My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

Hi Rita,

Whether you believe in God or not is not an issue to Him because
    1) Almost half of the population do not believe in God, and
    2) The other half who say they believe in God actually do disservice to Him by believing God-dishonoring doctrines such as eternal hell-fire, omnipresence ... etc.
In fact, this is one important aspect -- because there is a great practical lesson to take from God. He is not bothered about how people view Him. He renews all provisions for life's enjoyment whenever they are depleted/destroyed by humans' indiscriminate use.

Just because we buy from vendors the fruits and vegetables, we don't remember that they have a provider behind the vendors. Vendors only do the job of plucking and transporting. The glory of God is this -- humans can know what a mustard seed is made up of -- yet cannot duplicate it -- a seed which can sprout, becomes a mustard tree, and then leaves behind many mustard seeds in which the remembrance of all the future mustard trees remains PROTECTED.

When I began to think "I am not bothered about how people view me" -- wow, it was a great freedom instantly.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

At least I am not deceptive and open for any honest conversation.

You have closed door for reasoning, logic.



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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

Hi Pink Panther,

Everything you wrote can be summarized like the response made by the fox in Aesop’s story: “It jumped in vain for grapes. Then it said: “Who will jump for it, after all it is sour grapes.”


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

Dude, that’s a very cliched (and typical BK) response to
    a) conversations that you can no longer respond to intelligently or have no answer for,
    b) wanting to feel superior and putting yourself on a pedestal to feel good when you can’t fulfil the above.
You have spent hours responding to previous articles with supposed logic, what happens to you when you are asked for your OWN honest opinion about something independent of what you have been exposed to in the BKs?

What makes you think that you are qualified enough to know what God thinks and wants?

I feel really sorry for you and actually pity you VLakshmi, I hope you come to see a day when you can experience what it’s like to think for yourself and experience actual freedom. You are completely deluded my friend and stuck in a bubble which is very comfortable for you but when it bursts, we’ll be here for you as we have gone through the phase you are in.

God bless you.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

@vlaksshmi - Something for you to ponder, and I am saying this for your own benefit !
Why Do Mental Health Professionals Need Therapy Themselves?

Therapy is one of the few professions where one of the most important tools you have at your disposal is your own self-awareness. Having the opportunity to get therapy allows you to explore your own personal issues in a safe space, so that you become familiar with some of your “blind spots,” “hot buttons,” and issues that if not addressed may become problematic once you’re a therapist. Knowing what is “your stuff” is essential for being able to work with “other people’s stuff.” You don’t want to confuse the two. You don’t want to under- or over-react to client issues because of your own. And for certain client issues, you can really only be helpful to the extent that you have been willing and able to work on your own.

Therapists benefit greatly from ongoing therapy not only when they are experiencing problems in their personal lives, just like anyone might, but they may need it in order to prevent professional burnout or “compassion fatigue.” While being a therapist is among one of the most rewarding professions, it has unique challenges and can take a toll on therapists and their family members unless plans for self-care are followed. Because of the nature of some types of therapeutic work, some therapists can experience vicarious or secondary traumatization from working with clients with trauma or abuse histories and benefit from talking with another professional to deal with that traumatization so it does not lead to the inability to continue to do that work. People who go into the helping professions can benefit from working with therapists to assess their self-care strategies, their vulnerabilities to burnout or addiction, and to ensure that they have access to the same type of compassion, unconditional positive regard, and assistance in developing effective coping strategies that their clients receive from them.

Therapists getting therapy shows that we are not hypocrites and that we actually believe what we are telling you. I don’t know about you, but I do not want the Subaru dealer who just sold me my Outback to pull off the lot in a Toyota. I want my dentist to get regular dental care. I would definitely prefer for my primary care doctor to not be a smoker or an alcoholic. (Or if they are, that they are trying to address those addictions). Being willing and able to benefit from therapy when that would be helpful proves that we believe therapy is helpful. If it’s good enough for us, it’s good enough for you, and vice-versa.

“Severe punishment for those who belong to the Father and then do disservice, the Father's right hand is Dharamraj—Murli 12.9.2016
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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

vlakshmi wrote:I was not conditioned by anybody.

Woah ... stop just there, please!

If a troubled patient entered your surgery and said, "I was not mentally and emotionall conditioned by anybody" ... how would you respond?

Did you grow up in a jungle raised by wolves or something?

We are talking about conditioning, not brainwashing.

Your parents, your family, your community, your teacher/s *all* added to your conditioning *before* you entered BKism ... then they brainwashed you.

