A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

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A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post08 Apr 2019

The level of Body Consciousness with the BKs are way more than what you would find from a non-BK and even an atheist. And these are the folks who are acting as a spiritual organization and deceiving the gullible and enhancing the crooked and business minded.

Here is a post on the passing of a BK (Bless this Soul), that reeks of Body Consciousness and totally unrelated to any "original" BK principles and values. It is actually something that you can find with many people around the world, showing resilience, hard work etc etc the BKs are now "Celebrating" the Sister's life ... whatever that might mean.

NOTE: This is not intended in any sense directed towards the departed Soul. It is intended to show the falsehood in the current BK organization.
Her beloved mother's name was <...>and her Father's name was <...>. She was raised with her older Sisters, and her younger Brother. Since her mother was Catholic and her Father was Jewish, "Sister" went on to explore religion in her own way. It was important to her to know God - so much so that even though "Sister" couldn't afford the tuition, she still found a way to Hebrew lessons at the synagogue so she could learn more. Even though formal education really did not hold "Sister"'s attention, she always yearned for training in the arts, and she was artistically talented throughout her life. Her creativity knew no bounds.

When she was younger, "Sister" loved being the one in the spotlight who drew people in. She was the life of the party. In high school, her beauty and charisma drew the attention of her school mates and "Sister" was crowned Miss Yonkers High School. Even in high school, "Sister" was determined to explore be adventurous, and to live life to the fullest. One story "Sister" shared was how she decided which classes she would take in high school. She was determined never to take a typing class. And, she made it very clear what her reason was. "Sister" was determined never to be able to fall back into the job of being a secretary. On the contrary, "Sister" wanted to be a trailblazer. She could often be heard saying, "Ready Fire Aim." "Sister" embodied the essence of determination and courage.

After graduating from high school, "Sister" was on the move to California where she took college courses and loved soaking up everything she could. Befriending a group in California who was going to Hawaii, "Sister" joined the group and was off on her next adventure - Hawaii. Here she lived off the land for about a year enjoying the beauty of her teepee and the rich black sand of the beaches of Maui. In Hawaii, she experienced an incident when someone stole her belongings; yet, and so true to her spirit, "Sister" experienced immense liberation in this time of owning nothing.

After Hawaii, "Sister" moved to Florida.

As time moved on, "Sister" continued to dream, to challenge herself, and to overcome any and all obstacles. She absolutely always gave everything her all. It was no surprise when at the age of 20 - when all the other little girls had already had years of ballet lessons - that "Sister" decided to pursue her love of dance and studied ballet. She never once stopped to think how far behind she was. "Sister" always focused on how far she could go. And she did! "Sister" became a ballerina, and performed on-point with a ballet company. Touring after four years of ballet training is absolutely unheard of especially at an age when many ballerinas are retiring. Along the way she also learned how to play the flute and the guitar. "Sister"'s success reflects her own personal commitment, dedication and her own personal motto: NEVER GIVE UP!

At the same time, "Sister" continued her quest to know God and frequently gathered with a small circle of meditators in Florida. In this group, she also met a 2 1/2 year old child, <...>, and her mom, <...>.They would all remain connected for the rest of "Sister"'s life. The meditation gathering was held in a ladies exercise studio and was led by a woman who had profound experiences when her husband passed away. It is here that "Sister" came to understand the three keys of knowing God were: Meditation, Vegetarianism, and Celibacy. And this understanding came to "Sister" 20 years before coming to Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga.

"Sister"'s pursuit of dance training led her to Chicago where she did ballroom dancing, and where she met her husband to be, husband. Together, they settled in Florida, where she gave birth to her beloved son, son; "Sister" relished every aspect of motherhood. Along with motherhood, "Sister" continued to embrace her passion for the arts. In addition to dancing, "Sister" loved to express herself as an actress on the stage; how thrilled she was - and how honored she felt - when cast as the leading lady in many plays. Philosophy was yet another source of exploration for "Sister". She explored many different philosophies, and read different scriptures about different paths to God. Also, "Sister" spent some time in Missouri with the Unity training that is an aspect of mystical Christianity.

