BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

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BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post25 Oct 2017

Louis Hey, the American motivational author, died this August due to natural reasons (sudden sleep apnea) without any prolonged age related illness, despite already having beaten cancer earlier without the conventional medical approach through simple forgiveness and self-affirmation regimes, despite being an "Agyani" or "without Knowledge" of the BKs.


On the other hand, we see that Dadi Janki Kriplani (allegedly age 100, but people who have seen her passport say she is 90) has long been suffering from several age related issues like rheumatism, stomach problems, memory loss, breathing problems and follows just an ordinary regime of medical check-ups and repeatedly getting confined to the Gamdevi Center of Mumbai for rest due to bodily suffering, a.k.a bad karma. She is fed lavishly with almonds and cashews, with attendants at her service 24x7.



I know this through open knowledge at this and many BK centers in Mumbai that only a select few with Vitamin M (M for money), were allowed to meet or even see Dadi Janki from far during her stay at Gamdevi's center and Saifi Hospital.

I have three questions in this context:
    1) Why this discrimination over seeing the ailing Grandmother of World (in the words of BKWSU)??? Why cannot we all visit her and view her from far????

    2) Why is the Most Stable Mind so vulnerable to illnesses, a.k.a bad karmic suffering???

    3) Is Dadi Janki ordinary like everybody else???
I understand that age and illness can bring suffering to anyone, but this is the most special, most powerful, purest Brahma Kumari Dadi Janki we are talking about with the highest level of Delta waves constantly emitting out of her brain.

This tempts me to ask the fourth question ...
    4) Has Dadi Janki fallen from her golden-age status and now become Tamo-Pradhan making her angry, cranky, and vulnerable?
BKWSU wrote:Letters of Remembrance from both Dadis on 15 July
2 August 2017

Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s beloved instrument teachers who make the atmosphere powerful with your pure attitude and who are loved by all, all Brothers and Sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, please accept sweet love and remembrance.

Our beloved Dadis who are deeply love, who are the pillars of support of the Yagya, the ones who are the light of BapDada’s eyes, Dadi Jankiji and Dadi Gulzarji, both of whom are in Mumbai at present. Dadi Jankiji is having her health check-up in Saifi Hospital near Gamdevi centre.

For some time, Dadi has been having stomach problems, and because of her age, the body is showing its games every now and again.

Now, Dadi will be having a full check-up over the next two days. The good wishes of the whole Brahmin family are with Dadiji. With the sakaash of the Yoga of all of you, Dadi will very quickly be fine and come back to Madhuban.

I think the business with the nuts is symbolic, harkening back to when Lekhraj Kirpalani used to feed his little princess spoons of nuts and honey back in the Om Mandli days, part of the "royal" "sustenance" he spent his money on spoiling them. Although, I don't think Janki was actually part of that as she was off getting married and having her child.

Something she's not spoken about is really why, especially when her Sister was a BK and we are led to believe an early medium for their spirit. We don't know the accurate details of this part of the cult's history but it seems have been an early schism ... something to do with a "Golden Circle". Details are vague, I'd like someone to be able to really ask her before she dies.

I sense that for the Big Business of BK™ it is all "inconvient truths" they want to remain buried.

I tried playing along with it all when I was a BK but, at the end of the day, she really did not impress me ... and that was when she was at the top of her game.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post25 Oct 2017

Welcome to the forum.
yogamaya wrote:Why this discrimination over seeing the ailing Grandmother of World (in the words of BKWSU)??? Why cannot we all visit her and view her from far???? ... Is Dadi Janki ordinary like everybody else???

I think you answered you own question there.

It's all part of what Robert Jay Lifton describes as "Milieu Control" and "Mystical Manipulation" in his study of cults and extremists. The closer you could get to her, the most human and faulted you'd discover her to be.

