The Vatican

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Pink Panther

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The Vatican

Post05 Apr 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Ex-I and Pink,

It was not so much the American Conservatism as it was the Vatican using American Conservatism to destroy the Rajneesh Organization. Why? The Vatican fears that one day the truth about Jesus and his family will be revealed for all to see, including non-Christians.

For more than a thousand years, the Vatican has been influencing governments around the world to destroy evidence from archaeological artifacts demonstration data on the historical Jesus. The destruction of artifacts from regions in Syria connected to Jesus and his relatives including Palmyra have been obliterated by orders from the Vatican; the control of release of information from the Amarna Period, the latter half of the 18 th Dynasty of ancient Egypt is yet another example of Vatican interference.

Additionally, many of the findings in biblical archeology can turn BKism right side up.

Ex-I, here is a link on the influence of the Vatican on global affairs:

The Vatican through its assassins, the Jesuits can be held accountable for the demise of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and JFK.

The Vatican also invented Islam from the era of Mohammad, and communism.

Yes, but who invented the Vatican, and who invented them?
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Re: Recent Cult Documentaries (Rajneesh, The Buddhafield etc

Post05 Apr 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The Vatican through its assassins, the Jesuits can be held accountable for ...

Hmmn ... I'll have a quick look at the link later but I feel that such global conspiratorial statements are just too broad.

Although, without a doubt it did terrible things, clearly the vast majority of individuals within Catholicism have no idea about any of such stuff and are just doing their little thing.

The nature of true power, by which I mean worldly/political power, is hard to fathom for those of us who have never had any experience of it ... and I sense it, changing it, doing anything about it, is *well* above our pay grade.

Do sheenanigans go on ... without a doubt. Is there an overall master plan and are they able to stick to it? I question that.

In the context of our discussions here, as ex-BKs, I tend to think that dwelling on Illuminati/Conspiracy/New World Order type issues is not a healthy transition for ex-BKs ... that what they really need to do is ground themselves and cope with, get involved with the real world, and the world that is within their influence.

While I absolutely accept there are "powers behind the power" and all sort of generally evil machinations going on in this world - and has been throughout all history in a fairly consistent continuum, I don't think many or any of us can do much about them ... and it all too easily fits into the nihilistic fatalism BKism encouraged.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Recent Cult Documentaries (Rajneesh, The Buddhafield etc

Post05 Apr 2018

The Vatican is a state within Italy and its leader is the Pope who has been designated to have spiritual and political power throughout the world. Vatican translates into the world serpent, with philosophies high jacked from Ancient Egypt. The Vatican is the modern and post-modern version of the Roman Empire. More than Hannibal Barca, the Germanic peoples, and the Vesiguts, there was one pharaoh who waged war against Rome because Rome wanted to tax his land and people. The pharaoh had in his DNA fragments from Caesars, Persian royalty, and Greek ancestry.

The pharaoh great grand mother was Cleopatra and contrary of BK teachings was the true Adam. His Egyptian name has been masked by the Holy Roman Empire; he is called Jesus or Jesus Christ.


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Re: Recent Cult Documentaries (Rajneesh, The Buddhafield etc

Post06 Apr 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The Vatican is a state within Italy and its leader is the Pope who has been designated to have spiritual and political power throughout the world. Vatican translates into the world serpent, with philosophies high jacked from Ancient Egypt ... etc

:shock: :| :D

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Recent Cult Documentaries (Rajneesh, The Buddhafield etc

Post06 Apr 2018


Thank you for your response. There is a Pontifical Academy of Sciences and many prominent Roman Catholic (RC) universities globally, including those in the United States; for example Notre Dame. However, the Vatican established two major global networks. One is the Templar organization before the Crusades and the other is the Society of Jesus or SJ.

Personally, I would not teach at an RC institution because of their Pontifical connections. Networks should not be underestimated. The BKs have a global network, which they have been fortifying year after year. I do recall the spiritual battles or jihads, holy wars between the SJs and a good friend of mine who was also a BK. As a teen he was a science wiz or genius; he still is. He attended one of the elite high schools in his country, which was owned by Jesuits and many of the teachers were Jesuits. The Brother would read widely in oriental philosophy, was a martial arts exponent, and heterodox thinker who was also a deep thinker. His extracurricular activities at the SJ high school included elocution, athletics, and karate.

He would debate his SJ teachers on philosophy and spontaneously answer challenging questions posed by his SJ science instructors. Prior to his final year in the SJ school he was expelled on the grounds that his heterodox ways of thinking were a negative influence on his peers and he had no future in the biomedical sciences. In hindsight, the SJs readmitted him, because they gained having him as one of their students. They also wished to monitor him. Graduates from the SJ school would become clergy, prominent scientists, doctors, politicians, engineers, lawyers, and military officers.

