What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to followers?

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What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to followers?

Post29 Nov 2018

मित्र-सम्बन्धियों की याद से आत्मा मैली बन जाती है। पहले नम्बर का किचड़ा है देह-अभिमान का, फिर लोभ मोह का किचड़ा शुरू होता है, यह विकारों की मैल आत्मा पर चढ़ती है। फिर बाप की याद भूल जाती है, सर्विस नहीं कर सकते हैं।

What are they trying to communicate to followers?

They are clearly saying "stay away from your family and friend".

This is 28th Nov 2018's Murli.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post29 Nov 2018

Rita wrote:What are they trying to communicate to followers?

They are not "trying" to communicate, they are very clearly and specifically 'succeeding' - not just to communicate what they want but in indoctrinating their followers too ... achieving a total separation of individual family members from the rest of their family, community and all other influences that might question of challenge their control over and exploitation of their adherents. Even other BKs.

The deeper question though is, what are they really communicating by such internal statement and their external statements in total.

Externally, they will spout all sort of "sounds right", "feel good" or "New Agey" platitudes about loving, showing respect and fulfilling one's karmas etc. But internally, they teach adherents to "die alive" to their families, and all sorts of insulting claims about them being "demons", "impure", ignorant "shudras" and so on ... even when family members are far more educated, experienced, even genuinely spiritual than the Brahma Kumari teachers.

They will also instruct their followers to lie to and deceive their families (I have experienced this myself and e have read many such cases on this forum).

This, to me, is the even greater danger or problem ... the Brahma Kumaris teach people to be dishonest and call it "Spirituality" and "godliness" when, in fact, it is the entire opposite.

The practise does not invoke but is a sort of schizophrenia between the external face and the internal reality they know perfectly well - from decades of criticism - damages and destroys families.

For me, if one was to stand back and look at the biggest possible picture, this problem is this ...

Having adopted a non-sexual, anti-family, anti-child bearing culture - for the sake of a 'religious' appearances they can exploit for material gains - the Brahma Kumaris have had to develop a different way to procreate and expand.

That way is, in essence, to steal other ready made adult children, by breaking up families, and then infantilise them ... to make them into submissive children. They then becoming the surrogate mothers or elder Sisters.

The benefit of stealing ready made adult children (and they have recruited young virgin females in their 10,000s), is that the Brahma Kumari community is saved the expense of raising them. The mental, emotional and financial cost of raising children is huge. Between $100,000 and $250,000 in the West (translate that into an equivalent rate in India, say, 10 to 15 years salary).

Each adult the Brahma Kumaris 'steal' from society, they save the equivalent of $100,000 and $250,000 and can expand much faster.

Clearly they don't just steal children and young adults - although that was how they started - now they steal elders too (useful as retired people have more time and money), even Father figures, to create their surrogate society.

On one hand, it all comes down not to just "money", but to economics. Their God needs lots of money and to save as much as possible by acquiring valuable "free stuff".

On the other hand, we are seeing - I would argue - a very sick mental condition where dishonesty has led to a sort of schizophrenic activity.

I would have to say I suffered from that during my time inside the BKs ... but I was not as sick (because I was not so dishonest) as the leaders.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post29 Nov 2018

I don't know a more poetic way to say it ... but with the BKs, there is what they are say to others, and what their actions *really* say about them.

The BKs have spent decades refining their external message to sound good and trigger the right responses, including have other people defend them ... because they 'sound right' ... they fulfil social expectations of "being spiritual".

However, what they say - their advertising - is often entirely contradictory to their real internal teachings, hence many or even most people are fooled by them, and some sucked in not realising what is going on until too late.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post29 Nov 2018


The hypocrisy of such Murli points is blatant. There are others where BKs are told that attachment to the BKs is good, that having ego as BK is good, that is ”pure ego” ... and so on.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Nov 2018

And here is the warning from BapDada. If you leave group, it's not the brainwashed knowledge to be blamed it's your brain or your intelligence to be blamed. You are not blessed or intelligent enough to understand the true knowledge.

Hahaha, what a joke.

