Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is written

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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post05 Feb 2019

ymg wrote:The good news is Sham Manav the one who is fighting for such religious cult wants to talk to us. Please share your views to have our agenda.

If he speak English, and there is anything I can add, I am very happy to talk to him.

I don't know how much following he has but he sounds like the right kind of guy.
We are not atheists: Shyam Manav

Andha Shraddha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) are not atheists, but they are opposed to physical or monetary exploitation in the name of religion," said Shyam Manav of ANS at a press conference in Gondia on Sunday.

Manav added that various TV channels have done huge damage to the good work done by the ANS from 1982 to 2004, and called upon the media to cooperate in building public opinion in favour of the bill pending in the state assembly regarding banning such unhealthy and harmful practices in society. The ANS has taken up a drive to educate people from April 3, particularly on superstition and its bad effects on society.

The campaign is targeting particularly ladies, children and the weaker section of the society.

What happened to his anti-superstitions Bill ?


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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post05 Feb 2019

ex-l wrote:What happened to his anti-superstitions Bill ?

Anti-superstition bills are strongly opposed by Right Wing political parties and the general public associated with those parties in India. Even the Left Wing/Liberal parties fear to implement it because of fear of vote banks migrating to other parties. Although some leaders from the liberal parties try to implement it when they are in power at state level, there is often opposition from their own parties because so many MLAs/MPs (Member of Legislative Assembly & Member of Parliament)) would have won based on complex caste equations from their constituency and they do not want to create unnecessary rift for themselves to face.

Everybody acknowledges the exploitation of innocent people in the name of religion, how much is too much is the question. Because Right Wing always shout from the roof tops that anti-superstition bill is targeted only towards Hindus and it is done basically to destroy the well meant Hindu culture and traditions followed by thousands of years. And this is partially true too. There are many practices and tradition which has a meaning and scientific reason behind it but over the years, some look like mere superstition blind belief.There are several material available that explains the reasons behind the rituals. Some other really superstitious aspects have also entered into Hinduism over the centuries.

Everybody are trying to have their piece of pie. The Rationalists, for example visit schools to talk about superstition and end up saying to the school kids that how can you visiting temple before the exams help you to get good grades ... obviously this will not go well with the parents and there is a backlash against these people. Nevertheless, some archaic methodologies have been curbed by the judiciary (for example:

There was considerable backlash from Rationalist about Sathya Sai Baba materializing watches, gold chain out of thin air and they had protested and asked Sathya Sai Baba to materialize a pumpkin or a live monkey instead.

Even if the Rationalists try to make headway, print media will not support because they get advertisements revenue and other backdoor favors from religious organizations and cults. It's a deadly mix of media, politicians and religious institutions involving money laundering, favours, affiliations worth billions of dollars.

News channels are the best bet to expose corrupt religious organizations. Sometimes, they too can be biased. For example, the videos on YouTube on raids conducted at PBK/Virendra Dev Dixit ashram gives telltale signs of intentional damage to the organization primarily to malign them. I do not believe in them, but I felt few people have connived to hoodwink the people and the police. It looked like a hit job to me.

However, there is still hope. There is a recent evidence that money and connections can only go so far if the organization is totally corrupt. Dera Sacha Sauda head, Gurumit Ram Rahim was convicted for murder and rape and any amount of pressure and resistance went in vain for the leader and is languishing in jail for a long time to come (

Here is a glimpse of the power he enjoyed during his heydays:


His last ditch attempt to indirectly threaten the judiciary and the government through his clout:


Law enforcement trying to control the situation:


Finally Baba getting arrested with his tail firmly between the legs:
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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post05 Feb 2019

Rajdhani wrote:Anti-superstition bills are strongly opposed by Right Wing political parties and the general public associated with those parties in India. Even the Left Wing/Liberal parties fear to implement it because of fear of vote banks migrating to other parties.

They believe it will bring bad luck, if to vote for an Anti-superstition bill?

How paradoxical.

And yet in their personal and public lives, they break just about every law or moral there is.

How hypocrital.

"It's OK to break the law, or cheat on my wife ... as long as I go to the temple and give the priest some money to get rid of my bad karma".

Of course, it was largely the same in the West until the last Century. At least with Catholicism.

It's a terrible curse, a ball and chain holding India back.

I suppose, psychologically, it is the exploitation of fear ... because they know or think they have done something bad. They might escape the tax man and bribe the police man ... but they cannot escape karma, perhaps?


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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post05 Feb 2019

ex-l wrote:They believe it will bring bad luck, if to vote for an Anti-superstition bill? And yet in their personal and public lives, they break just about every law or moral there is. How hypocrital.

Unfortunately, this is how the situation is. Somehow, in-spite of being dubbed as the largest Democracy in the world, people in India support Dynastic politics and caste based politics to a large extent leading to massive polarization.

Situation is way too complex, interwoven into strategies-counter strategies involving everybody.
"It's OK to break the law, or cheat on my wife ... as long as I go to the temple and give the priest some money to get rid of my bad karma".