After a point, "Sister" made the decision to move to California with her son so she could more fully pursue her aspirations of acting. While there, "Sister" also worked as a director and choreographer. At this time, and as exciting as the dreams of theater may be, "Sister" felt the intense pull of spirituality which drew her to a form of meditation - one that went beyond all the physical masks and reached to the depth of spirituality within the soul. Ultimately, "Sister" would leave California and travel to India. Having heard from husband about the Raja Yoga meditation, "Sister" was eager to learn and decided to travel with husband and son to India to the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Always ready for any challenge, "Sister" studied and learned the entire Foundation Course while on the Airplane to India.

The Knowledge "Sister" gained with this experience struck a chord deep within her, and very soon after, son and "Sister" decided to move back to Florida from California to open a Meditation Center in Delray Beach Florida with husband. "Sister" was the Center coordinator of the Transformation Station with the symbol of the caterpillar transforming to a butterfly at its forefront. Soon after starting to study with the Brahma Kumaris, "Sister" had a major stroke at the age of 42, which completely paralyzed her right dominant side for some months and which partially impaired her right side of the body for the rest of her life. So often, "Sister" told others that she absolutely "never experienced a moment of sorrow from the stroke" even though her beautiful ballerina body had now been transformed practically overnight from the steroids - medicine from which she gained 60 pounds and she now had a limp. Such dramatic physical changes could understandably bring anger and sorrow but not for "Sister". She understood this experience as one of the best things that could have happened to her in the realm of spirituality. "Sister" understood very clearly and viscerally that she was a soul with a body; she was the soul not the body.

Overnight, "Sister" could no longer dance, her balance was off, and her physical appearance had dramatically changed. And yet, it was precisely at this time that "Sister" came to understand - in the deepest and richest sense - precisely what true happiness really is. "Sister" understood that we are souls with a body and not a body with a soul. She wrote a book, The World is Full of Sorrow but You Don't Have to Be. Impaired by her stroke but determined as ever she painstakingly used used one finger, moving over the keyboard.

Although the effects of her stroke may have presented some challenges, "Sister" remained determined not to let any physical changes hold her back. Always eager to learn, "Sister" picked up a paintbrush at son's urging - adjusting to using her left hand after the stroke. As her Sister always told her, ""Sister" your artistic signature is the poignancy of the soul as captured through your presentation of the eyes one look at the eyes and you knew it was a "Sister" Bhen creation." She channeled her artistic ability into painting which she found she loved. It was also after her stroke that "Sister" enrolled in Full Sail University and pursued a bachelor of science degree in graphic design. Again, not one to limit herself, "Sister" graduated at the age of 60 as Valedictorian of her class, and was awarded the Advanced Achievement Award. When she delivered her acceptance speech "Sister" spoke from her heart and shared with everyone the importance of never giving up and overcoming obstacles.

After sharing her message, everyone stood and shared their hearts with "Sister". After graduating, "Sister" continued to stretch and to grow in her knowledge of graphic design and went on to illustrate books and work on a variety of freelance projects. If at any time a project required technique with which "Sister" was unfamiliar, she simply did everything in her power to learn everything she could - every single project was given absolutely all she could "Sister" set her own high bar.

"Sister"'s journey of self transformation was a life-long journey. As part of this process, and as part of the natural teacher she was, "Sister" loved to share her own experiences with the meditation students over the last 25 years. She did so with a love and joy in her heart and remained true to her own philosophy: the impossible can become possible...for what is not possible with God.

There are many highlights of "Sister"'s life - relationships and special moments experienced with joy and love the day her beloved son stood on the beach and exchanged his wedding vows with his own beloved Suzy is an especially beautiful memory. Her son son married Suzy on the beach in a beautiful ceremony and some Years later the birth of her precious grandson William was an overwhelming gift so like "Sister", she poured her love for William into a beautiful lullaby that she wrote just for him.

