Are the BKs Happy With Some of These Medical Advances?

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GuptaRati 6666

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Are the BKs Happy With Some of These Medical Advances?

Post17 Oct 2018

The BK may be happy or disappointed with some of the recent discoveries from the frontiers of biomedical science. Offspring rat pups were reproduced from same sex parents. Human immature eggs were prepared from blood cells. One paper in Nature published by Partridge et al. (2018) suggests that interventions into life styles, including food intake, exercise, and infusion of gut microbiota from youths can increase the lifespan of individuals in aging populations. ... irst-time/ ... qa7qbdx5bn

There are several questions, which can be asked. Are the BKs happy with the above-mentioned recent advances in the biomedical sciences? For decades, for example, they have insisted that reproduction in the Golden Age will occur by the power of Yoga. Without being vicious, it seems the type of Yoga in the Golden Age will be tantric Yoga, in which males and females will copulate and enjoy love making.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Are the BKs Happy With Some of These Medical Advances?

Post21 Oct 2018

Some of the questions arising from my question in the form a the topic will be regarded by the BKs as Maya and forms of body consciousness, which are inconsistent with BK philosophy. Here are a few, however.
    At what stage of embryogenesis does a soul enters the multiple array of coordinated developing cells?

    Does the soul or psyche influence the DNA of the developing fetus it has entered?
A prominent geneticist at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons once declared that the human soul enters developing fetus when the fetus is 5 months old.

The above-posited questions are some questions currently being asked and answered using experimental testing of derived hypotheses by mainstream medical science. These are questions that I have asked as I walked through the garden path of BKism while studying in the temples of allopathic medicine and science. They are also questions I have asked when examining a developing embryo of an experimental animal model while I conducted research in developmental biology.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Are the BKs Happy With Some of These Medical Advances?

Post22 Oct 2018

It will depend on which BK you talk to. Some will say it is not important and just do more Yoga. Others will take the minimal understanding they glean and start using it selectively to fit into any argument to ”prove” Gyan. They might say, ”See, this geneticist says the soul enters the foetus at this time etc”.

That you discuss it in these terms also requires me to question the assumption in the question.

Why not ask when does the foetus 'become conscious’ ? Does the first nervous response of a foetus indicate consciousness or mere cellular ‘reaction’ to stimuli?

To assume ”a soul” is going to be the first ”story” of many follow ups, a first step on a long journey into a bottomless abyss of conjecture and further speculation.

Where did 'the soul' come from (create fairy story sequel)? Why did that soul enter that foetus (create fairy story trilogy with elaborate but unfounded karma theory)? By what mechanism does the "soul" connect to matter (start new story)? And on and on and on it goes ...

To what end? To get people to believe what the BKs believe. To what end? There’s another series !!! Like most stories there’s pride, greed, ambition, complex plots and subplots !!!
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Re: Are the BKs Happy With Some of These Medical Advances?

Post22 Oct 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:A prominent geneticist at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons once declared that the human soul enters developing fetus when the fetus is 5 months old.

He may have "declared", but I am guessing he did get the paper published on it? Would not be Albert William Liley, would it?

I have to admit that the "meat comes together to magically create consciousness" equation is difficult for me to digest, perhaps not because I have faith these days but rather just that my understanding of life is primitive and unscientific. But at least I know my understanding is primitive and unscientific these days, and so I do not invest in it and extrapolate from it either!

I can understand why intelligent individuals within the rigid scientific world enjoy a certain element of free association in their thinking. It must be a liberation from the painstaking, incremental nature of evidence based research. However, I suppose the real lessons to take from it is;
    that scientists also make faith based statements, and
    that using scientific authority to make them is a fallacious argument along the lines of status by association, or appeal to authority.
To be strict, yes, a professor may well be a world leader in genetics ... but what qualifications does that give his religious/spiritual pronouncements? Two separate disciplines, one not lending authority to the other.

For example, a surprising large proportion of "scientists" in the USA are also Christians or even born again Christians ... which to me would appear to be an entirely contradictory position to a "scientific mind".

Perhaps what might be useful would be to explore,
    a) What experimentation would be necessary to come up with a scientific argument to support "soul theory"?, and
    b) Why is very unlikely to happen within the near future?
There are a few "scientist and spiritualist" networks in the world, of scientists with an interest (both open and closed) in "spirituality", appealing for the need of scientific rigous in the area of spirituality but the short answer is ... there's no funding for the work that would come anywhere near the necessary. And, possibly, there is "no [accepted] theory" and therefore, on that basis, "no results".

My eyes are not open to "other realms" and so I cannot take a position in the debate, and I must remark at all how those very many who claim that their eyes are open to "other realms" ... never seen to be able to agree with each other at what is going on in them.

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