I'd interested to read you say that her passport shows a different age to that which the BKs claim. We've suspected that for a long time. It's all about fudging her own early, personal history and exaggerating her abilities, and it has been going on for a very long time. At least since the early 1980s.
2) Why is the Most Stable Mind so vulnerable to illnesses, a.k.a bad karmic suffering???

In the first place, because she never was. It has been debunked. No scientist ever said that. The Western BKWSU officially withdrew the claim about a decade and stopped centres from using it but, noticably, BK India kept on rolling out the exaggeration until this day.

That is itself is an important indicator. If they are willing to lie about their leader, a claimed "Top 8 Souls in the Wrld" despite it being proven false ... and that "Top 8 Soul in the World" does nothing to stop them ... what does it say about them and that individual?

Jayanti always sanctioned Janki's positition, well defend from questioning and criticism, as being "showing respect for the elders" (God know what she went throw living with her 24/7).

I suppose hiding the inevitable decay as much as possible is all part of that.

For what it's worth, I don't believe in their 2nd hand concept of "karma", nor that it works in the way they portray.
I understand that age and illness can bring suffering to anyone, but this is the most special, most powerful, purest Brahma Kumari Dadi Janki we are talking about with the highest level of Delta waves constantly emitting out of her brain.

She and they have always milked Janki's health issues since, again, at least the early 1980s.

It was always good for business, exciting BKs, thrilling them, portrayed as evidence of her miraculous powers, like some member of the North Korean ruling dynasty.

Now the phalanx of courtiers and middle management whose daily welfare depends upon her, protect anyone, especially those more spiritually minded, from anyone getting close to her. For years, questions to her have been pre-screened; for decades her answers polished up.

Fair enough, she had some charisma and was an entertaining character but no where as high and mighty as the BKs have portrayed her, especially to people who cannot speak the same language as she does.

Many have corellated not only her but many of the "original jewels" spiritual attainments on the basis of comparison with other real yogi souls who have lived in good health until the time of their death and even chosen it consciously. That was always the party trick of old India saddhus, not that it always went well ...

I do not buy her old age as evidence of a miracle. Many of her generation of Sindis had good genes and excellent health, a combination of the hardships their genes overcame over many generations, and the improvement in diet and lifestyle the British brought with them; even those amongst the anti-BKs of the Sind.

Janki has still apparently ' kept mum' about all their historical revision. She and Gulzars are pretty much the last ones left to tell the truth ... and they are not. And they are not insisting others get it right either.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post25 Oct 2017

She had some power though.

The power to mesmerise.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post26 Oct 2017

Thank you for the warm welcome ex-l and I look forward to being part of these forums... I feel so light now after coming out of the closet.
ex-l wrote:I'd interested to read you say that her passport shows a different age to that which the BKs claim. We've suspected that for a long time.

Yes, this was shocking for me too and, initially, I was in denial. It was way back in the year 2004, to be precise, there was this illustrator with Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai (let's respect his privacy and call him by his initials Mr. M.B.) who revealed to me in Madhuban that how he had illustrated Brahma Baba's painting behind a stage at a Suburban Mumbai's retreat center, and that he is close with the senior Sisters who had entrusted him with booking flight tickets for the 80 year old Dadi Janki.

I corrected him that Dadi Janki was not an octogenarian but a nonagenarian instead. He smiled and told me, "I have seen Dadi Janki's passport." I could see the conviction of truth in his eyes. There was no reason why he should lie.
That is itself is an important indicator. If they are willing to lie about their leader, a claimed "Top 8 Souls in the Wrld" despite it being proven false ... and that "Top 8 Soul in the World" does nothing to stop them ... what does it say about them and that individual?

It says that they are one attention-hungry lot so desperate that a lady's age is increased instead of decreased for the first time! The whole passport incident was so strange. I wondered why would the Sisters lie that the "nonagenarian" DJ had upcoming events in Mumbai. Mr M. B. give me an oversimplified and templatized BK answer, "Maybe they made a mistake while announcing the details about Dadi's Mumbai's visit." ... Yeah, right!

