What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to followers?

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Pink Panther wrote:Rather than solipsistically thinking your own experience is a universal reality ... read what hundreds of people have said abut their own BK experiences ... There are quite a number that would be of interest to a clinical psychiatrist.

The latter is true.

V, do you know there are other (broadly defined) professionally psychological BKs practising giving care to other BKs and address mental and emotional problems that arise among BKs?

By "solipsistically", Pink, I presume you mean,
Absorption with oneself without consideration for the needs and desires of others

Rather than the other meaning of,
The view that the self is the only reality.

It's too big a word for me to pronounce nevermind understand.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Hi ex-l,

For me this question is like asking me “what time would I reach my destination if I travel 60 KM at 60 KM per hour.” One can know what would be the population at any given time if he knows the rate at which population doubles.
Interestingly, we have some figures that can help us:

a) We have the population figures for the first half (2500 years) of the Kalpa (cycle of 5000 years), and we know the population in our time [and also the projected figure for the future], hence we have an idea about what could be the population for the second half. And what we need to know is the rate at which population doubles. You get a rough idea from India—what was 333 million in 1947 became 1,366.13 in 2019. It grew 4 times in just 72 years. Hence one can take a safer rate like population doubles in every 150 years to accommodate all types of untimely deaths through wars, epidemics, accidents, natural disasters (even though this does not apply to the first half of The Cycle).
    1) First quarter of Kalpa (Golden Age of 1250 years) ends with 900000 people
    2) Second quarter of Kalpa (Silver Age of 1250 years) ends with 333.33 million people (which means population almost doubled at around every 138 years)
      Population/ As the years pass
      1800000/ after 138 years
      3600000/ after 277 years
      7200000/ after 416 years
      14400000/ after 555 years
      28800000/ after 694 years
      57600000/ after 833 years
      115200000/ after 972 years
      230400000/ after 1111 years
      333333333/ after 1250 (or total years)
    3) Third Quarter of Kalpa (Copper Age of 1250 years) stars with 333.33 million people
    4) Fourth Quarter of Kalpa (Iron Age of 1250 years) ends with 10666.66 million people (which means population almost doubles at around at every 500 years even though in reality population doubles in far less rate)
      Population/ As the years pass
      666666666/ after 500 years
      1333333332/ after 1000 years
      2666666664/ after 1500 years
      5333333328/ after 2000 years
      10666666656/ after 2500 years

It is not in any one’s best interest to get diverted on details such as population. It would be like people arguing with Noah regarding the insignificant details about the construction of the Ark. What is important is to board the ARK which is now Rajayoga meditation and a linked life with God. Like the people of Noah’s time could see the flood water rising, we can also see the symbolic (and even literal) waters (or any means whatsoever) of destruction is rising:



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Hi Pink Panther,

You are asking me to
"spend some time browsing this site to read what hundreds of people have said abut their own BK experiences or those of family members and friends who were BKs."

I have been reading from this site from the time I became a BK. I am equally thorough with both your site, all other ex-BK sites and all BK-sites too.

I read, and make my own judgment. I have an example in Vidura, the Mahabharat character. He was the Prime Minister to the Kauravas even though he was the incarnation of Yama, the god of justice. The way he lived tells us how one should live wisely. He was doing his duty and was withdrawing like a tortoise thereafter. His main highlight is that he used to make comments only when asked for and never assert for its implementation because he was doing everything looking at the consequence which is the inseparable side of Karma no matter whether consequence is nearby or far away, at a distance in the future. That is why he is given the very name Vidura (literaly, seeing at a distance). This great quality of BALANCE is shown in many mythological characters whose pictures show with one leg being grounded on the floor and the other leg folded and kept on the other leg. In Economics, we say : "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

What has helped me to continue joyfully in the BK system is the policy of me looking at the forest (rather than on the trees). I am concerned only what I can practice with what I have known about Atma, ParamAtma, History and Geography and Sanskar.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

vlaksmi wrote:You are asking me to "spend some time browsing this site to read what hundreds of people have said abut their own BK experiences or those of family members and friends who were BKs."

I have been reading from this site from the time I became a BK. I am equally thorough with both your site, all other ex-BK sites and all BK-sites too. I read, and make my own judgment.