Your pre-conditioning was a prerequisite to your vulnerability to BKism ... look at the stepping stones behind you.
I put God into test, Before going to sleep, I told Him ... wake me up at 4 o'clock in the early morning,

How do you know - how does that "prove" - that it was your god spirit and not your sub-conscious ... or the spirit of Lekhraj Kirpalani ... or an angelic servant of your god spirit ... or 10,000 other things?

Do other non-BK have the same exprience? Yes.
I was also seeking His guidance on very vital matters, and I was getting perfect guidance from Him which have done wonders for me.

And how does he do so?
Pink Panther wrote:It is impossible for the eye to see itself.

I disagree and I think this is not a useful metaphor.

The eye (also the mind) can to see itself in a mirror. I can see faults inside my lens, and I can test my sight by looking at external references that I know to be accurate and correct.

It is just that most people don't bother to look and self-examine, or are too distacted by movement external.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

Dear ex-l, Pink panther, rita, oldbk, truthexposed and other non-bks

Why are we discussing or encouraging vlakshmi values or spiritual belief? I don't care nor should we, she is brought in or sold out to that doctrine. I feel ashamed that she puts God to test. Even for that God must allow it. I asked a few questions and while all non-Bks gave good insights and close to the answers I feel are good especially ex-I and pink panther -vlakhsmi has hijacked the issue. She is doing a favor for the organization then she must tell what techniques the BK use to lure back - if she doesn't know then she is not a good BK and if she knows then, she is distracting others form getting me the info I seek. She said she is sending me positive sakshaas, if i tell her that i have lost more in past two days- then will she accept that her prayers don't work?, So please stop praying for me. It would be another shameful response from her if she says-OH - i forgot to pray as i had a lot of patients. Can some tell to leave this discussion and refrain from posting or can all stop responding to her posts and answer my query - what are the methods they lure back. Let the dirt come out. Are we prepared to discuss this?
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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post08 May 2019

I agree, discussion re vlakhsmi should be split off into another topic and she should be asked what she is doing here.

I think the sign up process is clear, this forum is for people exiting the BKs and helping friends and family of BKs.

If vlakhsmi genuinely wants help, and are open to it receiving it, then I am happy to help them exit ... but that does not appear to be why they are here.

Many BKs do come here when they start to question BKism and are going to leave and we accept them ... but I am not getting that feeling from them yet.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post09 May 2019


I would suggest, don’t even stay connected to those people, they are hypocrites. Slowly they will trap you, and you will end up giving up your family life and your hard earned money. You will be brainwashed to such an extent that you will not even realise what are you talking to your family members and friends. Just take an example of vlakshmi, you will be talking like her to everyone. These BKs are like Christian missionaries.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post09 May 2019

Hi Rita,

I liked the way vLakshmi was writing without bothering to answer my question. That apart and leave her alone. I liked your short and incisive replies. Makes sense a lot.

Would like to refer to the post where the street full of robbers was mentioned, that sums up.

As I recall some instances at this home - when most of the time one of the spouses will always complain of illness and so will wait to see if the orphan adopted guy or me (when I am around) volunteered. Initially, the first and second time I volunteered to do some help in buying something from a nearby shop. Soon I stopped but the agonizing complaints continue(d) and they have that guy who does the running now.

Yes, I recall the amount of their smartness when I used to be made to buy things I liked and they knew I will share. This I did most of the time as I was feeling good. It is also interesting to narrate this. The wife will always fighting with the husband and kid, and the adopted guy, and tell me they are useless etc. I knew this was done so that I don't become close to them and am sure they would have been told to keep off me so that they don't become close to me either. The kid never became friends and knew there was some brainwashing done.

Similarly, any family who became close to me in the neighbourhood - soon never came near me. Lately, I realized there was some brainwashing done to them - which made them avoid me. I got a person who told me weeks later.

The words and methods used for telling me to be away from my family initially were strange and then it became annoying and this along with many other reasons I wrote earlier, made me want to withdraw. This website was too good and timely to tell me to be decisive and get away.

I am not sure if by posturing as a BK by putting a flag outside the home and the various OM stuff all around signifies anything or sends any signal to anyone (in fact, when I moved near their home - they got me the electric plugging night lamp, the god's photo for prayer and the house door sticker - all of BK. I refused all except the God and Goddess photo - as that time initially I did not want to hurt them).

When I cooked food at times and offered them, they never tasted that. But anything from the hotel would be lapped up.

I do not understand what this phrase meant "enjoy any aspect as per your desire. Any desire is like thirst. Quench it with what you can get easily".

