Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

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Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

Post04 Jan 2019

ex-l wrote:I did meet a man once whose story was that "Christ" just appeared to him in person and started teaching him ... His story was re-written for public consumption as a "sponaneous awakening" and he or the group is now worth multi-millions.

From the Wikipedia, I am guessing everyone can see parallels between this and Lekhraj Kirpalani or BKism.
Professor Paul Joosee, in his 2009 study of de Ruiter published in the peer-reviewed academic Journal of Contemporary Religion, concluded that de Ruiter’s silences can inspire devotion in three ways.
    First, they may elicit projection. In other words, listeners often interpret silence as understanding.
    Second, silence sometimes serves as a punitive purpose, as a display of power.
    Third, combined with the act of gazing into another's eyes, silence can create intimacy of a kind usually exclusive to lovers.
Followers may confuse an act that usually accompanies intimacy with actual intimacy and feel a loving devotion to de Ruiter.

Before he became famous, the story was he was a sincere seeker etc etc etc and then one day as his was driving he looked in his mirror and a man just appeared in rear seat, this being was Christ and he started to teach him. McDonald Bayne - and many others - have also claimed similar spontaneous experiences.

My position is that I don't doubt such experiences happen. I don't adopt a skeptical kneejerk that they cannot happen or that they are just mental illness - I think that's wrong too - but that I doubt they are all high and mighty beings and I observe that 99.9% of them all seem to lead to things going to crap at the end ... as Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs appear to be.

Ramtha - JZ Knight etc is another good example of that.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

Post04 Jan 2019

Pink, I have had ET experiences, I am not the only physician-scientist who has. Edgar Mitchell has given an extensive discourse on ETs and their activities on the earth.

I have no idea why this is being mentioned. Did i say something about ETs?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

Post05 Jan 2019


we all know that corrupted forms of love are always toxic to souls in male and female bodies, who are on the spiritual path. Spiritual aspirants can become victims of their spiritual entropy or chaos. I have also read the books on the stellar role of John the Baptist in the revolutions 2000 years ago, instigated by the Essene. I have also been self-cured from seeking gurudom, however, teaching and scientific investigation are two of my innate passions, expressed in a personality, which is shamanistic. I am authentically proud of the mentioned attributes and I use them in intellectual philanthropy. For me, the saffron robe or BK pajamas have been traded for the laboratory coat and the lecture blazer.

Subject matters pertaining to North Africa and their inter-relationships with ancient and post-modern India, and other cultures are of great interest to me, personally. There are North African and Indian roots in my ancestry, and some senior BKs seemed unsettled by the spiritual attributes of my Indian and Middle Eastern heritages. The shamanism was also most unsettling for them. The BK response was to marginalize my activities on their behalf, because they feared my activities were inconsistent with BKism and incite a revolution.
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Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

Post06 Jan 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Subject matters pertaining to North Africa and their inter-relationships with ancient and post-modern India, and other cultures are of great interest to me, personally. There are North African and Indian roots in my ancestry, and some senior BKs seemed unsettled by the spiritual attributes of my Indian and Middle Eastern heritages.

Or anything outside their ken, outside of Lekhraj Kirpalani's utterances in the Murlis which, we would all have to admit, are extremely narrow, limited and unsupported by scientific endeavour.

To them, Lekhraj Kirpalani - and his extremely narrow, limited and unsupported by scientific, academic or religious endeavour views - were their world.

For decades, they have forced to make themselves believe - and others like us who came seeking truth - that there was depth in those utterances if repeated again and again and again and not questioned.

For me, not questioning must surely be the antithesis of true spirituality.

I was fooled to believe that they were a "Spiritual University" ... that if I held on long enough ... pursued their teachings and directions long enough ... conformed to their behaviourial demands well enough ... that I would find in the BKWSU some kind of true spiritual understanding and insight into all the things you raise ... questions truly answered.

Do they know anything about Jesus, early Christians or the Essences? Nada. Zilch. Nothing. They've just invented a version that fits into their symmetrical model (The Tree).

A symmetrical model that does not even make sense graphically, eg why are the Branches (other major religions) of different sizes? Where are all the missing roots to those religions? Where are all the intersections between those religions, eg Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Pharaonic on Christianity? Why does Christianity grow out of the trunk of Hinduism rather than the Branch of Judaism? Etc etc etc.

They cannot answer anything. They don't know. Their god spirit does not know. They admitted aim is to become a "Buddhu" ... literally a perfect idiot (their "perfect forms" - the "dieities" - are they say idiots, child-like dolls playing all day in heaven surrounded by riches).

Is it likely that any Black, North African, or pharaonic influences have been written out of various racist and imperialistic histories? For sure. It's very possible. Are we in the dark about the nature and extent of the influences of pharaonic tradition? Very probably. The "winners" - aka the destroyers - got to write that history.

And, as Pink wrote, where is the vast foundation of Black or "native" (shamanistic) spirituality in their world view?

Ignored as inconvenient.

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