The level of disconnect between your statements and action are mind boggling. You are complaining about "having to spend more time on browsing this site". But then, you also state "I have been reading from this site from the time I became a BK. I am equally thorough with both your site, all other ex-BK sites and all BK-sites too."

You then say "I read, and make my own judgment". This again, totally against a "true" BK follower's directions. Not to follow "Manmat".

You also writes pages of junk information about population etc which is AGAIN against what is mentioned by God in Murli. Displaying characteristics of an extrovert, instead of becoming an introvert (unther mukhi), listening to "parmat", ie to the statements and wasting time on pages and pages of junk details.

If you want to follow BKism, you need start again from the 7 Day Course, and do a lot introspection. Else, if you want some answers to your confusion, from this site, you should do so without deceiving yourself and be who are and not pretend to be something that you are not !
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Thank you oldBK.

Yes, we are here to help people untaggle themselves both from BKism and within BKism. We will help you vlaksmi by providing help to see yourself, your mind, separating the bits that are personal and the bits that are BK, and identifying how the BKs confuse, hold, manipulate and exploit people.

We can even, as oldBK write, help you become a better BK, or a better/easier/more complete/more relaxed/more together person within BKism ... if that is what you really want. You can serve BK and within BKism.

How can we do so ... because we were all BKs once too, we all had the same things going on and happening within our minds to some degree or another ... and we did not stop growing and developing interests in spirituality *after* freeing ourselved from the confines imposed by the BKWSU leaders (many of whom are *not* actually that enlightened). Our collective experience with the BKs is international, and goes back 40 years and more.


Here's a hint ...
    It was not about the population. It's about the components of your mind and how they work together ... as oldBK is picking up.

    Your mind *and* the BK mind. Or the components the BKs have installed. And how you are using them.

We are more demanding here than in the BKWSU, but I would say actually more helpful. We do demand reasonable standards of individuals, not like in the BKs where they will let you say anything and just go, "achha" as long as you keep coming and donating to Baba's Box.

Not "high" standards, just reasonable, human standards of real two way communication.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Hi oldbk,

When I answer, you say answer is not to your liking.
When I answer to your liking, you say I am giving junks

Then you ask me to read this site in full. When I say I have already done that, then you say I am listening to parmath, not being an introvert, I am going against God.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

Hi ex-l,

Finally, I liked what you wrote. You were negatively responding to me so far. Now I sense a friendliness in your tone. This change I appreciate. If this is so, then, I can address your second serious issue (first one, allegation of monetary exploitation, I already addressed) of “failed predictions”.

End time predictions of humans can fall short of their due because humans are just being overzealous about what God says about The End. That means one has to make a distinction between what God says and what humans say.

If an organization at its very inception says the world is going to end after 100 years, it is not going to attract potential workers; but at the same time there should be a powerful organization that can single-handedly fill the earth with Good News of the Golden Age that is going to replace the present Iron Age. For such a robust work force to come, it would take time. Hence God will say ‘this world will end soon’ and humans will calculate that “soon” in term of years.

In other words, tone and vocabulary will change depending upon the circumstance, time and the capacity of the listeners which would look like contradiction if taken separately.

For example,
    We have heard from our immediate family members that sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

    Then later we ourselves understood that it is not that sun rises in the East, but where the sun rises is the East and where the sun sets is the West.

    When we finished our higher studies, we realized that sun never rises, never sets; there is no East, there is No West ... etc.

Were our immediate family members frauds? Never, because at that time they could have used only such vocabulary even if they held Masters Degrees in Astrophysics.

From the very fact that God never tells a specific date for The End but keeps saying “The End will come” it is obvious that God has in mind that the end will have its natural course:
    just like a seed sprouts, grows into a tree and finally comes to an end,
    just like an infant grows into adulthood and finally comes to an end,
    mankind (individuals collective) too will grow from its infancy (Confluence Age, also called Diamond Age) through Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age and will become diseased in Copper Age and will come to an end.
Interestingly, we are now witnessing Climate Disruption (many Scientists now prefer this term to Climate Change because of the intensity and the increased speed of the change --), and this disruption is irreversible. It is so powerful that it can bring The End of the world without even a 3rd World War.

