to gain possesion of their property? Of course not.

Despite their PR, the Brahma Kumaris - through their very existence, the way they define themselves - are a very unspiritual expression of exclusivity, exclusion, sectionalism, sectarianism. Thsi gives them a ‘rationalisation” to suppress any sense of moral guilt, to become shameless carrion.

Dear Arcane,

Follow ex-l’s advice and ensure the family estate is protected from the BKs.

If your Father resists, ask why is he still attached to material things like property, and why would a spiritual organisation like the BKs, who have so much property already, want more, especially given they believe the end of this kali yuga is near, all attachments and possessions will be broken, it means the end of all current land titles!

I assume in India you commonly understand the use of the word bullsh**? Here’s an aussie riddle, a wisdom teaching story you can share with your Father.
    Q. How do you tell the difference between cowshit and bullsh**?
    A. Throw it up in the air. If it comes down, it's cowshit.
If he doesn't get it, ask him where does the reward for his attitude reside (it’s pie in the sky) and where does the sorrow caused by his attitude reside (it’s here and now, the earth is witness).
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post02 Sep 2020

What does your mother think about all this, Arcane? Is she basically just broken by it, and them?

Is she basically just being used as a free housekeeper by him? Did she hope and believe that he'd come back to her and the family for a while?

There are very serious issues arising. Males tend to die before females, so will your Father expect you and your mother to look after him during that period (because, for sure, the BK Sisters won't, especially if there is no money or property in it for them).

If your mother was to become ill and die, would your Father be there for her and support her? It sounds to me as if, as in many cases, there is no real love from the BK.

This is a very serious question as in what expectation of support is your mother living? I am serious about widows being dumped on the BKs along with property and, in essence, becoming a lower caste servant in her own home. The motivation for the BK being the belief that donating the property and wealthy to the BK Sisters - let's be honest, it's not to god - will earn them "multi-million fold" wealth in the Golden Age to come.

Funnily enough, "Where the spouse has renounced the world by entering any religious order" is sufficient grounds for divorce in India, as in conversion. So is withholding physical affection/sexual relationships.
Non-compliance with a decree of restitution of conjugal rights

Under Section 23(1)(a) of the Act, the court can pass a decree for divorce if there is no compliance of the decree of restitution of conjugal rights. If the couple after restitution of conjugal rights, does not consummate the relationship within a year, then it forms a legal reason for divorce.

I'd even add in a claim of adultery, just to embarrass the BKs, accusing the center-in-charge of emotionally seducing your Father, even though not sexually. There'll be a grain of truth in it. There's a lot more mental and emotional attraction going on within BKism than they like to admit. BK center-in-charges become some kind of idealise female fantasy figure for some men that mere wives that they've sexed with and born their children cannot.

Yes, of course, he looks down upon her and the rest of you as being impure, unfortunate, ignorant or even devilish. That is BKism.

Have you played through in your mind how a divorce might leave your mother emotionally and financially off?

My concern is that she is holding out on the hope that he will be there for her when she becomes weak, sick and vulnerable etc ... and he simply will not want to be. Therefore, she's better off without him now and at least experience some peace and freedom.

I don't know how wealthy he or your family is, but at the very best, if you are considerably wealthy, they might employ some young unpaid Kumaris to do the looking after in a highly transactional manner.

I write this as an ex-BK who has seen it from the inside, and having witnessed so many, too many, similar examples of the Brahma Kumaris' extreme callousness and pecuniary interests ... if I was in your shoes, I would get together with the rest of your family and throw your Father out of the house, and keep him out by force is necessary. And not listen to ONE SINGLE WORD, of any promises or placations he or the BKs might make on his behalf (because they will gear up to try to manipulate you with sweet words and small gifts).

Tell him to go and live in a BK Brothers house.

I, personally, would do it physically. It may be possible to do it legally with an injunction based on the cruelty he is inflicting upon your mother and its effect on her health. I'd start by removing all his belongings, putting them in a case, delivering them to the BK centre, changing the locks on the building ... and employing a security guard if necessary.

Put him in a situation where he has to expose himself for what he is by taking legal action against her.

Take control of the situation, and humiliate him in front of the BKs. Drag the BKs into, so it is a great loss of face for them too, because second to money, that is what they care about the most.

Do not be inhibited by principles of common decency ... BECAUSE THEY HAVE NONE.

Your Father is, in essence, possessed by a parasitic spirit, the spirit of the BKs. He is no longer your Father, her husband any more. All that is left in that department is a mask. Protect her and your family from it as if it was a most contagious virus.

Lastly, use what the BKs would say and so back on them. In cases where BKs are becoming attached, they'll cut them apart, send them away from each other and refuse to allow any connections for, say, 6 months or more. So start with that. Tell him to leave everything and go and live with the BKs for 6 months, then come back and talk then.

There's a small possibility he'll discover that he does not actually like the life lived 100%, and realise what they are like.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills A

Post06 Sep 2020

What I find interesting in all these reports of the BKs in court cases is
    a) how hypocritically strident they are, that is to say, while they encourage their followers and outsiders to accept bad things happening to them as "their karma", when "their karma" happens to them and they lose a property back to the family members of BKs ... they go to court to fight over it.

    b) How hard they fight against outsiders for justice ... but how hard they make it for followers to assert their rights and achieve justice within BKism.
It's a case of sauce for the goose no being sauce for the gander, or one rule for them and a different rule for followers.

Of course, I suppose their self-justification is that they are doing it for their god spirit and while remembering their god spirit ... so that makes it OK.

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