The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post14 Oct 2018

What's interesting now is that they are going after the PBK women too ... the CBI has filed a chargesheet against 59 women inmates of Rohini’s Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya. It has accused them of "rioting, unlawful assembly, obstructing public servant and wrongfully confining a Delhi High Court appointed committee" during an inspection in December 2017 calling them a "mob".

Which is pretty royal consider the videos above where a real mob from the street entered the building and started smashing it up.

So far we have seen a lot of accusations but little in the way of actual evidence and now, from the PBK women, counter accusations.

Personally, I don't believe in PBKism but aren't ordinary Indian women allowed the same "freedom of worship" that men or upper caste Indians are? I cannot help thinking that this heavy handed approach will end up being counter productive, encouraging the women's faith just as it did during the Om Mandli era.

Not knowing the BK mythology, the NGOs and High Court are doing exactly the wrong thing and appearing to fulfil the prediction of the religion, eg "as it was the beginning, so it will be in the end", may be even encouraging "End Time" convictions among the PBKs.

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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post21 Dec 2018

"They seek him here, they seek him there" ... Virendra Dev Dixit remains able to outwit the Indian CBI it appears.

Little to update ... it appears a few issues have been resolved "in mediation" and the court is looking to wrap things up by February of next year with nothing actually having happened.

It seems an investigation unit has been scouring India and raiding AIVV ashrams as far away as Jammu and Kashmir on health of the women followers and centre finances.

It found, "a three elderly ladies were residing inside the building ... Nothing incriminating was found and no item was seized during the search".

NEW Delhi: The Delhi high court on Thursday directed the CBI ..

NEW Delhi: The Delhi high court on Thursday directed the CBI to file a status report on the whereabouts of absconding preacher Virender Dev Dixit, in whose ashram girls were allegedly kept in illegal confinement, and the progress made in cases against him, including of rape.

A bench of Chief Justice Rajendra Menon and Justice V K Rao said it would monitor the cases being probed by the agency against Dixit and listed the matter for further hearing in February.

“Considering the fact that CBI has registered two cases for commission of various alleged offences committed in the institution, we direct filing of a status report by the agency,” the bench said. It also said that probe in the two cases be completed and brought to its logical conclusion.

The court was hearing a matter relating to alleged confinement of girls and women at the Adhyatmik Vidyalaya, run by its founder Dixit in Rohini area of Northwest Delhi. The bench was also informed that a matter relating to obstructing the members of a panel, constituted earlier by the court to inspect the Rohini ashram and its other
branches in Delhi, has been settled in mediation.
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post11 Feb 2019

The persecution of Dev Dixit - rightly or wrongly - continues and spreads, this time to the Jammu and Kashmir High Court.

I wonder how the campaign spread from Delhi to Jammu?

Who could have such a network to do so?

I wonder if the BKs are behind it?

Meanwhile in India, Judges have moved to 'Spare innocent men anguish': India ruling aims to end false rape claims.
“When a relationship ends, women who have had consensual sex make false accusations of rape under promise of marriage out of vengefulness, to hurt the man. Or they do it to extort money out of him, promising to withdraw the charge if he gives them what they want,”

For example, in one case ...
“The girl’s family agreed to withdraw the charge in return for 500,000 rupees (£5,400),” [a lawyer said]. “Tell me, would any parent settle for money rather than justice if she’s really been raped?”

In many cases, false rape accusations are simply the result of parents covering up the “shame” of an unmarried daughter having sex.

Research carried out in 2015 by journalist Rukmini Shrinivasan, who worked for the Hindu newspaper at the time, revealed that when parents discover their unmarried daughters are in a sexual relationship, their horror at potential “dishonour” to the family name leads many to make spurious allegations of rape, having first bullied their children into submission.

By their logic, saying a daughter has been raped is preferable to people thinking she is sexually active.

Men’s rights groups and some lawyers believe these false allegations of rape by women who have been in consensual relationships trivialise the seriousness of rape.
Two ashrams of godman raided in Jammu
December 06, 2018

Serious allegations were made by the petitioner in the PIL about the working of the ‘ashrams’ run by the self-styled godman.

The committee comprised Senior Additional Advocate General Seema Shekhar and Kavita Suri member of the J&K State Women Commission. The raid in Bhagwati Nagar continued till late Wednesday evening and efforts were made by the members of the commission, assisted by the state police, to dig details of disciples who are still visiting the ashram even in the absence of their self-styled ‘Guru’.