So many beautiful moments were shared with husband's daughter, Malaika - who called "Sister" her beloved Meme "Sister". Malaika has had the privilege to train in music and dance from a young age and "Sister" so enjoyed nurturing Malaika's talent and attending Malaika's dance performances, school programs and musical recitals.

"Sister"'s life is a life that she celebrated. It is a life that she traveled with dignity, love, courage and gratitude we now celebrate your life, "Sister". We thank you for sharing your journey with us Om Shanti.


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post08 Apr 2019

To complement that, if you are an ordinary soul performing daily physical labor/service ONLY, then here is your Remembrance,

See the attached photo which the details are self explanatory.
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Pink Panther

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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post09 Apr 2019

Besides your main point there oldbk, that some BKs are more equal than others, that some are more celebrated than others, what I took from reading that eulogy was that "Sister” was a talented person who achieved a great deal before encountering the BKs and continued to live her life in the same spirit after she met the BKs.

That is, the BKs were incidental to her life, or even a mere coincidence.

The wording also reveal to me the newer Western ecumenical approach to their beliefs. They don't really care about the Gyan and the srimat that distinguishes the BKs from any other New Age spiritual organisation, even those that never claim to have a monopoly on a connection to God.

In fact, it an embarrassment in every situation other than when they are in their own company.
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post09 Apr 2019

oldbk wrote:See the attached photo which the details are self explanatory.

... and there is no photograph.

I am the class cynic.

At some point the BKs realised that doing eulogies for funerals was good for business and either sweetened up the "lokik" (physical) family - for where the BK had left everythng in their Will to the Kirpalani Klan, or was good for PR and donations ... and what with Destruction not happening soon enough, boy, they have a lot of them to deal with.

Of course, what their God Father wrote and teachings say was
Lekhraj Kirpalani wrote:"If your mother dies, eat Halva"

Meaning, if someone you loved/who loves you dies, don't feel anything, just be detached and eat party food. And - from a BK point of view - all her bad luck, and especially her early departure from BKism, was due to her previously sinful lives. Let's face it, this one's not even going to make it into the BKs' Golden Age, is she? Has "Silver Aged soul" written all over her Maya. (An ironic comment on the BK values system).

The speech is incoherently illogical from a BK point of view. My guess is, it suffers from being written for two audiences; a BK one and a non-BK one.

How much money did she have?

How much money did they get off her death?

No money, no Bhog message.

Fantastic lady for how she lived, basically ZERO of it anything to do with BKism. You can hear the Jewish/Irish grit in her speach.


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post10 Apr 2019

... and there is no photograph.

Sorry that wasn't clear.

It was intentional ... The intent was to highlight the one liner rather than the individual referred to in the one liner.

Now, however, the BKs spin this "eulogy" and the hypocrisy behind it, it boils down to this,
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but a pig is still a pig" !!!
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post10 Apr 2019

ex-l wrote:At some point the BKs realised that doing eulogies for funerals was good for business ... and what with Destruction not happening soon enough, boy, they have a lot of them to deal with.

I followed the link ... so, Nick Gent recently died. He stayed a BK till the end of his life. I met him when he became a BK, even spent quite a bit of time with him. I wonder how people reconcile the beliefs they adopted with the obvious truth that reality wounds them with, eventually even mortally. He really was one who "continually used Gyan to remain cheerful ” ie in my experience he drove people (some of his irish ”brethren”) nuts with his superiorly asserted and actually dismissive gyan-based responses (often really unnecessary) that should have irritated me more but I just observed it happening as I wasn't part of their relationship's dynamics and interactions (what some would call 'karmic accounts', also dismissively).

Although he was genteel, very friendly and generous to most people, he seemed a lonely person (from what I could 'feel') albeit that was possibly from being ”in-charge” (ambition and position can do that). He dealt with it, I remember, by often making a big deal about self-discipline and sacrifice because of "The Time” (Sangam Yuga) and would refer to the tougher disciplines he'd followed when he was a serious hatha yogi disciple (romanticising or idealising denial and austerity).