This was way back in 2004! As per this calculation, she should be of age 93 right now.

This is quite plausible as we all know that Janki joined the BKs much later from the narrations of the early history of Brahma Kumaris by Dadi Prakashmani where she confirms that Janki used to run away initially whenever the Kumaris used to invite her to Om Mandalis Satsangs (i.e. Brahma Baba's discourses). She could very realistically, by that age, get married, have a baby girl, abandon her and leave her husband, and have her Father's name spoiled and his face (literally) smeared in cow-dung and paraded on a donkey due to her actions (Dadi Janki's own narration of her life).
(God know what she went throw living with her 24/7).
Maybe Jayanti has been stressed, stressed a lot! And that is the best part and way better then what other younger Sisters go through at the BK centers. I was very disturbed once to see that a Mumbai center-in-charge, at a BK controlled/maintained garden in South-Mumbai, was making a young surrendered Sister uncomfortable by placing her hand on her lower waist during a BK Quiz-competition event.

This was in front of everyone and the younger BK Sister was first surprised as she felt a hand suddenly on her body while she was reading out the results and looked at the sister-in-charge who was sitting close to her. She paused for a moment in shock and then continued reading out the results as if nothing happened.

Though the BK center in-charge Sister gave a motherly smile in return, this certainly was not a mother's touch from her.

A week after the event the young surrendered Sister went for a long break at her "worldly" parent's house on the pretext of ill health and returned after a month.

I feel sorry for the young surrendered BK Sister as she was, firstly, violated very cunningly (and this is only the part that we got to see), secondly, this probably led her to be depressed, and thirdly, the BKs packed her bags and sent her back to her parent's house although she was and still is a surrendered Sister.

Again, as you mentioned ex-I, the "Top 8 Soul in the World" do nothing to stop such nuisance.
Mr Green wrote:She had some power though. The power to mesmerise.

The operating word here is "had". Now it seems it's all lost from quite some time now. Let's analyse a tabloid news report on how Janki failed to impress the former UK premier's wife, Cherie Blair.
The DailyMail wrote:Cherie Blair found herself being steered through the audience towards the back of the room. She had just finished speaking about the 'empowerment of women' and was smiling, in her bashful way, at the enthusiastic applause. Mrs Hauserman, whose charity was hosting the function, announced that the woman, Dwina, was someone Cherie simply had to meet.

It is Dwina's close involvement with Brahma Kumaris, a women-led spiritual organisation that, while striving for world peace, has allegedly used 'pernicious' methods to control its followers. The group is led by 90-year-old Indian spiritualist Dadi Janki, a woman Dwina regards as her guru and whom she consults, according to a source close to her, 'about everything'.

Ian Howarth, of the Cult Information Centre, said, "I have the same concerns about this group. People have come to us complaining that some loved ones who have got involved with it have undergone personality changes and have become alienated from their families."

The organisation confirmed to The Mail on Sunday that Dadi Janki had met Mrs Blair at a function organised by the charity Rights and Humanity UK. Both are patrons of the charity and Dwina is also closely involved.

A spokeswoman for Dadi Janki added "Dadi Janki briefly met Mrs Blair at a function organised by Rights and Humanity, but as far as we are aware Mrs Blair has not expressed an interest in meditation."

I have had the very same concerns for my family members and their personality changes are irreversible as the BKs (Bogus Kumaris) are incorrigible.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post26 Oct 2017

Mr Green wrote:She had some power though. The power to mesmerise.

I think she and other ”powerful yogis" only have the power to mesmerise (or any other word you want to use), those who want to be mesmerised or affected. Interestingly, as discussed in other topics, even some of those who want to be feel nothing. Even when meeting bapdfada.

But for those who do get affected, I think that wanting to be - affected, acknowledged, lifted, noticed ... - by the so-called ”master” means you open yourself to respond to the signals sent by them. This is how people become vulnerable, voluntarily or involuntarily, to all kinds of abuse, big and small. Those in power have something the less powerful want so they will do what the powerful person requires of them.