When recommending him for undergraduate studies at British universities, the SJ teacher in charge of student applications to UK higher education institutions wrote negative recommendations on behalf of the Brother. He was rejected by almost all of the UK universities. He was accepted by a US university where he did his pre-med and medical studies. One British university, which had rejected him for undergraduate studies influenced by the SJ recommendation accepted him for postgraduate medical studies. Today the Brother is a pioneer in the biomedical sciences and a great educator. The SJs can influence the spiritual and intellectual growth of individuals in their institutions locally and globally

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

Pink, the Webmaster, and Editorial Staff of this site:

Thank you all for upgrading my post into a topic. The Vatican is an important topic for everyone, on and off this site, because of its influence on global affairs and many of the most common denominators of life and living. I also apologize for capitalizing the word Brother. My friend, the alumnus from the elite Jesus high school in the West Indies, would not be happy with me.

Many posts on this site have examined the ways in which control of a female body and function of female reproductive physiology has been controlled by national policies, some originating from the Vatican. It seems there is mimicry by the BKs of some of the Papal methods of functioning. We should also examine any collaborations between the BKs and the Vicar of Christ. The BK cycle is divided into two major periods. One is the Sun Dynasty and Moon Dynasty, and the other is the second half of The Cycle in which Christianity has a major part. Which branch of Christianity has the major part? The branch of Judaeo-Christianity established by Saul Josephus, who was also called Paul.


there is a master plan.

Insights into a master plan can be gained by analyzing the oath sworn by those who become SJs or Jesuits. There is a white pope and a black pope. The white pope or Vicar of Christ is the RC leader visible to the public. The black pope is the SJ leader. The current white pope is a Jesuit. Those who dared to throw monkey winches into the Papal machine countries or individuals were erased or otherwise punished. I have already mentioned several US Presidents. I can add to the list Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy, JFK Jr., Che Guvera, Bob Marley, and Bruce Lee. Many are asking why the Reverend Luis Farrakhan is so much quiet now? It's because of the Vatican.
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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

Lest it be forgot, the BKs were all over the last Pope without any ethical concerns ... and are still all over the current Pope. I remember the excitement of the first meeting for them, even though it was just a cursory few seconds in a crowd of 1,000s.
    Because he's so famous?

    "Being seen", or for "status by association"?

    Birds of a feather?
Largely, I think it is all about producing photos in order to convince their followers and, especially monetary funders, that what they are doing is of some value. They call it "serving", giving pictures and BK books to celebrities, but really I think they are just serving themselves ... as in something else they can B/S about at a later date. Presenting it as evidence of their own importance ... see, Dadi met the Pope ... a game they've been attempting since their very beginning writing letters to Gandhi and Princess Elizabeth etc.

dadi_janki_with_pope.jpg (60.5 KiB) Viewed 34909 times

The Delegation from Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation met His Holiness Pope Francis in the Vatican during an interreligious gathering held on the occasion of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The book ‘Inside Out’ by Dadi Janki was presented by Sister BK Wendy and Sister BK Radha, together with a quote on Mercy from Dadi Janki, the Chief of Brahma Kumaris.
Brahma-Kumaris-Delegation-Meeting-with-HH-Pope-Francis.jpg (26.86 KiB) Viewed 34909 times
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

Speculation :

After Dada Lekhraj and the Mandli moved to Abu he spent a lot of time talking with the local Catholic priest. He probably found out then that the Pope is considered infallible, God’s representative on earth.

As he was coming to the realisation that maybe he was not exactly Prajapati God Brahma as previously thought, then maybe this infallible spokesperson Chariot role might be just the thing?

Combine that with all the other jumble of Indian godmen, spiritual channeling, scriptures ... and just add Shiva.

And there’s the whole proselytising, missionary thing the Catholics do where they send missonaries to save souls, convert people in far flung places, get donations, the treasure then sent back to HQ.

Not a bad solution for a community that lasted longer than it expected itself to and was out of money. The first BK missionaries went out in those years with the Revised New BK Testament. You know, the one where the Son of God appears ...

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

Ex-I and Pink,

Thank you for your posts, including the photographs. Janki with Pope John Paul and Wendy with the current Pope are not simple photo opportunities. It is the formation of alliances. The Vatican will usually only have productive meetings with other organizations. One Pope, for example refused to have a meeting with Madonna. Most likely, the BKs will never do any harm in the eyes of the Vatican.