Looks like this is what is followed by many politicians cutting across the parties.
Of course, it was largely the same in the West until the last Century. At least with Catholicism. It's a terrible curse, a ball and chain holding India back.

The very fact that Catholicism has lost its sheen in the West is totally censored in India. General public is not aware of this aspect at all. Earlier, there was more harmony between people from different religions. Nowadays, there is a simmering distrust comparatively. Quite a good number of poor Hindus are lured to convert to Christianity by giving lot of money which flows from the West. Muslim leaders are implementing stricter Wahabism among Muslims again due to heavy funding by the Middle East. Right Wing party like BJP is trying to magnify these aspects and polarizing Hindu votes in their favor. Like I mentioned earlier, it is too complex.

To give you a perspective, there are 2 main parties in India at national level. Congress and its allies (Left/Liberal/Socialist) constitute UPA and BJP and its allies form the NDA (they project to be Nationalists/Centrist with a Right leaning, but they are branded as Right Wing, especially by the international media houses).

~95% of Muslims and Christians side with Congress party. This congress party with like minded parties was able to form an alliance called UPA and ruled India for between 2004 to 2014 (2 terms of 5 years each). They have encouraged en masse conversion of poor, lower caste Hindus to Christianity. It was a thriving industry during their regime. According to the census, ~79% are Hindus, 14% Muslims and 2.5% Christians and others being Sikhs, Jains, Bhuddhists etc., This is a flawed data purposefully done to give a wrong picture by the Congress led UPA. Because Congress knows if Hindus see their percentage is dwindling at alarming rates, they will lean towards BJP led NDA.

BJP led NDA returned to power with a brute majority in 2014 and will stay in office till next elections by first half of 2019. Coming back to 80% Hindus, 17%, 9% & 41% belong to Schedule Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe(ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) respectively with 15%, 9% and 27% reservation respectively in Government jobs, educational seats etc., Congress is mostly in power since India got independence in 1947. A big chunk of these groups always favor Congress because they believe the reservation benefit is provided by Congress and they should remain loyal to them.

Now Congress and its allies leave no stone unturned to try and separate Hindus as separate and SC, ST & OBC as separate. Congress has a good grip on Indian media houses, both print and TV and has been frequently devising plans to implement their agenda in dividing Hindus. Constant supply of a flood of money is involved here.

Frequent pull and push from both Congress-UPA & BJP-NDA has given raise to a lot of chaotic situations. If you follow India specific tweets for a fortnight or a month, you will get a fair idea. In between all these, anti-superstition bill is just a pawn to the political parties. In Some states, watered down versions have been implemented. If it helps them win elections, they will go for it, if not, they will not dare to touch it. As simple as that.

There has been brutal murders of people who stood for these kind of movements and against government corruption in the past. Law enforcement agencies do their bit to protect these kind of people, but in the end, too many equations are involved.
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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post11 Feb 2019

It's funny for me because, ultimately, there are no such thing as "Hindus" ... arguably, the concept of a singular group - and of HInduism being a singular religion - is a British or Mughal invention.

It's too much to try and run a democracy of one billion plus people, and what are literacy rates now, 80 percent for men and 65 percent for women?

And, yes, I've been reading of the spread of Deobandism. The form of conservative Islam that was founded in 1867 in Deoband, India and whose expansion is currently being funded by the Saudis (and is not even mentioned by the BK god spirit).

By comparison, the BKs are just like small insects attempting to rise above a flood, by jumping from leaf to leaf, and finding a foothold or shelter wherever they can to climb their way up society.

In the 70s and 80s, they used to call themselves a "politico-religious" movement. I have not heard of them doing so recently, although clearly succouring political alliances has always clearly been part of their agenda.

THey've invested millions and millions of dollars sucking up to power and money over the decades, and keeping themselves current and in the minds of those in power by running their mega-programmes and so on.

I really wonder if it was worth all of the expenditure ... or even if they have any idea of how much time and money they have spent social climbing.

This was why I split from them. I argued that instead of investing their time and money chasing after second rate VIPs, if they only invested their time and money in doing genuine good for society ... the best of the VIPs would come running after them.

They were not interested. "BKs don't do charity work" I was told. It was like they just did not want to get their hands dirty with real problems and real needs. They did not even get it from a PR or karmic point of view.

Instead, they spend their millions advertising themselves and exaggerating wonderful they are, and showing off how many VIPs they know.

That is what they call "serving humanity".


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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post13 Feb 2019

The march towards self-indulgence and "body consciousness" is in full swing. Here is another example, see the pride (ego - one of the 5 vices ) in display,
Mumbai Sion Fly-over renamed after Dadi Brij Indra ji

"It is a shining example of recognition by the world to a true spiritual leader who was in all possible ways the epitome of Women Empowerment."


