More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

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GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post22 Feb 2019

The UNO connection happened in September 1977, with Mohini arriving in NYC. The stages might have been set many months prior or during the visit of Kumaka Dadi. Guyana was used as the step or ladder to the UNO. Forbes Burnham, then Prime Minister of Guyana and patron of the BKs was a close friend of the Rockefellers, who played a role in the creation of the UNO after WWII.

Accommodating the BKs in Guyana served the Burnham regime well. It satisfied in many ways the Indo-Guyanese sector who supported him politically. We must remember historically, Kennedy and Churchill were concerned that Guyana could have become another Cuba under the leadership of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, an Indo-Guyanese dentist who was pro-Marxists. Burnham as a Marxist, was on the payroll of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. The BKs tried many times to invite Jagan to their functions, as leader of the Opposition party the PPP, and he never attended, as he knew that Burnham was their patron.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post26 Feb 2019

To gain a insight into the UNO and the BK connection, we have a examine the links between Forbes Burnham (Francis, 2015), the Rockefellers, and the interactions of the BKs with the Guyanese ruling class prior to the BKs' entry into NYC in 1977.

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post26 Feb 2019

I have not watched the BK version yet, so I cannot comment, but can you be specific about who in the Guyanese ruling class the BKs courted and found patronage from?

Are you saying, the BKs' foothold in the Americas was via Guyana, who was the original contact? Some Sindhi there?

I question any direct like between the BKs and the Rockefellers, although I don't doubt their hands would be open if the latter was handing out money or properties. Are you saying that the BKs courted those who the Americans/Rockefellers put into power?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post26 Feb 2019

Yes. The BKs courted individuals in Guyana who were placed in power by the Rockefellers and other Americans, specifically Mr. L.F. S. Burnham.

Burnham was also on the payroll of the US Central Intelligence Agency. The other was the Naraine family.

They were also supported by members of the Sindhi community in Guyana and other Carribean countries.
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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post26 Feb 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Yes. The BKs courted individuals in Guyana who were placed in power by the Rockefellers and other Americans, specifically Mr. L.F. S. Burnham ... They were also supported by members of the Sindhi.

For the BK inner circle it has never matters *how* or *where* you got your power or wealth, it is only *if* you have power or wealth.

I watched the video and took quick notes ... Seems like it is Clarke Peters doing the VIP voice over.

The video starts with the glorification of nature and the outdoors and is peppered with appealing attractive young people, looking and behaving is very "non-pukka" BK ways. No mention of Destruction. Even "Transformation" is downplayed.
Nature holds great secrets within ... nature's grandure ... scientific and academic acolades not enough ... then the question, "who am I?" ... "what is my purpose?" ...

To answer these questions ... the BK org was founded.

Dada Lekhraj ... BB ... seed planted in him a "gift from the divine" ... conscious effort to sustain it ...

BK Mohini appears and says, "BK service started 40 plus years" ... "largest spiritual or led by women" ... uplifting consciousness globally ... community service ... est 1937 ...

BK Chandra repeats, "over 40 years ago" ... "myself and Sister Denise were in Canada ... we wanted to bring this message of peace and spiritual message to American people ... we drove to SFC around the same time our regional director Mohini arrived from the Caribbean islands ...

Connecting with the real self increases the power to discern and make right choices ... at the heart ... to help people discover their innate potential ... [lots of photos with famous people in them] ... a shift in human consciousness to bring a better world ...

BK Gayatri appears, "there is a purpose of the Brahma Kumaris to be at the United Nations ... to re-affirm faith and dignity and the worth of the human being ... so the way that we do this, it that we bring to the table, we integrate into the programmes, a spiritual tragetory, awareness, attitude vision, action as a subtle dynamic to transformation"

[They claim the 'Parliament of World Religions' as one of their projects: fact check required]

Wherever the Brahma Kumaris centres exist, it plays a significant role in the community, whether it is wild natural disaster such fires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, floods ... we are there to help. People need coping skills for these disasters and we are available to help them with that ... wherever we are, we, the Brahma Kumaris, are there to serve ..."

Now the trees has grown into a canopy

A pretty blonde says, "BK Raja Yoga allows mestep outside thoughts and become an observer of them" ... a kid says they like BKism because they can play, feel safe and happy [that the free childcare the BKs offer to mums!]

"They provide an open place where anyone of any background can come to meditate"

The true treasure is finding out who you really are ... time for everyone of us to plant this inner seed ... so we might all find out lost inner paradise.

That's about the only tiniest reference to each soul's Golden Age to come in the next 5,000 Year Cycle.

Who's the Brother with the Afro looking like an extra out of Shaft with the hippie white guys?

