How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen around us

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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

There's a saying, "your enemy's enemy is your friend".

It might be worth speaking to other organisations who are sick of the BKs for whatever reason; from humanistic, socialistic feminist groups, to patriarchal religious groups to find alliances. You need a slightly different message for each one, eg the feminists are against marrying 100s of virgins to a male god spirit.

The most important thing to, and hardest thing I think, is
    a) to make the Brahma Kumaris honest. To make them have some integrity,
    b) to stop them and disallow them from claiming to God's only representatives, that they have the monopoly on god.

    I think all Hindus would agree with that. It is a Christian/Muslim trait. Of course, they will refuse to do so, therefore it will take public pressure.


    c) to stop them misusing traditional terms like "Raja Yoga" and the names of the deities.


    d) to force them to impliment a human rights programme for their teachers and followers, e.g. a pension, retirement, holidays, real world training, fair working conditions (ie 8 hours a day, one or two day a week off).
At present, they are basically slave trafficking their young girls. Surrendered BKs are not "free", they are enslaved and denied rights.

India is moving up with human and worker rights, it has to crush the old fashioned exploitation out of the BKs, or the BKs out of India.

Don't be an "anti-BK" party, be a "pro-human rights within the BK" party.

Promoting human and worker rights within BKism, and educating them, will Destroy them ... or should we say "Transform them".

I think that should be the motto, "Transforming the Brahma Kumaris".

Or something like, "Protecting Society, by Transforming the Brahma Kumaris".


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

The best way to expose is to rejoin them with again white clothes on and then challenge their teachings. This time no "Haji" part.

Just go on questioning the speaker in Murli Class, spiritual class, Hard seva.

Ask them about the audited balance sheet of the centre. For any little donation ask them for receipt from Madhuban or in retreats (They are operating with several accounts like RERF, Global Hospital, Trust etc).

Ask them true logical and scientific questions with all the evidence. Do the homework at home, read the Murlis and make the questionnaire for the speaker. Gather ex-bks around and challenge their teachings and watch them run ... We can surely put them in trouble by exposing their illogical and unscientific teachings.

Most importantly, in many centres there is corruption of judicial law as well as BK laws. We can catch them by putting their words in their mouths only. Like ...
    1) No surrender Sister is allowed to make property by personal name (but many did)
    2) No junior Sister is allowed to live in the centre without the permission letter from her parents (but many young girls are living)
    3) No Brother is allowed to live in the centre (but many BK Brothers are living with Sisters)
And, last but not the least ...

You can always put a kick on their ass on the issue of failed predictions of Destruction ... Now point of Destruction is destroyed by them. Now It's a chase of property making and making of name and fame by hooking politicians and VIPs ...

Many sincere and committed BKs are old now. These so-called Godly Sisters completely ignoring them ...


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

Wanted to know if we have any Muralis where the date(s) of destruction are mentioned. I know there are several failures about the destruction dates and now they have changed the narrative to "concentrate on soul consciousness, not date conscious". Even the mention of 100 years of Sangam Yug will also be a nice piece of evidence too.

The Muralis were translated to several Indian languages including English. Even if they keep all the older Muralis with password protection, there will still be lot of uncontrolled copies with many centers across India or at the homes of old followers. It would be great if we can collectively try to retrieve these materials.

Request all the members/Guests of the forum to contribute any material on this topic. Thanks!
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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

Rajdhani wrote:Even the mention of 100 years of Sangam Yug will also be a nice piece of evidence too.

As requested...

100 years Confluence Age points:

"Now is the Sangam(yuga). The Father doesn’t stay here for long. Still it takes 100 years. When the upheavals are over, the Kingdom starts." [Mu 13.10.96]

"Confluence Age requires at least 100 years, is not it?" [Mu 03.10.69]

"Now it is the Confluence Age... it should be given 100 years." [Mu 03.11.76]

"You can expect this Confluence Age (to last for) 100 years, at the most." [Mu 01.12.72]

"The entire world can become new in 100 years." [Mu 17.03.69]

50-60 years Purushottam Confluence Age points:

"I come at the Purushottam Sangamyug of every cycle. In 50-60 years, Father comes and teaches His children." [Mu 08.09.68]

