Dadi Janki's death

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Dadi Janki's death

Post26 Mar 2020

This was in an email received today:
Om Shanti dear Brothers and Sisters,

We just received the news that Dadi Janki left the body at 1:30 am India time ...
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post27 Mar 2020

I was saddened to hear this, Dadi had not been in good health for sometime. My thoughts are with my BK Brothers and Sisters who no doubt would have been hit hard by this news.
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post27 Mar 2020

Anyone knows what this will bring? Let us speculate.

But, hey, before we do, can I just be the first to remind you to be happy ... and "Go Eat Halva"! (that famous Murli quote)
Now, firstly, does that mean she was only an 83 birth soul and misses out on being an "all rounder" for 5,000 years?

Does that mean she drops from her status as "One of the 8" and there's still a chance for me to go fast, last?

OK, ridiculously fatuous but from a BK point of view, so she deserves it. Who knows what stories they will come up, "She's on her way to lead the Advance Party now", I suppose is the obvious one. With the Golden Age supposed to start in 2036, that means she's going to remain a child until then. "She's become an angel in the Subtle Region" they are already playing.

Secondly, and this is the real kicker ... They've miss out on being able to have a "Mega-Funeral" with BKs flying in from all over the world, BKs traveling the length of India (spreading Covid-19 as they go), and won't get to invite any VIPs, as none were able to attend.

Janki will be buried in relative obscurity, I read they are cremating her 3.30 pm today, March 27, 2020

Madhuban is going to miss out on a huge earner. Karma, or what?

With Gulzar gone Lady Gaga, that's pretty much the end of the era. I regret she dies taking much of the authentic history behind her, but from all indications, she was never really open and honest about it, even to committed BKs; so the BKWSU now enters into an era where myths about the past can grow & can remain unchallenged.

It seems they moved her from Hospital, Ahmedabad back to Global Hospital, Mount Abu on 19 March evening. As short ago as the 23rd, Jayanti was reporting that "Dadi Janki’s health is definitely improving" what was the infection? Don't see anything on the BKs' official new site.
Latest News from Jayantiben in Gyan Sarovar: 23 Mar
25 March 2020

Dadi Janki’s health is definitely improving; she is having a lot of physiotherapy, and her medications are being gradually reduced since the infection has truly gone now. There is a lot of nourishment being given. However, at her age, it’s to be expected that the repair of the body is going to take a little while, and it’s happening very, very slowly. With everyone’s love and good wishes she is moving forward. Please continue to send your loving thoughts in Baba’s Yaad
According to the current governmental restrictions, no one is allowed to go from one place to another and there cannot be any large gatherings either. Therefore, the final rites of Dadi Janki will be performed today and the programme will be as below:
    9.30 am The body will be taken from Global Hospital to Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu

    9.40 – 10.30 am The pilgrimage of the four places in Pandav Bhawan

    10.35 am From Pandav Bhawan, the body will be taken to Gyan Sarovar

    11.00 – 11.30 am The body will be kept for the final darshan in Gyan Sarovar.

    11.30 am The body will be taken from Gyan Sarovar to Shantivan, Abu Road.

    1.00 pm The body will be placed opposite Tapasya Dham for the final darshan

    3.00 pm The body will be taken from Tapasya Dham, passing by Shakti Bhawan, to the garden of the Conference Hall. The cremation will take place at 3.30 pm
After the cremation and everyone will get ready and gather in the Conference Hall at 6.30 pm where Shashiben will offer Bhog to God Shiva.
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post27 Mar 2020

The media team are working it, Dadi Janki, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, the World’s Largest Spiritual Organization, Died at the age of 104 but the most they will get are Tweets back from politicians at this time. Janki had travelled 29,000 miles last year.

What will it mean for regime change?

Is Jayanti considered old enough and authentic enough, to take her position as Janki's heir? It was, after all, what she has been groomed for, for 50 years. Does she has the support or authority that others will follower her? Are there other elders who they will have to show face to first with any leadership ability? Will there be power struggles & factionalism within the movement?

Will it lead to more reform & modernisation within the BKWSU, now that she is gone? Without her, will their VIP attracting credibility take a dent?

