Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post14 Mar 2020

Today, the President of the United States of America declared a state of federal emergency. For the past several weeks, including the months of January and February, the White House has been pretending that somehow COVID-19 would not touch down on US soil nor be in the air and water of the USA.

More than 24 hours ago, the World Health Organization upgraded the viral epidemic to the status of a pandemic. In the chaos of panic associated with an infectious disease pandemic or epidemic, two vital lines of defense are maintaining inner calm and practice of simple yet effective hygiene. Additionally, adequate planes of nutrition balanced with other factors will enable us to prevent corona virus infection.

Many forms of mind body interventions can assist in maintaining calmness of the soul, counter stress, while maintaining the immune system in a state of optimum function to combat any microbial attacks. Though many millennial groups may welcome the current pandemic as a sign of the times and the emergence of a deity figure in a new world order to their liking, It is not as simple as the cults have been preaching for decades.

The current super pathogen has been called corona or crown because of the multiple projections from its surface. We are still not sure how COVID-19 jumped the species barrier from animals to humans, unleashing it pathogenicity in the respiratory system of humans. Two decades ago greed and disrespect for the ecosystem were factors contributing to the deadly Nipah virus outbreak in countries like Malaysia. Hog framers cleared areas of forest to expand the production of pork. The pigs became the biological step boards for the Nipah virus to hopscotch from bats to humans. Some cults may be thinking that one of their predictions for the future has come true.

Some cults will feel that Krishna is about to descend on earth and they and only they will be wearing an auric crown of light and a physical royal crown. When we were BKs we were told to look out for events like the current pandemic and the associated low performance of the global stock market.

There are many diverse conspiracy theories flooding the Internet, including the second coming of Christ or the birth of Krishna. However, no single group or cult will be able to monopolize the pie of a future peaceable kingdom. We would have expected that since India will be the native land of Krishna, that India will be the super power of artificial intelligence, including machine learning. China appears to have taken a dominant lead ahead of the United States. There is in spite of the many ecological disasters, a bright and brave future world of digital technology, and cell phones will become obsolete. However, it will not be a world dominated by the Brahma Kumaris. Other actors will be wearing the double crown and not in ways predicted and preached by BK philosophy.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post14 Mar 2020

I wish to share this link from Live Science, which provides up dates on the corona virus outbreak globally: ... orm=MNWAHP

Here is a link on the advice from the Surgeon General of the United States on precautions in churches to prevent or reduce exposure in churches: ... orm=MNWAHP

Surely, the BKs may practice dristi at a distance, however, there is the sitting in the lotus posture close to each other during meditation. The air quality in the meditation room is another risk factor contributing to exposure.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post16 Mar 2020

When I watch the footages on the many websites, I am reminded of the scenes from the movie: The Day The Erath Stood Still, the remake and the original version. There are also memories of the movies: The Satan Bug and The Andromeda Strain. I also read the novels as a high school student. Then I became a BK and visited Mount Abu as I pursued my medical studies fearing each day that the Cold War would get into a deep freeze or melting point and that would be the end of my aspirations to become a yogi physician/scientist. But the existential fear was always overwhelmed by an ocean of realistic optimism.

It might have been due to the community in which my university was located, it could have been my genes, DNA or simply a force more powerful than the one revered by the BKs. Then as now, I do not feel there will be a BK destruction, in spite of the ecological and environmental tipping points. The polar ice is melting and the global sea level rises, there are super storms and super pathogens.

The BKs are not the only players or stake holders in work to create the future Golden Age. There are many more state holders some with influences, which stunt the influences of the BKs.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post16 Mar 2020

I share this link of Dr. James Lyons-Wieler's interview on Progressive Radio Network or PRN. ... orm=MNWACO
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Pink Panther

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post16 Mar 2020

A better film than those older ones that reflects this issue of pandemics in a globalised internet-connected world is Contagion (2011) directed by Steven Soderbergh. Inspired by the events of SARS in the 2003 pandemic and H1N1 virus in 2009 it weaves together the tensions of science, public health politics, multinational corporate interests, conspiracy theorists and ordinary people.