"The Father comes in this Confluence Age... lives in these ones for 50-60 years, and transforms them." [Mu 26.11.72]

50 years Purushottam Confluence Age points:

"This is a small Purshottam Sangamyug of 50 years." [Mu 02.03.74]

"It takes approximately 50 years time for the destruction of (the) Iron Age and establishment of (the) Golden Age." [Mu 11.02.73]

"Subtle Region is created for 50 years." [Av 15.03.70]

40 years Confluence Age points:

"Confluence Age is very small. From 40 years, 8 remain(i.e. 1976)." [Mu 18.09.68]

“The old world has to be certainly destroyed. The preparations are being made. Ten years are remaining(i.e. 1976).” [Mu 10.10.66]

Hope these are helpful.


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

Security Wing ... Spreading fear ...
BKWSU Security Wing wrote:The 'Men in Uniform' are the backbone of the nation. They are given multiple responsibilities to safeguard the people, infrastructure and the vast borders of our fast developing nation from internal and external threats. If we turn the pages of history, it speaks about their gallantry, success stories and achievements. The present life style in the 21st century has become full of uncertainty, fear, tension and mental stress.

Our country is facing major challenges in the form of natural calamities, terrorism, threat of border invasions, civil disturbance and frequent riots.

Really ...
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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

I see it's an official BK position ... how unenlightened.

Typically Right Wing and conservative too.
The Security Services Wing of RajYoga Education and Research Foundation has been set up to strengthen the services personnel internally to enhance their efficiency was well as their capacity to cope with the stress arising from their hazardous work. This will help them maintain equanimity of mind so as to take quick and correct decisions during war and peace.

Of course, on one hand it's ass kissing - just to promote BKism to another demographic; and, on the other hand, it's ass kissing as the BKs want the Indian Security Fources to serve and protect them ... and perhaps Nuke China, Pakistan and Myanmar/Burma for them.

May be even start WWIII to wipe all the impure human beings off the face of the planet ... and then commit suicide and follow them, themselves!!!

Here's my point of view,
    "We" only need an army because "our" enemy has an army.
    "Our" enemy only needs an army because "We" have an army.
But who are we? Certainly not 'the People' on either side.

War is carried out by armies, for the benefit of a few, at the cost of ordinary people on both sides. People don't rise and go to war, so who does for what?

It's a war of military against the People. And every nation's military has been used against its own People far more than against any other enemy.


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post04 Feb 2019

I agree.

Now, why would BKs want to get into the business of targeted marketing? Because that's what it is .. a marketing ... cannot call it spiritual marketing. There are many organizations that do similar sales, and have nothing to do with spirituality.

This would be to show that they are patriotic and get support for their marketing from corridors of power.
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BapDada bin Laden

Post05 Feb 2019

What I think stuns us all, is how on earth can the Indian military and security (intelligence) forces swallow a cult that teaches it is inspiring (by its alleged spiritual powers) not only a Nuclear that will destroy civilisation and the environment, but also a bloodbath of a civil war that wipe out all the "impure" people of India?

In other words, the Indian military and security (intelligence) forces' and politicians' families and communities.

You cannot have BKism without Destruction.

Are the military and security (intelligence) forces and politicians so stunned by this revellation, that they think it so 'off the chart' ridiculous that it cannot be true?

And if they think it is so 'off the chart' ridiculous ... they why do they allow their staff to be indoctrinated by them.

Someone needs to sit down with high ranking officers and point out what the Brahma Kumaris are about, what they believe as not just inevitable but that they will inspire (and that their god spirit teases them with ... hitting the button) ... and tell them what the usual BK lies are to hide it, eg "It's not Destruction, it's Transformation", "it's not our will, it's just spiritual purity causing a reaction".

Tell them that, "I know this sounds crazy but ..." and get them to listen.

I agree the BKs are not very likely to succeed ... but if they ever got enough tentacles into the military and political machine, they would make the Taliban or ISIS are like cute kittens. I cannot imagine them getting the USA and Russia to fight, but I could imagine some BK idiot getting India into a war with China or Pakistan.

