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Post25 Oct 2017


Does anybody know what's going on with Doctor Prashant Kakode from Cambridge, the anti-BK sect he started which is being spread with brainwashing, and the rest, and what is the Yagya's official position regarding this dark sneaky guru?
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Re: Prashant

Post25 Oct 2017

Would you like to substantiate what you've written, and tell us what you are talking about?

I always thought, as an Indian, he was quite light skinned. What I do find interesting about him was that he chose to come to London for post-graduation medical studies, primarily so that he could study the Gurdjieff philosophy as well and continued to do so. That would have suited his quick and quixotic mind. He was an intellectual type.

When did he become an "Anti" ?

I met the individual. He came into BKism in the 1980s. Until very recently he was the BK coordinator in Cambridge and a PR man for them, see talks at Cambridge University and still doing BK presentations internationally at least up until April 2017.

I see the BKs have a nice, expensive looking centre in Cambridge, near to "King's College" (which they will love and they so love anything "royal"!) and are quite openly calling it 'The Meditation Shop'.

It seems they have a "Cambridge University Students' Raja Yoga Association targeting students on the basis of
Cambridge_Raja-Yoga.jpg (11.92 KiB) Viewed 14347 times

[url]The Raja Yoga Society[/url] teaches meditation which helps to increase concentration and decrease stress which in turn helps to deal with everyday challenges . . . even exams.

The word 'Raja Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'raja' meaning king or master. The method teaches how to become masters ofthe own mind and senses and to re-experience our original nature of peace, love and jo

Inner_Space_Cambridge.jpg (35.68 KiB) Viewed 14362 times
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Mr Green


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Re: Prashant

Post25 Oct 2017

I knew him fairly well, what's happened to him then?

I wonder if Geoff M from has left yet
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Re: Prashant

Post26 Oct 2017

Mr Green wrote:I wonder if Geoff M from has left yet?

This Geoff? Was he a stalwart at the BK Cambridge centre?

Billed by the BKs as, "a Director of a Cambridge-based management consulting practice", I see his face on their websites, but don't see his name on more current events, only on some Soundcloud programmes (and here) for them. He has his own corporate consulating gig now ... Aligned Agility Ltd (here).

No mention of the Brahma Kumaris in "his story" or consulting CV, only Dr Peter Senge and his "Society for Organizational Learning ", one of their good "contact souls".

It mentions a wife too, "married since 1987 and business partners since 2001" yet, "he has been a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris since 1990".

Funny, I read his "first ‘proper job’ after graduating was with British Aerospace (BAe), designing guided missiles". Now that would have gone down well with the Brahma Kumaris, "Oh, a scientist soul come to help us with Destruction!".

Perhaps only an oblique reference to his time with the BKs amongst,
I also explored, tested and integrated ideas and insights from:
    leadership, management, systemic change and organisational learning
    psychology, philosophy, linguistics and cultural/social anthropology
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Re: Prashant

Post27 Oct 2017

Hi. I used the adjective "dark" referring it to Prashant's aura, not to define the shade of his complexion.

He has established a sect within the sect and, although his interpretation of Gyan differs from the official one, and he thinks himself as superior to the SS he defines as idiots, it seems that somehow the Yagya tolerates him. This comes to me as no surprise, knowing that politicians constantly cover each others arses and receive and return favours.

I am gathering info. Put simply and logically, one of the rules of corruption in Ravan's raj, is that those who have crimes to hide, are vulnerable to blackmailing, and therefore have to be, at least friendly, diplomatic and helpful to someone they may dislike, but represents a threat for them. They tolerate, therefore, some limited damage, in order to buy safety and insurance against some larger damage.

The character I created a post about is literally raking BKs, especially new ones, towards his org and expects them to comply with a lots of rules and systems and feed his obvious personality cult he's expanding with determination and devilish skill. I wonder why BKWSO allows this guy to defame them (they may not know some details, since his sect is rather secretive), steal customers from them and take over whole centers, whereas they fought legal battles against this forum and consider PBKs as arch-enemies.

Probably I already provided a logical answer in the lines above. Nothing new! BKWSO is a nest of snakes, full of double and triple standards and known for following only superficially and intermittently the ethics they preach. I will share whatever I may find out.

His activities may be part of the phase called as "shaking of The Tree".
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Re: Prashant

Post27 Oct 2017

It certainly sounds Gurdjieffian in spirit, if not in word.

Read up a little about criticism of "The Work". I'd be interested to know how deeply he was into that, and if he continued reading after joining the BKs.

Did he bankroll the BKs expansion into Cambridge and the Inner Space Meditation shop? If so, there's a big part of your answer. I've heard of other non-practising parties being allowed to open centres etc on the basis of the money they're willing to put into the project.

Spiritual sincerity is worth little within the BK empire. It's either money or, if you have none, submission that counts.

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