Except for the very few, BKism or monasticism can be only be, at best, a barely satisfactory substitute for real relationships, so it was no surprise that he eventually went into 'early retirement' with a BK female companion.

Hopefully there was warmth, honesty, vulnerability, love and true friendship there.

Looking further down that list I recognised even a number of Indian BKs that I had met all those years ago.

People’s lives, whole lives, all lived up and nothing left, all done with.

The world goes on.
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post10 Apr 2019

Pink Panther wrote:BKism ... a barely satisfactory substitute for real relationships, so it was no surprise that he eventually went into 'early retirement' with a BK female companion.

I noticed that and wondered what it meant. I, too, hope they both found some real love, warmth and gentleness together.
BKWSU wrote:In 2014 a non-residential centre was opened in the centre of Dublin and Nick moved to Rooskey where he stayed with Vera, herself a long term, faithful child of Baba. He continued to be very active in all aspects of Baba’s service in several areas of the country.

Rooskey to Dublin is a couple of hours drive away.

What is a "a non-residential centre" ... a shop? They call it a "Meditation and Personal Development Centre" ... so the old model of having BK adherents living in a house, paying the mortgage and running it as a centre is passing. I wonder if they are selling the properties for a tidy profit and then investing in commercial properties instead ... but where do the BKs who used to live there go?

To rent, or to pay a mortgage on another property? Gone are the days of Sisters having to roll up there beds and turn their bedrooms into classrooms in order to indoctrinate the next generation of BKs.
From a review.

The guys who run it are lovely, though one did try and explain karma in what was the most novel way I've ever heard - if you kill someone when driving, then they killed you in a previous life by some form of transport (he gave the helpful examples of elephants, camels and horses as possible murder vehicles). Facile and not quite what I would envisage karma to be. But we only had him once. The other teacher, Nick, is far better and very engaging. And not quite so simplistic.
oldbk wrote:Sorry that wasn't clear.

It was clear ... but, as everyone knows, the more lipstick you put on a pig, the more the bacon you can take home.

The BKs like little ditties ... memes or aphorisms whose repetition they mistake for being "deep truth", or even positive thinking.

It strikes me that what they are doing with these euologies, is attempting to wrap whatever lifestory there is around one or another of them how ever uncomfortably a fit it might be ... and, from reading Nick's (above), reinforcing some kind of idealised example for younger BKs to follow.

I mean, hey, what was this Sister doing going off and pursuing higher education, when BKism is the "highest supreme education" (allegedly) and serving the BKs interests, rather than one's own, the highest activities.

lipstick-on-a-pig.jpg (39.41 KiB) Viewed 28186 times


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post11 Apr 2019

This seems to be summary of where BKs are today,

    1. Celebrate many of the Hindu festivals (and Christian) - aka align with the mainstream
    2. Use Hindu religious symbols, practices in many activities
    3. Pursue Power (Politicians, Bureaucrats ...), Money (Wealthy), Propaganda (Media, Movie Industry ...)
    4. Align with many other psuedo-spiritual organizations (AOL, Jaggi ...), in their approach
    5. Eulogize those in power (within BK) and give pittance to others
West (UK, USA, Aus ...)
    1. Celebrate the Christian festivals/events (and Hindu) - aka align with Christian mainstream
    2. Use Generic symbols, practices in many activities (Green, Environment, Global Peace ...)
    3. Pursue Power (Politicians, Bureaucrats ...), Money (Wealthy), Propaganda (Media, Movie Industry ...)
    4. Align with many other NGO, that work with UN and other government agencies
    5. Eulogize those in power (within BK) and give pittance to others
It is so inspiring !!!
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post11 Apr 2019

Oh, you missed out the Moslem Middle East ...
    a) Pretend not to be Hindus.
    b) Pretend not to be religious.
    c) Exaggerate the United Nations connections to the Sheikhs.
    d) Remarket Shiva as Allah and say nice things about Him.
    e) Secretly carry on as usual inside the centres for the Hindu and Sindhu ex-pats in the country.
With, perhaps, use Westerners as a front being part of the game.