We must remember that the very Pope Janki was meeting played a crucial role in the collapse of communism in Poland. His predecessor who had a short term in office as Pope in 1978 was poisoned!

I'll related one experience of Janki, or most likely it was Jayanti, meeting a university president who had a doctoral degree from Harvard University School of Divinity and was a Freemason. The university president was also a Republican and was well connected with Ronald Regan and Daddy Bush. He listened with all smiles when meeting the BKs, had highly cordial exchanges of pleasantries, including accepting their literature and other gifts. One of the students of the BK center was a janitor at the university responsible for cleaning the university president's office.

The BK student informed the center-in-charge that the literature accepted by the university president was found in the garbage bin of the president's inner office less than 24 hours after the BKs meeting with the university leader. Comparative religion is part of the curriculum at Harvard School of Divinity. The university president had many connections with global leaders including the Vatican.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

We should never under estimate the alliance between the BK network and the network of the Vatican. It can be older than 40 years in duration.
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Re: The Vatican

Post08 Apr 2018

The recent meeting was some "interfaith" event along with other minority religions. The joke the BKs are there thinks they are "serving" every other religion that is there.

I don't know what the BKs 'in' was ... in the past they have portrayed themselves as representatives of "Hinduism", which they are not. They are about as "Hindu" as the Nazis were Jewish. I suppose a large part of their interfaith endeavours is just to establish their credibility as a religion. Which they oftem claim they are not. Rather than a cult.

I don't really know how the BKs represent themselves these days ... and what with the large influx of less "enlightened" Bhagat followers, perhaps they have become more Hindu rather than less? Ditto, how do so many ex-Catholic Western BKs colour it?

And how has it coloured Westerners; preconceptions of what "being religious" is, eg BKism as a sort of nunnery influenced by Christianity going right back, as Pink points out, to Abu where there were also nuns running schools etc. (Abu ... St Saviour's Anglican Church, Founded 1846, St Ann's (Roman Catholic) Founded 1870, Christian cemetery has stones dating from c 1858). These guys from St Mary's in Abu (Christian Brothers run), 1957. Note the adoption of white clothes.

1957-3masters.jpg (62.18 KiB) Viewed 34828 times

A new documentary came out recently, "Jesus’ Female Disciples: The New Evidence" (Minerva Media) discussing the Vatican's washing out of female power figures within early Christianity..
The Legacy of the Female Disciples

In the early churches there was enormous diversity, and female leaders are found in most traditions (among the Marcionites, Carpocratians, Gnostics and Montanists, for example). Their claims to authority could not have sprung from nowhere, and the evidence of important women disciples of Jesus and their role as (at the very least) witnesses to the resurrection suggests that they functioned as role models for centuries.

In the mainstream tradition, the question of women bishops and presbyters is much debated on the basis of both New Testament and early Christian texts. One of the problems is that surviving literature has been selected in a way that promotes a type of Christianity that triumphed in the 4th century under the auspices of the Roman emperor Constantine, a military leader who adopted Christianity with a view to conquering land and defeating his enemies, given that one branch of the faith had become increasingly popular with his soldiers.

Despite the dominant discourse that would marginalise women at this time, fragments of texts, inscriptions, art and archaeology can enable us to catch a glimpse of women still exercising leadership roles, on the basis of the precedents they knew, through to the 6th-7th centuries.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The Vatican

Post09 Apr 2018

Ex-I, for sure, many women played pivotal roles in the Jesus revolution.

We have to remember his mother was a queen, his Sisters were princesses and his Brothers princes. Several of the teachers of Jesus were women. Mary Magdalene was his wife and right hand person; she was queen of their kingdom. I have some disagreements with Ralph Ellis documentation of the historical Jesus in King Jesus. However, I agree with most of his historical documentation.

By the way, white in the Eastern culture is symbolic death. For example black in the Japanese culture is considered to symbolize strength and white death or weakness. Hence there is the grading system in many Japanese arts of white belt to black belt or shiro to akai or red. Black is kuro.

Some writers claim that Jesus would have been dressed in a manner portrayed in the movie Assassin Creed or the royalties of the time, including pharaohs.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Vatican

Post09 Apr 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:One of the students of the BK center was a janitor at the university responsible for cleaning the university president's office. The BK student informed the center-in-charge that the literature accepted by the university president was found in the garbage bin of the president's inner office less than 24 hours after the BKs meeting with the university leader.

Now you see Guptarati, if this anecdote is true, and there is no reason to doubt it, this is exactly what I would expect.

And, as such, it makes me wonder how you think the BK advances are treated with anymore than polite tolerance and maybe some curiosity. If there is any global takeover conspiracy, the BKs are not "on the inside” as much as they would like to be.