I did not write all this in the first instant, not knowing how it will be read and what replies I will get. But after seeing the support I know there was a great mind at work and in manipulation, which is more likely to repeat in case I get a welcome call back. That is far now.

So much more than my own experience is what I read here. Feel some may have gone through a more horrible experience and financial drain and emotional puncture where healing and coming back to normal would have been a long and painful experience itself.

I don't know if the Honeymoon Period is six months, one year, two years, mine lasted less than a year - and I as I run from these mind-snatchers and pick-pocketers, I would narrate this joke. I like this village guy went to a city. He saw a number of tall buildings - and was watching one BK tower (of 40 floors). Suddenly one muscle-man catches the village guy and asks him politely - please pay five rupees for each floor you watched. Now, how many floors did you see? Quickly the village guy tells the muscle-guy, I watched 20. The muscle guy says - now pay Rs 100 or else ... Soon the village guy takes out a 100 Rs note and gives it to the muscle-guy. He then runs away far from the Muscle guy and shouts - I saw all the forty floors. While the village guy escaped saving a 100 Rs, the muscle guy doing nothing gets Rs 100. Don't know who is the winner, but the village-guy was smart and escaped. But imagine if the muscle guy removed a gun and asked for all the money - That is not BK practice yet!!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post09 May 2019

vlakshmi wrote:Everything you wrote can be summarized like the response made by the fox in Aesop’s story: “It jumped in vain for grapes. Then it said: “Who will jump for it, after all it is sour grapes.”

I do not see the connection of this Aesop's fableto what I wrote. I was trying to open a dialogue with you on a level you are (supposed to be) professionally able to deal with with others, but maybe not personally?

As oldbk said, the therapists are most often blind in themselves to what they see in others - like the not uncommon GP who’ll tell his patients to do more exercise and eat healthier but is himself an overweight alcoholic and heavy smoker. Maybe arising from a deeper seated condition not acknowledged ...

There were quite specific questions asked by ex-l, and I offered suggestions for perspectives from which to answer from. You are patronising in your dismissiveness.

You might just say you don't have the time to answer at length, but all that means is that you should wait to answer properly when you have the time.

When you are ready, as ex-l suggests, start a new topic, introduce yourself and make it a bit more personal rather than being a BK defence lawyer. Enter a personal dialogue. Most everyone who reads this site knows the BK Gyan inside out, and their "yuktis”, and we don't need that repeated without relevant context.
Pink Panther wrote:"It is impossible for the eye to see itself.”
ex-l wrote:" I disagree and I think this is not a useful metaphor. The eye (also the mind) can to see itself in a mirror. I can see faults inside my lens, and I can test my sight by looking at external references that I know to be accurate and correct.

But, my dear ex-l, even you said it. The eye or mind needs a mirror, use external references, use other senses and memory to know if the lens has faults. Dialogue and dialectic can be mirrors in the present as we ”bounce off” each other. Self-reflection creates objectivity from the present self looking at the past self ...
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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post09 May 2019

Unless vlakshmi is willing to become human, equal and natural; admit and embrace their errors and problems, and become determined to resolve their and faults, I am close to voting to shut their account down.

They won't give straight answers to simple questions, and are not even writing from a BK Gyani point of view, so what are they doing here?

They are not 'in BKism', and they don't want out ... they are in some other strange, half-and-half world between BKism and Christian fundamentalism borrowing from both.
CS1979 wrote:... so will wait to see if the orphan adopted guy ... volunteered.

Who or what is this "orphan adopted guy", are we talking about some street kid they have picked up as a servant?
The wife will always fighting with the husband and kid, and the adopted guy, and tell me they are useless etc.

You really need to write a letter documenting and complaining about all this to the zone-in-charge or Mount Abu, and put them out of business.

Clearly this is all contrary to their teachings ... however, it is by far not the first example we have read of such behaviour. It is not a joke.
When I cooked food at times and offered them, they never tasted that. But anything from the hotel would be lapped up.

Again, bizarre. They are not eating your food because you are impure. But they should not be eating from the hotel either.
I do not understand what this phrase meant "enjoy any aspect as per your desire. Any desire is like thirst. Quench it with what you can get easily".

Where did it come from? It is not BKism. It is pretty much the opposite. If it is their philosophy, they are just crooks.
I don't know if the Honeymoon Period is six months, one year, two years, mine lasted less than a year.

It is not fixed, some don't have it at all, but I would say you had a typical run.


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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post09 May 2019

To all the ex BKs - Pink Panther, ex-I, Rita and others

I am convinced that there is a mechanism to trap the run-away victim in various ways. From a plain nice talk and being too good to be true in actions and behaviour and make the victim recall the best times etc and maybe a hypnotic suggestion.