And, remember, they think the final war will be a "mercy killing".

Their 'BapDada bin Laden' says, "you will give the scientists the courage (to fire the nuclear bombs)" ... "you will inspire the scientists" ... etc etc etc.


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post05 Feb 2019

Here's is the good news,

Sham Manav Sir wants to meet out team :)

Should I represent our team and what would be our agenda? Please reply your views



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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post08 Feb 2019

If you think this song and dance will stop sometime, look at this, ... r-2018.pdf

What do we call it ??? A boat load of s**t or a s**t load of b**l
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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post08 Feb 2019


That was from last year. It says 2018. If you look at who is featured, it may be seen as part of the swan song of the old BKs.

These events are more about hyping up the ”base” (like a Trump rally - and Trump is far more popular than the BKs!) rather than the general society which has more immediate concerns requiring pragmatic responses.

Every major Indian meditation group and others like them holds such events (major for them, mere blips in the grand scheme of things) with all of them having the same claim that their method will save/transform the world; T.M., Divine Light Mission, Sahaja Yoga or so many others, from other religions.

On one hand they promote themselves as the sole saviours based on the power and authority of their method, scripture, teacher, guru or god, while on the other hand they hold ”ecumenical events” to profess we are on the same side.

Like this - Pluralism is ”God’s Will” - a very ‘politik’ move by the Pope on his visit to UAE a week ago, looking to protect the many Christian migrant workers in this despotic Salafist state.
Within a paragraph about human freedom, the document states that religious plurality is willed by God. “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings,” the document states.


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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post09 Feb 2019

Here is another event, for this year/month ... besides the name and "stated purpose", don't see much difference coming out of this one too. ... new-delhi/
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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post09 Feb 2019

That's tomorrow. Let’s see what disasters transpire tomorrow that they can take credit or that we can blame them for for because it was their "Yoga power” inspiring karmic purification !!

Ahh, BKs. They are so selfless!

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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post11 Feb 2019

oldbk wrote:Here is another event, for this year/month ... besides the name and "stated purpose", don't see much difference coming out of this one too.

The only difference appears to be a bigger budget. It's just the same old crap they have been doing for the last 40 years.

I read over the flyer.

I can tell you that many of the faces did not even attend the conference (I checked).

And what are all the pictures of people doing Hatha Yoga at the bottom about!?!

It is not very classy ... look at it. It is all self-advertizement and exaggeration.
"Look at us and how rich and important we are ... how many we are ... look at all the expensive properties we have now ...".

I'd be too embarrassed to allow anyone to put my picture up with a title of "Global Spiritual Shining Stars".

Look, talk about "body conscious". At least half the photos were taken years ago when the individuals were much younger and hair darker looking. And what's with remember dead Dadis? (Prakashmani's photo ... but, strangely, not Manmohini's?)

Ditto, note the usual boasts about United Nations connections.

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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

Post11 Feb 2019

The BKs have moved to a point now, where they are at the same level as other such organizations like Isha Yoga, Art of Living, Nithyananda, Sai Baba and many more. What that means is that, all these orgaanizations have their own belief system, Gurus etc etc. None of these have or is going to antagonize anyone in the country, as each of those who are being approached as VVIPs have themselves a lot in their closet, so not to care about the ideologies or idiosyncrasies of these organizations.

So, BKs are now in a better position to survive than before, because they have joined the mainstream - talk about physical Yoga, climate change, global warming, security/threats etc etc. As for the UN, if you look deeper you will find many orgs that are linked to UN. As long as you are not committing a crime, you can be assured of a free pass to many VIPs and the UN and what not.

While such is the situation in India, it is no better in other countries, where India and related "Yoga" has still a mystical feel, given the worsening situation in daily life, lifestyle, struggle to survive and more. I only see more like BKs have started to come up, both in India and abroad. Examples, in India Bangaru from TamilNadu even got a Padma Sri award this year. Others, Amritanandamayi (India and abroad), Anandmurti Gurumaa (India/US).

BKs have a better chance for survival, since the wealth is shared among the top rather than with just one individual. Obviously, any deviation from anyone at the top can impact the organization more ... but so far they seem to be getting better and better at this con.

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