Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

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Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020

The Brahma Kumaris campus at Abu Rd has been shutdown due to violations of the lockdown caused by Covid-19, on the order of Sub-Divisional Magistrate Dr. Ravindra Goswami.

No vehicle or any other movement inside and outside the main premises are to be allowed without the prior permission of the Executive Magistrate because the BKs were defying the lockdown instructions and not following social distancing. More than 50 people had gathered in the institute and photographic evidence was gathered.

It is thought that the cause of the gathering was the inauguration of a tacky memorial to the recently deceased Janki Kirpalani, called the 'Shakti Stambh' (or Tower of Might in English).

The event was televised live and senior BKs were seen to be eager to seen appearing on TV, ignoring to maintain social distancing. The number of persons allowed for a social event was also exceeded.
All the senior members at the Brahma Kumaris Headquarters paid their tributes to Dadi Janki. Dadi Ratanmohini, Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris; Dadi Ishu, Joint Administrative Head; BK Nirwair, Secretary General of the Brahma Kumaris; BK Hansa, Personal Companion and caretaker of Dadi Janki; BK Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris; BK Brij Mohan, Additional Secretary General of the Brahma Kumaris; and BK Munni, General Manager of the Brahma Kumaris were amongst those present on this occasion.

The joke about the memorial is, while the Sakar Murlis (BK scriptures) are full of exhortation not to remember bodies, bodily beings (human beings), and not even keep pictures of the founder, the memorial consists of larger than life illuminated photos of Janki Kirpalani. Yet another deification of themselves and their "we-are-not-gurus-gurus".


Gulzar Dadi-crowned.jpg
Gulzar Dadi-crowned.jpg (42.98 KiB) Viewed 23770 times

Ishu Dadi -crowned.jpg
Ishu Dadi -crowned.jpg (40.74 KiB) Viewed 23770 times

Ratanmani Dadi-crowned.jpg
Ratanmani Dadi-crowned.jpg (37.5 KiB) Viewed 23770 times
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020

The joke is, the people breaking the law ... are supposedly the most enlightened spiritual beings/BKs in the world.
Lockdown violation by BKWSU.jpg


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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020


Humility, compassion and loving-kindness emanating from the three faces!!! Or, is it something else?!! :D
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020

I've got a feeling that the photo of Gulzar is an old one ... "when she was young and hot looking". But she looks pretty dead. Like the photo of Janki, below. Can you read the Hindi in the newspaper?

Janki Dadi-young and decorated.jpg
Janki Dadi-young and decorated.jpg (55.73 KiB) Viewed 23742 times


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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020

I think we all know what their (BKs') problem is.

Force-demanding appreciation and We-are-the-Devis/Devs respect. Ah, myaan, not just possible!! Empty rhetoric from our side!! No nothing!!

On other note, I feel pity for those "alt-wise" who raise the former to such apostles. Abject slavery!! :D
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post19 May 2020

The Alt-Wise ... very good.

You ought to trademark that, or write a book with the title so you get the credit for thinking it up.

I am guessing you mean "alt-wise" in the same was as people talk about the "alt-right" in political terms?
Alt-right (in the US); an ideological grouping associated with extreme conservative or reactionary viewpoints, characterized by a rejection of mainstream politics and by the use of online media to disseminate deliberately controversial content.

How do you define "alt-wise"?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020

Thank you for your suggestion, ex-I. I will be keeping that intact in my mind, yes!!

I would like to bring in a picture that happens at my own house. When we dine together in our kitchen at my abode my "good Godly" Father yells (I repeat, he yells) at us sons, "There, there!! Do not touch my part of the food. Kyoon bighna (विघ्न) karte ho?" This happened for many a year, still happens to these days. Notwithstanding that, these days, we let him eat first. After he's done, the rest of us dine together.

What's all this? Does one's food become impure when one's own "biological" sons, with no bad intent whatsoever in the heart of the mind, touch the food one eats?! Good god in the heaven would not teach all this to his beloved!! Does this kind of behaviorism not make one feel as "the untouchable?" How pathetic, at these modern times and dates!!

