Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post15 Dec 2017

For a long time we've known, had reports, spent 100s of hours fighting against BKs revising Wikipedia pages, even suffered legal action ... proving that the Brahm Kumaris Censoring the Internet.

Here some more.

Lumen Database keeps a record of censorships of Google search records.

Without a information being able to be found on Google and other search engines, website are very unlikely ever to be found by individuals seeking more or balanced information about Brahma Kumarism. How how widespread this kind of censorship is, we will never know.

In this case, one "Divya Deora" has removed pages relating to Brahma Kumari suicides, spiritual scam, the falsified date of birth claim the Brahma Kumaris make about their founder Lekhraj Kirpalani, a BK rape case, front organizations, case where the Brahma Kumaris have encouraged women to have abortions because the End of the World is coming soon etc.

In this case, the BKWSU itself attack us (, and various PBKs websites (the PBKs being a splinter group of disaffected BK followers). The page of our website is related to a link to a new PBK website.

Others exist for the term "Brahmakumaris", proving their are seeking to protect their paid for videos and recordings (so much for "God's knowledge being offered freely"); BK Shivani.

In some cases, the blocks go the other way with music companies complaining about the BKs abuse their intellectual property (music for commentaries).

Other ways in which we've known the BKs to do so is in contacting directly news or magazine website to shut down and remove comments posted on articles about them, and the deliberate creation of materials to - in essence, swap search results blocking out critical sources such as our own.

In the old days, and probably still in India, the BKs used to invest considerable effort currying favour with newspapers and editors when problems arose, sending round the Kumaris to tie rakhis, offer sweeties and, these days, free invations to comfortable spiritual retreats and media targeted programmed. They continue to evolve to hide their core message.
Below mention urls have the contents posted which were copied from my website. The articles were copied without our knowledge. Also the particular person have used my domain name as his blog name in wordpress to gain traffic. Have already contacted wordpress for the same. But for now please hide the copied articles from the search result atleast in India as majority of my readers are Indians only.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Brahm Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post15 Dec 2017

I agree; there is an effort even to censor this website.
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Re: Brahm Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post15 Dec 2017

I've just noticed the front pages are entirely missing, a hack or a tech problem?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post15 Dec 2017

Why would the BKs be concerned with sites like this one or what other media reports about the organisation or incidents that have occurred?

Surely they are above all this worldly stuff?

Facts don’t matter when you are spiritual, do they?

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post18 Dec 2017

There is ABSOLUTLEY a huge effort to end this web site. I have known, or rather "heard" about it for years .. first from a Brother in Boston who is an IT person and very knowledgeable. I had no real idea at that time what it was, is, or anything much about it. Upon exploring, I was warned ... as were others ... to NOT view this site. I guess I just did not give it much thought way back then.

Then, while I was recently traveling, and spent some time in the Washington DC and Virginia/Maryland area, upon talking to other BKs at the center, this web site came up with some in the conversation. This one Brother and Sister were vehemently speaking about the falsehoods on this site. The group I was surrounded with, as I, were just listening. He was adamant regarding how "Maya is involved" and needed to be stopped. That was all I heard. But upon reading this page, it is apparent to me that there is much going on behind the scenes to try and disrupt this site. I don't know how we stop such a thing from happening.

This site is instrumental to our health and well-being, in discerning the truth, and in recapturing our lives! How do we stop this from happening?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

To know and understand our opponents, BKSO, we must understand ourselves to the core. If we think of ourselves as angry xBKs, we are giving victory to BKSO like a birthday party at their auntie's residence.

BKSO drew first blood when they first used legal means to erase this website. We can understand them fully, loud and clean by understanding our selves, though we may still hurt from their spiritual abuses. Who gives BKSO the authority to erase this website? Almighty God? Hell No!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

Maui wrote:He was adamant regarding how "Maya is involved" and needed to be stopped.

It's funny, the way he speaks, you would think they've come to believe that Maya is a person or being like "the devil".

I am extremely disappointed by the BKs over their charges of "falsehoods". For sure we have reported negative facts and hold opinions that are damaging or obstructive to their agenda.

But I'd call their agenda the big Maya.

In terms of accuracy, we have a very, very, very high level of accuracy in comparison to the BKWSU. Over the years a number of people have spent $1,000s of Dollars of their own money going to India and Pakistan, doing primary research on original documents, that has blown the whole false account of history they present wide open.

I don't understand it. The truth, is the truth, is the truth and you cannot have real spirituality without it. A love or desire for the truth, is clearly a symptom of the rise of spiritual values within an individual. It's spiritual maturity to face facts.

WIth the BKs you still have this huge industy pumping out knowing false version of their history and covering up inconvenient truths, and even questions.

There again, true spirituality would, I think, encourage questioning and not respond to earnest truth seekers dishonestly. In classical spirituality, a master, once the student has reach as high a level as they can teach them, would then encourage the student to seek another master ... not hold onto them and exploit them.

It seems to be that BKism has become obsessed with conformity and ensuring their adherents conform to whatever is decreed the latest version of the "The Truth". I live for some of these accusers to actually come her and engage with us and answer some of our accusations.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

The individual BKs are not ”our opponents” . They were, like us, convinced to sign up the way a governement gets citizens to sign up for their armies, loyalty, appeals to values. offers of desirable training and skills etc etc.