That will happen because most humans act like a rebellious boy who comes into your house and tries to disturb fine-tuning you have carefully done with things such as electrical, plumbing etc. Born on to the earth, scientists [funded by greedy industries/governments] saw trees acting as nature’s air-conditioner absorbing heat from surroundings and giving shade, releasing life-giving oxygen in exchange for carbon dioxide. Then they, through their technology, began to pump billions of tons of CO2 (over 37 billion tons in 2018 alone) into the air we breathe. Human follies continue to occur--they are increasingly replacing natural forests with concrete jungles. How true this lamentation:
“Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky, we fell them down and turn them into paper, that we may record our emptiness.”

- Kahlil Gibran

Will they change? To answer this question, look at the consistency of human behavior pattern throughout history.

Humans have something in common:
    1) They all witness death of past generation, yet each one lives as though he would not die.
    2) They witness consequences of action in the case of other people, yet each one often acts as though he will somehow escape consequences.
    3) They know that nothing will happen to lower species if humans disappeared from the earth whereas humans cannot survive without other species—yet they carry on with their life-style that results in “between 10,000 and 100,000 species becoming extinct each year.”
    4) They ignore the alert their bodies provide in the form of diseases, yet they seldom change their life-style which results in increasing diseases.
All these traits and others mean most humans will go according to their sanskar and history, in essence, repeats itself.

Only God the Almighty can renew what has become obsolete and decadent.

I honestly desire you also should be there in the Golden Age!
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

vlakshmi wrote:When I answer, you say answer is not to your liking.
Finally, I liked what you wrote. You were negatively responding to me so far.

In fairness to oldBK, theirs is not a subjective response. It is not a question of them "liking" your answers or not, it is a question of whether the answers objectively address the question (eg BK population estimates) and truly represent an integrated form of BK thoughts.

They still don't. It's an abstract response, but not an answer and we are asking why even say something like that when the honest answer are probably, "I don't know" and "It's true ... the BK numbers just don't add up".

Try saying those and see how our attitude changes.

By today's standards of BKism, I would suggest that many here were very "pukka" and have a very clear vision of what BKism is or was. We have on record even leading BKs admitting that the standards within BKism, and the clarity of its philosophy, are declining ... and some believe this was also predicted in the teachings.

Look at today's post from some man - entirely contradicting both the Gyan and BK PR claims - looking for a BK wife to act as a servant for his elderly - so called BK - parents.

I would like to suggest that you do what oldBK proposed in his last line ... and start over again.

For me, the religious front you presented - the BK bit and the Christian bit - is just a front, a facade, a mask you are trying out. The real you is in behind that. The real you presented them as you in order to see how they were seen and accepted.

Even how well they worked in dominating others.

We tend to adopt psychologies like the BKs and BKism as a temporary mask to wear in order to hide our real self behind, or to work on that self. Perhaps there are internal difficulties from your past that you want to escape or fix. What BKism offers is a kind of mask - a temporary mask - to wear *WHILE* you work on fixing or healing those issues.

For some it can simply be a way to escape their family's influence. For others the culture of their birth etc etc etc. Each case is similar but a little different.


We can take to pieces the BK identity because we know it very well. We can recognise the pieces and can separate them from the real self. Because we too wore than mask once too ... but have since given up wearing it, and carrying the burden the BKs leaders put upon us. Their burden, not ours. We freed ourselves.

And, yes, even if all you really want to be is a better or best BK, we can help you do that as well.

We will not judge or condemn YOU ... the person behind the mask. We would like to speak to and with you ... the person behind the mask. Find out your real concerns and help you will them etc.

But it's down to your choice whether you want to be really real with us.

Please also respect our time and energy. We are taking time and energy out of our live to help others, therefore decide quickly whether you want to speaking openly and honest, ask honest questions etc. Be your real self, not the artificial one the BKs are trying to programme into you.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Apr 2019

I'll respond to your later post some other time but I suggest that what you are suffering from is something I, myself, suffered from ... a sort of catastrophising mentality that attracts us to BKism (because it reinforces it) and is encouraged by BKism (Lekhraj Kirpalani suffered from it greatly).

See also; Catastrophic anxiety.