Why cant BapDada provide little intelligence to us to understand The Knowledge?
बाप जो ज्ञान के वन्डरफुल राज़ सुनाते हैं वह न समझने के कारण संशय उत्पन्न होता है इसलिए नये-नये पत्ते मुरझा जाते हैं फिर पढ़ाई छोड़ देते हैं। इसमें समझाने वाले बच्चे बहुत होशियार चाहिए। अगर कोई संशय उठता है तो बड़ों से पूछना चाहिए। उत्तर नहीं मिलता तो बाप से भी पूछ सकते हैं।


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post30 Nov 2018

तुम त्रिकालदर्शी हो तीनों कालों को जानने वाले हो, त्रिलोकीनाथ हो अर्थात् तीनों लोकों को जानने वाले हो। लक्ष्मी-नारायण को त्रिलोकीनाथ, त्रिकालदर्शी नहीं कहेंगे। मनुष्य फिर कृष्ण को त्रिलोकीनाथ कहते हैं। जो सर्विस करेंगे उनकी प्रजा बनेगी। अपना वारिस भी बनाना है, प्रजा भी बनानी है। तो यह बुद्धि में होना चाहिए - हम त्रिलोकीनाथ हैं। यह बातें बड़ी वन्डरफुल हैं। बच्चे पूरी रीति समझा नहीं सकते तो कन्स्ट्रक्शन के बदले डिस्ट्रक्शन कर लेते हैं। निकले हुए पत्तों को मुरझा देते हैं फिर पढ़ाई को छोड़ देते हैं। हम कहेंगे कल्प पहले भी ऐसा हुआ था, बीती सो बीती देखो। अब तुम बच्चे सारे सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त को जान गये हो, हिस्ट्री और जॉग्राफी जानते हो। बाकी मनुष्य बातें तो बहुत बनाते हैं ना, क्या-क्या लिखते हैं, कैसे नाटक बनाते हैं!

Looks like their God does not even know basic language. Always communicating as if he is illiterate.

Who writes this kind of language? Who is unable to understand?

Can anybody in this forum translate this Hindi into Hindi?
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post01 Dec 2018

Rita wrote:Looks like their God does not even know basic language. Always communicating as if he is illiterate.

Who writes this kind of language?

You raise a good point, especially for Western BKs for whom Lekhraj Kirpalani's limited and repetitive "stream of consciousness" utterances were polished and refined by English speaking Indian or Sindhi Sisters. By now, the Murlis have also been edited, revised, reduced, edited out, even inverted and re-written by who I call the "Murli Monkeys" up in Mount Abu (a symbolic reference to Hanuman's army of them).

We were fooled by these polished, made "magical", versions and had no way to tell what class, or level of intelligence the original teacher was, how inspired or poetic they were. We were even told by the leaders that we would get extra karmic bonus for our efforts because we were not able to read or hear the teachings in their original language ... in short, we projected unreal expectations and invested unreal values upon, because we wanted there to be a god, for god to come to earth to teach, for ourselves to be *so* special and important that he would come for us.

This is the mentality within BKism. It is a case of "The Emperor's New Clothes", where no one wants to admit he is naked. After a while the Murlis would become incredibly boring and repetitive but we submitted to them believing it to be doing us some good. Like, how many times do you need to hear "Krishna is not God" before you get it?

The simple answer to your question is, we don't know any more and few to no recent BKs - by which I mean in the last 25 years or more - have any idea how the original ones read as they are not made public.

For me this is bizarre because, surely, if they were "the words of God", surely they would be priceless, profound and meaningful?

The truth is, they were not. They were boring as hell, limited, prejudiced, exceptionally repetitive and narrow in scope ... in short, the ramblings of a deluded - possibly mentally ill/possible spirit possessed - old man (Lekhraj Kirpalani) who thought he was god for 20 years, and then thought god had permanently entered him and was speaking through him.

Another Hindi speaker also once told us that "God", the BKs' god spirit, spoke in lower middle class Hindi (and did not know Sanskrit). They claim ancient Sanskrit is a derivative of more modern Hindi, rather than the other way around.

In our Library section, we have some more original Hindi Murlis going back to the 1980s, I think. I have a few hand written ones going back further. It would be interesting to read your views of them and to read more critiques of the content and style.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 Dec 2018

I feel that, these documents are not understandable. I have gone through some of the old documents. It just keep on repeating same words and sentences in different ways.

BKs say that to find god we don't have to think logically and they are doing it in most extreme ways. For each and every Hindu story they are finding their own logical meaning and interpreting.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 Dec 2018

Rita wrote:I feel that, these documents are not understandable. I have gone through some of the old documents. It just keeps on repeating same words and sentences in different ways.

Yes, absolutely. Except they are not "finding their own logical meaning" ... there's nothing "logical" to it.

What they do is invest a magical value to them, like they would accused "bhagats" of (one of their worst insults is to call someone a seeker or worshipper, rather than - like them - a "Gyani" or knower). They are told to believe, they encourage each other, that to sit after a period of trance meditation and listen to these every day, to think about them for the day, is somehow purifying and elevating their soul.

Asked why we had to be told "Krishna is not God" several times a day, every day for years ... when never thought Krishna was God to beginning with ... we would be told made up answers like, "Oh, it's because for many births you thought Krishna was God, therefore you have to have it washed away by hearing it time and time again".