Since the organization has mushroomed beyond an organic size of non-destruction and curb, it will mow down many individuals and families as it spreads its tentacles. Again many non-BKs and other type individuals and families will be using their own formulated tricks to swindle victims. The only thing about the BKs as I said earlier is they watch the Big Dadi and see if their acts of mesmerizing followers give results and use that. OH, It pains me here or there and I am dying are phrases enough to get the children (victims) and cry for the mother.

Deception, word-tricks, emotional blackmail and control, attempt to disconnect the victim more from their contacts etc will be always high on the agenda and checklist for gaining control over victims in the first attempt and again in repetition.

They will always get some person to adopt or be serving them. such victims are difficult to rescue or be told to leave as their dependency on such families is high as they surrender all their mind, efforts and money to the family.

Since many acts are covered up under doing good, not much can be done to change the situation.

Leaving wisely or in anger or aggressively may be done as per the situation the victim is in. For me, a peaceful exit is good (has been) and in case I come across such people again, avoid or smile so wide that they will not be able to see any sadness in me etc to feel they must help.

I am sure they are happy chasing other victims. Best of luck to them. Sadly I know the new victims in a distant way, cannot do much as they will come on me in chasing me away - as the ways of control by the BKs I know are smart to trap the victim and the victims barking at me. As ex-I asked, was there more than just good or flirting that was in the store not delivered? I am sure not with me - it was a distinct decently interaction and I always spoke about my family etc which caused them unease. But the services could/may/would be extended to those rich guys. So the transaction is simple as seen in the street where we see a cheap one to high flying society celebrity in such work. It is allowed and permitted by their social freedom and economically deep pockets.

Sad to see the way society works and intertwined are such type people who do it under a white and red flag!!

And as we see in some movies at the end ... Today I met a family and they waved at me and asked, "How are you? where do you stay? have you shifted? ?" ... This was from the old neighbourhood at a shopping place. "Fine/ Nearby/Yes", were answers and then this did not happen - a line that could have been asked by them, "Please come home".

Thank God! Escaped and so writing here - otherwise, I would be frying in a new relation searching for some hidden symbol that is red bright under any light!! And asking more questions here!!!

Despite my jaw pain, I laugh. I laugh. I laugh. Freedom for now. Life is great.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post10 May 2019


You have a jewel of an idea in your many valid ideas; it's about the sevadhari BKs compared to the center-in-charge BKs or the ones who give sweet lectures and are among the jet-set. Most likely the more spiritually advanced are the most humble BKs, not the jet-set ones, who are always having photo-opps with IPs and VIPs. Even the God-spirit once devoted a whole Murli to the issue of stages of Yoga power in BKs who are humble yet skilled in the craft to genuine spiritual advancement, and those who deliver sweet lectures but do not practice that which they teach.

I see another concealed motive of vlakshmi BK. It is to be on this site, as a BK embed or infiltrator, who will dilute any genuine advice offered by others.
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Pink Panther

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Re: My Story (flirting fishing and sub-centre abuse)

Post10 May 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I see another concealed motive of vlakshmi BK. It is to be on this site, as a BK embed or infiltrator, who will dilute any genuine advice offered by others.

She is not succeeding at anything other than convincing herself. I remember when I started on this forum I had a real go at ex -L (with humour as well as gravity) for blaming the BKs for fooling us more than we blame ourselves . As I put it at the time - rather than accepting that we bought a lemon, we were suckers who bought into what was being sold. We were the ones who made the bad choice. But we spend years as BKs convincing ourselves because no-one likes to admit they made a mistake. We then spend years after leaving telling ourselves it was all for the best, there are worse groups than BKs etc - when, in fact, we just need to see honestly what happened, who we are, how we were fooled, and what the BKs are - see things as they are. No comparison need be made, rationalisations are secondary.

Vlakshmi, trying to convince us here, actually reveals she is really here to convince herself. When a BK does ”service” and brings a soul to Baba, it affiirms their choice. When they meet ex-BKs they are challenged. Why would anyone leave BKs?

The deeper self behind the costume and role senses there’s a rift between reality and the "truths" she holds as self-evident. She is throwing up all kinds of points which through their very expression reveal their inadequacy. No worries, it's part of a catharsis if it goes its full course.

The oceanic undercurrents where most of her being lies are being pulled in a separate direction to where the winds of her thought=constructs blow. Curiosity and fascination with alternative ideas is why she is here.

While there's that, there’s hope. She is not yet a zombie.

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