The resolution happens when the scientist Dr Ally Hextall who believes she has found a vaccine decides to shorten the time to its public rollout that normal trialing & testing protocols require by injecting herself with the vaccine then visiting her isolated, seriously infected Father. This is an almost direct re-enactment of the work of Dr Barry Marshall, the Australian Nobel Prize Winner in 2005 for Physiology who in 1983 was ignored for his theory that peptic ulcers were a bacterial infection, so he gave himself the condition, then cured himself.

In all the the hype and emotion around the current virus, it really comes down to just doing what is necessary. As a nurse on social media put it - nurses are dealing with all kinds of contagious diseases all the time. We take the necessary precautions as we go about our day, then we wash our hands thoroughly before we sit down for lunch, then we get back to work.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post17 Mar 2020

Are the BKs panic buying and back into centres holding 6 month supplies?

Something like this really brings out the worst in human beings. Apparently one of the key spreaders was a member of a South Korean cult who adamantly kept attending cult meetings, and not seeking treatment.

Currently, for god knows what reason, everyone is clearing all the supermarket shelves out of toilet paper in some bizarre displacement. Others are selling it on the internet for 4 times the retail price, making a fortune out of it. It might be the end of the world, but they'll all die with clean bottoms. Or, more to the point, they may be facing Black Death, but they'll still not touch their anus to wash it with water!

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post19 Mar 2020


Thank you for your response. It is ironic that the one basic hygiene people would be instigated to focus on while neglcting other hygienic practice as time advanced for almost 100 years is being fecal free. Also at the same time they forget that their pets do not use toilet paper and they are contaminating themselves when allowing their pets at the dinning table or sharing the same utensils with their pets. Individual with reptilian pets can be exposed to the Salmonella organism just by contacting the skin of the reptile. Our BK Brothers may not have animal pets, but some of their pet habits are affected by the current pandemic.

One is airline travel. The other is the downward trend in the global stock market. I do recall in Murlis from 30 years ago predictions on the world having greater confidence on Asian markets and the movement of funds from Western countries to nations such as India and Hong Kong. Although a paper from Imperial College, London indicates that the pandemic will be more severe with fatalities and morbidities reaching six figures, the world will not be transformed in the image of the BKs.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post19 Mar 2020

Hello Pink,

Thank you for your response. I would agree with your comparison of the movies. In fact, one ex-BK who is a veterinarian worked at one of the facilities where one of the consultants on Contagion was the Chief Pathologist. The ex-BK veterinary surgeon was a visiting pathologist at the facility. The Brother, the veterinary surgeon was relating to me his work in infectious diseases, which include spear-heading campaigns to control outbreaks of rabies in which vampire bats are the biological vectors in the tropics, leptospirosis, and training at the Center for Chemical and Biological Warfare at Porton Down, UK. The facility at Porton Down has now been sanitized, sociologically and rebranded dstl or Defense Science and Technology Laboratories.

SARs and HN1 were real, but hyped up and the WHO along with Big Pharma gained financially. I agree with you, this current pandemic is hyped up, but it is much more serious. This time many are out of jobs; in the USA doctors and other health workers have got to take leave to stay home and take care of their children. Schools have been closed and may be reopened in September. Here is a link with updated information on CORVID-19: ... orm=MNWACO
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Mar 2020

Someone pointed out to me that while 200 deaths have happened related to CORVID-19 in the USA, during the same period 22,000 deaths have happened related to ordinary flu (with 50 million infected), which makes one wondered.

Going back on topic to the BKs, Sister Mohini has voiced his wisdom that the cause of 'corona' is collective karma and the cure is more "karuna" (Corona to Karuna (link may change)) providing evidence that the BK philosophy still hasn't moved on from childish wordplays. As ever, while "The whole universe right now including the plant and animal kingdoms need our compassion", no doubt the BKs still need your money. They are currently spending around 70 million rupees / approx USD$1 million for Shantivan and 30 million rupees / approx USD$428,000 on water and sanitation projects for Gyan Sarovar and Pandav Bhavan.