We are not unlike veterans returned from the field trying to tell the current crop of recruits the truth about the real motives, or corrupted motives if you prefer, of the BK movement. And part of all that is getting perspective through history plus analysing it comparatively.

But a rabid nationalist goes by the credo of ”My country right or wrong” . And with such a mind set, the wrong is never wrong.

As has been said by many people in many posts over many years, you cannot disabuse someone of false beliefs by logic alone. Just as people who are convinced by the BK presentation are not convinced by logic but by non-rational aspects, so too, anyone who will be amenable to leave the BKs will be so not by logic alone. They will need to be ready or ”ripe” enough to fall off that tree through their own observations, analysis, intuitions and sense of truth.

The ”opponent” is firstly the very idea that an organisation of all things can claim to be the exclusive font of truth and the singular instrument of God, and secondly, its teachings that defy so much provable evidence and require incredible suspension of disbelief to accept the extraordinary claims made and explanations of experiences offered as the best ones available.

E.G. when I became a BK it was largely because the meditation experiences I had during the course were the same as ones I was having before i went to that course. But instead of saying to myself - these are innate potentials which i can tap into myself without need for a "church" - I was looking for community, for like minded idealistic people. From that point it was a drip-drip gradual social conditioning to think more and more in their terms.

And I left after a long period of feeling what they provided me was inadequate, I no longer felt they and I were on the same wavelength, my ”churnings and realisations were going beyond what they offered, i.e I had worked my way through to a point beyond what they said was ultimate which I could see was in fact a ”cover version" of other religious "tunes” - inferior echoes of limited, self-serving, dressed up spiritual ego. it did not cut through to any original insights. The original purpose, theirs and mine, seemed to have been lost. What I needed was earthing, grounding, a reality check.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

Pink Panther wrote:The individual BKs are not ”our opponents”. They were, like us, convinced to sign up the way a governement gets citizens to sign up for their armies, loyalty ...

Yes, I think the simple loyalty transference, from being loyal to one's family and friends or community, to being loyal to the BKs, is the most influential part of it - and what the BKs have in common with other cultic or extremist groups. If the group then satisfies sufficient social needs, even after the faith in the beliefs is lost, they remain hooked. Especially the longer or older they become. Put simply, where else are they going to go.

I cannot remember the "opponent" element was so strong in my time, it was more of the excitement of the "stealth mission" we were on. In a way I wonder if for some the "opponent" element, the "Anti-Party" element, is actually an excitement that keeps them occupied. One that validates the philosphy as it, itself, predicted such a thing would arise.

Having read the book produced by the original "Anti-Party", it is clear to it was a call to reason in the face of the BKs and Lekhraj Kirpalani's extremely unreasonable beliefs and actions.

I spent weeks and weeks, over years, engaged with extremely dogmatic elements within the BKs IT team in a battle over their Wikipedia page in which they were willing to engage in a level of persistent twistedness and committed deviance that I could not correlate with being a reasonable human, never mind being spiritual. Cultie nerd mentality must be the worse to deal with!

I am sorry to say it but I see a sort of practised and committed deviance from reasonableness as being a core part of BKism.

A lot of it is is about winning over and over powering others minds.

I wonder if that fight with me was a reflection of the inner battle they were fighting within themselves to suppress their own reasonable doubts about BKism, or whether it was just an expression the degree of their ego defence at something that was attacking their own spiritual superiority or self-image?



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

Hi everyone,

I was an ex-BK (from 1980/81 to 1993) have been following this website for years, and I am so grateful for all I could learn about the reality of BKWSO ... The people running this website and their postings have helped me a lot to understand and come to terms with my experiences with BKWSO although I never actively participated in the discussions here.

Now I am a bit concerned about whether your website is being attacked or what has happened. For weeks, I am having tremendous difficulties in entering here coming through German servers. My bookmarks don't work anymore and to enter the forum now for instance was only possible through an old link (via Google) ... Actually, I was noticing that since the courageous Yogamaya postings about money scams etc that there were some problems regarding Your homepage has changed so much, is this intended?

As I don't know how to start a new thread I just gonna post my concern right here (without referring to the earlier posts) ... I just would like you to know that you all are really doing a wonderful job at the cost of your own time and energy. Thanks so much for that!!

Love from


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post19 Dec 2017

WELCOME sitara! I, too, have read but am new in posting these past few months and I am eternally grateful to this site, to ex-I, Pink Panther, GuptaRati6666 and all the many others who have withstood so much to start this site, continue it, especially against all odds.

Ex-I, I don't know how to properly thank you ... this has been such a long and arduous fight for you, PP, and others. As I have posted, it is this site that I attribute to helping me with clarity, truth and what has happened to me; what the true reality is. But I must say too, that when I first joined, I had much trouble searching and connecting with the site and also had to go through what you did, sitara, to find this site again. I think that something was able to get rid of the way I used to log on. When you try to now, it comes up as PPPB ERROR. It took me awhile to find this again. So thank you, too, for bringing that to light - I had forgotten to mention that when I joined.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Censoring the Internet

Post22 Dec 2017

I thank you all for your ideas on opposition to BKism. The BKWSO needs to be reminded that those who dwell in glass houses should not throw stones. Some time when stones are thrown at others they may be short ranged and break the BKWSO's own glass house.

One major crack in the BKSO glass house is the question:

Does any organization on earth has a monopoly on God Almighty?

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