It's a paradox that despite preaching decades of total detachment to lokik families, I can imagine that the much of the BK following will be shocked, emotional & unstable. I can remember then in tears & quivering when the original Didi Manmohini died.
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post27 Mar 2020

Her funeral was livestreamed, and **** me, what a pandemonium it was by the looks of it, complete with still labelled plastic bottles of ghee. I am sorry folks but, to be quite frank, I think she was an old crapbag much responsible for the damage & mess that the BKs have caused to 100,000s of families all over the world ... and destroyed as many young people's lives ... but even I would have afforded her more dignity than these people did.

You want to see a reflection of the BKs' spirituality, here it is. There are a few more videos on Youtube.

A noisy troop of jabbering, arguing monkeys, all flaunting the 2m from others rule we are all suppose to be maintaining, half with their face masks off, wandering around and off disinterestedly, shouting all over the place. You can compare it to how they sent off Dadi Prakashmani, here and here. Spiritual?

And, yes, in the comments you can read, "A clue Destruction is about to happen" etc.

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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post27 Mar 2020

This tribute video was uploaded just yesterday. I recall many of the faces.

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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post28 Mar 2020

Slick production. Increasing vague. Lightning fast treatment of her early days. Myth established. No controversies touched upon. Not surprisingly, they *still* push her as "was declared the most stable mind in the world by the scientists of the Medical and Science Research Institute at the University of Texas, USA." Bhog message is here.

Yes, I recognize a few faces from the early days in the West too. It provokes mixed emotions, not sure what. I guess we all felt it was a special time, that we were special. May be we were all just a little in love with ourselves acting out being holy?

Looking for more info, I read that many BK events have been cancelled. Normally you've expect a big bhatti, memorial event or something, with the BKs coming together but I guess they all have to stay at home.

I found it interesting their VIP at the House of Lords said what he had learned from them was an appreciation of the subjective nature of truth which is really the opposite of what they teach, "your truth, and their truth from their culture ... different truths".

Seems her death was a little surprise to them and they thought she was getting better before she died.
News from Jayantiben in Gyan Sarovar: 24 March

Dadi Janki is very gently recovering and it’s been lovely to see her become more and more alert. Everyone’s loving good wishes are definitely working.

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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post29 Mar 2020

It is common just before death, especially in the aged, for what appears to be a ”recovery” to happen. So those messages may have been ‘honest reports’.

I spent a number of years under her tutelage in London. What can I say? At first I thought she was the bee’s knees, by the time I left there I had seen many faults. OMG! She’s human? And so are all of them!

And the most wonderfully crazy, faultily human of them all was old Dada Lekhraj with his (relatively benign) god-complex that attracted those looking for something similar to what he offered. The thing Janki and others learnt most from him, I believe, is how to ”project” an aura of spiritual "aloofness” and knowingness, and in speech make simple things sound profound. A bit like Peter Sellers’ character Chauncey Gardener in the film ”Being There” .

And, just like Chauncey, simplistic homilies can seem wondrously insightful to those caught up in life’s complexities, and so they are seen as elevated and wise. TBH Gyan is a pretty limited body of knowledge that borrows heavily on the traditions it pretends to be the superior originator of, i.e. Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.

Within the BK paradigm Janki was definitely a deeper thinker than most. Like a bush mechanic, she used what she had to make things (logically) ”work” in inventive ways. I, too, had the aptitude to utilise that skill so as to be convincing and ‘create subjects’, i.e. convince others of the Gyan.

It requires three things - intelligence, sincere belief and the hard work (effort-making) to make the sow’s ear appear to be a silk purse to oneself firstly, and with one’s own sincere wonderment at the fantastic construct, convince others.

I had a respect for her early on as she saw something in me and encouraged it, which boosted my ego nicely (Yes I am special) but later she was not shy in letting me know that she was disappointed in my unwillingness to be a subservient zombie robot BK.

One thing she said had a major effect on me, it made me see what the game was about.

We were lined up to get toli from her after a meditation session. When I got there, she took my hands and held them, a lovely soft warm feeling, and she gave me quite long dristi. I'd had very good, powerful meditation. My experiences in meditation at that time were often very much like the Yogi in Bliss picture the BKs used in their literature - seeing auras, radiating light etc was common. My meditations were very much about going into deep silence/seed stage as BKs called it, something common to all the great traditions, and not the usual visualisations and love affirmations of Brahma/BapDada, i.e emotional devotional projections.