It constantly rings in my mind, what a wise man has once said, "Superior virtue has no intention to be virtuous and thus, is virtuous. Inferior virtue cannot let go of virtousity and thus, is not virtue."

I use "Alt-wise" for these ones and the like who, instead of using their own intellect, run after one belief or the other blindly and eventually fall prey to such detrimental dogmatism. I use it in a special connotation in relation to a seeker's adoption of the so-called spiritual/religious life.

In Mathematics, there is this concept of congruent and similar triangles. May be, I fail using the word in the former manner as the originally built "Alt-right" is used in the States and elsewhere but, yes, I offer that there's some similarity (and not exact congruence) between "Alt-right" and "Alt-wise", and that could be this "Alt". Not trying complicating things, this is a word of my own coining and for my own purpose of trying delineating things. My sincere apologies if this causes any inconvenience. Also, please correct me if I happen to be wrong anywhere.

Regards!! :)
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020

It's not quite there yet, but how about
Alt-wise; an ideological grouping associated with extremely ungrounded, or idiotic beliefs, characterized by a rejection of mainstream philosophy and religion, and by the use of online media to disseminate unrealistic content for the sake of acquiring social and material benefits.

You did not ask for advice regarding your home life but it is clearly "not Brahmin", nor "Om Shanti", for a BK to be shouting or irritated at all.

I mean, BKism "Gyan" (knowledge) is alternative wisdom. It's not really wisdom/knowledge at all. Their knowing is how to use a good enough analogue for religion and philosophy in order to acquire social and material benefits.

I'd secretly record your Father on your phone and then go to the most senior BK in your district and complain about how they are destroying the peace in your family, and at his behaviour. The BKs are very hierarchical, so go up a couple of a ranks and get them to come down a couple of ranks at your Father. Don't threaten or warn him about it.

Lean heavily on how he is causing they and their philosophy a loss of face (act it up a bit). He'll get pulled aside and given a lecture to, and told to behave ... and then be really screwed, because he knows your watching and reporting back.

"Defaming Baba" is a big a no-no, so use that trigger word. He is defaming them, their Baba, etc.

One of the best ways to get someone out of the BKs, is to make them have to go even deeper into the BKs, eg demanding unreasonable perfection for them. Tell him that the zone-in-charge has told you to "keep a chart" of his behaviour and report back, and that he should be an example, like an angel, and serve you first. That's actually written into the religion (Murlis), like, "he's got to get a pass mark" from his family that he has become perfect.

You could print out Murli quotes (with dates) about how he is supposed to be and stick them around the house. Checking his behaviour against them.

BTW, who is cooking the food?

No, I would say, neither his outrage, nor general obsessiveness, is actually BK. The purity regarding food is about the vibrations put into *during* the cooking, not who serves what. Personally, I think it's really just about controlling them and who they socialise with, stopping them being influenced by non-BK company, eg eating out, meeting non-BKs who are critical of BKism etc.

I mean, as he is proving, many BKs are even dumb, conceited, or nasty, how is their energy (or dhristi) better than some sweet, innocent loving old lady, or even some top, conscientious chef. The idea that they are better and more powerful than everyone else, based purely on their own assertion and nothing else is ridiculous. Especially, if they are then not "powerful" to purify the food that is inside them.

(Does he do this thing of staring at his food before he eats it to purify it?)

How are they going to survive nuclear war, and purify the world, if they cannot purify a plate of rice and lentils?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020


Sounds like your dad is resentful of being bound in family life. The BKs create a multi-tier system of worth. Although on one hand they say any BK can rise to be one of the top "Beads of the rosary of victory” (Vijayanti mala?) what they practice is a distinct caste system based on:
    where you live
    who you live with - single, married, still with wife & family, or separated?
    who you know (prospects)
    what you do for income
    how much income
    how much money you give to them
    how much time you give to them
    what you offer for ”seva” - clean the floor or public speaker?
    how often you do accept or refuse BK requests for your time because of other choices
Those family people who wish they were more highly regarded ( after all, BKism is all about climbing in status) often resent their family duties and situation, will develop a passive aggressive attitude to those who actually love them the most.