Having had close connection to many senior BKs in my time, I have never seen anything other than aspirational ‘wannabe famous by association’ relationship between any BK and any real person of importance.

Sure, a few individuals might feel something from BKs which they lack in their own lives and may personally give them some actual respect, but they are few and far between, and the influence stops there. None have turned out to be the big microphones they have been hunting for for decades.
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Re: The Vatican

Post09 Apr 2018

Pink Panther wrote:Having had close connection to many senior BKs in my time, I have never seen anything other than aspirational ‘wannabe famous by association’ relationship between any BK and any real person of importance.

Allow me to put it in a far more blunt, but not entirely insightless manner.

You're primarily talking about something between a "girl crush" - when a women falls in love with another women in a way that is not sexually expressed - and "starf**king".

Again, starf**ker ... starf**king ... does not necessarily refer to sexual interactions. It just means someone
"seeking inordinate personal benefits from the wishes and needs of a celebrity"

However, I would agree that where there is so much sexual and emotional sublimation, as in BKism, one cannot exclude there being a repressed element to the drive. This goes as far as my other habitual criticism that a far bit of the history of BKism has been about "gold digging" ... women of a certain class seeking out "sugar daddies" (rich and powerful older men) to live off. And is the Pope not a rich and powerful old man?

Wasn't there some BK prophesy that some Pope was the Christ soul reincarnated, or something?

Yes, in my own experience, I can remember the thrill and excitement a center-in-charge had ging chasing after a famous cardinal who was visiting locally; how they spending a considerable sum on flowers to grab his attention, and then the usual BK book or framed picture that, as you both quite rightly suggest, probably went straight into the rubbish the day after.

Do the BK leaders *really* not realise this too? Do they not know how much of waste of resources it is ... as it is highly unlikely such a committed religionist would jump ships and join the BKs? Of course they must know ... they are not that stupid. But I suggest that also know the PR value of the photos they take ... for increasing their credibility and impressing their followers and financial donors.

What embarasses me to admit - not ever giving a damn about Catholicism (except to fantasise about Catholic school girls when I was a school boy ... all that repressed sexuality again) - was how far I played along with the center-in-charges or senior school girl excitement. How we all dressed up in our best whites, and ran around after them too etc.

I think for some of the VIPs they target, there are mutual "crushes" ... and "man crushes" amongst BK Brothers too. Immature "falling in loves" that cannot be expressed in normal relationships. Really it was not that far above teenage girls falling in love for, and fixating on, pop stars or movie actors ... only expressed as sureties that the other person "must be a BK", e.g. is the "must be a BK" fixation really that different from a desire to marry and bring another person into one's family?
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Re: The Vatican

Post09 Apr 2018

ex-l wrote:Immature "falling in loves" that cannot be expressed in normal relationships. Really it was not that far above teenage girls falling in love for, and fixating on, pop stars or movie actors ...

And, on that topic, let us remember Jayanti Kirpalani's admission that before BKism her favourite literature was Mills and Boon style romantic novels.

I was thinking specifically about her and some of her (mutual?) girl crushes on female VIPs, some of the middle management Sisters were even worse.


Please allow me to say first that I also really don't give a damn about Christianity (any more), therefore anything I might write might be coloured by that. I am so sickened by what is going on in the Middle East driven by so called "Judeo-Christian" interests.

There was a time when I believe in some kind of mystic, alternative or esoteric Christ figure. Indeed, it was such a belief that drove me to BKism in the first place, the idea of Christ as Yogi that was trained in the East. And I am aware of how whatever tradition *did* exist, whether esoteric or simply Judaic, was usurped by the Romans and used as an tool of imperial control. Unfortunately, it all just does not have any relevance to my life any more.

However, I have to wonder if what you write is more of some kind of personal statement or projection when you start to mix in conspiracy stories of Bob Marley and Bruce Lee etc with the Vatican's historical influence? It's a little too far out for me.

Speaking to a scientist, I suspect there is no direct evidence of such claims, nor can there be, and so how can you suggest them so confidently?

Has the Vatican, or individuals within the Catholic Church, sanctioned the most darkest of crimes on individual or even a global scale for hundreds of years, from wholesale child sex abuse to genocide of Africans and Amerindians? Without a doubt. Has it been woven around the most darkest of motivations, a velvet or lace glove around the most vicious of iron fists? Without a doubt.

But can we really take that history, and accuse them of every such crime?

For example, in the case of Bruce Lee - who many have just died from natural causes - there are equivalent conspiracy theories that he was killed by some alternative esoteric martial art tradition, and with Marley it's usually a CIA conspiracy.

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