She held my hands, then in a gentle voice praised my Yoga by saying "Very good. Very good”.

She’s lifting my hands up and down, those beady bright eyes drilling deep into mine. I felt comfortable with it and was returning it as positively as I could, not submissive in any way, more like a co-conspirator, an initiate. TBH, there was a little uncertainty - what was this about? - given that she had not spent any time with the people in front of me, and in these situations she rarely said much to me anyway, so why was she holding me there?

Still moving my hands up and down, then stopping, then holding them firmly, she said ”You fill the room” then kept looking deep into my eyes, ”You can fill the world”.

Ego nicely softened - yes, that’s me, super yogi finally being validated by the boss. I was about to move on thinking that was it, but she held on to my hand and held me there, then she said ” You have no guilt.”
I think to myself ”Yes, true enough. That’s good”.
But she then says "You need to feel guilt."

"Wha...?” is what i thoight but what I said was ”Excuse me?”.

She said again, "You need to feel guilt. Then you will progress”.

I was momentarily bemused, then thought this was quite funny, but did not show or say that. She let go and I moved on.

Over time this scene replayed in my mind and gradually I realised what this had been about. I was being tempted, suckered, she was trying to shape me into being someone else, probably to be her ”creature" in exchange for acknowledgement, and the first step was for me to be more stereotypically ”pukka” in how I lived my life so that I could then be utilised. (At the time, I was known for shamelessly doing what I felt when I felt, within certain BK disciplines - going out to see movies, missing morning class or Amrit Vela without remorse, those things did not bother me the way others let it deeply bother them. Someone like me could not be put out front, or be controlled, despite other ”talents”.

I lived in London over 8 years. As I matured, I found her previously profoud ”philosophy” was becoming less so to me. I was spotting more contradictions and absurdities. Maybe the buzz, the zeal of the convert, was wearing off and the veil falling from my eyes. She always had presence but this had no corollary with intellectual integrity. And I witnessed some of the **** she had put on some people - those who would take it, she gave it. After one young man whom she considered a ‘protege” decided to grow a beard, the way adolescents do to show they are now mature enough to, and a few others followed suit - a fad, she ordered that ”Brothers should not have beards” and they all shaved. So seeing this as an intrusion into a person;s autonomy, I started to grow mine. That is, i was a BK for my own reasons and no one else’s and never took their ****. Is that what she meant by ”I need to feel guilt? (I think so, yes).

She was definitely an interesting figure in my life, although I have a couple of High School teachers whom I now realise were more important in informing and shaping me.

There’s the saying ”When the student is ready the teacher appears”.

Most take that to mean there is one ultimate teacher who will only appear to us when we have done the prerequisites. I now understand that to mean that, whatever level you are on, that level of consciousness determines who you will look toward to learn from. Teachers are meant to be learnt from and left behind as we move to the next level, just as we move through grades at school Those teachers do not try to keep us there, at the same level, on the contrary.

Dogma, however, is a glass ceiling or cage, in the same way ego is.

Dadi Janki promoted dogma and subservience to her cause and her view. She was not about helping a student grow beyond needing her or the BKs.

The whole BK microcosmos is about being pulled into their orbit then being held there in their "gravity". The centre of that solar system was meant to be ”God” but it really was Brahma/Lekhraj wearing his delusional gold-leaf mask of a sun god, i.e. it’s 2-dimensional, a party trick that relies on a person's willingness to suspend disbelief and be part of the charade.

Some of us reach escape velocity and break free.
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post31 Mar 2020

An update from Jayanti. Looking at the video above, how on earth can she say, "It was a very peaceful, quiet, deeply spiritual and very moving ceremony ... people sitting on the lawn all around observing social distancing of 3 feet at least, and others watching from a distance". Of course, it's the message Western BKs want to, or want to imagine but it hardly describes the reality. Not even the "everyone else was also given a stick dipped in ghee to offer into the fire".

Elsewhere they are calling her death an Ascension, and calling her a liberated master of circumstances and a master of matter. The BKs have a condolences page.
The moments of Dadi's departure - experiences of Sr Jayanti
29 March 2020

Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love from Shantivan!