To understand the tendancy toward catastrophising, one would have to look at early experiences in one's like, eg Lekhraj Kirpalani's mother dying when he was young and the family's poverty and hardships (that's correct is not it?).

And I must correct you when you repeat the BK white lie that "Baba never gave a date". That is only true if by "date" you define it as 'day month year'.

"Baba" has *most certainly* given *many* failed dates ... if one defines it by years or events, eg WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, and (from the highest Seniors and "original jewels") Year 2000.

Those are the true facts. "Baba never gave a date" is a false lie. It is manipulative of others and just not true.

I gave you example of the evidence to support the truth above ... and yet you completely ignored it.

That sanskar of ignoring or denial of reality is deeply concerning.
Catastrophist movements

Looking back through history, we can see how societies have been gripped by fears of imminent catastrophe during periods of great social upheaval. Catastrophist movements such as the Crusades announced the coming of the end of the world. To the extent that such movements believed that ‘the chosen’ would be saved, they were also apocalyptic (Cohn, 1970).

In short, they've existed all through human history and all thought the same. It's a loop within human psychology.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019

We can make failrly reasonable predictions about how BKism will evolve from looking at current patterns and Christianity, which was also millenarianist in its early period, and then had to adopt in various ways to its failures, including different groups using various and often opposing reinterpretation to make it appear reasonable.

That "god" - or even a higher being - would fool people into acting is an idea that I find hard to swallow. I think it is a bit of cultural projection on behalf of human beings, ie tricky human beings creating a trickster god in their own image with its roots in Krishna mythologies. It is not an idea that goes down well with modern Westerners, just another human revision or re-write within BKism.

Do we face environmental problems? Without a doubt. Has humanity faced many catalysms in its past? Again, without a doubt (many believe mythologies about floods, earthquakes and great war like the Mahabharata were based on real localised events and then exaggerated).

However, it's an infinitely huge logical leap to go from there - and reinforcing the negative, as the BKs do - to a 12/40/100 Confluence Age, total Destruction and then a magically created Golden Age.

When we were BKs, God said, "Destruction was 50 years and Creation was 50 years" in the Murlis (where did that quote go?).

Was he just fooling us to get us to submit to him?
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Pink Panther

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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019

Given what I have read from vlakshmi here, I really worry about what kind of professional care they are giving any patients s/he has as a practicing psychiatrist.

On the subject of catastrophising and BK’s, I'll remind readers of the history. The catastrophising is often upset by other unforeseen catastrophes!

Foundation of BKs as Om Mandli - whatever original motivations, within a short time, they became reclusive and withdrawn from society, considering themselves victims when in fact they were the ones that had disrupted social norms in a very big way.

Even if you think that what they were doing was somehow ”progressive” in a traditional society, the records of the time show them to simultaneously feel that,
    a) they were above having any responsibility to society or to the families the girls were still legally under the guardianship of, and
    b) began at the earliest to consider themselves persecuted and that persecution was a sign of their superiority, why they were misunderstood, and their Prajapati God Brahma (the title Lekhraj gave himself) was already predicting the end of the world to be within a few years.
When WW2 began, well, that was the cherry on top of the Parajapati top knot!

Here we had a world wide conflagration, and PGB (Prajapati God Brahma) was writing letters to the Viceroy, the King of England, and whichever high ups he felt needed to be told of his new found status! How solipsistic were they? It was their yogic purifying meditations causing it all. Yes, that much!

These girls grew up through that tumultuous time so cut off and so enamoured of their sugar daddy faux-Krisna and his hypnotic ‘flute' that even in the 1970s Dadi Kumarka, Didi Manmohini, Gulzar etc had not heard of Adolf Hitler or what that war was about.

When Independence and Partition came, of all the dramas and politicking and upheaval, the only story they have to tell is how the locals did not want them to leave. It was all about them once again. That it was maybe their business the locals wanted does not occur to them. That many others wanted the communities not to be torn apart on sectarian grounds does not occur to them. For a while, there they thought this catastrophic blood-soaked partition was indeed the end of the world.

When all of the subcontinent was experiencing poverty and food shortages during and after the war, largely because of the extraction of resources by the British Empire for the war effort, it meant nothing to the BKs, they were not part of this world. In their own world, they had their own mythology, it was their ”Beggary period”. The world still hadn't ended and God hadn't planned for the future not going to plan.