A group of elderly ladies were residing inside the building where several disciples turned up in the ashram on different occasions. These women were found to be from Bengal, Orissa and Maharashtra. The members of the commission quizzed caretakers present inside the building to find answers to numerous questions.

According to official sources, self-styled spiritual Guru, Virender Dev Dikshit is absconding ever since women and young girls were rescued from his ashram in North West Delhi in December 2017. Since then he is dodging sleuths of Central Bureau of Investigation. He is believed to be hiding somewhere in Nepal.

According to locals in the area, despite several complaints the police had not acted in advance. Locals in Bhagwati Nagar said, ”Ever since Virender Dev Dikshit went missing the local ashram in Bhagwati Nagar was not seized by the police”.

They said, “We lodged several complaints before the police to check the mysterious activities going on inside the building, rented by the caretakers of the ashram in the narrow lane opposite to Assa Ram Bapu Ashram in Bhagwati Nagar area”.

Referring to the modified caged structure, the locals said, “If the spiritual guru claims he is running some Adhyatmik
Vishwavidalya why the building has been converted in to a caged structure”. “Like other religious places the building could have been thrown open to all the disciples. Why grills have been fixed inside the rented building. People in the area are curious to know the nature of activities going on without any check in the area”, residents
of Bhagwati Nagar asked.

Owner of the building Mukesh Gupta claimed that he requested the caretakers to vacate the building on numerous occasions but instead of vacating the building they attacked him and threatened him with dire consequences.
In Dyalachak also the same team raided the ashram of godman Virendar Dev Dikhsit. At least half a dozen disciples including members of a family of Chunni Mahajan and Meena Devi were present there. The building in the area was owned by Veero Devi, official sources said.

Mukesh Gupta, owner of the Bhagwati Nagar building said, “Many girls from Dayalchak are missing. The locals briefed the committee about suspicious activities in these ashrams and the committee will submit the report to the Court.”
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post09 Mar 2019

The saga rolls on with Indian intelligence department, the CBI, turning up at Virendra Dev Dixit's Kampil headquarters with the progress, news or result being ... absolutely nothing.

Virendra Dev Dixit is apparently still avoiding arrest on what appear to be entirely trumped up charges.

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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post09 Mar 2019

For the BKs, it's one less major opposition to deal with; they have the feeling that God is on their side. However, the opposition to BKism is like water in a sea. The opposition of the water cannot be removed; when some is drained away, it is replaced by others and in some cases the volume of the water of opposition increases as the BK teaching spreads globally.
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post18 Apr 2019

"They seek him here ... they seek him there ...", but Virendra Dev Dixit remains The Scarlet Pimpernel of the BK world.

The latest news is ...

The Central Bureau of Intelligence are now offering ₹5 lakh reward for information on Dixit whereabouts.

500,000 Indian rupees is worth $7,100 US dollars at today's rate ... about 4 or 5 times the annual average income in India but significantly more for 100 millions who live off figures in low $100s of Dollars each year. Women or widows specifically included.

Will one of his adherents crack and grass him up ... are the BKs on his trail and hunting him down ... do we have any bounty hunters in the Brahmin world ... is he holed up in a cave or a compound somewhere, like an Osama bin Dixit?

The CBI wants to know.
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post16 May 2019

Continuing the documentation of the persecution of Virendra Dev Dixit and the AIVV. Although I am neither a supporter nor a follower of the AIVV, I do note concerning parallels between the heavy handed - and one suspect loaded by the BKs - treatment by the authoritarian government authorities, and other failed efforts to crush cults in the West back in the 1970s. It is as is similar types in power have learned nothing from previous experiences. Indeed, I doubt they are even aware of them.

As usual, the BKs don't come off look good either.

Despite the involvement of the Central Bureau of Intelligence, all the stories appear to be coming up with the same line ... no evidence and no complaints.
Rescued girls ‘brainwashed’, claim to be happy with spiritual training

UDAIPUR: Counselling of the minor girls and interrogation of their mentors who were found from a hotel on Rajnagar road in a police raid on Wednesday, suggests they were ‘brainwashed’ and had taken the spiritual way to escape the miseries of life. Police had found 67 girls and 12 women from the hotel, which reportedly was a spiritual camp where the minor girls were being taught meditation and deeper knowledge.

Child rights activists and members of nodal agency working for the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) met the rescued minors who despite all the coaxing, sternly maintained that they were not kept there by force and were very happy in their present condition. “They seem to be hypnotised. All of them have been repeating the same lines in a row - I am happy, I am taking spiritual training, my mother brought me here,” Rishikant, an activist from Shakti Vahini, an organization addressing child trafficking and rescue missions told TOI.

