The BKs are finished

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Mr Green


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The BKs are finished

Post03 May 2018

This year there have been no BapDada meetings as Dadi Gulzar now lives in a hospice and cannot perform her ventriloquist act. No one else is prepared to sit on stage and pretend Avyakt Brahama is speaking through them. Double foreigners are leaving in their droves.

No instructions are forthcoming, Dadi Janki is still spouting the same same stuff she has for the last 50 years. No one is trance messaging now. It's over, just a matter of time.

The Oxford Retreat Center needs to be refurbished and the bill is around 6 million. Dadi Janki is on a mission to raise the money from the gullible Sindis .... will it happen?

I don't think so.
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post03 May 2018

Mr Green wrote:The Oxford Retreat Center needs to be refurbished and the bill is around 6 million.

Remember the old BK saying,
"Brahma Kumaris: Transforming the World, 3 square feet at a time"

I propose a new motto for them ...
"Brahma Kumaris: Transforming the World, one 6 Million Dollar Retreat Centre at a time"

Now we know why they say their Baba is called "the Lord of the Poor".

They have robbed so much money, time and energy off their followers ... that they are now all poor!

And what exactly did they spend it on, except for amassing properties and self advertising PR?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post09 May 2018

My advice expressed with the greatest humility and altruism never mattered much to the BK top brass. I'll state it anyway and it may help senior BK Sisters and Brothers. Gulzar Dadi could have been saved from hospice and Kumaka Dadi's neurological demise could have been prevented. We would think that a Yoga organization professing to be health conscious would take the greatest care of its members. They have access to yogi-doctors and yogi-scientists.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post09 May 2018

Guptarati, what you say may be true, however, even with the best doctors and being the most yogi of yogis, we all will meet our fate.

I’d agree that the whole paradigm of "I am immortal” or ”Trust in god and don’t worry about tying up your camel" can lead to a certain abuse of one’s physical being, a misuse of life in the here & now that prematurely affects a person's well-being. But there's too many factors ( genetic and environmental are but two) that are largely beyond an individual’s control.

It may be that both of these individuals have actually lived healthier for longer than they might have otherwise if they had, for example, married and worked like slaves for a demanding family. Then again, it's just as likely (and unknowable) that they could have lived healthier longer lives if they had the joy of children and grandchildren.

What is, is. What might have been is pie in the sky or sh!t on the shovel; incalculable.
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post09 May 2018

Mr Green wrote:This year there have been no BapDada meetings as Dadi Gulzar now lives in a hospice and cannot perform her ventriloquist act. No one else is prepared to sit on stage and pretend Avyakt Brahama is speaking through them. Double foreigners are leaving in their droves.

This is potentially huge if it all true. I am not doubting you, how reliable is your source, or specific the numbers?

I suppose that means she is losing her mind like Prakashmani did?

All the same, there's a lot of people earning their meal ticket by keeping the operation going, nevermind egos involved.

They had prepared for this for sometime in terms of telling people one day the time would come when BKs would have to "go up" to BapDada ... I suppose that will keep a few hook for a few more years. A lucky few having ensconced themselves in comfortable retreats around the world.

I suppose Abu's had enough money pumped into could become a fairly sustainable community producing New Age videos and offering retreats.

It's not as if it would be the first time the Kirpalani Klan has re-invented themselves.

Admit they were wrong? Never!

Are they discussing
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post10 May 2018

ex-l wrote:I suppose that means she is losing her mind like Prakashmani did?

It is well known that those who continue to challenge themselves with new learning, puzzles, activities, and so on are more likely to hold off dementia and other age-related deteriorations of the brain.

It's corollary, in that those who do not challenge themselves with new learning, puzzles, activities, and so on are more likely to fall victim sooner to dementia and other age-related deteriorations of the brain.

My guess is that as soon as the first effects of such deterioration are happening, things like sitting in meditation for long periods concentrating on points of light or decades old affirmations and memories will do nothing to stop spacing out further, and likely accelerate the loss of mental acuity.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post10 May 2018


You points are well taken in your response to my post, except your last sentence. Retrospective analysis and studies are parts of health science investigation and it is not pie in the sky thinking. I can cite many scholarly papers validating my opinions. There is anecdotal evidence and there are retrospective and prospective studies. In order for the BK community to prevent other members from becoming the victims of neuro-degenerative disorders, retrospective and prospective studies will have to be conducted. That, Pink, is not pie in the sky thinking. It is thinking to solve a problem in the BK community, though I am not pro-BK or have any dreams of becoming a BK again.

Data derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, quantitative electro-encephalography have been demonstrating the ability of advanced yogis and meditation practitioners to reduce damage to telomeres and increased neuroplasticity. Why are there not similar positive outcomes among the master yogis and yoginis of the BK community? The question and similar questions are answered by neuroscientists who spend their lives in laboratories conducting experimental studies. The questions and speculations are not pie in the sky thinking nor are they free associating. They are valid questions, which are answered by studies costing millions of dollars.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post11 May 2018


I was talking about BKs specifically.

We know what BKs meditate on and the breadth of intellectual and mental stimulation, or lack of, and of their ‘interests’, especially those completely inside that system.

My last paragraph is a logical extension of the others and it refers to BKs.

The other thing is that balance is not only about what you do, but what else you do.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post11 May 2018


Thank you. You points are well taken.

In my most humble opinion, the BKs are using this site as a resource and they may be interested in knowing or understanding how and why their system of Yoga is or is not having similar health outcomes when compared to other systems of Yoga meditation.
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Mr Green


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Re: The BKs are finished

Post11 May 2018

The middle management will find it harder and harder to justify anything to those that have seen the changes, they'll make up a new load of lies for the newbies.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 May 2018

Mr. G,

How are you doing?

Your comments on the BK middle management tickled me, especially the making up of novel load of lies.
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Mr Green


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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 May 2018

Hi Gupta

I am well thanks for asking, I have removed all animosity from my being towards the BKs.

Best thing is to laugh at them and wonder, "How did I ever get caught in such a silly place?"

Hope you're well too.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 Jun 2018

Mr Green wrote:This year there have been no BapDada meetings as Dadi Gulzar now lives in a hospice

I heard yesterday, let’s see, it’d be third hand, from a BK, that Dadi Gulzar is on life support and hasn’t opened her eyes for a long time.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 Jun 2018

Pink: We are aware of BaapDada's antipathy against the machines of modern medicine and technology. What has BK medicine and health been doing in terms of caring for a soul who is the medium for the leadership of the BKs?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 Jun 2018

Mr. G,

The mistakes of the wise in the past are the gems of wisdom for all humankind in the future. We just move on with our lives and use this site to help each other heal.

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