India’s independence and democracy was a blow to the arch monarchist and aspirational aristocrat Lekhraj. India’s poverty through the 1950s and 1960s meant few people had any money to donate or bring with them, the girls had left their families behind. Lekhraj's wealth was gone. That would be a convenient time for the world to end. Then especially with the Cold War and Nuclear Arms race building ever greater tensions, with 4 or 5 nations having nuclear capability by the late 1950s, yes, it going to happen now they have the weaponry!

I must admit that the Cold War was a a major factor in the culture of the time that made a gullible teenager like me find the whole BK scenario plausible.

But with no money coming in, and that world not ending the way it should, they had to do something. If people aren't coming to your shop and buying what you are selling, you have to go out there and maybe sell a new product. And that’s what they did. Re-jig the Gyan, a new improved whiter brighter wash with all new God Powered BapDada, two active ingredients in one to give a cleaner brighter end of the world.

God went from being a human to an egg, then from an egg to a point of light. Proselytising, donation seeking expeditions went out with the new message, they made converts and brought in the money. This seems to be working! Great!!

A whole new psycho drama mythology is built aroudn the cult members. Dada is Brahma, Brahma is Krishna, Krishna is Narayan is Rama is Vikarmajit is ... Lekhraj. Mama is Radhe, Lakshmi, Sita etc etc The other ”children” jostle for papa’s favour, who will be the top beads of the rosary? The early pictures showing certain people as the top 8 are removed and others now are in the top 8. Celebrity is fickle. At each stage the ”knowledge” is declared definitive, final, the earlier ”knowledge” was just God moving in mysterious ways because everyone was too stupid ( impure) to understand the true revelation earlier.

Then Om Radhe dies, of cancer, her achievement of karmateet stage as declared by God/not-God did not save her from karmic effects. New mythology is created, the Advance Party!!! She will be reborn a royal princess to give birth to Krishna, that will be her last, 84th birth, This was only her 83rd! Now it all makes sense Baba! The time does get away from her, childbearing years means she must have to take an 85th birth.

New posters, literature, billboards with definite Godly proclamations, new art work with Lekhraj’s face painted on all three parts of the Trimurti, etc, to replace the old stuff which never happened. New Gyan. It is gonna be 1976 chaps, 100 years of Brahma, you know Lekhraj was born in 1876 right? The network of useful people grows. It is all printed and distributed and trumpeted. Gee, they seem pretty damn sure! This is all going well! We are on the right track.

Then Lekhraj dies. **** me, what do we do now? The committee gathers, gets one of the trance prone people to go and find out from ... not Shiva, but the dead spirit itself. Guess what? It will still all end in 1976 says he, just need a few more years and God and Lekhraj, sorry, Brahma, will now come together in another person, speak in a different voice and vocabulary and come up with all kinds of new things, many of which say the previous, definitive final versions are not so definitive, not important while this new stuff is the bee’s knees. The Cold War gets even worse. Even a few foreigners, hippies looking for confirmation of how special they are, how different and spiritual, come along and buy into it. The world is after all about to end, The Cold War is what they've grown up with, the only world they’ve known.

In India especially, people sell their houses an dbusinesses, liquidate their wealth and give it to the BKs.

But 1976 comes and goes. What to do? Let's change the tune. No fixed dates, that was all about testing faith, getting you to not be Date-conscious. But catastrophism bring in donations and volunteers, can;t give that up completely. It can still happen anytime now. (Every breath is not a life giver, every breath is one breath closer to death, for sure).

People sell up more houses and give to the BKWSU (yes, it is now a University despite fulfilling none of the credentials needed). Some move to Mt Abu. Even Westerners now divorce their families, sell their houses, drop out of real University education, forego careers.

Now its 1999. The Y2K is a bug that will do it - that's it for sure, computers will do it! Th fulfilment fo the scriptures! BKs rush out and buy up canned food and camping equipment like the craziest survivalists, even though their God says that true, fortunate yogis will die quickly at Vinash and do not need to go through the pain of Dharmraj. Must be pessimists if they think they'll need supplies! Or is this part of the disconnect between logic and survival instinct?

Mayan Calendar!!!! 2012 is it. 2013, Nope.