The counsellors spoke to the girls on a one-to-one basis to find whether any one of them would divulge any detail but all in vain. “Many of the girls are from Gosaba area which is interior part of Sundarbans in West Bengal, some belong from the Bengladesh bordering villages hit by extreme poverty,” Rishikant said. Most of their stories had been similar as narrated to the counsellors. They said that they were going to schools and their mothers were very poor.

Some were orphans and living with their relatives. The girls said some people regularly came to their homes and educated them that spiritualism is the only way to get rid of all the miseries of life. So their mothers sent them to live in the ashram and now they are learning meditation, spiritual practices etc. and were quite happy. “It is quite astonishing that all these girls were sent by their mothers, none of them said their fathers sent them here, this suggests such families were intentional targets as the single women were perhaps battling financial difficulties and unable to sustain a livelihood,” Rishikant said.

On being asked whether the ashram had any connection to the Brahmakumaris organization at Abu Road (, Rishikant said that the women who were with the children informed them that Brahmakumaris demanded them to give all their belongings and money before taking them in and so they departed and made their own setup with a similar name.

“A few people have approached us claiming to be the parents of some of the girls but they cannot be trusted and are suspected to be the owners of the ashram. The hotel owner too is at fault because he didn’t inform the police when he permitted so many minor girls to congregate and stay at his place. Though the ashram is registered, however, before shifting minor girls from one place to another, the permission of the Child Welfare Committee of the concerning areas has to be taken which was not done in this case,” Bhawna Paliwal, chairperson of the CWC said.

Presently, the CWC, Childline and Balika Grah are together counselling these girls, while there is a strict vigil by police outside. District judges, collector and police officials too have been visiting the shelter home and taking their updates. “When we raided the place and began the rescue operation, these children were not willing to come with us and were adamant that two of their teachers were to be taken along. So looking at the sensitivity of the situation, we have brought two teachers to the shelter home,” said Bhojraj Padampura of Asra Vikas Sansthan, the shelter home where the kids are being kept.
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post26 Jun 2020

Another well measured investigation into the background of the latest attack on Virendra Dev Dixit.
Bringing shame to spiritualism: The story of yet another fake Baba
By Pari Saikia - May 18, 2018

In India, 87 percent of people are staunchly religious and spiritual, making way for a booming market estimated to be worth over $40 billion In India, 87 percent of people are staunchly religious and spiritual, making way for a booming market estimated to be worth over $40 billion (2.57 lakh crore). Almost everything in India is saleable, and even destroyable, in the name of God. For a drought-hit farmer or even a crippled child, spiritualism is that antidote that everyone resorts to when nothing comes asa saviour. Being godmen or babas in India is the easiest claim to fame job that requires no qualifications or knowledge. Seeing this as a profitable trade, many notorious self-proclaimed godmen are using spirituality for their vested interest — making tons of money by deluding people, exploiting women and girls to please their lust, while thousands of blind-folded devotees continue to blindly worship them in their daily lives. One of the nefarious babas of the time is Virender Dev Dixit, whom hundreds of families are looking out for besides the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Around 100 complaints of sexual abuse and illegal confinement of girls and women by Dixit have surfaced so far, and more than 20 rape cases have been registered against him. There are also several complaints of duping people of lakhs of rupees and property fraud cases.

Delhi High Court recently issued a blue corner notice against Dixit, who is no less than Gurmeet Ram Rahim, Asaram Bapu, Rampal or Ichadari Bhimanand — all known sexual predators who were once dhongi babas (fake godmen) and are now languishing in jails.Tehelka was approached by some of the victims who managed to flee from the clutches of Dixit and told about the malpractices that are taking place in the name of spiritual knowledge inside the iron grilled Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya ashrams. Accused of taking full body massages fromminors while wearing only his brief to touching the private parts of women and girls against their consents, he is surely not a messiah which many of his supporters still vouch for or certify. More shocking is that girlsare as young as eight-years-old when they are encouraged to stay in his ashrams.


