Financial abuse and tax fraud within BKWSU

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Giving is taking (money)

Post21 Dec 2006

What of those who have given a lot to the BKs and now regret it? In my local centre alone, I have seen a bit of this in the past. I can only imagine that there may be a fair old trail behind the BKs of financial carnage, discontented, confused and no doubt angry souls. The intoxication will have us giving our lot to that, or other spiritual institutions. Is there any way back for these souls? Can they recoup their offerings after changing their mind? I am not qualified to comment. There may well be many who are happy to have given and move on.

There are a number of areas, one is giving money, another is giving material things, and another is donating time energy and the greatest donation of all, is love/spiritual vibrations, Yoga power to the centre and those who attend. Sure, give something to contribute, why not. Food even. The centres cannot live on fresh air. BKs, like Mormons and no doubt others are encouraged to give a % of their wage. This may be questionable if the bandara/coffers are abundant. While it may be too late for some(?), if you are out there, out of your skull on Godly elixir, and want to give everything you have, or even just a lot, giving straight cash may not be the best response to this seemingly pure desire. Otherwise, as with going into a casino, go in with as much as you are willing to lose. Use the intellect and not the mind/ sanskars IE emotions. That is not to say that you will not get karma returns for that which has been given, I am not qualified to say.

If for instance you were to invest your money in property or a car or something, you still own the property if the mortgage is in your name, or the vehicle etc. and therefore have insurance of some sort if things go wrong, and can take it back if things go sour. I know, the Sakar Murli's say not to take back. If the centre NEEDS something, I see nothing wrong in providing it if it is for the benefit of others. "SERVICE", it has been said in the Murli, is to keep people busy. To think of the number who may have left due to service related issues. Perspective is a wonderful thing.

Remember, this is all negative vibrations going to the respective centres from disgruntled souls. The very opposite of the aim and object. You could then offer to sell the property to them or put them out and sell it/ keep it for yourself, rent it out, to the BKs even. Giving cash means you say goodbye to your money. I am suggesting conditional measures here I guess, but realistically, that may be how these souls are behaving THEMSELVES. Perhaps It is easy to be unconditional when you are kept by the money of others, therefore, we must keep our own council and be sensible. We cannot buy our way through the eye of the needle.

At this point I would point out that there may well be natural disasters in future and any excess cash may be needed for survival, we don't know. I suspect that, after the fallout with the BKs, most who have donated would rather see their money used for disaster relief than spent on another x thousands of key rings etc. It remains to be seen of course just how many of these disasters are natural and which are man made. I won't say that I have a personal relationship with God, but on the basis of my experiences, that soul would not want money from a soul who did not want to give, or from souls who regret giving. It is the experience of spiritual love which makes us want to give, perhaps with a varying degree of opportunism, to earn our spiritual/ karmic fortune. It is those with a body, and therefore weakness who make us want to take it back. Some may have a grudge against God for not giving the experiences that others may get. There are grey areas no doubt.

Personally, I have donated music, once again, material donation. It was always about getting some meditation music to the people. At the time, I was willing to sign over the copyrights, but someone talked some sense into the literature dept. and I retain copyright but have given them permission to copy and sell. I donated it to my spiritual Father, not the BKs. So, does Shiva really want your money? The Murli states that Yoga is the highest form of service, so who is it that wants your money?

The BKs want the local centres to fund themselves, karma you see, yet, they want to retain power over that centre which they would rather not fund from a centralised power structure. Nice work if you can get it.

Money, money, money = spiritual immaturity, if it is beyond the point of NEED. The BKs may not NEED your money, they do however need your love, or something, (what do the BKs need?) When is enough, enough?

Perhaps a decade ago, in Oxford, a Brother proudly announced during a retreat that the BKs were among the 5 top wealthiest charities in the UK. Not bad going. Of course, most charities give their money away, albeit in Admin fees to those and such as those. Let me say it again, authority/ power, comes from Yoga. Yoga is free.

Also, I grudge calling them "the BKs" as they are no more or less God's children than any of us, and indeed right DOWN to the "LOWEST NUMBER" I fear we are still on topic.
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Mr Green


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Post22 Dec 2006

Sparkal, it is not quite factual that the BKs want local centres to fund themselves as in some cases in this country money is provided from London to local centres. It's all much less worked out than that. In fact, the funding of local centres is done more on the basis that if it appears to be running okay then no real questions are asked.