Some increasingly old man who spent much of his time solitary - and probably suffered from some mild mental illness - sat down with a small community of uneducated, unexposed to the world, and dependent women who he had totally controlled for decades, and spoke "stream of consciousness" style* for an hour back in the 1960s, repeating the same things again and again in a hypnotic manner.

They recorded it, chose a 5 year snapshot of the sessions, and now keep repeating them 5 years after 5 years after 5 years claiming it to be the word of God ... only except now they are chopping and changing and shortening them, as you have recognised.

In a way, it does not matter. What matters is they have a scripture, a ritual and a demand that must be accepted (to be an accepted or surrendered BK you must attend class every day), in order to hang a religion on it and make a living off it.

They don't know anything else to do. It worked for their Seniors, it's ... just ... working for them. Eventually it will all wear out. One has to wonder what they will replace it with, as they won't want to give up the business and income.

They cannot because they have so many overheads (hence altering "God's words" to make them more palatable for their consumer market.

I remember how boring they were. Usually, each one would have something contemporary item of interest towards the end, where Lekhraj Kirpalani was addressing some matter in the community or India at the time he spoke. But otherwise, after listening them to a few months, you could make one up yourself.

There truly is very little to no depth in them.

I say BKism is all about 'acceptance via repetition' rather than understanding.

* Stream of consciousness is a narrative device that attempts to give the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

Rita wrote:"They are clearly saying "stay away from your family and friend".

However, this is taken out of context.

It is true that Baba always repeats this: "The Father says: Break away from everyone else and connect yourself to the One." (Murli 25.04.2019)

But it doesn't end there. Such sentence would be followed by something like this: "Look at others with the vision of brotherhood and you won’t notice their bodies. Your vision will then not be spoilt. This is the destination." (Murli 25.04.2019)

Notice, break away from others--to do what?

"To connect with God (this is one side of the coin).

Look at others with the vision of brotherhood or see them as soul (this is other side of the coin)

Now there is huge benefit for doing this:

Treating everyone as your Brother is a huge shift in perspective, and you naturally desire to be world benefactor.

Definitely a huge desire!

Then a miracle happens! If you generate a huge desire – not for any specific thing, person or purpose – you will see everything that needs to happen in your life will happen without your even asking or aspiring for it because nature does it for you. Once this happens, you attract the most beautiful possibilities.

You no longer have to worship, or pray for anything. God is no longer your master, but your servant. You have befriended the Divine.

Befriend the Divine and see the difference--is the real message BKs are trying to communicate to others.

Even today's Murli (26.04.2019) says: "The message you have to give everyone is: Consider yourself to be a soul; that body is perishable. The Father’s order is: Remember Me and you will become pure."

When one remembers he is atma--he realizes that all others too are made of same stuff--metaphysical and physical--he cannot sin, cannot hurt others nor be hurt by others. So is the case when one remembers Father. Only in forgetfulness of Heavenly Father one can commit sin.

What a beneficial teaching God is conveying!


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

I am trying to reply in English, though I am not a English speaker. We as a Hindu realise that we are atmans, we have this concept throughout our life. Even my parents are aware of that when they were In normal life.. The day they joined this brainwashing group they just speak about these big things but never follows. There mind is always in some kind of complex. You say that, you have realised your potential etc etc by joining this group but in reality or deep down in your heart you always have inferiority complex. My parents are 68. ,62. They are living pathetic life always thinking of bad things going around always talk bad about others and other spiritual organisations talking bad about people who follow other religions specially Muslims talking bad about blacks and talking good about BK and those who are associated with BK. Thinking we are the shudras. Now can you clarify where is that teaching coming from? If we have realised we are atma, there is no need of further teaching that is enough for leading a good life. They go on preaching racist and sexist things. My mother always feel that the destruction is coming tomorrow and always feel sadist. She has nothing positive to think about. My parents are not living with me and they never visit me because they are always worried about there benefits. My Father has developed dementia because of this brainwashing.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

I was saying how liberating BK teaching is in my case. My pre-BK life and present BK life are like night and day, even according to my non-BK family members.

If a teaching brings such a change in one's life, it has to be true, has to be from God. In fact, it was there already in my subconscious. BK teaching just reawakened it. This is what God does at the end of each Kalpa. By His teaching people are reawakened, and they become the satopradhan. For Satopradhan people, there has to be satopradhan kingdom which He would make possible. Choice is left to all, but very few only are willing to take.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

I think you are from BK promotion or marketing team. Nobody has seen a positive change in any BK followers life. I know most of the people. They are always jealous of good things happening in the world. They sit together whole day and talk negative about the world. The same world which is created by God.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

Dear vlaskshmi

Regarding your post earlier 26th April 2019,

How long exactly have you been a BK, vlakshmi?