You will turn Chandaal

“You will turn chandaal (evil) in your next birth if you disobey Baba, so do whatever he says and if you do not listen then bad people will rape you as a consequence.” This is how 13-year-old Gita (name changed) was constantly threatened along with many others for opposing Dixit’s sexual advances. Tehelka spoke with Gita who narrated her ordeal when she was inside the Mount Abu ashram: “Jab Baba aata tha sab number laga ke andar jate, fir Baba bolta‘yeh prasad hai tumbhi lelo’aur fir sabke saath galat kam karta (When Baba used to come to ashram, girls would be sent to visit him in turns. Then he would sexually harass us saying ‘this is my blessing, accept it’”.) The first time when Gita was summoned to his kaksha (bedroom) to fulfil his sexual desires, it was too complicating for her as an 11-year-old to understand what sex was. She started crying and ran away to lock herself in the toilet. She saved herself that night and Dixit never called her after that but the custom of massaging a half-naked Baba continued. In May 2015, she was surrendered by her mother who believed that Gita would be safe and attain spiritual knowledge under the guidance of Baba Dixit. When her mother found out the truth, she took Gita away at the pretext that Gita had some money in her bank account which she would like to donate to the ashram and her signature was needed at the bank. At that request, Gita was allowed to leave the ashram for a few days in February 2017. She never returned.


A summer vacation in Virender’s ashram

Summer vacations never brought joy to Shristi (name changed). While other kids would eagerly look up to the long school break of the year to go on a holiday, Shristi ‘s parents would look forward to send their kids to ‘Adhyatmik Viswa Vidyalaya’ or say ‘Spiritual University’, to learn ‘adhyatmik Gyan’ which means spiritual teaching, from the self-proclaimed godman Virender Dev Dixit at his Rohini ashram in New Delhi. During one such summer vacation in June 2000, a visit to the ashram turned into a nightmare for 14- year-old Shristi who was studying in Xth standard. One night at around 11 pm, Shanta mata summoned her through another girl. Mata or mother how ashram ladies who are above the age of 18 are referred to.

Shristi was perplexed by the sudden call at that odd hour but rushed downstairs as instructed. Shanta mata was standing outside Virender’s room. She told Shristi that Baba wanted to see her alone in his kaksha and give his blessings and honour.Shristy entered his room which was almost dark, partially lit by a tiny candle. The next thing Shristi saw was that Baba was lying half-naked in his bed. In no time he forced himself on her. When she tried to resist him, Virendersaid: “I am Lord Krishna and I will make you one of my 1600 queens ... It is my blessing that I am giving it to you as I am Lord Krishna.” That night she was raped. A traumatised Shristi left his room looking for support, but the matas remained unmoved by her ordeal. “I was too young to understand everything. I locked myself in the toilet for an hour as I couldn’t believe that Virender Dev Dixit, whom we considered an avatar of God, would rape me. Aren’t girls supposed to be protected, safe inside the ashram from the sin people of outside? This is what they claimed,” Shristi narrated as her voice trembled with anger. If that was not enough, the next morning some matas and girls came to appease her and the first thing they said was:“You have been blessed by the Baba. Feel the pride and honour of being touched by the Lord himself.” “After your turn, I also went to his kaksha. I feel blessed. This is part of the spiritual lesson,” said a girl who was the same age as Shristi. The trauma didn’t stop after that and the Baba continued to rape her on several occasions during that summer vacation. Today, Shristi is 32-years-old, working in a reputed government firm. However, it was only in November 2017 when Shristi decided to come out in public. She has filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the Baba for raping her in 2000.


Blind faith took away daughters

Bansi Lal (name changed) is a retired policeman from Delhi Police force. His eldest daughter escaped the horror of Dixit but his second daughter is still confined in Uttar Pradesh’s Farukkabad ashram. Bansi was an ardent follower of Virender Dev Dixit until life gave him a reality check. Between 1997-98, Lal and his family were seeking spiritual lessons from Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya. In 1999, a pracharak (follower) name Roshan from Virender camp coerced Bansi to join the sect, saying that the “Supreme Soul of Lord Shiva now resides in Virender’s body” after the death of Dada Lekhraj, founder of Brahma Kumaris institution. The family began going to Vijay Vihar’s ashram. But before that, as part of the preliminary custom, a seven-day course on adhyatmik Gyan and Adhyatmik Viswa Vidyalaya was mandatory for new disciples, therefore, the family took up the course.After gaining confidence in the new sect, Bansi started involving his five children too.