One suggestion.

If ever your Father gives you food to eat, even a piece of fruit but especially if cooked, sit and give it drishti.

Eventually he will ask you what you are doing. You can say you are removing the BK vibrations from it. ;)
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020

Pink Panther wrote:Sounds like your dad is resentful of being bound in family life. The BKs create a multi-tier system of worth.

What is the word they have for it, was it "adi-kumar" or "half-brother" for a married man? And "mothers-in-bondage" for wives with children?

Could be another angle to start discussing. Does he feel conflicted or resentful about having a family?

I would not want him to throw you out, sell the property and join the BKs ... but he could always leave the family property and go and live as a single BK Brother in a bhavan. I forget, is your mother alive and involved?

You need to protect her interests, otherwise his wealth might go to the BKs instead.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020

ex-l wrote:The joke is, the people breaking the law ... are supposedly the most enlightened spiritual beings/BKs in the world.

Wouldn't/shouldn't take these news items on face value. The BKs and the Administration are hand-in-hand, where these type "gate lockdown" is truly a farce. See below, where the same SDM who ordered the gate lockdown, actually standing in the train station and clapping hands :|.
Abu Road (Rajasthan, India): A special train with 616 persons on board chugged off for Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh; 578 of them had arrived in Brahmakumaris’ Shantivan complex in Abu Road on March 16 to participate in the meditation camp but due to COVID-19 lockdown the same was cancelled.

After concurrence with the three governments, Mount Abu SDM Ravindra Goswami, Brahmakumaris Executive Secretary B.K.Mruthyunjaya, Tehsildar Dinesh Acharya, DSP Praveen Kumar, besides RPF and GRP and station superintendent were present to flag off the special train to ferry passengers to Visakhapatnam.

The passengers were given a farewell by presenting flowers at the station. At the time of starting the train, all the top officers including SDM Ravindra Goswami, clapped and waved to the people.

See video links ... proudly shared by the BKs.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post20 May 2020

Do you know anything about the relationships between the BKs in Mount Abu, local residents, and the local government?

The two events are not mutually exclusive. I don't know which campus who was at. There have been a number of special trains returning home something like 2,000 (I think it is) BKs trapped due to the pandemic after the lobbying of various governments involved, and involving sending them off in the middle of the night and (again "I believe" as I can only go by news reports), non-stop.

My point was more about the idiots breaking the law in the first place, as we saw blatantly during Janki Kirpalani's bonfire. Even I thought their behaviour was disgraceful.

The virus has reached Mount Abu.

The government/railway is running special trains for all, to help migrant workers return home. It has not gone well. Years of lobbying pays off for the BKs. It would be Goswami job to see it done properly. Who paid for the train?
Special trains had been running for a few days and so many of the Bharatwasi BKs have returned to their base. Some souls from far distant places in Bengal still remain in Shantivan.

After the experiment of having opened up trains so that migrants could return home, and seeing the spread of the virus to places that were formerly Green Zones, the train services have stopped again. Let’s see when they will open up.

I see elsewhere, British BKs trapped in India are being flown back by the government.
News from Jayantiben in Shantivan: 18 May
19 May 2020

On the 17th, the Indian Government announced extension of the lockdown through till 31 May, so let’s see how things get resolved with travel.

Balwantbhai, Brijben, Urvashiben and Mina (Oxford) are all leaving on 20 May by road to Delhi, and will be flying on 21st afternoon to London. This is part of the Vande Bharat Mission, which is repatriation of Bharatwasis who have been stranded outside India, and so as Air India is flying to the various countries, they are also flying out people who have been stranded in India.

Om Shanti

I would have thought they'd been happier left out in Abu?

Those are all free laborers for the BKs in the UK, yes? I read, "For a Flight to London from Mumbai on the 8th May, the cheapest fare is ₹62,960 ($825 USD), unless the BKs got a special deal.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris at Abu Rd Shutdown due to Covid-19

Post21 May 2020

ex-I and pink panther,

I will be private-messaging you in one of these coming days. I need your help and I have found you being very helpful already.

Thanking you,

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