Health Issues, Retirement

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Health Issues, Retirement

Post27 Jun 2018

Om Shanti,

Hello, my dad is retired suffering from mental and physical health ailments. He gets depressed and has anxieties because of this. He gets panicky when health issue comes.

What spiritual advice can we give to him?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Health Issues, Retirement

Post27 Jun 2018

These are not conditions that "nice words" will help with.

A doctor is a good place to start and ask for referrals to whichever specialists they think is appropriate - counsellor, psychologist, occupational therapist ... .
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Re: Health Issues, Retirement

Post27 Jun 2018

premkumar wrote:What spiritual advice can we give to him?

To paraphrase Pink Panther's response to another recent topic ...

Don't get involved with the Brahma Kumaris because all they will do is take the family house and money off him.

The honest answer is, that is just what happens as one gets older. There are no magic wands, don't waste your time, money and energy seeking magical cures.

Brahma Kumarism produces marketing material like BK Shivani's programme, to attract vulnerable and needy people ... and them exploits them or their families. They do not have the answers you seek. It's just marketing for an entirely different purpose or product.

The Brahma Kumaris are an End of the World cult. End of the World cults are a *very* bad idea to introduce depressive individuals too, unless you want to end their lives quickly. If you are happy to end your Father's live quickly, then by all means pack him off to Mount Abu ... just make sure he signs over all the family's land and property to the family estate otherwise the BKs will get it.

Good luck.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Health Issues, Retirement

Post27 Jun 2018


As Premkumar starts with an Om Shanti and asks the question in that way, I fear the old man is justified in his anxieties!

He probably needs and is wanting for real world emotional support along with physical aid andhealing but probably only has detached zombies telling him to give (what’s left of) his mind to Baba.

They themselves may be trying to get him to give more wealth to them so they can give to the BKs; to look good and rise in the social hierarchy of that insidious cult which speaks ”spiritual” but seeks material gain at every step.
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Re: Health Issues, Retirement

Post28 Jun 2018

Pink Panther wrote:ex-l,

As Premkumar starts with an Om Shanti and asks the question in that way ...


So Premkumar is a BK or semi-aligned BK and really asking, "how do I encult my Father more?" The answer being that the Father is sort of passively resisting, saddened at his family being sucked in and feeling excluded or neglected?

I don't know ... back to you Prem. Are you a BK?

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