Of course all of you know of Dadi Janki’s ascension to the Subtle Region, and I just wanted to share my experience of these past few days.

On Thursday, I saw Dadi Janki and it seemed as if she was getting better. Afterwards I heard that yes, she had been able to eat a little bit of solid food for the first time after several weeks, the oxygen mask was off, all the tubes were off and so it seemed as if she was free, and actually getting much better.

At 1.30am on Friday, 27 March, it was clear that there was something wrong: she was breathless, and the doctors were called in. She was still in her room at Global Hospital which had been made into an ICU. Finally at 2am, the heart gave up, and the soul flew away. Hansaben, Dr Sachin, Dr Pooja and some others were around, and she left with Hansaben holding her in her arms. I arrived at the Hospital with Sudeshben and Santoshben (Russia) a little while later. There was lots of Yoga going on.

There were then discussions about how the programme should function. Since there was lockdown in Bharat, and also many other parts of the world, it was clear that no one would be able to travel from either Bharat or abroad to come for the funeral, and so it was decided to have the ceremonies that same morning.

The Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Abu is a good friend of Dr Pratapbhai, and was highly cooperative, and allowed us to have the ceremonies that we wanted to have for Dadi, even though at the moment, there are restrictions on having gatherings, including funerals, of just 20 people. But he gave us all the permissions that were needed, and so the Chariot was first brought to Pandav Bhawan to complete the pilgrimage of the 4 Dhams, followed by a very quick visit to Dadis’ Cottage in Gyan Sarovar, and then the journey down the mountain. There were three Police Barricades on the road, since no one is allowed to go up or down the mountain since 25 March, but we had the necessary clearance so it was a smooth journey down.

The Chariot came to Shakti Bhawan where the Seniors were waiting: Dadi Ratan Mohini, Dadi Ishu, Munniben, Nirwairbhai, Brij Mohanbhai and more offered sandalwood garlands and flowers. The Chariot was then taken to the lawn outside the Conference Hall, where they had created a simple plinth, and the funeral pyre of wooden logs. It was a very peaceful, quiet, deeply spiritual and very moving ceremony.

Hansaben lit the fire, and everyone else was also given a stick dipped in ghee to offer into the fire. The numbers were severely restricted in terms of those who were present by the pyre. The Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Abu was also there, and he spoke very beautifully of the Mantra he had learned from Dadi of ‘Om Shanti, Who am I and Who do I belong to’, and how peaceful the gathering was.

It really was a very powerful scene with people sitting on the lawn all around observing social distancing of 3 feet at least, and others watching from a distance.

Everything happened according to God’s plan and Dadi’s plan, in that Dadi had never wanted any expense for her funeral, and so nobody was able to spend money to come to Madhuban on this extra journey. She always wanted to be totally conscious when she was leaving, and so she was well enough to be in Baba’s remembrance at that time. She wanted to have no expense on flowers and so all the flowers were just from Baba’s gardens, as it wasn’t possible to go out and buy any flowers, so everything happened in a very beautiful and simple way.

In fact, on Thursday night, there had been an unseasonal thunderstorm, with rain and lightning most of the night, but then by the time we were ready to go to Pandav Bhawan on Friday, the rain stopped, and the sun was out, so it was really as if nature had also cleansed the earth and trees so that everything would be fresh and clean for Dadi’s ceremonies.

The speeches made by each one of the Seniors were very loving, and apt. There were also messages from the President and Prime Minister of India, and several Chief Ministers and Governors of various states around India. Dadi Gulzar also sent her salutations via Neeluben.

At 6.30pm on 27 March, we gathered in the Dadiji’s Meeting Hall since again there was a limit on numbers with the police checking our passes and the numbers that had collected. Bhog was offered by Shashiben, who brought back a very sweet message.

We are offering Bhog for Dadi every day in Shakti Bhawan, Shantivan for the next 12 days, and then there will be the final Bhog offering on 9 April 2020. Normally it would be on the 13th day, the 8th, but since the next day is Thursday, an auspicious day, it was decided that Bhog would be offered then.