See below ... How BKs have become tightly coupled with the political/Hindu group ... like other organizations ...
" The function on 7th February was inaugurated by the Mumbai BJP president Shri Ashish Shelar in the presence of Respected Santosh Didi – Zonal-in-Charge of Brahma Kumaris Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana.
Many distinguished guests graced the occasion including Capt. Tamil Selvan MLA, Sri. Sunil Karjatkar – Organising Secretary BJP Executive Body, Shri. Prasad Lad – Vice President for the BJP Maharashtra state unit and Smt. Rajeshree Rajesh Shirwadkar-Municipal Corporator and the mainstay of the whole naming process and many other august personalities from different walks of life."
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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post13 Feb 2019

Presumably it's just a 'paid for' advertisement ... like most of the "World Record Awards"? They don't anything to get real recognition, so they have to buy it?

The Brahma Kumaris using their donors' money to advertise their own so claimed "greatness" to the world, instead of actually service the world?

Remind me who Dadi Brijendra is/was again?

This one ... the eldest daughter-in-law of Lekhraj Kirpalani who died in 1990 (before most current BKs even took the 7 Day Course)?

Yes, the middle management is deifying the Om Mandli members ... whatever happened to remembering no bodily being and no one except for Shiva Baba? ... so that they can then assert their superiority, for having known them.

More of the "Status by Association" game, that BKism is all about.

What would I say about Dadi Brijendra?
Dadi Brijendra

An inverate and uneducated liar who colluded and conspired with a small circle of high ranking Lekhraj Kirpalani followers, to dupe 100,000s out of their lives, money and property, based on persistent falsehoods.

A woman who never worked a day in her life and ensured her own security and comforts, by keeping to the script and not speaking out, and not rocking the boat.

Dadi-BK-Brij-Indra.jpg (22.6 KiB) Viewed 18951 times

Now, how is that "spiritual"?

As to "female empowerment" ... that is just some bullsh*t Western female BKs have brought onboard to make the BKs look more modern. The BKs are not "feminists", they are just quasi- neo- Brahminists.

Plase tell me, how are the surrendered kunyas (slave girls), or elderly chapatti rollers within the BKWSU, really being "empowered" by them?

Is the BKWSU teaching them to read and write? Is the BKWSU educating them in a practical subject so they can support themselves? Do they get holidays, healthcare insurance, retirement pensions? Do they have even any basic human or workers rights?

No ... just about the only way they are "empowered" is if they submit to becoming part of the confidence trick and exploitation ... they become "empowered" to con others into feed, clothing, and housing them, and keeping them in relative comfort.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post14 Feb 2019

At this time, they have passed the stage where highlighting individuals seems to lose relevance, only because their transgressions, from their own professed Maryadas, has become all pervasive.

Look at this one here,

103 Year Young Living Legend Dadi Janki ji Inaugurates Yoga Bhavan in Mumbai

Milking the cow ... by any standards or rules or Laws of Karma.... a special role to experience suffering is in place for such souls. Well expressed in Murli - 100 times punishment for "special " souls !
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Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

Post14 Feb 2019

OK, I think I have worked it out.

Brijendra, whose real name was Radhika, married Lekhraj Kirpalani's first son who was Kishinchand (Kishan) Kripalani.

She was supposed to be the one who "recognised" Shiva's entrance first in 1936 ... despite there being no mention of Shiva in the cult until after 1956 ,and Lekhraj Kirpalani started his satsang in 1932.

She told that bogus "Shivohum, Shivohum" story 1,000s of times to mislead new adherents.

Therefore, the significance of it, is about making real and glorifying a non-existent happening. An illusion.

There is mention of her life in the BK's self-glorifying hagiography, '3-in-One' about Nirmal Shanta. Lekhraj Kirpalani had set up a marriage when she was only a child with a business associate, and when she was married, the marriage agreement stated only three demands.
    1. Radhika would walk on carpets only.
    2. She would never cook food.
    3. A car would always be available for her travelling.
How's that for "values" and female empowerment ... all her story really goes into is how rich Lekhraj Kirpalani was ... with diamonds, and jewellery, and gold, and servants and maidservants everywhere.

There's never mention of any of Lekhraj Kirpalani's or the Om Mandli's servants becoming "empowered", is there?

The BKs claim she was the first woman to drive a car in India (around 1938), but reality, it was probably Sooni Tata in 1905, wife of Indian businessman Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, and she wasn't alone.

More typical BK self-glorification and exaggeration ... it seems everything the BKs boast about is false, exaggerated, manipulated. It's just there way.

What they don't say is she was the one driving the Om Mandli when it crashed, a child lost its arm and they did not tell the parents (short version). It caused a controversy.

The official version
BKWSU wrote:In year 1937 when Baba made a trust, she was also one of the main trustees who responsibly fulfilled all the duties. After this till 1951 when God Father Shiva used to enter into the body of Brahma, she especially used to stay in front of Baba to understand the value of God’s word. She used to follow Baba’s order and instructions to understand and explain the Supernatural part of that time, and used to play a part to memorize the facts from those words.

The reality ... there was no knowledge of, no recognition or imagination of Shiva in the cult until after 1956 ... which if she "memorised" them, she would know. Lekhraj Kirpalani was God to them. God Prajapati Brahma.

A Maharani of Bombay in 1910.

Indian-woman-driver.jpg (186.97 KiB) Viewed 18921 times

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