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 12.27.58.jpg

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 12.31.39.jpg

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 12.33.45.jpg

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post27 Feb 2019

I can recognize some of the Western folks in the first frame.

Sister Charmaine, from Canada is the Sister in the second row, third from the right. The picture was most likely taken in Madubhan. Walter from Guyana wears the winter parka; he's in the second row to a bit of the extreme left. In the third row, third from the left is Errol. To Errol's right is one of the Australian twins, in think, Michael or Cycle as the BKs in Mount Abu called them. Ken is in the back row, and number 4 from the extreme right. Charlie, Janki's pet is in the center, second row. Errol is the Brother in the Afro hairstyle.

You are correct about the white hippie personalities, many of the Western BKs in the group, which remained in Madhuban, sequestered, and were trained for 21 days, under Baap Dada supervision, were hippies, who stumbled into BKism. Charmaine, Walter, and Errol were the non-hippies or exceptions.

Walter was a computer scientist, who had studied abroad and returned to Guyana. Errol was a secondary school Mathematics teacher and Guyana Scholarship Candidate on his way to pursue veterinary studies at Tuskegee University.

Simon was still in London, busy in service at the time the Westerners were undergoing their training.

I can only recognize Mohini in the third frame. There is Chandru, Nirwair, and Denise in the second frame.
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Pink Panther

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post27 Feb 2019

I can confirm that Guyana was the ”landbridge” for the BKs to enter the USA and the UN, it was the Sindhi community there via the Naraine family, Steve Nariaine being a Minister in the government whose connections got them in the door to the UN.

I couldn't watch the video in the OP of this thread, it made me feel nauseous, reminding me not only of my foolishness in being sucked in but also of all the energy I expended keeping myself convinced of it over years (not thinking, living in a stupor) and wasting so much of my time and life.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post27 Feb 2019

Steve Narine would later become Vice President of Guyana and also Ambassador to India.

Pink you cannot be harsh on yourself, about the time spent in those days in servitude to BKsm.

I just let go of it and move on.
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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post27 Feb 2019

Of course, having now watched the video I realise it does not make any attempt at being historical at all. It's just yet another advert.

What I find a little unethical is that it largely uses the images of non-BK, or at least non-pukka BKs, at their public events looking like and doing all sort of stuff that as a BK you would be denied or pulled up for. It gives a false impression of what BKism is.

It would be interesting to know which Sindhi families the BKs leant on to get into Guyana/British Guiana.

From other cases, usually it was one of the families who were related to Lekhraj Kirpalani or had members involved in the Om Mandli but who did not - or could not due to husbands or fathers' commitments - stick around. For example, the BKs gained entrance into London, UK via Jayanti Kirpalani's mother who had been a follower in India but whose husband, Jayanti's Father, had dragged her away to living in England.

Although many Indians were brought to Guiana as indentured servants after the emancipation of African slaves, Hindu Sindhis only migrated from Sindh in two primary waves. Firstly, in 1843, when the British crown annexed the province and a group of merchants from Hyderabad, Sindh ("Sindworkis”) struck out in search of business in countries, and again in 1947, as a result of the upheaval that accompanied Partition.

They used the British empire and its well established trading routes to their advantages, expanding along its networks.

(There was a later, less significant one in the 1960s when the US made it easier for them to immigrate).

Sindhi families used to receive an annual international directory, a thick, compact book that contained generations of information about Sindhi families around the world, and their connections, to keep in touch and the culture remained somewhat separate from general Hindu émigrant societies.

Therefore, I'd have to suspect the BKs had access to such resources to exploit.

As an aside, the system of recruitment by local agents in India was an unjust and corrupt as you might expect; intimidation, coercion, and deception were very often used to recruit laborers, even kidnapping and forced detention. Women, in particular, were very vulnerable. The first East Indians arrived in 1834 from Calcutta.

Many recruited to be shipped off to the Caribbean, were falsely advised on where they were heading. Names of places would be altered to fit a higher meaning. For example, recruiters told migrants heading to Suriname they were heading to Sri-Ram instead of Suriname, taking into account Ram in the Hindu religion means "a religious place where good triumphs evil".

Not that much different to the word plays the BKs use and their own use of indentured servants, their unpaid virgin girls or old widows.

Note, as an aside, recent MI5 files reveal details of 1953 coup that overthrew British Guiana's leaders
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Pink Panther

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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post27 Feb 2019

ex-l wrote:It would be interesting to know which Sindhi families the BKs leant on to get into Guyana/British Guiana.

As I read that, it popped into my head that Steve Naraine’s daughter Gayatri was a cousin of Jayanti Kirpalani.