In June 2000, during the summer vacation of his children, Bansi sent his three daughters, who were all minors, for a two-month stay and learn adhyatmik Gyan in the ashram. Once the vacations got over, his eldest daughter, who is Shristi, refused to never visit the ashram again, even for regular Murli classes (Murli is called to spiritual lessons). Bansi and his wife could notice a strange change in her behaviour but didn’t pay much heed to it. On several occasions, Shristi tried to narrate her ordeal to her parents but couldn’t gather the courage. In 2003, Bansi surrendered his youngest daughter Lilly (name changed) who was only 12-years-old, to Kampil ashram after Dixit persistently insisted that all his daughters must be given away to his ashram so that they could remain ‘pure’ by staying away from the outside world. For ashram records, Bansi was made to sign on a ten rupee stamp paper that reads he is surrendering his daughter to Adhyatmik Viswavidyalay at his own will for attaining spiritual knowledge, a copy of which is with Tehelka. In 2015, Shristi finally broke her silence and narrated her account with Dixit. Her revelation shattered the family’s faith and trust in Dixit’s spiritual teaching. When the family went to meet Riya, their second daughter, they realised that there was something wrong with the spiritual education she was learning in the ashram. “We were shocked when our daughter explained a distorted meaning of Shivalinga to her mother. She told us that all the kanyaiye (girls) are Lord Shiva’s wife Parvati and Dixit is their Lord Shiva and that she has learned this in the ashram,” said Bansi in an apologetic voice. “After Shristi revealed the incident, we tried our best to convince her to come back home as Dixit was a sexual predator but it was too late for her to understand. She had already been brainwashed,” said Bansi. The Viswa Vidyalaya has now slapped a defamation case against Bansi with a fine of 25 lakh for showing the ashram in a bad light. Case 4 Lost four nieces to DixitSarabjit Bhai (name changed) is another victim whose four nieces are confined in Dixit’s Kampil ashram. More than anything, Sarabjit regrets persuading his elder Sister Renuka (name changed) to join the same hell, where her four daughters are now trapped.She was also forced to pay a hefty amount of 12 lakh. Speaking to Tehelka, Renuka said, “Virender Dixit Sabke saath kukaram karta hai. Mere saath bhi kiya. 12 lakh rupiya bhi loot liya. Humein humari betiya wapas chaiye (Virender Dixit uses every woman for sexual advantages. He sexually assaulted me too. He also took away 12 lakh from us. We want our daughters back). ”Years ago when Renuka surrendered herself with four daughters in the Kampil ashram at the behest of Dixit, her distressed husband Shamlal (name changed) immediately filed a case against him at Allahabad high court but his lawyer took the matter to the Apex Court where Renuka, at first, gave testimony in favour of Dixit. The real eye-opening for Renuka was when Dixit submitted a bill of 12 lakh as remittance to be paid to the lawyers in the case against her husband. Dixit was well aware that Renuka had a property gifted by her husband, the market value of which was worth a crore today. He insisted her that she should sell the property for any price she gets as being materialistic will only make her a ‘chandaal’. Actually, it was only a trick to grab that piece of land from the party she would sell her land to. One day at the ashram, her eldest daughter handed over a chit in which she hadwritten: “Mother, this is a bad place. Escape from here and then free us as early as possible.”Renuka realised the gravity of the situation and convinced the ashram people that she will sell the land and payback their 12 lakh but for that, she has to leave the place. After some time, Renuka returned to pay the amount to the ashram. Upon requesting to see her daughters, Renuka was asked to leave and never return.

Dixit’s secret den for virgins Tehelka learnt from a victim who wished to maintain anonymity fearing death threats from Virender’s followers that the so-called Baba Dixit, who must be now in 70s, had a secret wing called Naya Sangathan (new party), commonly known as NS among the ashram people, where young and ‘virgin’ girls between 12 to 18 years of age would be kept together, especially to meet his sexual drive.”The den of the NS was secretly running in Shahbad Daulatpur area in New Delhi until sometime back, at one of his close aides’ residence. Access to the den was only limited to close confidants like the security guard, cook and caretaker besides Dixit.“Every night, Virender would summon girls from NS in his bedroom to seek sexual advantages,” asserted the victim. Another source told to Tehelka that at nights, girls would arrive in a van to the den and leave by dawn. The preaching for NS was opposite from those who were not staying in the ashram, with more focus on sexual pleasure. Dixit would spend maximum time in NS with this kanyaiye around. The Shahbad den was dismantled only after his aid got to know about Virender’s illegal activities at the NS. There is no information whether the NS still runs in other centres of Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya. Virender’s famous preaching lines to all his female disciples surrendered in the ashram: “Surrender everything to me as I am the Lord Shiva ... Lord Krishna ... you are my Parvati ... one of my 1,600 queens.

You are only safe with me and the outside world is evil…they will take advantage of your physical body. And, anybody who disobeys me will turn chandal, born in penury, face rape, diseases.”