I know of at least two Sisters that have been set up in centres, these girls have no income so are funded from London. At least to start with anyhow. Whereas, yes, most centres will be expected to not only fund themselves but to generate funds to be sent to london for VIP service.

At the centre I was at, we were regularly asked why more money was not forthcoming from Baba's box and the question came with a face of dissapointment. Something I felt was wrong at the time. I always thought that whatever you gave with a good heart was more important than how much was given.
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Post22 Dec 2006

at the centre I was at we were regularly asked why more money was not forthcoming from Baba's box, and the question came with a face of dissapointment. Something I felt was wrong at the time, I always thought that whatever you gave with a good heart was more important than how much was given.

Really, that is so ridiculous, how do they get away with it!
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Post22 Dec 2006

John wrote:Really, that is so ridiculous, how do they get away with it!

I agree, and it is so characteristically human.
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Post22 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:Whereas, yes, most centres will be expected to not only fund themselves but to generate funds to be sent to london for VIP service.

Can you qualify how or why VIPs require extra money for servicing? ( ... apart from I guess funding the first and business class air travel which was a new one on me.)

Honestly, it really is becoming like Animal Farm. I suppose the nice thing about first and business class air travel is that it brings the Seniors in contact with their business executive contacts. I suppose they get to use the upper class lounges at airports too.
    You say Jayanti is in on this too?
    Which other Second Division Seniors are up in this level? Mohini ... Sudesh ... Drs. Nirmala and Ravel etc?
No wonder they could not or would not give you your money back.
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Post22 Dec 2006

I have come across the plea for more money into the box also though, one gets the feeling that the pressure comes from London for centres to perform and produce numbers in particular. Karma no doubt given as the reason.

Last year the Sister in my local centre offered to lend me the train fair to go to a retreat at Oxford (I don't know how personal or if the decision came from London or what) which they obviously felt would be good for me and them. They are right, I could have contributed a fair bit to a retreat on men and spirituality, as someone who has been out in the world and not living a sheltered life. Still, it is good to know where you stand, you know, your place in life. We could put it down to fear even. Fear of what I or others may say. I did not feel that I could pay the loan back so left it at that.

Perhaps there is also pressure to provide representatives at progs.
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Financial abuse and tax fraud within BKWSU

Post26 Dec 2006

1. In the Murlis it clearly states that no hair on the head of my children will ever be harmed, and the example of the kittens is used.

2. In the Murlis it also states that you have to follow not just Shrimat but also to say, "Ha ji at every step to your Seniors" ... and if you are given bad advice then BapDada will put it right. Also, if you are not happy with a direction given by senior then go to the next in command and it will be put right. These things I have seen with my own eyes do not happen.
    I was abused by a senior member of the BKs who gave me regular directions to pay money to him. This I reported to the Seniors many times, they did nothing and let this situation carry on for a year.
At no point did God intervene and put things right, I was a surrendered member living and serving in a centre and I used to weep and beg at nights in Baba's room to help and stop this happening ... nothing happened and I eventually became heavily in debt. I reached the point when I had to accept no one, or nothing, was going to help me and I had to leave ... with my faith broken ... try and understand what that means.

Then in the process of leaving, when I was really trying to make the Seniors aware of what really happens in the centres and how they have no real idea to control it or no desire to control it, they then attempted to defame me and my claims by saying they thought I was on drugs therefore not to be taken seriously ... This to me shows not only that the Murlis are not truth but also that the Seniors of the BKs don't have humane feelings and are not able to even know what honesty is.

You are wrong and naive to suggest I was not engaged to him, my faith was complete and I had given my life to God. I would feel insulted if you doubt this.
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Post26 Dec 2006

Dear Brother,

In this knowledge everything is unlimited. Is it correct to believe that after one accepts this knowledge we will not get sick and his depts will be cut. Yes, we cut them and it takes time, but we have to suffer our own deeds from the past and we have to tolerate happily. See ... not even a hair can fall down from my children means when he is present and is personally responsible for his children ... we cannot expect a point of light from Paramdham to make miracles, like it is commonly believed. He does not interfere in the Drama like magic as the BK teach. He comes and acts through one personality. One cannot be even mad to those who have not told he is here in corporeal. They may not have known, or those who have hidden, this is their role. And it is said for the time of destruction as i can guess. (hair ... kittens).