Hang on, Climate Change! They say it is preventable but the politicians are doing nothing. The Big Money people will make sure of that. So why the heck are we, the BKs investing in solar and other renewables when Climate change is going to be the end of us all anyway? It cannot be to save electricity bills could it?

I don't know but it keeps everyone guessing, and that’s what feeds our pet. We’ve named him Egregore.
( Egregore is a concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation and the meme.

What now? Gulzar’s past it? No more Avyakt Murlis? All the original ”jewels” are dead or dying? Re-jig!! Re-jig!!!

2036 now mate. Yep, we got that hundred years thing wrong. Let’s see, Nepali royal family was shot to pieces by one iof its own, maybe Mama took rebirth then but where, another birth? 86?

But none of it is important right? Numbers. M’eh.

Like 84 births, 5000 years, 3 worlds, 3 aspects fo time, 4 pillars of Yoga, 9 crore BKs to become deities, 8 incarnations in the 1st of 4 ages, the 12 .. etc. it all means nothing when you look at it.

That's why the BKs spent 80 years working and reworking these numbers trying to make things fit, like some dyslexic accountants.

Be nice to people. That’s what life is all about. Hey, that is worth something when you think about it, that’d be worth some money. Buy more land. And a bit more ...



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019

Hi ex-l,

I agree that many have tried CATASTROPHIC ANXIETY to launch New Age Groups in the past. However, they were all too early. But Climate Disruption is a real threat to humanity and it coincides with the existence of BKs and their chronology.

But I was attracted to BKs because of their clarity on other subjects of immediate benefit to me as far as my practical living is concerned (not on their eschatology). For this to be clear, a little bit of knowledge about my background too would help.

I was born in an orthodox Hindu family. My horoscope said I would end up in something which we can now call BK-ism. My parents did not want this to happen to me, hence hid my horoscope from me and had my education in Christian schools and higher education abroad which gave me a lot of knowledgeable Christian friends. During my Psychology studies, I had my Past Regression done which confirmed about the number of previous births I had. Thus I lost interest in all religions which teach only about this life and an after-life elsewhere (either in heaven or in hell, or merging with God). It was at this time that my philosopher-cum-professor [who is my best friend] unwittingly said: “Brahamakumaris life-style is the best, but it is too high for me.” It was this statement that led me into BKs.

When I went very deep into BKism, I was realizing that everything that has happened in the previous Confluence Age among the BKs is what has now appeared as Hindu mythologies and festivals. This is what no Hindu religious leaders have ever understood. Perceiving the essence behind the vast ocean of Hindu mythologies and festivals with such absolute clarity is not proportionate to any human understanding. Without God behind BKs, such understanding is not possible. From this perspective, I began to see proof for everything BKs teach in the ancient India’s vocabulary.
For example,

1) Word for meditation is DHYAN (dhee = intellect + yan = travel) which means pilgrimage of intellect (into the presence of God). This is what Rajayoga is all about. But meditation in English is from Latin root from which the words such as medicine come. [see the change in meaning.]

2) Word for the world is DUNIYA (du = negative prefix + niya/nyaya = logic/righteousness) which means world that is no longer ruled by logic/righteousness which presupposes the existence of a perfect world before it was decayed into DUNIYA.

3) Word for heaven is SWARG (swa = soul + varga = class) which means place/phase of history where people live with no class distinction, but as one family because each one is made of same stuff—metaphysical and physical. Indian Epic Ramayan says ancient Kings were called Janak (Father) and it lists seven kings in that name because their fatherly qualities were so dominant that people forgot their personal name.

4) Word for hell is NARKA (from the root neer = water). From this word, neer, originated many words such as nara (man), naari (woman), naraka (hell) ... etc. This is because in body-consciousness, sanskar of people, like water that tends to flow downward, tends to seek base pleasures that vices offer, and they seek happiness in the world where there is no lasting external happiness. Sensual pleasures come in sugar-coating but end in misery and great pain. Hence NARAKA became the fitting word which means place/phase of history where people live in body-consciousness. No wonder, the picture of Narayana, one who rests (ayana) over water (neer, nara), became the fitting symbol of control over body and body-consciousness.