I am sure many of you are preparing for Memorial Services so that people in your country can come to pay their respects to Dadi, and also carry away the inspirations that Dadi’s life has given us, and I am sure you will do that according to the conditions in your own country when lockdown finishes.

The date for Brahma Bhojan for the BK family will also be announced once situations are clearer.

I am in Shantivan for the time being. A majority of the double foreigners have left now; the last few coaches left for Delhi today, and souls carry away the love from Madhuban, the inspirations they have taken and the sweet memories of being with the big family.

Dadi’s departure from the physical dimension seems to signal the speed of time, but my own sense is that Dadi is now able to work at a faster pace from the Subtle Region than she could from the physical dimension, so we can expect service to grow exponentially. Baba and Dadi working together will surely be touching intellects to make them receptive to receive God’s message, and God’s blessings of peace and happiness.

I know you must be looking after each other, and yourselves of course. Stay well, stay healthy, and keep flying!

In Baba’s loving remembrance,
Sister Jayanti
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post31 Mar 2020

I recall when Dadi Prakashmani passed away, it rained a little and was interpreted as all the elements coming and paying their respects. It seems even the elements are prone to favouritism.


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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post31 Mar 2020

My respect and regards to the departed Soul, that has hung around for 100+ years !

Now, coming to Sr Jayanti's Spin Machine, many interesting, quirky, delusional and nonsensical statements,

The Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Abu is a good friend of Dr Pratapbhai, and was highly cooperative, and allowed us to have the ceremonies that we wanted to have for Dadi, even though at the moment, there are restrictions on having gatherings, including funerals, of just 20 people. But he gave us all the permissions that were needed

Nice to see the highlight of how corrupt the system is, and the BKs proudly stating that !

It was a very peaceful, quiet, deeply spiritual and very moving ceremony.

So, what did Sr Jayanti expect otherwise than being a quiet ceremony ... a dance performance with band playing at high pitch ? Also, how about giving a glimpse of the spirituality in the ceremony or the moving part ... other than people moving around ... pouring ghee from store cans ... sorry no time to transfer them to a decent container.

It really was a very powerful scene with people sitting on the lawn all around observing social distancing of 3 feet at least, and others watching from a distance.

So, that's where the power comes from ... staying 3 feet from others or watching from a distance ... ?? Looks like a big letdown from what they would otherwise have ... aka a powerless situation ???

Everything happened according to God’s plan and Dadi’s plan, in that Dadi had never wanted any expense for her funeral, and so nobody was able to spend money to come to Madhuban on this extra journey. She always wanted to be totally conscious when she was leaving, and so she was well enough to be in Baba’s remembrance at that time. She wanted to have no expense on flowers and so all the flowers were just from Baba’s gardens, as it wasn’t possible to go out and buy any flowers

Here comes the BIG SPIN ... never wanted any expense for her funeral ... of course ... BKs would never spend a penny out of their pocket ... so no expense at any time.

Totally conscious when she was leaving ... and in Baba's remembrance ... Please ... remember 100 fold punishment ... careful.

She wanted to have no expense on flowers and so all the flowers were just from Baba’s gardens, as it wasn’t possible to go out and buy any flowers

You should check your statement before spitting it out ... no flowers because you wanted no expense or no flowers because it wasn't possible ... Answer looks quite obvious to me ...
In fact, on Thursday night, there had been an unseasonal thunderstorm, with rain and lightning most of the night, but then by the time we were ready to go to Pandav Bhawan on Friday, the rain stopped, and the sun was out, so it was really as if nature had also cleansed the earth and trees so that everything would be fresh and clean for Dadi’s ceremonies.

And you thought that the Spin Machine would be exhausted by now ... Not Yet ...
In fact, on Thursday night, there had been an unseasonal thunderstorm, with rain and lightning most of the night, but then by the time we were ready to go to Pandav Bhawan on Friday, the rain stopped, and the sun was out, so it was really as if nature had also cleansed the earth and trees so that everything would be fresh and clean for Dadi’s ceremonies.

Yes ... everything has been cleansed ... No Virus ... okay ... Wait a minute ... so why the restriction still on group gathering ??? ... That spin will come later ... have to wait ...