Senior and junior here is not a matter of the age of the body or the age one is in Gyan, but he is junior and senior in knowledge - means understanding and imbibing, so it means you may be senior to them, they may have to come to you for directions. Baba has said he is not responsible for children's debts. It is said when you get entangled in bad deeds did you ask Baba then. Now when you cry you ask Baba. So these Seniors are definitely, personally responsible for following or not following Baba's directions, we cannot be mad to them. We can still believe He'll put everything right. It is absolutely clear now it is not right. It does not mean it won't be. It does not mean he is not putting it right - right now.

People can cry, commit a suicide, does he hear them and make anything? He comes and gives directions to follow ... we understand who he is and follow ... the rest is like path of Bhakti ... fear is a path of bakti, crying, praying. And He has said we should give all our burden to Him, so if we don't follow some direction we take the burden. We can be safe only in the lines of Shrimat. Please check yourself in this situation of yours in the bottom ... what direction did you break so that it happened like this. Put the blame to yourself to see if it works.

It is also said that we should check of what the senior says if it is according to Baba's Shrimat or not. It is said we should not follow Brothers and Sisters but only the Father. Of course, children are helpless without the practical help of Baba, so you have just been under the influence of BKs. There has not been Baba for you there at all, at any of the time because he come in the practical. In Baba's room non-living picture of a dead man is there. There is no living Baba there. And in the Murli it is said we should not keep his picture. So what have you been doing in this so called Baba's room. Yes, BKs teach like this but what does Baba teach?

Yes, I see you have had to face a whole institution, it is not easy. There is one such soul who does the difficult task to face the whole world - of PBK, BK, the ouside world to make it right. So you have had some debts to settle with these Seniors. You did it. It is a matter of lightness and happiness.

This Brahmin familly is trully a world of Ravan now. Ravan means the one who gives 10 different directions through 10 different heads and makes people cry. We make it the world of Ravan. So we now have to make the effort to make it the world of Ram. One who gives only one direction and peace of mind.
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Mr Green


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Post26 Dec 2006

I like you Andrey, you have passion ... but I don't think at this point in your life that you are thinking clearly ...

So, I'll leave this here 8).
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Post26 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:I like you Andrey, you have passion ... but I don't think at this point in your life that you are thinking clearly ...

And I will give Andrey his respect that he is gambling 100% on The Knowledge ... as I once did too.

Its an interesting take on your situation, Mr Green. Of course, I was expecting to hear it was your fault, that the Seniors had no blame and that we were wrong from the PBK point of view to invest our life into the false human gurus of the BKWSU. Here, tough karma you sinner you. Have some more bitter salt with that wound of yours ...

It was an interesting twist to consider that the debts you ran up supporting the Raja Yoga center, out of goodwill and intent, were personal karma with the Seniors involved. You obviously owed them from last birth. Ha! May be in your last birth you were a BK Sister that stole the money from BK followers or used Yagya money for your own comforts!?! :shock:

Its is trully a wonder to realise that Dadi Janki and Jayanti are obviously so pure, powerful and blameless that they were not only able to psychically remember this BUT ALSO that you once accused them of taking drugs and so therefore they were able to accuse you of taking drugs now, so that they could bring you more benefit and clear your karmic account even further ... I imagine that Jayanti, out of a sense of Duty of Care, probably went up to the Subtle Regions to speak to BapDada personally to ensure that this was all correct and according to Shrimat.

How benevolent of them and how unappreciative you are of their good efforts for your spiritual upliftment. I think, just to finish the matter, we ought to take you outside the city wall and stone you to death at the same time. You troublemaker ... bringing shame on the community like that!!!

I mean to say, it would be nothing to do with the fact that as long as the money is coming in they really don't care how and why.
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Post26 Dec 2006

Mr.Green wrote:My faith was complete and I had given my life to God. I would feel insulted if you doubt this.

Dear Brother,
As far as I am concerned, I would not doubt a bit. Any soul, who has been a BK for quite some time knows that your experience is repeated in most of the centers. Many BKs leave the family due to such behaviour of the in-charge Sisters/Seniors.

Since the PBKs are the seeds of the BKs also. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise if some of the surrendered/non-surrendered PBKs are ill-treated by the senior PBKs or incharge PBKs. Hence, in order to remedy this problem, as far as I know, any surrendered or non-surrendered PBK can report any matter to Baba directly or through another PBK so that he can find a solution to the problem. Since Baba is not present practically for the surrendered/non-surrendered BKs, they have to be satisfied with narrating their problems through thoughts, which may take a long time to get resolved, until when many BKs are forced to leave the family, as in your case.