Making of Baba Virender Dev Dixit

Virender was one of the last heirs to survive the infant mortality fate in his family as he was born after his eight Sisters couldn’t survive. His youngest Sister was born 12 years after his birth. In the initial days, when Dixit was in Ahmadabad to pursue PhD in Sanskrit, he came in contact with Prajapati Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (BK) in 1969. His ideology was a misfit with that of BK and his attitude towards female disciples was improper. He proclaimed that Dada Lekhraj’s soul had entered into him after his death to which many BKs opposed. Speaking to Tehelka, BK Sister Chandrika of Ahmedabad centre said, “One morning around 4 am, Dixit forcibly tried to enter the female quarters of BK which was stopped by BK Brothers on raising alarm. After that misconduct, he was immediately banned to enter all other centres and a circular was issued in regard to this.

“After a couple of years, he started a separate faction called ‘Advanced Party’ in 1976 with some of the Brahma Kumar’s and Kumari’s followers whom he managed to brainwash to join his party. “BK had earlier firmly opposed any connection with Dixit or his ashram during that time. Today, again, we strongly oppose and stand for what we said earlier. ”Within years, he emerged into Baba Dixit with sprawling ashrams in Farrukababad and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Chandigarh, Rohtak, Jaipur, Ahmadabad, Gangtok, Kolkata, Bhopal, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Kerala, Delhi, Kampil in UP and in Nepal and South Africa. In 1998, the first rape case was registered against him and he was jailed for six months.

Need justice for the loss

A victim from Banda district, Uttar Pradesh, is now living a hard life with her 16-year-old daughter after leaving the Dixit sect. Her husband has disowned her after the real picture of Dixit came into the public. Almost 10 lakh rupees and all her gold jewellery have been taken by the ashram. Fortunately, she and her daughter are not victims of rape or sexual assault.However, she remains stigmatised after being abandonedby her family. “All the females staying inside the Adhyatmik Viswa Vidyalaya will never have a normal dignified life once they are out because society will never accept them even though the culprit is someone else. I am an example before you. My husband has disowned me today. Everything is destroyed,” she told Tehelka hoping that other women shouldn’t face similar consequences. She continued, “On behalf of all the sufferers I want to ask Dixit, what kind of university you are running where so many females have been subjected to sexual exploitation, looted of their bank balance, families, happiness.

If you and your spiritual knowledge is so divine and true, what are you afraid of? Why are you hiding from the law? ”Another former follower name Krishna (65) said, “Humein nyay chaiye (We want justice).We, poor are always the soft targets of nefarious Baba like Dixit. The court should enforce stringent punishment to Dixit for destroying so many lives of girls and women. ” A local of Vijay Vihar in New Delhi, Pankaj Pathak, said, “I was there when a poor girl tried to kill herself by jumping off the building of Vijay Vihar ashram. There are many dark stories inside the ashram.”In 2017, when parents and locals took out a protest against the Vijay Vihar ashram for not allowing them to meet their daughters, a new movement to rescue all the daughters emerged out of that lane. Total 41 minors were rescued last year. Today, so many suffering families have found the courage to come out and narrate their ordeals from every nook and corner of the country. “We arranged free accommodation and food for the families that came down from various states with the hope to reunite with their daughters. I felt that there should be a mechanism to stop all such fake spiritual institutions from running in our country as their first targets are the innocent, uneducated, village level people, who could be easily manipulated in the name of God as for them spirituality is everything. Even the educated, high-class people also fall prey to them. This is dangerous.”
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post21 Jul 2020

The story continues, with Virendra now missing for 3 mysterious years, the latest being a new twist ... in a case,'DUMPALA RAMREDDY VERSUS UNION OF India & ANR' the Supreme Court of India has been asked to close down the ''ashrams'' and spiritual centres run by fake ''babas'' that could potentially lead to Covid-19 outbreaks.

In an interesting and potentially revolutionary move, the petitioner is seeking for guidelines to be laid down to govern the establishment and the functioning of ashrams and to close down those run by fake gurus.

Apparently an "apex body of sages" (the Akhil Bharatiya Amhara Parishad), has declared unto 20 babas in four lists to be fake spiritual personalities, including Dixit, Asaram Bapu, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, and Radhe Maa, and has cautioned the public against them.

The trouble being, if India shuts down "fake" ashrams, how many if any of its spiritual centres will remain, and who gets to decide? The BKs appear to have managed to have studiously avoided being labelled "fake".

I have a simpler suggestion, why not start by declaring all Babas, sects, religious and cults fake and them have them have to prove themselves and their gods genuine before practising? Including the BKs, Christianity and Islam.