I may be completely wrong or it may be a long forgotten fact that popped up when tickled.

It is not uncommon in relatively small communities to find a large proportion of the population are distant cousins of each other.

* As one BK I spent time with in London for whom I have great affection, Steve Savva, once said in a deadpan delivery to Denise in Madhuban, in my presence, after a ”history" class where many learnt for the first time of the family connections among the Seniors,
”Gee, it's just like the mafia isn’t it?”

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post28 Feb 2019

The Kirpalani store existed many decades in Guyana before the arrival of the BKs. Guyana with one of the largest Indian populations in the Caribbean, has always been the port of call for crusading swamis and saints from India.

The BKs were one of the few female Hindu spiritual organizations visiting Guyana. Initially, the BKs intended to remain in Guyana for a few months. The enthusiasm or zeal of two raj Yoga students were an instigation for the BKs to become more permanent. The students were Betty Narine, Steve Narine's wife, and Errol.

In Errol's case, his two high school sweet hearts had already departed Guyana on overseas scholarships. I do recall that when he was a student at St. Stanislaus College in Georgetown, there was some rivalry between two of the smartest young ladies in the country for his heart. Both ladies were his class mates in the Advanced Level Chemistry course and were students at St. Joseph's High School, an elite school for girls managed by Catholic nuns.

St. Stanislaus College is a Jesuit school, which is still managed by Jesuits. One young lady, a lanky bespectacled Mulatto red head, appointed Errol as her private tutor in physics to get close to him. At the time they were both sixth form students. The other a dark skin beauty invited him as her special guest for her birthday party. She became a successful veterinarian and they were school mates at Tuskegee and still friends. With hearts of affection away and abroad, Errol the budding mystic could devote lots of time to BK raj Yoga as he taught Mathematics and awaited the bureaucratic processing of documents for his scholarship studies abroad.

In fact, Krishna Narine, the Narine son, knew Errol as they were both students at St. Stanislaus College.

The intellectual back bone at the Guyana center initially, were Walter, Ray, Richard, and Errol. Ray and Walter were former students at Queens College, then the top elite secondary school for boys.

Ray was completing studies in agriculture at the University of the West Indies. Richard was a tall Indian with white long hair; his Brother was the illustrious cricket star, Rohan Khani. Richard, who resided in Georgetown, was active in Hindu philosophy and science, and had an extensive library of yogi philosophy and Eastern mysticism.
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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post28 Feb 2019

Pink Panther wrote:As one BK I spent time with in London for whom I have great affection once said in a deadpan delivery to Denise in Madhuban, in my presence, after a ”history" class where many learnt for the first time of the family connections among the Seniors ...

We have not had a song for a while, so ...

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post02 Mar 2019

May be Sir Tom Jones was singing about the BKs 50 plus years ago in the theme song for the movie: Thunder Ball.

The points seem to connect.

America may well be the culture, which transforms the BKs and BKism, instead of the BKs and BKism transforming the American culture. The gem of wisdom Bruce Lee's mentor shared with him in 'Enter The Dragon', might have been useful to BKism as I embarked on its mission in America. Bruce remembered the gem of wisdom when he encountered his arch opponent in his room of mirrors and illusions.

But the BKs were too arrogant to study the Art of War. Books of such a nature are for the warrior class or caste; the BKs are Brahmins.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post09 Mar 2019

The movie exemplifies the ways in which the BKs suck resources from others and just leave them empty without looking back. Many Americans will watch the video and feel cheated. In many ways, the f-word can be used. I would not allow myself to have such feelings.

The day the BKs slammed their door in my face was the day other doors in mansions greater than the mansions of the BKs opened and welcomed me.
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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post09 Mar 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The day the BKs slammed their door in my face was the day other doors in mansions greater than the mansions of the BKs opened and welcomed me.

And in that is the greatest lesson, and the greatest reward, relating to BKism.

I almost feel we can close the forum on that note and put it on our front page.

BKism indoctrinates BKs with a great fear of leaving - from making them dwell on ego (fear of being a failure), to superstitious fears of their karma collapsing upon them - but, time and time again, the truth is entirely the opposite.

Life goes on. Far greater and, certainly, far more practical and constructive opportunities arise. New vistas appear, life opens up again and, most of all, instead of having to cope with all of the neuroses and psychoses of other BKs that the BK system ‘cultivates' ... all you have to do is deal with your own!!!

If you don't like a certain psychopath in life, all you need to do is walk away and leave them or report them to the relevant authorities, unlike in BKism where you have to live under them or deal with them regularly in your local centre or zone, and swallow the pain.

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