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post12 Apr 2019


I guess the problem is that we are still trying to relate to what it "WAS" as opposed to what it "IS". And unable to get in terms with the "new" reality. Also, feeling sorry and upset about how the "gullible" are continued to be taken for a ride, ALL IN THE NAME OF SPIRITUALITY !!!
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post12 Apr 2019

oldbk wrote:I guess the problem is that we are still trying to relate to what it "WAS" as opposed to what it "IS". And unable to get in terms with the "new" reality.

That's a good and insightful point.

We all go through coming to terms with how it damaged and wasted our lives, and critique *that* ... and it has already moved on and mutated to exploit a new generation or demographic. Like some evolving strain of virus.

New BKs look at and read our views and experiences and cannot completely relate to them - or they even deny them as being real - as their experience has been different.

I read an article recently that related cult indoctrination to a viral-like infection and it's an analogy that I use ... "a psychic (meaning 'of the soul') virus". Someting stronger than just a mimetic influence (an influence via a new meme).

I believe this is at the core of what we are dealing with and part of the mystery why some individuals are infected with BKism and some individuals are utterly immune to it ... but I've never seen an explanation of the mechanics, except to use the spiritualistic explanations of possession, over-shadowing, initiation into a relationship with some other kind of non-physical being.

This is a wild and open suggestion ... but I wonder if one day science and medicine will come to accept the existence of non-physical 'species' that act in a parasitic manner on human beings?

Many parasites can have a surprisingly profound influence upon their hosts beyond just fevers; literally, in some cases, inducing mental illness. Driving them to madness and killing them in others. (I knew a young women who contracted such a physical virus and ended chained up in some mental hospital in Nepal. It was just a virus/amoebic parasite that did it to her. In another age, she would have died incarcerated as a crazy or bewitched person).

This is the best explanation - or analogy - that I can offer to non-BKs who trying to understand the transformations in their loved ones ... and the best strategy for fighting it being quarantining of 'BK' carriers and "innoculating" of those who are not infected with prior awareness of the 'disease'.

In a sense, BKism induces a sort of erotomania in its victims, that the carriers tell them - in order to keep spreading the disease - is for "God" ... or at least their God.

Whereas I do not deny the "highs" of the fever BKism induces (indeed, I know it to be real and highly addictive) ... there is not a cell in my brain that can now believe - on the basis of the practical evidence in front of us - that BKism is "of God".

Could it be that within the oceans of existences, that other kinds of automonous life forms swim unseen within its waters ... but still effect us? And always have? Could some of humanity evolved to be resistant to them, while others of us are still susceptible to them?

Except that these influences have some kind of independent will or lifecycle of their own, I find most explanations too dry, and requiring too much skeptic faith to accept.

The concept of "egregores" is one that was introducted to me on the old xBKChat website and seems to address part of it ... in a sense, artificial psychic lifeforms created within group consciousnesses. I know the more radical extremes of science are discussing "multi-universes" and so on (but know nothing of where the discussion stands), do other kinds of lifeforms fit within those models?


Back 'on topic', the BKWSU has always been slightly accepting of "married couples" in order to give itself a veneer of ordinariness. The famous first 'fake' couple involving Ramesh Shah. Are they becoming more accepting of BK couples such as Nick and Vera?

As long as they remain non-critical and practically beneficial. Or, indeed, to keep them non-critical and continue to exploit what practical benefit they offer.