The Madhuban seasonal income is going to take a big hit financially as India cancels all visas and cracks down on mass gatherings, expect begging emails to follow. Adherents internationally are even being told not to come to Murli classes and hold events, also in USA. I wonder how many followers will realise how nice it is to stay at home in the morning and develop new sanskars doing precisely that?
URGENT: Update about Travel to India - ALL VISAS SUSPENDED
12 March 2020

Dear Divine Family,

We have now received further notice from the Government of India that all visas for travel to India have been suspended until the 15th of April, including OCI cardholders. This comes into effect from 12 noon GMT 13th March 2020 at point of departure. Please see the attached notice.

Those who do decide to travel to India today, at their own risk, will have to be prepared to face hours of delays at airports before entering the country and are advised to bring 2 copies of the self-reporting form with them as these are not readily available at airports.

Please note that those with Indian passports are able to travel to India, however any traveller, including those with Indian passports, who have visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain or Germany after the 15th February will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days.

These scenes teach us to be stable on the rails of the drama, and we know that Baba will make sure that for His children, wherever they are, they will receive the sustenance that they need.

Please share this information with those BK students who are planning to travel to Madhuban.

With love,
In Baba's Yaad,
BK Shashi

As an off topic aside, it looks like Janki Kirpalani's health is failing (again) but this time, given her age, quite seriously. Clearly she wouldn't survive infection.

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GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Mar 2020


Thank you for your response with information on BK activities pertaining to CORVID-19. Current and increasing fatality in the USA compared to influenza, even the 1918 influenza pandemic can be in a ratio of 1:200. And there is also a similar ratio when mortality or fatality is compared to morbidity. It is also true that there is a greater recovery rate in patients who survive CORVID-19 infection. It is another issue when we examine the morbidity rates and fatality rate.

In New York City more than two weeks ago, there were only 176 confirmed cases and zero fatalities. Today it is multiple times the morbidity from half a month ago. It is a pandemic due to the community spread of the illness and the inability of health officials to control or stop the spread.

It is nice of Mohini to have a special program this Sunday to spiritually help change the vibrations globally. But there also many spiritual organizations and individual mystics, including sadhus and sanyasis in India who have been actively contributing positive vibrations to heal the negative metaphysical wounds associated with a global pandemic. I do remember the ways in which Mohini, Janki, and Kamude treated the BK doctor whose bravery contributed to preventing a nation wide pandemic of thallium poisoning in Guyana in the late 1980's.

Unlike Dr. Li Wenliang who succumbed to the CORVID-19 infection, the doctor prevailed after foiling an assassination attempt. In one of his LIinkedin posts he stated that during the thallium epidemic, he treasured each day as though it was his last. He would sleep with the understanding that he might never wake up or as he was under going antidote treatment he was prey for an assassin's bullets.

Mohini publically chastised the Brother at a public event at the ashram in Guyana. Kamude then informed Mohini and Janki that the Brother never visited the Guyana center or would only visit when it pleased him for selfish reasons. When the Brother returned to the USA and visited the San Antone center with plans to settle in Texas and be of service he was asked by Janki and Hansa to leave the Texas center and think of surrendering his BK status.

So now we have a Sister, BK high priestess who has tried to set mine fields on the spiritual path of others wishing to lead her followers to heal the universe. I wish Janki positive vibrations instead of being angry for her treatment of one of my friends.

The hell to which BKs may condemn ex-BKs to can be transformed into a heaven envied by the BKs.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Mar 2020

For a countries such as India, Iran, and China, where as in India there are many satsangs, communal spread can be rapid for COVID-19. There have discussions on air borne transmission of COVID-19 and/or aerosolized transmission. Though there is evidence indicating aerosolized transmission and no transmission through the air, it is safe to not gamble the idea of a low probability of viral transmission air.