For BKs, often all they want is validation and hopefully a bit of a buzz. Again, other topics here have gone inot how eye to eye or face to face human contact is so powerful. There has actually been a whole TV show here recently about people using silent eye contact to heal broken relationships, i.e. for 10 or 15 minutes before talking about things.

It is also known that those with whom you have direct face to face contact more often are those with whom you will sympathise (consider the ubiquitous image of Big Brother in 1984)

Playing the ”dristi” game, convincing the self through re-affirming the affirmations passed on by the ”guru”, we talk ourselves into anything just so we can be accepted, respected, acknowledged, proven to be one of them and to feel something.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post27 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote:we talk ourselves into anything just so we can be accepted, respected, acknowledged, proven to be one of them and to feel something.

While the temptation of validation is alluring in every human interaction, I do admit, that it is only cults like the Brahma Kumaris or Bogus Kumaris (whatever ... see they have hijacked the word Brahma and Shiva too) who think about milking money out of people's basic need to socialize and to find support, acceptance and respect.
It is also known that those with whom you have direct face to face contact more often are those with whom you will sympathise (consider the ubiquitous image of Big Brother in 1984)

First, they feed you with undue self-importance, give you a new identity with a badge, a dress-code and a new greeting. Then, they also completely ignore your weaknesses (i.e. initially). Our family, on the other hand, "knows" what we are really made of, and hence our mask just peels off in front of them. We cannot fool them by just changing uniforms and acting all holier than thou. Hence, people who do not have a good family or good relationship with their birth or adoptive family seek validation from a new chosen "Cult" family like Big Brother whom they chose or adopt.


They say, family problems are the root of all confusion. But it takes a genius like the BKWSU to spin it and make you believe that family itself is the root of all problems. The Brahma Kumaris should know better than to teach the gullible followers of abandoning social contact outside the BK family in the name of "Maya". Any ardent viewer of 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' will get a shock of the life-time when they realize that quite contrary to what Shivani potrays what the BKs believe, the Brama Kumaris centers actually teach being anti-family and anti-social life in their doctrines.


The whole acceptance preaching by Shivani Verma is a facade.
There has actually been a whoel TV show here recently about people using silent eye contact to heal broken relationships, i.e. for 10 or 15 minutes before talking about things.

Yes, the silent eye contact healings are powerful. Dopamine is released by the amacrine cells in the retinal function during eye-to-eye contact.

The "Drishti" game can induce so much of covert hypnotic side-effect, in the name of healing, that people have given up their properties, retirement fund, college fund, and even inheritance to become a surrendered Brother or Sister at Madhuban.

The dopamine released through the sweet offering "Toli" is another way to make the unsuspecting new-comers addicted to their "Haan-ji" and "Farmanbardar" (Obedient to God) brain-wash. Pathetic!


I wonder why they do not call Shivani on stage along with the current Dadis and Dadas to play the Drishti games during BaapDada Milan!? I think Janki does not like to share the center-stage with anyone. She is fine as long as Shivani just plays a host when she speaks.

Any thoughts?
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post27 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote:Again, other topics here have gone inot how eye to eye or face to face human contact is so powerful. There has actually been a whole TV show here recently about people using silent eye contact to heal broken relationships, i.e. for 10 or 15 minutes before talking about things.

I am very surprised to read that.

You are saying she is telling non-BKs, perhaps male and females, to start staring into each other eyes? That's bizarre. Definitely not encouraged in my time.

Janki and Shivani have something in common. Their parents were both in BK and they resisted, ran around and got married, before coming back and surrendering. In Shivani's case, what happened to her husband and married life, is he a BK too?

That might have provided a good "shame and guilt" hook, a desire to make extra efforts to wash about the "bad karma" they had done.

For me, Shivani's just a robot. A robot parrot. She comes across somewhere between daft and as a little neurotic and domineering, indulging in potted maxims and silly word play. A strange mix of BKism with a New Age. I am amazed that people find her so "enlightened". Her programmes were just 'paid for' advertisements.