Similarly, I can list 100s of words in which history as taught by BKs remain hidden.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019

vlakshmi wrote:When I went very deep into BKism, I was realizing that everything that has happened in the previous Confluence Age among the BKs is what has now appeared as Hindu mythologies and festivals. This is what no Hindu religious leaders have ever understood.

    In all fairness, you did not "realise" that ... you were indoctrinated into believing it by persistent repetition within the Murlis and teachings. It is just what the BKs teach.

    You are telling this seemingly magical, well rehearsed and poetic story as if to uninformed outsiders who might be fooled by it ... forgetting that we were once pukka BKs too and can see right through it.
One of Lekhraj Kirpalani's greatest conceits was that his beliefs could not be derivative of Hinduism and other religions, but that Hinduism and other religions had to be derivative of his beliefs ... even though they exist for 1,000s of years before he was born.

Example, Lekhraj Kirpalani could not have stolen the term Raja Yoga from Patanjali (born approx. 200 AD), Patanjali must have stolen the term Raja Yoga from him, 5,000 years before! Lekhraj Kirpalani could not have borrowed ideas from Christianity, Jesus and Christ must come to Lekhraj Kirpalani's feet, and be taught and inspired by him!

You seriously believe that??

And I am sorry but that "pilgrimage of intellect" stuff is all BK twaddle as well. Books have been written about the subtle differences in the meaning of the word dhyana and its history of use.

But, be warned, there are no great scholars of sanskrit within the BKs leaders. Nor even of Hinduism. Nor even great scholars, full stop ... just advertising guys writing advertising slogans and jingles. Which is by the BKs have always had a policy of not going into debates with pundits and vedic scholars. They would be laughed out of the house, or torn apart by their followers.

Those are just made up translations to suit BKism and you'd embarass yourself if you were to propose them as "the true" meanings to Vedic scholars.


  • Posts: 77
  • Joined: 25 Sep 2018

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019


From your comments, anybody can make out you have too much of “ Ism”. I have experienced this with my mother as well. She used to talk about some bad past experiences and to hide that she has joined this group, because here she feels some value and superiority. Otherwise; the words you have mentioned in the latest posts are nothing in vast Hindu philosophies. These are mere words of no value. You waste your time in sweet talks and hide behind these words.

I know there in no change in your personality, you are always living in the past ... Only talkings. That’s called brainwashing. Where people lose their ability to talk and think sense because of past experiences or trauma.

I was thinking of taking my parents to a psychologist but now I think, it’s no better. I always used to wonder, how do these educated people get convinced with these brainwashing cults? Now I have realised that, it does not matter. Humans are very vulnerable. Half-knowledge is very dangerous and these BKs are getting benefits from your half-knowledge. Because you are lazy and don’t want to get into self enquiry you cling to false organisation. Otherwise, you would have read the scriptures and would have tried finding out the truth by yourself.

But, no, you want others to give you enlightenment, and because of this psychological problem, organisations like these are flourishing.


  • Posts: 135
  • Joined: 29 Dec 2018

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 May 2019

vlakshmi wrote:When I answer, you say answer is not to your liking.
When I answer to your liking, you say I am giving junks
Then you ask me to read this site in full. When I say I have already done that, then you say I am listening to parmath, not being an introvert, I am going against God.

Having read your additional ramblings, I honestly feel sorry for you. I see that you are more confused than the ordinary/lay person who gets into BK, because of your exposure to Psychology while studying. You are now starting to mix up your Hindu background philosophy (horoscope etc) with your education (Psychology) and adding the icing of BK philosophy, and ending up with a cocktail that is neither palatable nor healthy for your Self. What we see here is similar to many psychiatrists who themselves are the prime candidates for psychiatric treatment rather than their patients.

If you had imbibed even an IOTA of Knowledge from the classes, you would know that Baba never asks you to, actually he explicitly prohibits YOU from going into expansion. Like the nonsense in splitting the word GYANA, DHYANA etc. and coming up with meaningless interpretation of words. They add NO VALUE to your efforts.

As I have said before, since you are trying to stick to the BKs, PLEASE go for another 7 Day Course and, IMPORTANTLY, take the class from a different Sister, other than the one you are interacting with now. Preferably a different center too, for your own benefit.

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