“There is a lot of money involved and criminal activities are happening. See what can be done? This kind of practice gives a bad name to everyone,” CJI Bobde told solicitor-general Tushar Mehta, the Central government’s second senior-most law officer.
Dumpala Ramreddy, 67, says if the authorities don’t immediately rescue his daughter and 169 other young women devotees he alleges are forcibly confined in dingy rooms at a “fake Baba’s” ashram in Delhi, there could be a coronavirus emergency.

Ramreddy, who has been unsuccessfully knocking the Supreme Court’s doors for about a week over the matter, compares the situation to last month’s religious congregation in Nizamuddin that is said to have spread the virus.

The allegation of the women being illegally confined and sexually exploited at the Adhyatmika Vidyalaya (Spiritual School) at Rohini, run by the now absconding “Baba” Veerendar Dev Dixit, has been before Delhi High Court since at least 2017.

Dixit appears to have gone into hiding as soon as the high court ordered a CBI probe in 2017. After a court-appointed panel inspected the ashram and confirmed the women were drugged and held in “animal-like” conditions, the high court ordered a CBI raid in 2018.

The panel report said the women were caged in virtual rat holes behind a series of metal doors and grilles, appeared drugged and lived without sunlight or privacy. Many of them were ill but received no treatment.

What the CBI said in its report after the raid remains unknown. The high court did not order an immediate rescue or relocation to shelter homes, as the women’s petitioning parents including Ramreddy had pleaded. It decided to wait till the CBI furnished its final report after investigating all of Dixit’s ashrams across the country.

That report is still awaited, and it’s unclear how far the countrywide probe has progressed and when it might be completed.

When the Covid-19 crisis broke out and the Nizamuddin congregation attracted outrage — although several other religious gatherings elsewhere too had violated the social-distancing protocol — Ramreddy decided to try his luck in the apex court.

“If my daughter Santosh Rupa and the other women captive in Rohini — and the about dozen other ashrams across north India — are not freed immediately, it could become another Nizamuddin crisis where hundreds got infected after living in close contact,” the Hyderabad resident told The Telegraph.

But he says his repeated attempts to secure urgent listing for his March 27 petition, which seeks immediate rescue for the women, have come up against the apex court’s lockdown protocol.

The court registry has told him that only urgent cases will be heard — through videoconferencing — and that these cases must be filed through the advocates-on-record.

Although the Supreme Court allows non-advocates to file petitions under the “petitioner in person” category, this provision has been suspended temporarily as a social-distancing measure.

Ramreddy says he and his wife survive on his meagre annual pension of about Rs 2 lakh — he cannot afford the fees charged by the advocates-on-record.

Supreme Court sources confirmed that individual petitioners are not being allowed to directly approach the court. But they added that it’s for the Chief Justice of India to take a call on such individual matters.

Ramreddy says his daughter, who was pursuing a post-doctoral degree from Iowa State University in the US, had admitted herself to the ashram in July 2015.

In 2017, a “joint committee” formed by Delhi High Court had furnished its report on the women’s horrific lives in the ashram.

A court order of December 20, 2017, quoted from the report to say: “Some of the women inmates are in ailing condition and are not being given medical attention…. She (a committee member) submits that the inmates appear to be under tremendous pressure.

“Ms Nandita Rao, advocate, who is a member of the team appointed by us, submits that over 100 girls were housed in animal-like conditions with no privacy. She submits that during the inspection where the inmates were housed, the passage was so narrow and of such low height that the team had to bend double to go through the same. Metal doors have been installed at short intervals….”

“Ms Rao expressed grave apprehension about the health of the inmates and submits that several of the inmates appear to be under the influence of some kind of drugs or narcotic substances. The inmates are completely confined and are not permitted any access or contact with their relatives or friends. They are kept in close confinement in the dark spaces with no sunlight with metal grills and nowhere to exit therefrom. She submits that even the sleeping area is monitored and the girls have no privacy at any time.”

Ramreddy has mentioned these findings in his apex court petition.

Seeking urgent rescue for the women, he has cited how the Supreme Court had issued orders granting parole or interim bail to several prisoners as a social-distancing measure in jails.

He has also cited the evacuation of over 2,300 people from a six-storey mosque near Nizamuddin, of whom over 530 are said to have developed Covid-19 symptoms.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post22 Jul 2020

Who is genuine and who is fake is a good question but even if a decent way to define them was found, India gets a lot of tourism and foreign exchange from "spiritual pilgrims" etc, and especially under Modi’s BJP, is a major part of it is ”identity”.

