The Lighter Side of Dharamraj

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Post18 Dec 2006

:D Of course, remembrance of the only ONE Supreme Father will protect any body from Dharmaraj!

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Post20 Dec 2006

One of the biggest negatives to do with the BKs is this waiting for Destruction and Dharamraj. It is a cop out. You can hear it when they talk, they are going to become complete at a certain point in time in the future. Very negative. Our complete form is there, we only need to step into it.
    There may be an anti-climax of sorts awaiting some even. Easy Raja Yoga?
    This is Dharamraj, we are living it. Can you not, have you not been feeling it?
The visions in question are visions of the elevated pure personality surely and not visions of images etc.
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Post26 Dec 2006

Dear Brother Mr. Green,

God does not force anyone to change his consciousness. He tries to teach with love. However, still we have to change. Dharamraj means the king of religion. There is a new world created where there is unity in the religion. So all the religions must end. In the Murli it is said to forget all the religions of the body, it may mean the religions thought by bodily gurus. Even in the broad world we live in there are laws we should comply with.

This new world also is a world of balance of love and law. There are definitely laws. If one does not comply one does not enter. It is like a game, or like admission to the university. One has to make effort to become worthy of heaven. We also become worthy of help. But then He has a task ... He has to do it ... heaven is the new world that has to be created ... all the rest will have to leave. And heaven is a big temptation. We lose now and we lose every time. And we have to go there whilst living, so we cannot think that now we are not OK, we’ll die and everything will get OK. No, here we have to change, here, now the world has to change, in front of our eyes.

I see it as simply as that. We make effort and numberwise, we gather in Mount Abu, Destruction happens. New world commences. Those who gather there survive. Others die. To go there there are rules. Admission. Law. Comply and be saved. Fail and die. In the physical university, if there is a board displayed and there is an announcement that this year there’ll be 100 boys and 100 girls admitted in the following specialities; literature, mathematics, biologics, etc, what is the reason to believe that they lie, they won’t teach you they just make you take the preparatory course or make efforts. No there is no such rule. Similarly whatever God speaks – will it be such a lie?

This, of course, can be proved wrong in time. However I believe it 99.99 or almost 100%, or lets say 100& that Destruction is to happen. So ... what will you do then. Where will you be. Will you be afraid or will you be peacefull, will you be saved, will you cry? Why? Will you be happy? Why? What if you have to die? What if you survive? A new beautiful, pure world becomes reality. The other world that goes away – it is not a beautiful world, we don’t like it, or if we like some bits of it, it does not matter too. The whole of it goes away, so we better take away our love from it, and connect it to the new one.

And who is the creator of this new world? He is definetely needed in corporal form, because heaven is in corporeal form. No matter it is said that heaven means to go into the self, - in soul-consciousness – we do it whilst in bodies. What to do at Mt. Abu is bring Paramdham in this world, to create such a gathering of incorporeal stage, such an atmosphere, and heaven will be in Delhi. And there is no guarantee for anyone, who will go there, the test is not taken yet, results are not out, numbers are not declared but we can think will we be able to go there without attachment to anything else or if we stay will there be any attachment to anything to come into our mind so that it makes us leave ... and when will this happen.

Dear Brother John,

Then who speaks the Avyakt Vani. It’s speculation. What he understands or not it is very personal and internal. And what is more important is the color of the company. When he speaks the Avyakt Vani he is colored by the company of the Father. If both Bap and Dada are combined in one body then this company teaches a lot. One can observe from ones own life that one learns a lot by being colored by the color of the company, rather than only just through words. And this soul of Brahma is like the mother that is colored by all the various children, so when he can escape from that color it can start and reform children.

The rules are not rules – meaning something difficult and alien for us to adopt if we have understood them, accepted them as true, like them and follow them; they become natural. But we need courage to do what we think it is right and we need intellect to decide how. Why should someone accept just by being told by someone? If we listen to someone and obey we become their subordinate. Now the aim is to listen to only one and obey only one then we become independent – we don’t have to listen and obey everyone and everything, and we are free from having to obey the biggest enemy - our own weaknesses inside, because He teaches us to control ourselves. Baba says everyone has a gift from God - an intellect to use.

My personal opinion is that if one does not accept some rule – then oppose it – do the opposite, then you’ll understand if you’re right or wrong. There are many such cases when we are not sure, or we are unstable. We think something is true now and then we think it is not, or we justify ourselves ... we know what is right but because of our own weakness we try to kill our own consciousness. However, clever ones study through words.
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Post26 Dec 2006

If you believe Andrey, that the Sakar Murlis are the word of God, then I can tell you from personal experience that God does tell lies. That is a hard dilema to live with and one that I cannot, so I mistrust everything written in the Murlis including the idea of Destruction.

Don't get me wrong, I was aware of global issues and the crises that I believe will happen as a result. I was aware of these things years before becoming a BK. But I don't believe in the BK version of Destruction and I don't believe in the Golden Age. Also, I wouldn't like to go there ... I am happier taking one birth in the Iron Age to be honest. But, of course, the contraditory concept of The Cycle would have you believeing that I will go there as I have every Cycle ... even though I have left Gyan and hate everything the BKs stand for ... the real things they stand for I mean, not the public false face.

There is a great power in belief, Andrey and I respect everyone's ... but if you were to entertain any advice from me (considering I am fallen and have divorced the Father and also only speak manmat that if you listen to it would be Parmat) ... it would be ...

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
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Post26 Dec 2006

No, Brother, exactly the other way, we should put all our eggs in one basket, then let it happen whatever it has to happen ... see, life moves like this ... there is no turning back ... the more powerful steps we make then we create our drama as such. If we are certain in something let it be 100%. If we are wrong, we correct ourselves and past is past. This is what we suffer that we tear ourselves into pieces. We believe something in this and something in that ... now we have to believe everything in one.

So, please, tell me where are there lies in the Murlis, I am sure it will turn up to have some explanation. It is because that these Murlis are not so simple. If they are to be the words of God then ... how deep they should be.

And how could you have divorced the Father if you never have been engaged to him. To understand God is an incorporeal point of light is not engagement or to get engaged to an institution or Seniors. He is in corporeal form.
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Post02 Jan 2007

I was looking at those new Avyakt Murlis and summaries and turned up one quote that was interesting.

Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2003 - "Father Brahma will also side with Dharamraj".

Now firstly, it proves just how important and useful it is to have an easily searchable archive of Murlis at hand. I have no idea how the BK Brahmins can exist without one.

But, on topic, it changes our discussion. Personally, I cannot take the Murlis literally. I apologise for that. But, if one does, it suggest that Brahma and Dharamraj are two separate individuals ... anyone's thoughts?
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Post02 Jan 2007

Dear Brother,
I think it very much depends on the translation. Originally the Hindi word may have the colour of the meaning that Brahma takes side - to mean becomes Dharamraj and then it depends on the understanding of the translator.

The same way Brahma so Vishnu. The meaning extracted was always that Brahma becomes Vishnu, whilst as I understood what Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit has been explaining is that Vishnu is already Vishnu and Brahma becomes like him – like adding to – because Vishnu has the balance and Brahma also imbibes it and Vishnu is a combined role.

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