You sound like a new convert, less than 5 years? You said:
Then a miracle happens! If you generate a huge desire – not for any specific thing, person or purpose – you will see everything that needs to happen in your life will happen without your even asking or aspiring for it because nature does it for you. Once this happens, you attract the most beautiful possibilities. You no longer have to worship, or pray for anything. God is no longer your master, but your servant. You have befriended the Divine.

What a load of bourgeois claptrap. I am sorry to be so blunt.

Floors sweep themselves, dishes wash themselves, technology invents itself, farms plough themselves, food transports itself to market. Airplanes cost nothing, electricity and fuel all free. Do you know who thinks like what you say? Brahmins. Saudi princes. Fairy tale princesses. They wear light, white linen or silk clothes because they are not the ones going to get soil or grease on them. But for every free trip, meal, hotel room, computer there are others who sweated and sacrificed and got dirty. Thy are told they are ”Baba’s instruments’, admirably humble, obedient. Pat on the the head and a piece fo toli while so-called Seniors or teachers equally capable of doing the job or of learning how, prefer to inculcate sanskaras of ”delegation’ and ”royalty” - princesses indeed.

There are people with greater need, real need, to whom the donated resources did not go. They were diverted to the already well fed, the already housed. A miracle for whom?

There are children who do not get an education because the BKs say there is no need to gain a degree and career because it's all going to end in three years. There’s old-aged BKs who’ve not prepared for retirement because they believed what they were told in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s ... that the world is ending in a few years. Now they have no family, no pension saved they rely on others ... like old bhagats they pray that there is an after-life as promised.

Children have seen their parents give over the family estate to the BKs to gain spiritual merit. (The BKs never say " That is not necessary, material things will make no difference to us or your future births” ). Parents have seen their children give up their best years to follow the BKs, their daughters sacrifice their child-bearing years in the belief that sex is evil, dirty, that the time of the Kalpa is for ‘purification’ , and all the other kinds of mind-control Brahmin bulldust (the breed of cattle is aptly named).

Count the lives wasted since the 1930s, generations born and died waiting for what was promised but never happened in ”the next few years”.

How many have I personally known that have died after decades of loyalty to a false promise of miraculous life? How many struggling to make ends meet after years of preparing, sacrifice, pilgrimaging, spending any spare money on service, spare tie on folding leaflets instead of improving their education, gaining more employment, spendign quality tiem with their families axctually looking them in the eye and talking like a normal human being.?

How many neglected their personal health , following a ”sattwic” diet unsuitable to their needs , whose career paths were railroaded because in their own BK-coloured glasses they're not adults who make their own decisions they are infantilised and told what serves the BKs serves them too?

How many suicides?

Even if I had all of Vishnu’s fingers and toes I could not count them all. Sincerity is no excuse.

Einstein would struggle to explain the black hole BKs create with their "simply nice", ego-affirming absolutisms that suck in so many people, they are such a waste of space, time and energy.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post26 Apr 2019

Rita wrote:I think you are from BK promotion or marketing team. Nobody has seen a positive change in any BK followers life ... They are always jealous of good things happening in the world. They sit together whole day and talk negative about the world.

I doubt vlakshmi has any position within the BKWSU. My bet would be they are just a crank who has latched onto BKism because it gives them attention, a feeling of superiority, and the tools and language to mess with people's heads.

I'd put my money on them being a pathological narcissist. Narcissism meant in the psychological use of the word. They are here because they enjoy, even as so called BKs, winding people up.

I've met some nice, sincere, honest BKs ... vlakshmi is not being honest and sincere. Look at their refuse to answer a straight question about simple mathematics they themselves proposed. My red warning lights are flashing as soon as they start misquoting and "correcting" the Murlis.

If I had to offer some psychoanalysis about them off-the-cuff, I'd start by asking whether some (controlling, dominating, superior feeling) Christian priest made an impression upon them at an early age ... and somehow they are picking up BKism to act out that role.
vlakshmi wrote:It is true that Baba always repeats this: "The Father says: Break away from everyone else and connect yourself to the One." (Murli 25.04.2019) But it doesn't end there. Such sentence would be followed by something like ...

I am sorry but we cannot accept any Murli references without access to a copy of the original and dated Murli.

I was part of the Murli translation team for a while and have processed 100s of Murlis for this site. I have never heard Lekhraj Kirpalani use the term "break away from everyone else".

Ditto, you cannot make things up with a conditional like "would". Again, show us the specific evidence.

Unfortunately, the Murlis have been shortened and re-written so many times now for PR purposes, and it is impossible for us to trust your word.

There is no evidence to suggest that the 'god spirit of the BKs' is God and plenty to dispute it. Most certainly no one else but BKs believe it is.

Much if not all of the Sakar Murlis you are misquote is just Lekhraj Kirpalani speaking.

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