In the atmosphere, especially in enclosed spaces are micro- and nano-droplets of water; these are droplets of water with diameters in the range of 1/1000000 m or 1/1000000000 m. The droplets can originated from sneezing, coughing, laughing excessively, or just talking. Viruses such as COVID-19 can be suspended in the invisible droplets of water, which can then be inhaled. The virus particles mixed in with the water in the droplets constitute a suspension, as the viral particles do not dissolve in the water and the mixture is a solid/liquid suspension.

The viral particles are the insoluble solute and the water is the solvent. There can also be gas/to gas mixtures and gas to solid mixtures. Air is a homogenous mixture of gases in which water vapor is one of the constituent gases. Liquid water at room temperature and pressure will vaporize. The microdroplets/nano-droplets of suspensions with viral particles can then gasify or vaporize dispersing the particles as a solid/gas suspension.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post23 Mar 2020

By 1918, when the flu pandemic decimated the global population, many schools of homeopathy and naturopathy were closed in the USA to the Flexner Report of 1910, which was favorable to scientific medicine with its mechanistic theories but limited to acute interventions.

Today, East has met West, though there is a need for much more meetings. Thanks to Elmer Green, Herbert Benson, Ader and Cohen, and Hans Selye to name some pioneers of scientific medicine, inoculations of meditation and other relaxation techniques can help to boost the immune systems of people against the COVID-19 organism.

I am seeing many experts on the physiology of meditation and biofeedback contribute valid recommendations to reduce stress, which can increase susceptibility to COVID-19. One such individual is Professor Eric Pepper.

Though BKism may dismiss biofeedback as non-spiritual, it still reduces stress and enables individuals to control their autonomic nervous systems, which raj yogis are supposed to do.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post25 Mar 2020

India is currently on a "total lockdown" for 21 days. A virtual curfew with public gatherings, including religious ones, banned and rules with up to two years in prison and heavy fines. It has already issued a ban on international arrivals and grounded domestic flights. The country's rail network has also suspended most passenger services.

It is being described as a "seismic cultural shift", albeit not well observed.

I am more interested in the development of this unpredicted response. I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories swilling around the internet about the virus but I am sure social and political scientistic will be observing all this with interest, and others interested in how it could be exploited.

I'd be interested to know how the BKs are responding to it. Also how it might change individual's habits. I did read on their website that many countries are moving towards using the internet for morning class etc, as in like breakfast TV. I have to say if we had been forced to miss 21 days Morning Class when I was a BK, I'd have probably given up. Missing one or two days was enough.

Just at the global economy is going to take a hit, how is the BK economy going to fare given that many centres depend entirely on donations. With the BK HQ, the "Pandav world government" as they like to call themselves, be bailing them out from their huge reserves of gold, cash & other wealth given that they don't have individual sources of income?

I imagine they'll be milking their telephone lines to keep students hooked.

I cannot bring myself to watch yet it but here is their public face response, "Physical and Spiritual Precautions in Times of Chaos".

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post25 Mar 2020

Nothing new for the BKs, it used to be said: “There will come a time that you will not be able to leave your homes!”, I always imagined this to be due to social unrest rather than the current epidemic, but BKs will be well prepared and have printed Murlis or books at the ready.

It was a must to attend the centre in person every day, but in recent years some centres did allow listening to the Murli from home through applications such as Skype.

That is a good point ex-I, there is going to be a huge impact on their collective bandara (collection box), I wonder if Destruction will be postponed or if they believe that these are the end times?
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Pink Panther

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post26 Mar 2020

Like the major corporations that have made huge profits over the years but will still leverage assistance from governments (i.e. taxpayers), even those that have avoided taxes with all kinds of tricks, so too, the BKs will seek extra help from their wealthier donors and only in the rarest cases will they spend much of the hoarded gold to help out the poor, even amongst their own.

I mean, why else strive so hard for the Golden Age if you care nought for gold today? The sanskaras have to be developed now!

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