The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Pink Panther

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post31 Mar 2019

This mentality - of making all the professions and technicians etc "co-operative and serviceable" so they could do the actual work of creating the wonderful Golden Age - went along with the mentality cultivated in social brahminism and transferred to BK-ism. Therefore, these self-styled aristocratic princesses’ consider it beneath them to actually do anything themselves. Dignity is antithetical to work, so the aim is to always have servants and subjects to do the actual work which you ”delegate” while you sit on your well-cushioned behind and do ”spiritual service”.

No profession is more honourable than living in a centre as a professional delegator. That is less ”royal”.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post01 Apr 2019

Pink, Thank you. I never gave up my white coat and surgical greens or surgical colored scrub pajamas for the BK all white pajamas. During my early BK years I followed manmath a read a book called the New Brahmins about physician-scientist, which inspired me to become a clinician and scientist. The Peaceable Kingdom I work with my colleagues to help establish differs much from the Say Yug of the BKs. There was a time when scholars had a patron primarily the royalties. Now we have to rake in grants from funding agencies. Gone are the days of John Hunter, William Harvey, and Leonardo Da Vinci.
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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post01 Apr 2019

Pink Panther wrote:No profession is more honourable than living in a centre as a professional delegator. That is less ”royal”.

Oh, except for the profession of being a cultural critic.

I am so royal, I don't even have to do BK Raja Yoga any more. I've just delegate that to the BKs under the Kirpalani Klan to do ... and then criticise how poorly a job they are doing!

(I hope any exiting BK reading this realises that I have a sense of humour and am joking).

Actually, there's a very serious point to this class based, or "caste-ist" world view in which scientists and engineers belong to a very low caste, below the priests, administrators, and merchants. Even farmers.

There is a historical element to this in that many of the engineering inventions and early science in India was actually developed by the untouchable caste who got their hands dirty making stuff and had to work hard for a living.

Certainly within my time, hard work and breaking a sweat was definitely seen as "not royal" by some BKs. Males included. It was one of the straws that broke my back ... as I was the one have to do the hard work, as the male BK swanned around being royal in his white clothes, having aleady had me give him a lift to work too.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post02 Apr 2019

Many of the lower class Indian servants of science have been winners of the Nobel Prize. I think of Harish Chandra Bose, Raman, Pandit Tagore, and Salam. Once I was told by Sindhi merchant, a BK, that many Sindhi boys and girls do not pursue careers in medicine and surgery.
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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post02 Apr 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Once I was told by a Sindhi merchant, a BK, that many Sindhi boys and girls do not pursue careers in medicine and surgery.

Correct, however, it is not fair to write "Sindhi" but rather the emphasis should be on the "merchant" part. When we write Sindhi with reference to the BKs on this site, it very largely only means the bhaibund merchant caste from which Lekhraj Kirpalani and they arose. Those who made their money off the backs of others as entrepreneurs and eshewed education - including religious education - for profit making ... and have turned elements of other people's religions, into just that.

There were, of course, many very noble, educated and high minded Sindhis. And other castes.

When we discuss his and their "religousity", we should not confuse plain 'superstition' - praying and making offerings to the gods in order to receive good fortune in business - with actual 'religion' and philosophy.

My conclusion relating to the "original jewel" BKs, is that their spiritual evolution rose from 'profit making from other people's skills and product', to 'profit making from other people's thoughts and ideas'. Same skill applied in a different arena ... but along the same old international and imperial trade routes.

<irony>Praise Lord Brahma for his creation of the British Empire!</irony>

Taking your example of veterinary science ... that would have placed you in the caste of animal herders or handlers as it was from among animal herders (and servants of the 4 legged military) from which veterinary science arose in India (with a nod, of course, to the great Emperor Ashoka who - once converted to Buddhism - instituted great animal protection and established schools of animal medicine).

If I can dig out some links, I can develop this argument further. In short, it was the jatis who got their hands dirty who came up with the practical technological developments. There was an element of high science with priest castes, I don't deny that. But the former's contribution to Indian civilisation has been overlooked by ongoing prejudice.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post03 Apr 2019

There is an element of this anti-science, anti-intellectualism (or taking only those parts that agree with your agenda) that has developed in the West too. It runs parallel to the populist nationalism, new conservatism and religious fundamentalism that is growing even in developed secular countries.

Facts don't matter, science doesn’t matter, those who are not ”us”, don't matter.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post03 Apr 2019

I apologize to Sindhi academics, professionals, and intellectuals. Ex-I, thank you for correcting me.

The role of Emperor Ashoka in elevating the care of animals and veterinary medicine, has been recognized globally. Ancient India did make many original contributions to veterinary medicine and surgery (Somvanshi, 2006), including the naso-esophogeal gastric tube. Though the caste system and BKism may attribute a low status to veterinarians, it has for more than five decades, been 4 times more challenging to gain acceptance into US veterinary schools than it is to gain acceptance into human medical school.


you are correct about BKs including Western BKs who are anti-intellectuals or only accept ideas which suits the BK agenda. Concepts from psychophysiology, which validate BK thinking, are embraced by the BKs; while other concepts are tossed out of the BK house of knowledge. The concept of 'one medicine, one health, one world' (OMOHOW) initiated in veterinary has been gaining practical traction in human health and medicine. It will be interesting to see the BKs opportunistic incorporation of OMOHOW into their culture to suit their Doomsday preaching. For that they will have to thank the shalihotras, the veterinarians all over the world. There was a Shalihotra Samhita or compendium on ancient veterinary medicine, most likely written during the Ashoka era.