Does India not have its own Agony Aunt or "Opra Winfrey"?

She definitely goes beyond orthodox BKism and mixes in other things, what we were always warned against.

Often we get people email or posting questions for her which show what level and what issues the BKs are targeting.

The stupid, the vulnerable and the desparate, usually family or relationship problems.

The short answer to fixing marital or relationship problems with BKism is just ... "don't have them and do more BK Raja Yoga". They should definitely keep out of that arena, she has no training and little to no experience in that department. Therefore, I think for all the white sari and mask, she is a fraud. Just another expensive facade, paid for out of donations, for the BKs.

But good for their business making them look more modern and open minded than they are.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post27 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote:I think she and other ”powerful yogis" only have the power to mesmerise (or any other word you want to use), those who want to be mesmerised or affected.

I don't know about that, unless you expand the theory to include a sort of general, background susceptibility to being hypnotised that, seemingly, a certain percentage of the population has. Like what stage hypnotists play on with their audience by way of a screening device before getting people on stage to do silly tricks.

I remember when Marneta Vegas went onto TV to "The Dragon's Den", a business investment show where millionaires chose start up business to invest in, one of the "Dragons" became a little freaked out by her presentation and said, "I feel like your starting to hypnotise me". He definitely felt something enough to say it, and she's no Dadi Janki or other decades deep BK yogi. He certainly was not there "to want to be mesmerised", he was there to be sceptical.

It seems to me that there is a projective quality of psychicism, beyond simple "charisma", which itself cannot be measured in a science lab.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

It seems to me that there is a projective quality of psychicism, beyond simple "charisma", which itself cannot be measured in a science lab.

Well, ex-l, my statement "”powerful yogis" only have the power to mesmerise (or any other word you want to use), those who want to be mesmerised" was based on many years of hearing BKs’ feedback where some would have ”amazing” experiences and others nothing. And not only BKs. Many times in public programs you’d talk to people afterwards and some would be more than impressed by Dadi Janki, Sudesh, Jayanti or whomever, full of superlatives and saying they saw this and that or felt this and that, while other people thought they were nothing special - ”seems like a nice enough lady but didn’t really say much” was one comment I remember.

It was particularly sad in Madhuban when BKs who’d saved their pennies over many years to finally be able to go and sit in front of BapDada (I am talking about the years when people had personal meetings) only to be given a most inane ”blessing” from BapDada, and to have gazed in ”god’s” eyes for a length of time but felt little, other than their own mind wondering when something special was going to happen.

It got me thinking at that time about how what was experienced was more dependent on the BK than on BapDada. Some of us can imagine ourselves into altered states whilst other not. So it's not only the wanting but many other codependent factors that give rise to any experience. However, I am pretty sure that if someone genuinely did not want to be affected or impressed by any BK figure, they would not be.

I remember one exhibition in the UK, at some psychics and mystics fare I think, in the years you might say when i was at the height of BK ”powers”, I was ”serving” an elderly chap who was quite wide eyed. When the conversation ended, or more likely when I finally shut up, he said he could see the hand of god on my head (or words to that effect). I took that to mean he’d been ”touched by Baba” and that he was interested to come to the centre or follow up in some way. So I was trying to give him details when he interrupted me saying, ”Oh no. I don’t agree with much of what you are saying but I can see that you really believe it ... and it is showing”.

Another time, at another such fare, at some spa town outside London, there was a nun who was at the adjacent stall. She was displaying mystical Christian religious art done by her and others, very good work and with a lot of eastern influences in some if the themes, ecumenical you might say. We got to chat a lot through the time we were both there and were well attuned. She was a ”visionary”, i.e. saw things others did not see (if you say so!) and paints them.

At one point, I think when we were packing up and saying goodbyes, she gave me a long firm hug - which surprised me given she was a nun and me a celibate BK! - and she said [paraphrasing], ”your ajna chakra (third eye) is wide open. I have only ever seen a few people like that”, then she hugged me again.

