The BKs are finished

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post18 Jun 2018

Ex-I, the story of BK romance is possible. In my day I have given the course to ladies in depressed states who became great BKs. However, I have always drawn the line, with the Hippocratic Oath for Spirituality, not necessarily BK Shrimat or Maryadas. I would not wish to be karmically tied to a lady on the spiritual path through romance unless it is my wife or my lady of love. When my lady asked me to suggest a meditation path for her, I suggested Zen. She has been enjoying the path of Zen for more than 25 years.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post19 Jun 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:There are many public schools in the USA, which enable students to move from the poverty line to the working class or professional class by providing great education. Those BKs who have managed to move from the poverty line to the working class, some are not BKs anymore.


This is what defines the BKs as a cult which exists to serve - itself only.

They are not an educational or spiritual institution.

There is no ”graduation”.

There is no encouragement for a BK to learn, grow then move on with their life.

The BKs say that there is no higher life than remaining a BK detached from everyone and everything till the end.
(The end is always nigh. ”Not long to go, hang in there, don't forget to donate, you will get a higher status after ”transformation" than those other Silver-Aged souls who've left. Last go fast you know. What was that? You got a promotion and a pay rise? Mmmm... Would you like to have a meeting with Dadi ? "
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post19 Jun 2018

Pink Panther wrote:What was that? You got a promotion and a pay rise? Mmmm... Would you like to have a meeting with Dadi ? "|

The bigone these days is,
"What was that? Your worldly parents died and left you all their property and estate? Mmmm... Would you like to have a meeting with Dadi?

Apparently the going rate is 1/3 to Madhuban, 1/3 to your local centre, 1/3 to "self-service", as in keeping it yourself ... no doubt to allow you to run around even more for the BKs (because BKs hardly splash out and take holidays or buy things for themselves, or invest in anything else but BKism).

How much has the BKWSU in their bank vaults? Someone came on here and said, "enough to keep going for 10 years without donations" (as yet unsubstantiated ... the BKWSU does not publish its full accounts).

That's the only reason why they might not be finished ... and, if the past is anything to go by, as they run out of money, they'll just push more and more "servers" out into the real world to earn their own keep.

There's no official pension and no welfare benefits within BKism, once you get old and weak what happens to you? What's the deal? Who get what and how is it decided?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post20 Jun 2018

Pink and Ex-I, Your comments and quotes make me blush. Other institutions will allow their students to graduate and use their knowledge to make a living and make the world a better place. It begs the question: Detached living towards which end? Is it true service to sacrifice all material comforts and leave the body in great discomfort for the sake of BK service?
Even Normal Rockwell, world famous illustrator used some of his wealth to establish an artist colony.

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