Anyways, I have full sympathy for you and wish your story does not get repeated in case of other BKs.
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Post26 Dec 2006

I don't think at this point in your life that you are thinking clearly ...

So do you say you’re thinking clearly when you say I don’t think clearly. How? Tell ... what did you use to think when you were in the BK? Did you use to think that the outside world is Maya? Now do you think that the BK world is Maya? We are all in this game of moving from here to there with our intellect, do you call this clarity of mind? That’s why only one soul is such that is firm in his position, never goes here and there in doubt and does not give opposite directions and we call this clarity and we call what is spoken through this personality true.

Why should one feel abused when listening to what is true? Where has there been God? Baba is not called for a point of light. God is not an organization nor a point of light in Paramdham, nor directions of the Seniors, nor drishti of Brothers and Sisters ... this is not God. Yes, God is a soul, a point of light, but all souls are points of lights alike. What we remember as just a point can be any soul of fish or crocodile. We have been able to understand His nature only because He had come in Brahma Baba and spoke The Knowledge. We can only recognize Him when He is in a body and narrates knowledge.

The form of Brahma Baba has been the form of Mother, it is not the form of Father. The God of the Gita is another personality that is very much present in this world. His role is to Purify. We don't call him to come and narrate knowledge and go. We like him to come and make us pure and make us peaceful and make us happy and liberate us from sorrow, and give us heaven and destroy hell and sustain heaven and then go. So He is the Creator of Heaven. Dadis, Didis are not purifiers or creators of heaven. Everyone is impure in this world and only one soul comes that is everpure and he comes in hell and He gives us heaven whilst we are in hell and he make us pure. Just a point of light cannot be called "ever pure". It is when this soul is in the body that it becomes obvious that He cannot be colored by impurity.

So how did you used to be surrendered to God and have divorced Him when you have not even known where, in which personality is He present, and what part is He playing? The matter of faith is different. You could have had faith you have been surrendered to God a point. People also have faith He is in the pebbles and stones or the Dadis and Didis but it does not make it the actual fact. That's why faith, belief is something, knowledge is something else. In the Murli, it is said, "truth is what happens in the practical".

So, we have Him in practical here and now ... It is not even a miracle, it becomes clear ... becomes something ordinary. We just did not know it is like this ... and the form is very ordinary. We are used from the past or our own imagination or being taught so that God will be connected with pomp and show, when He comes a symphony will play, earth will start trembling, wind will blow and lightning will flash in the sky. But he gives Knowledge that makes miracles with our intellect in a most ordinary way ... and he comes in a simple form and destroys this false pomp and show (we don’t like it anymore), made to hide the emptiness inside.

The Knowledge he gives is extraordinary and makes the soul light inside, fly inside, happy inside, because soul is different and body is different and He is only a soul and has come in a body for the souls to take them all back home again where they belong. Will He not fulfill this promise of His? And where is this home of ours, it is very far away, isn’t it? So he takes our intellect very, very far away from this world, but whilst he is in the body he teach us to become like this whilst we are in the bodies.

We don't have to leave the body for this phisically, but just the conciousness of the body intellectually. We cut all connections with the whole world including the body. This is the other wrong perception ... Who will study like this in the BK that they teach that you study now and get a status of a deity after you die? Who likes to die? We don’t like to die? God does not like us to die physically ... we die whilst alive ... we die whilst in the body - to the body. We change, we change the soul and change the body, it means transform. And now we study how when the body grows old - to leave it by our own will, easily, in happiness, the way it will be for a long time in the future.
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Post27 Dec 2006

ex-l wrote: ... were personal karma with the Seniors involved. You obviously owed them from last birth. Ha! May be in your last birth you were a BK Sister that stole the money from BK followers or used Yagya money for your own comforts!?!

Yes, because who enjoys that money? In the Murli it is said we should not give money to beggars because we don't know what they'll do with it. They'll drink alcohol. In the BKs, no one drinks alcohol physically but they get intoxication, exchanging glances with one another etc., and they eat the meat of body-consciousness when paying respect to some bodily gurus whilst. In fact, all souls are equal children to one Father. And from examples given, we have come to know they beg for money openly. Baba says in this world even the beggars are so that if you don't give them they start shouting.