If things such as psychism, charisma, power to enchant, exist I suggest that it is a human trait and that we are all on the spectrum somewhere. It just manifest in different ways at different times - not always visually - and we project expectations onto others based on our beliefs as well as draw in their projections. Lethal when both sender and receiver want the same outcome.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote:I think she and other ”powerful yogis" only have the power to mesmerise (or any other word you want to use), those who want to be mesmerised or affected.
ex-I wrote:I don't know about that, unless you expand the theory to include a sort of general, background susceptibility to being hypnotised that, seemingly, a certain percentage of the population has. Like what stage hypnotists play on with their audience by way of a screening device before getting people on stage to do silly tricks.
eromain wrote in Hypnosis and the BKWSU

If somebody spiked the toli one thursday morning with LSD (and no I am not suggesting this 8), the resultant experiences would feel incredibly spiritual but would be essentially chemical-driven. But many of the experiences would be of meeting Baba, going to the Subtle Regions, going to the Golden Age etc because those are all the content the drug would play with

Hypnosis uses such things as suggestibility, hyperfocus and what the NLP guys call submodalities to capitalise on the way the mind is structured in order to trigger changes which ordinarily we cant make. One can easily create the most intensely spiritual-feeling experiences with essentially mere tricks of the mind.
ex-I wrote in Hypnosis and the BKWSU

I think that this could be done. Also to register in the mind group loyalties and all sort of imaginative thoughts about the reality of the group. This is where we enter into realms of group "hypnosis" through affirmations (We angels, you Shudras). I suppose the sophistry lies in what is hypnosis and what is condition ... the lines are blurred.


There are people who use hypnosis to remove sugar addiction. but the BKWSU use sugar to induce a hypnotic state.

Maybe I am oversimplifying, but it's all about making sugar addicts (Toli), dopamine junkies (drishti/eye-contact healing), validity dependents (being entrusted Seva), special-treatment carvers (chance to go to Shantivan/ Madhuban), and a self-righteous hypocrite (Me an Agnel, you a Shudra). A simple process to perform mind-control in a very subtle way year after year.

And what about those who do not fall trap for such mind control techniques?? What if the followers realize mid-way what the BKs are up to and leave BKWSU?? Well, what are the unsuspecting new-joiners there for? They are not running Shivani kind of 'paid for' advertisements for nothing.

Coming back to the discussion on "powerful yogis" and mesmerism ... Dadi Janki has mentioned this several time that she admired and envied Didi Manmohini's ability to perform silent meditation without any songs or Drishti ritual, where people used to gather around her after the meditation to meet her.

On the other hand, as per Janki herself, people did not come to meet her even after an hour long lecture on meditation in the early days. Janki wondered how Didi Manmohini pulled it off with so many people around without music or suggestive words used in guided meditation.


Maybe there were some powerful Yogis in the original Om Mandali, but they all contributed (knowingly or unknowingly) to this great money making drama now known as BKWSU. It's too hard to tell with certainty about their meditational powers with so much of history changed and revised.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

I just couldn't believe my eyes that the BKWSU is so desperate and dependent on Dadi Janki's alleged mental powers and ability to defy age. This is the ultimate proof that Dadi Janki's age has been fabricated all the way along!!! Despite her publicly failing health, they are claiming on her website that she is 100 and yet working full-time!!


They have used a ten year old pic of Janki to pull this propaganda off.

This despite the fact that BKWSU has been regularly issuing letters to old BKs acknowledging that Janki is resting at South Mumbai's Gamdevi Center (where Ramesh Bhai, occasionally, listens to Murlis) and is undergong health check-ups at Saifi hospital in the vicinity. Wonder why she did not go to their very own Brahma Kumaris Global Hospitals and Research Centre in Subarban Mumbai? Is it too costly for her or the treatment there is just not up to the mark??