Shalihotra, considered the first veterinarian in Hindu mythology (c. 2350 BCE), was the son of a Brahmin sage, Hayagosha, has been regarded as the founder of veterinary sciences (Singh & Chauhan, 2005).

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post03 Apr 2019

Ashoka clearly has to be one of the greatest rulers the world has ever known ... and yet he does not even figure as a blip on the BKs' radar. Neither he nor any of the world's other great rulers, philosphers, intellectuals and so on.

The BKs have their "Tree of Humanity" ... again, from the BKs' own original material, a second hand idea borrowed from an external sources and adapted (we believe it was from Gandhi's independence movement, despite Lekhraj Kirpalani's determination of him and them being "traitors" to the British Crown and "the Crow Race") ... but where does the rest of human aspiration and inspiration fit in?

To be frank, the religious leaders by which Lekhraj Kirpalani defines the world alone brought more wars, suffering, slavery and genocide than liberation and greatness.

And where do the animal kingdoms and their salvationists fit it? At the back of the byres and cowsheds?

What touched me about Ashoka's story - and let's be fair to the Ancient Egyptians, Celts and others who also had their schools - was that he even went as far as to decree medicinal plants were cultivate for animal healing where there were none.

Where does compassion for animals fit in within BKism? Zero. Nil. Even their form of vegetarianism is more about upper caste appearances.

Yes, I think it is correct to re-balance the Sindhi story as the version the BKs promote is - as usual - upside down and back to front.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was the backward one, his critics were the educated and enlightened ones. It's an area of study we've touched on elsewhere but worth looking into for any students of BKism because it exposes the nature of BKism; a core of petty jealousies and name 'tat for tit' calling, and a value for monetarian wealth over other aspirations.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post04 Apr 2019

It has always seemed odd to me, the ways in which the Murlis would trivialize the roles of the majors players in world history, while elevating some of the BK top brass to highest eminence, and there are no demonstrated credentials to validate such highest eminence. For example Janki, thinking she is greater than Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. In another instance, BKs thought that Kumaka Dadi was as greater than President Jimmy Carter.

Surely, many yogis as spiritualists contribute towards the balance of positive and negative energies in the world and universe. For comparison, let's check up and compare the credentials of Kumaka Dadi's influence on world politics to that of Carter's Secretary of Defense, Harold Brown.

Before becoming Secretary of Defense, Dr Brown was a professor at Ivy League institutions and science advisor in previous administrations. Yet, in the BKs' world, Dr Brown would be diminished as a Yadav and Kumaka Dadi as a soul who is of highest order in the Rosary of 8.


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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post04 Apr 2019

With the level of revisions that have been happening, God knows since when ... the elevation of many of the senior BKs would very likely be the works of the individuals, for their own benefit and the benefit of the inner circle which they are part of.

The foot soldiers continue to slog, happy with the free food, free lodging, free clothes etc and the self-induced importance in front of the visitors - both BKs and non-BKs.

And now, with all types of celebrations and fun times ... what is there to complain about? If you are already down economically, this would be a great entry point.

Compare this to what happens in the corporate world these days in India ... makes me jealous :D.
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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post09 Apr 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:It has always seemed odd to me, the ways in which the Murlis would trivialize the roles of the majors players in world history, while elevating some of the BK top brass to highest eminence, and there are no demonstrated credentials to validate such highest eminence.

I always go back and look at the seed, to work out where such attitudes arise, eg Lekhraj Kirpalani living at the top of Mount Abu with 30 or 40 women, playing out his Krishna/Arjuna/Mahabharata fantasies and having them march around in uniforms as his army.

How else could he keep them engaged as they witnessed one after another of their former associates - and family members - drift off and go back home ... but by constantly inflating their egos to some mythic degree?

But, hey, you know how the BKs think ... Dadi Janki gets a minor illness (yet again, she's been working that one since she was in her 50s) and it's greater in significance than the San Andreas Fault splitting America in two. Indeed, that'd probably happen just *because* Dadi Janki got a headache.

It's like living in a fairy story in which every child gets to act out playing the hero's role ... and is not that exactly the term they often use?

Everyone has to believe they are a hero otherwise they'd commit suicide when faced by the mundanity and repetitivity of the lifestyle, the hierarchy, and having to spend a life with people you have nothing in common with.

Someone else can chip in regarding the use of the "hero's journey" in myth and psychology. Clearly it's a motivator to both good and very bad.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post10 Apr 2019

I think that the classics of Jean Shinoda-Bolen, a Jungian psychologist, are instructive.

Her two books: The Goddess in Every Woman and the God In Every Man, provide insights into the deity archetypes in our souls and the ways they are manifested in our lives.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

Post10 Apr 2019

The basis of heroism is hope. The hero’s enemy are the people or circumstances that would destroy that hope.

The BKs work to destroy people’s hope in the present and in what is immediately real by amplifying the problems of the world today and discourage any hope in doing anything effective about them. BKs learn to distrust everything that is not BK.

They divert the hope of the BK (or any cult member) to the ”golden future" with the promise of a challenge-free next-life, ie where heroism, courage or even hope are not even considered, as they are not required. The ultimate ”sleep”.

All hope and trust is placed in the leader/guru/teachings/organisation who feed off it, taking all the resources, physical and emotional, that the member has now willingly transferred.

The member is told they are part of a noble cause but don't realise they have actually been ”turned".

Into what? From what?

A few moments of thought will provide quite a few answers to that question for anyone with some intelligence, and for them there is hope.

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