Indeed, given the recent examples of bigotry and sectarianism against Muslims, any ”purge” of religious organisation would likely be based on Hindu nationalism and political support given to the current regime.

Last night on Australian television was a 30 min report about the Falun Gong, and, now they are HQ'd in the USA, how they have become 100% dedicated to getting Trump re-elected, for no reason other than he is creating conflict with the Chinese government who persecute them as a dangerous cult.


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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post30 Jul 2020

Speaking to Tehelka, BK Sister Chandrika of Ahmedabad centre said, “One morning around 4 am, Dixit forcibly tried to enter the female quarters of BK which was stopped by BK Brothers on raising alarm. After that misconduct, he was immediately banned to enter all other centres and a circular was issued in regard to this.

First time I've heard this ... I wonder if it's on official record from back in the day?
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post05 Aug 2020

Me too.

The story the PBKs tell is that he kept asking the teachers and even most senior BKs so many questions that they could not answer, e.g. Dads Kumarka and so on, until they got sick of him and banned him.

Of course, both could be true too.

I don't know when his messiah complex kicked in, i.e. believing that he was the reincarnated partner of Lekhraj Kirpalani, Chariot of god, and the true prophet of the religion.

I previously presumed that it was brought about by some kind of trauma at being rejected by them.

I also don't know when the event above happened.

Unfortunately, the BKs have so much to hide and cover up, they don't keep full and accurate records of their history. I did not understand that either as a BK, or as an ex-BK. I would have thought if it was "really" God, then surely the history and records would have been so special and valuable. Finally I came to the conclusion that the inner circle simply doesn't believe it is and it's all just a con. Hence to be covered up.


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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post06 Aug 2020

ex-l wrote:I have a simpler suggestion, why not start by declaring all Babas, sects, religious and cults fake and them have them have to prove themselves and their gods genuine before practising? Including the BKs, Christianity and Islam.

Very interesting point as that would leave none, as there is no yardstick for proof ... none that I know of.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post06 Aug 2020

ex-l wrote:I have a simpler suggestion, why not start by declaring all Babas, sects, religious and cults fake and them have them have to prove themselves and their gods genuine before practising?
John2 wrote:Very interesting point as that would leave none, as there is no yardstick for proof..none that I know of.

How about this:
    Recruit a group of 10 desperately poor and hungry people, they will attend the experiment every day.
    Recruit a group of 10 believers from various religions.
    Recruit a group of 10 atheists (from different religions!!! haha)

    Day one: Get the atheists to prepare meals for the hungry and give it to the hungry
    Day two: Get the believers to pray to their god that the poor and hungry be fed
    Day three: The poor and hungry decide at the end of day two which group they’d prefer to come in on day three.
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Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

Post25 Mar 2021

India has requested an Interpol "Red Notice" for Virendra Dev Dixit under the charges of "Rape and Criminal Intimidation". This is on top of the 5 lakh rupee reward for information leading to his capture. He is thought to be in Nepal.
Red Notices are issued for fugitives wanted either for prosecution or to serve a sentence. A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.

At the same time, one of the fathers of a girl taken into his ashram has failed in a bid to have the Supreme Court of India to take action against fake babas in the country.
The petition styled as a public interest litigation (PIL) was filed by a Secunderabad resident Dumpala Ramreddy who was upset over his daughter being kept in an ashram run by a self-styled godman based in Delhi. During efforts to rescue her from the ashram named Adhyatmika Vidyalaya run by one Veerendra Dev Dixit in Rohini, the petitioner stumbled upon a list of fake ashrams released by the apex body of sages – Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad.

This list contained names of 17 fake godmen and their institutions which included the likes of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh of Dera Sacha Sauda, Radhey Ma, Nirmal Baba, Rampal, Asaram Bapu and his son Narayan Sai ... included the name of Dixit,
A three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) AS Bobde said, “We are not disrespecting the Akhara Parishad. But how does the Court get to know who is a fake Baba. This list is prepared by the Akhada on its own. We don’t know whether they have some animus with these persons.”

Actions the petitioners requested included; vacating the ashrams run by these self-styled godmen and closing down ashrams other than those in the list where it is found that the people running them have criminal records.

The petition also urged the Court to frame guidelines with regard to setting up of Ashrams and spiritual centres across the country.

The Supreme Court did, however, ask the Solicitor General to look into a plea seeking action against illegal activities carried out in ashrams run by “fraud babas, to see what could be done.

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