I suppose these Laws of Karma and karmic debts are not so simple. I mean, if you owe someone something in this birth it does not mean that you have taken exactly the same money from the same soul in the last birth. There are more complicated gives and takes, otherwise how it would be possible to cut all debts of karma with only rememberance of One? We don't go to anyone personally for give and take. Even if they come in the mind for give and take we say, "see, we'll now clear the accounts and do with rememberance of one Baba". Everything (all accounts) can be burned in the fire of Yoga. Money, properties, connections, relationships all of these become instrumental for giving and taking of happiness and sorrow.

So Karma is a matter of consciousness. If we cry our karma is not cut but we suffer it. Our aim is escape suffering no matter what evil we may have done in the past. So for example if we are ill, if we suffer, it does not make the illness go away easier. Better go above pain.
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Post01 Jan 2007

Yes, we should not interfere in other person’s personal life but to what extent is our life personal and public. If one does make his own problem public, by voicing it then because we hear we should interfere. I have spoken to Mr. Green only as an individual not BK, PBK, out of the perspective of my own understanding and the essence was. Better deal with your own problems individually, privately, silently, so that no one understands. If you can’t manage then ask for help, so this is what I thought is the case but we are also used to play weak in front of ourselves too and in front of others and we use to play

Oh, yes, but I have observed that when in low situation I don’t like to be seen as low, many a times I have been in problems and what has helped me is that I see the one whom I turn for help to – he does not imbibe my problem, he does not even understand it otherwise if I see my own pain making the face of the other one horrible it is like double pain for me. So, I liked to say that you Brother just play weak or play abused, you are not weak but you are powerful, now stand up and stop crying, stop blaming and stop complaining, take responsibility for yourself. What others has done to you has been only what you have made them do ... we are oversensitive. I don’t know the exact situation, but a person who cries is pampered. So he could have been pampered by the BKs being too sweet to him so, so he may have needed some more salt that, straighten yourself up.

Can we help everyone? We can help maybe with the pure vibrations and good wishes of the mind but in our immediate surrounding we are responsible. So I have been giving advice to Mr Green as my friend and you have been commenting my comment that is none of your business. It is part of my business with him my account with him.

Because Mr. Green has revealed some situations from within the BK what can be said from my perspective is that he has obviously been crying for his money, so he has been having some attraction to money. If he used to have faith in the Seniors then where is the problem. A senior asks you, money you give, everything is OK. It's this matter of making ones own personal problem a big thing and generalizing. It is always personal. If this situation happens to someone else, being asked money he just says, what are you talking about. This is the point that we now as individuals can unite over something that is good for everyone and this can be only one God, because everyone remembers him, so he should have had accounts with everyone and he has come for everyone. He is responsible. That’s why what is this. I have had bad felling about BKs. Bad experience and can give examples. It is your own personal story and account ... I have good experience, attitude etc. It's also the way one sees things. No one is on the right or wrong.

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says those children who are in my service will never die of hunger ... generally one can die of hunger very difficultly. Baba via DL and via Virendra Dev Dixit says we only need two rotis ... and it is so cheap ... Now I can do something to prove even this saying wrong ... I can make up something like ... I don’t know what ... but imagine something happens and this saying is proven wrong ... what does it mean ... it is my own account ... I have not been on service or something like that ... .for example Baba in the Murlis via Lekhraj Kirpalani says ... with the spinning of the world cycle you become rulers of the globe ... only one becomes ruler of the globe ... does it mean we can complain ... you lied I did not become ... hey ... he is the Creator of Heaven ... and He does for all of us ... he gives us such a big fortune for free ... and you can call Him a liar ... why ... Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit gives an example that if a child of a millionaire has to ask for pennies then what is wrong – definitely the connection has been cut ... and now we forge the connection. We twist things like that that words in the Murli are proven true.

And if we are asked why should we enter heaven we say we did nothing ... it is just our birthright ... because He is our Father ... whatever our Father creates it is for us ... He is the creator ... we don’t choose him. He is there before us and moves the drama in advance, so He now creates heaven and we enter there by right, not by effort. Yes, He can check, discriminate which child is worthy, which is not ... but finally good and bad all are his children. But what kind of children do we wish to become and why. We don’t become such and such to please others it is an individual connection and account with him, to please Him.
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Mr Green


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Post01 Jan 2007

You f*cking sh*t Andrey, I never cried for money, I had money taken from me.

I was then offered compensation by Dadi Janki, which was later refused me by the trustees after slandering me. When I left the BKs I was over £20,000 in debt ... I had never been in debt before in my life. So just go and f*ck yourself Mr knowledgeful.

In fact, that's the end of the line for me I won't be posting here again.

Farewell all :D.

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