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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post31 Mar 2020

The best tribute to the departed soul and regard to Baba's teachings would have been to follow the repeated saying "Amma Mare To Bhi Halwa Kaye" . Loose translation in English ... Even if your Mother dies, eat Halwa (Sweet). Celebrate to the point of being so detached ...

But then, that would happen only "if you practice what you preach" !
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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post01 Apr 2020

I spent some time in a centre where Janki was based and attended many classes and annual rituals she presided over, both formal, ie Morning Class, and informal, ie small intimate groups of a handful of people. The truth is, although I played along with the game of "showing respect", so beloved of the Sindhis, I was not a Janki Bhagat, of which there were many. Some Sisters in particular lived between adoring her & fearing her.

At that time, pretty much the whole BK Western world could fit into a large living room, or a small community centre, so one got to see the Seniors very close up.

I have little idea what she put them through but you could see it visibly in their faces & bodies, and they would tell you about it. Back then, BKism was much stricter than it apparently is at least in the West now and, I suppose, she was attempting to enculturate them into the world she was brought up in, which was not just BKism but also 1920s Pakistani culture. She seemed to put Jayanti and any Hindi Sisters that would allow her through the worst of it.

In the early days, the Sindhis had this strange predominant relationship with Gujeratis (Patels) that they appear to use and treat as second class citizens. I liken it to an extension of the relationship the Bhaibands (business people) had with the Amils (clever administrators), and, of course, we know now they also had outright servants in the Om Mandli to look after them.

The invention of her as a "nurse" was never spoken about then. It' b/s concocted for the medical front called the Janki Foundation that they used to get external & government funds to build a hospital in Mount Abu to serve THEM. She wasn't a nurse. She was a maid in the sick bay.

A couple of the key experiences I had, that led to me leaving, related directly to her. I remember doing the whole Raksha Bandhan thing that involve long meditations and bum shuffling queues, the highlight of which was having them give you a stare and, everyone which, whisper something to you that was supposed to have supernatural significance.

In truth, what we craved was some kind break from the monotony of the Sakar Murlis, and something that made it personal and validated us as individuals. New or young student were pumped up for months about how Janki was "One of the 8" (top souls in the world), had super human powered to fly around out of her body to all of the centres in the world, and could see or read your soul. Her utterances was supposed to mean something.

I remember once her laying into me for something, not being disciplined enough, another time, sending Jayanti off to tell me to get a hair cut (they really thought they had a right to control individuals that much) but it never really bothered me. I remember other BKs coming up quivering at the idea of her doing the same to them.

But three experiences flipped me.

Once was in a small class where she clearly could not answer a reasonable question or understand the use of analogy and so instead turned on angrily and insultingly. I was asking "how did their god spirit 'give power' to us?" A claim their religion is based on, "Baba gives power". OK, I thought, "how?". Explain the mechanism. I did not get an answer. She did not have an answer and could not say, I don't know. Did not even have the grace to try and understand the question.

Increasingly direct access to her and responses from her were filtered via Jayanti who would add her spin, polish and understanding of English/Westerners in order to, I would argue, make Janki Kirpalani look much better & smarter than she was. This increased until the point where at public events, questions had to presented in advance and screened.

The second was at one of those Raksha Bandhan when, after spending the hours meditating & queuing, I finally got in front of her and all I got by way of a message was, "Good soul". I said to her back, "You too" ... but the truth was, the words felt so empty. I realised that I did not believe. It did not resonate as being true.

The last was close to the end of my time when perhaps I was making final efforts to stick in but was also starting to make my own decisions, one of which was becoming a natural, healthy, wholefood eater and vegan. Arguably, I was dairy intolerant as it used to a) cause me a lot of mucous, causes colds & allergies, and b) I suffered terrible indigestion from some of the food they made. I also put on a lot of weight in my first year, an unhealthy amount.

Where all other sensual practises was disallowed, the BKs never seem to hold people back from eating rich, sweet, fattening foods ... and the whole dairy versus vegan spiritual/ethical debate continues on to this day 35 years later.

I had finally stepped out and become vegan. It was my choice. It was my body, despite their demand to control & and exploit every waking hour of mine. (At that time, any personal activity, eg sports, hobbies, interests, business, relationships were strictly or socially forbidden. It was "meditation, class, work, seva/service", that was it).

