BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post03 May 2017

sandoc Kumar wrote:Each BK should reach out to ways of physical and mental torture. They can stab themselves with sharp knife, burn with fire, undergo surgeries without anaesthesia, jump from heights and break bones etc. etc.

I prefer they use a blunt knife

It's funny, we joke about such things ... we call it "gallows humour" in English meaning "grim and ironic humour in a desperate or hopeless situation" ... but these things actually happen within BKism. BKs are that desparate, no one notices or they have no one to talk to and their Baba does nothing and not answer them. They have no one to talk to or cannot talk to their real family because they are divorced from them and they are indoctrinated not to show "weakness" or speak Maya, or against seeking outside from "ignorant", "body conscious" shudras (non-BK).

A beautiful and talented young women at our centre committed suicide but jumping from a high building not once but twice ... 5 stories like it says in the Murli.

In Dehli, a man cut himself to death.

In Abu, a man hanged himself to death.

In Panipat, a young woman burned herself to death.

They are been more suicides most unspoken about, or covered up.

Why does their god spirit or enlightened leaders see their unhappiness and help them? Oh, the BKs say, "that's Drama ... that was there karma ... their role ... it cannot be helped, the same thing will happen every 5,000 Years".

And, instead, the mad old BKs who are driving people to these actions are treated like gods or gurus and never questioned.

It is time they admitted their god is a fake and their psychic experiment a multiple failure.

sandoc kumar

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Re:Follow Brother

Post06 May 2017

These BKs by killing themselves renounced their bodies and thereby also body-consciosness. They have very Intelligently neutralized their karmic accounts through intense suffering in one go. They are sure to be re-incarnated in the Emperors' Dynasty, along with all those with surname Kriplani, in the Golden Age and richly rewarded with jewels and palaces. They will then continue to rule and enjoy for next 20 births.

Then in the next Confluence Age, they will again kill themselves by burning and cutting and come back as rulers in the next Golden Age.

The other BKs should Learn from such brave acts of their would be deities and follow their path henceforth, to be successful.

From the tormentous early death in Confluence Age, the ultimate gain is huge and very tempting.

Brahma Bap's Legitimate Child
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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post07 May 2017

Sandoc Kumar, you are hilarious. You may enjoy a novel by Gore Vidal called ”Messiah” where the eponymous prophet teaches suicide as the highest spiritual path, and the new religion takes over the whole world, except for ... the Muslim world because of its strong teachings against suicide (which proves how suicide bombing is anathema to Islam so those terrorists aren’t Muslims - as if killing civilians wasn’t enough to show that!).

He eventually confronts the fact that he has to practice what he preaches! A great satire.


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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post02 May 2018

My thoughts about these 84 births and Advance Party; you don't remember any of these previous births, so the soul is recycled for 84 births, then he is a man then a woman, then in this family and that other, this makes the soul a universal entity nothing personal. You can only identify with the precent live you are in now. It would be very body consciousness to remember al of these lives now.

Shiv Baba does not think, nor speak Hindi or English, so a soul in the Subtle Region also does not remember anything here, here you are a peaceful soul to experience love and happiness you need organs a body.

Krishna he does not remember any previous lives, that would spoil the deity consciousness.

Murli today 2-5-18 "That Father is giving you children so much happiness that you won't become unhappy again for 21 births" ... the question remains what does happiness means if you don't know what unhappy is, is a deity a poor stupid thing what doesn't know anything ?

I guess this knowledge is perfect for programming the soul to become, the perfect subject in the Golden Age. These souls outside of the BK who become equal to Brahma are the perfect kings in this case, they learned to be independent and trust on the peace and love inside what not only make them happy for 21 births, but all the subjects too. This will be the big surprise on the end.

Or not ?

Om Shanti

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post03 May 2018

The BKs do not have much information of the founders of the religions in their Murlis. There is usually part of a paragraph here and part of a paragraph there and no coherent information, which can be compared to the information gathered by the Edgar Cayce Foundation or the Vatican on Jesus. If they did, they would have corrected the image of Jesus, which is inaccurate. The image they use in the enclosed adapted picture is a cloned copy created from a portrait of a criminal by Leonardo DaVinci. I am more inclined to accept the Edgar Cayce description of Jesus (McMillan, 2008) or that of Ralph Ellis, rather than the image created by forensic studies (Biblical Archeology Staff, 2018).

Biblical Archeology Staff (2018, March 4). What did Jesus really look like? Retrieved from https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/dai ... look-like/

MacMillan, D. (2008). Introduction: Edgar Cayce on the life & times of Jesus. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2W8wO70uoc
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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post03 May 2018

Mattheus wrote:Shiv Baba does not think ... Krishna he does not remember any previous lives

How can we say such things with such surety?

How can anyone know how some individual who was meant to have lived 5,000 years ago, but of whom there are no records, or in some other realm thinks?
I guess this knowledge is perfect for programming the soul to become, the perfect subject in the Golden Age.

Would it not be more rational, and more possible, that the Brahma Kumari indoctrinational brainwashing (I cannot call it "knowledge" because it is not based on facts) is perfect for programming the soul to become, the perfect subject in the current "Golden Age" of the BKWSU ... now .. here on earth ... in their multi-million dollar palaces and deluxe retreat centres, Seniors flying business class around the world, Dadis being driven around in Rolls Royces, strolling in their formal "peace gardens" etc etc etc all paid for by their subjects and tended by their unpaid worker slaves?

That Lekhraj Kirpalani's "visions" of heaven on earth were just the wealth the BKWSU has achieved and spent today?

As I referred to in another recent post, I am concerned by your conceptualisation ... you appear to be telling yourself that your interpretation of BKism, that your practising of BKism outside of BKism, is superior to the "mass market", conformist BKism practised by dedicated BK ... that you are the king while they are mere subjects?

It would appear to me that that is the trap you are caught still caught in ... that still keeps you hooked by it.

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