What a shame that the BKWSU have resorted to such an in-your-face kind of cheap dirty trick!!! Sad!

Why is the BKWSU head, the great Dadi Janki, not stopping them from perpetrating such lies???


Or is there some other higher and more influential Dadi who has covered poor Dadi Janki's eyes?? ;) :D
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

yogamaya wrote:Janki is resting at South Mumbai's Gamdevi Center (where Ramesh Bhai, occasionally, listens to Murlis)

Ramesh Shah? He died this year on 28/1/2017. Do you know who has taken over the accounting for the BK cult?

Last year, I think. A book launch for Ramesh's "Purushottam Sangamyug" which he did an autograph session for anyone buying it.

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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

ex-I wrote:Ramesh Shah? He died this year on 28/1/2017. Do you know who has taken over the accounting for the BK cult?

Yes, I meant Ramesh Shah, the then Additional General Secretary of Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Viswa Vidyalaya (BKIVV). I am sorry it slipped my mind that he's gone for a while now. Thank you for correcting me there ex-I.


There were no Sandehis bringing the messages from Vatan (subtle-world) in his case like they did for Dadi Prakashmani. His current status (in heaven, should I say?) has faded from public memory and the newbies don't know or discuss about him.

But I am not the only one. There was this current BK since 20 years complaining to me during Diwali that how he's not seeing Ramesh Bhai these days or else it would have been easy to meet Dadi Janki during her Mumbai vacations. Gosh!

If we watch the BaapDada Milan videos on YouTube post-Ramesh Shah ... the three Brothers are not summoned to meet BaapDada on stage any more. It is only Niwair Bhai and Brij Mohan Bhai now. I wonder why Karuna Shetty has not been inducted to the three-jewel-brothers level yet!


I am aware for sure that the BKWSU are not dependent on any one of them to run their accounting and financial machinery. Long back in 2011, in a meeting at Conference Hall at Shantivan, all the accounts sevadharis of various centers were called to be introduced about an Excel-based software to capture all the accounting transactions online from all the centers.

It seems now a days the various wings run independently and only their funding/proposed budget is sanctioned by the General Secretary BKIVV, that is Nirwair Bhai. I guess its him then who calls the final shots currently.

Like a federal and state government relationship, the various heads of BK Wings and Regional Directors are the second-in commands, at a wing/regional level though. So practically, it's Nirwair Bhai who runs the show for the BK cult.


Oops!! My bad again, he is "Dada Nirwair" now!


Wait a minute!! ... They have already started to call Nirwair the "Chief" of Brahma Kumaris at filmsbk.com. But what is Janki then? :-?

Another, Brahma Kumaris apocalyptic prediction?? Maybe, but only this time it's internal destruction in waiting. :D
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote in BK Ruins Family Life:

I was in charge of playing the meditation music. I played a track recorded by Eugene Romaine recorded when he was a BK but he had left BKs a few years earlier. After about 20 seconds in, she (Dadi Janki) recognised the song and his voice, interrupted the meditation looked at me and instructed me to stop the music, said he does not exist anymore, he is dead to BKs now, to play something else. I was taken aback and did as instructed but the moment was significant.

Karma comes back it seems. She herself is on her path to "not exist anymore" soon. Sad!

BKWSU has parallel chiefs already, Nirwair and Janki. Actually, it's not polite on our part to call Janki a chief, we all know the ailing Dadi is just the titular head.

But, ironically, DJ was polite enough to call herself as "Additional" Chief Administrator for as long as Dadi Prakashmani was alive.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post28 Oct 2017

Haven't the "big Brothers" always been really in control, the women being the faces?

I am interested to know more about their inner circle meetings and accounts. You know the old FBI say, "Follow the money". Even the "impure" Kali Yugi Vatican is able to publish its accounts. Shouldn't "god's own" religion be setting higher standards?

Why aren't the leadership meetings held in the open, accounted for by minutes, or with some kind of 'official observers' present?

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