Again, I remember myself queue up for one of those elusive 30 seconds where one would finally get some person attention from someone and some mystical wonder was suppose to be uttered or happened. I got to the head of the queue, Jayanti whispered something to Janki, and then instead of giving me dhristi (staring), she made a big seen of staring at the "holy sweetie" she was going to give me. One we all knew was made up of little but sugar and dairy fat.

There were around that time stirrings amongst the young Westerners over the quality and nature of the Indian food and we were put down as being "health bhagats". It was treated like a challenge to their authority.

I took the sweet, laughed at the gesture of it and ate it (I thought just to prove I was above it all), and never went back.

I realised that the control and interference that they demanded and exercised over us, was total if they could get it. Now just how you looked, what you did, but even what you ate ... what you were made up of, inside you. Even if it was clearly against the interests of your health.

So much for the "nurse" Janki Kirpalani.

I gave up BKism - rejecting Kirpalani Klan's regime of authoritarian control - but I stuck with veganism and my health improved 100 fold over when I was with them. She wasn't actually that deep or clever. She was in love with (at a distance) or obsessed with Lekhraj Kirpalani, much to the contrary of the actual teachings, eg the institutionalisation of his photos and photo making.

Her specialities were charming the wealthy & influential (something I don't think she could have done without Jayanti's polished English accent & education), shamelessness when it came to taking money off people, and manipulating minions into unpaid servitude.

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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post02 Apr 2020


Thank you for your extended and valid account of Janki. I do remember those days when the double foreigners barely reached 2-3 dozen in number. I also remember Simon, as a scribe in the winter wearing his slipper socks mot-locks. I came to BKism as an empath and left as a more refined empath.

From understanding death and dying from a psychological perspective and as an empath, I have let go of any negative thoughts arising from my interaction with Janki. One reason for my way of feeling and thinking, is the fact that my mind's eyes could see right through the hearts of the Seniors.

My mind's eye showed me the invisible the Seniors tried to hide. I salute Dadi on her transition.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Dadi Janki's death

Post02 Apr 2020

BK Jayanti wrote:On Thursday, I saw Dadi Janki and it seemed as if she was getting better. Afterwards I heard that yes, she had been able to eat a little bit of solid food for the first time after several weeks, the oxygen mask was off, all the tubes were off and so it seemed as if she was free, and actually getting much better. At 1.30am on Friday, 27 March, it was clear that there was something wrong: she was breathless, and the doctors were called in. She was still in her room at Global Hospital which had been made into an ICU. Finally at 2am, the heart gave up, and the soul flew away.

A NY city doctor described how young people who’d been admitted would all of a sudden develop severe breathing difficulties and, even with ventilators, would be dead soon after.

Yesterday I was reading an account by a nurse in Detroit, USA describing her distress at the number of patients dying due to Covid-19. The description by Jayanti quoted above is very similar to what the nurse said, which makes me think DJ’s death may, due to her age, have been partly due to this respiratory virus.
Last night in the ER, there were 6 patients that passed away, who won't be going back home to their love ones. Of those 6 patients, 3 of them were mine. With two of the three, I had just gone into their rooms, took vitals, they were good. There was nothing about their vital signs gave me the impression that they were about to ‘crash'.

One patient had even thrown their shoe at the closed glass door to get our attention. This person wanted to make sure the oxygen mask was on right & to let us know they had dropped the call light on the floor. I picked up the call light, gave it back & reassessed their vitals, they denied having any pain, said they were comfortable & were just waiting for a bed assignment.

Less than 30 minutes later, the monitor started alarming. Along with another RN and the RRT (Respiratory Therapist), I ran into the room ... the doctor arrived a few seconds later ... this patient had coded & there was nothing we could do to bring this person back to life.

I am still having a difficult time wrapping my head around the fact that my patient seemed well, was TALKING to me and LESS THAN 30 minutes later this patient was DEAD!!!

Covid-19 positive birthing mothers are being left to labour alone. In the UK, a newborn baby was born already infected with C19 and died soon after.

The virus doesn't care about your thoughts. Actions speak louder than words, whether in the mouth or the mind. Do the right thing - stay home, wash hands regularly, avoid physical contact with people.

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