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post13 Apr 2019

So, the fundamental issues for the present time are (IMO),
    1. Become very much materialistic, AT THE TOP, while preaching the opposite to the lower rung and newbies
    2. Hypocrisy - Cheating and forcing the naive to give up their money, life for a non-spiritual endeavor. However, it is presented as a spiritual pursuit to the lower rung/newbies
It is then important to highlight what BK IS NOT, today. Also highlight, WHAT IT IS - Just another organization that is functioning for the "higher ups", with generic solutions (that are either non-practical or that is pure common sense and doesn't require anyone to pay for it).
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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post13 Apr 2019

oldbk wrote:So, the fundamental issues for the present time are (IMO), 1. Become very much materialistic, AT THE TOP, while preaching the opposite to the lower rung and newbies ... another organization that is functioning for the "higher ups".

I don't disagree with the "non-practical or that is pure common sense", but how do we understand the motivations of the Seniors in more detail?

BKism has become increasingly materialistic, as in the acquisition of properly and wealth - and has long been status driven - but largely for the sake of organisation rather than on an individual level ... a collective or clan thing, is not it? I remember a few center-in-charges being caught feathering their own nests at a low level, but how widespread is that?

Most BKs would defend the leadership for not acquiring wealth for themselves ... but we just don't know how they live and what they have ... the BKs' accounting is pretty obscure. They say the leaders aren't paid ... but how do they live?

Who pays and how?

I've always argued that we need to consider their livestyle in comparison to Indian standards not Western standards, as in how they would have been living if they had not turned their religion into a money raking business.

Imagine ... widows or unmarried women without any families, no trade, no education, no assets, no children to support them ... what lives would they have?

Beggars ... prostitutes ... sweatshop workers ... cooks and cleaners?

I think of the photographs (and livelihoods) of the old women dumped in Varanasi and how that would have been them without any social welfare benefits to fall back on. Defecating in the open and washing their clothes in the river.

Western BKs would argue and defend the BK leadership for not being materialistic, for having no possessions (of their own) ... but to me they appear to have a pretty comforable and luxurious lifestyle, with free servants, free drivers, free cooks, luxury holiday retreats, globe trotting all year around, (even flying businss class) ... and no bosses to answer to, no critics to question them. Central heating in the winter, air conditioning in the Summer ... they live like Queens because everywhere they go there is someone to serve them and drive them aroung; wherever they visit, it has just been cleaned and renovated.

I mean, by Indian standards, they must be among 1%-ers ... or even the 0.1%-ers?

For me, it's all very clever. All of the comforts and benefits of power and wealth, with relatively few of burdens or responsibilities. No need for a real job, just sucking wealth out of the middle class with flattery, and exploiting working classes as free servants?

What's the saying? Something like ...
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity.”

How does that equate to India?

Has "wealth disparity" ever been a social evil the BKs have taken up in India?

Income inequality gets worse; India's top 1% bag 73% of the country's wealth, says Oxfam

India - Poverty and wealth


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Re: A Eulogy for an Unnamed Western BK

Post15 Apr 2019

they appear to have a pretty comfortable and luxurious lifestyle, with free servants, free drivers, free cooks, luxury holiday retreats, globe trotting all year around, (even flying business class) ... and no bosses to answer to, no critics to question them. Central heating in the winter, air conditioning in the Summer ... they live like Queens because everywhere they go there is someone to serve them and drive them aroung; wherever they visit, it has just been cleaned and renovated.

A well thought out statement, that also happens to be true.

Typical focus in the material world, for the top 1% is towards for Wealth and Power. Wealth is accumulated for their own enjoyment and stashed for their children, relatives etc. etc. Power is used for their own pleasure and comfort. The rest of the 99% percent is trying to make a living and along the way praising the 1% for providing them their daily bread and butter. This is achieved through Media, Propaganda in full force.

Coming to the BKs, you have the same situation, with some minor changes. Here the BKs do not have to stash wealth since they don't have to worry about saving for children, family etc. etc. For their own comfort, they have everything as mentioned in the above quote. They cloak their materialism through "pseudo-spirituality" and preach simplicity for the 1%. The Wealthy 1% preach the benefits of jobs that "they create" and practice "pseudo-charity", taking the money from 1% and giving a pittance from that back as charity, along the way taking tax benefits too.

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