One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some lesson

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One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some lesson

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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post28 Aug 2017

Ram Rahim sentencing LIVE: Dera chief sentenced to 10 years jail for rape.
Fraud Baba Fraud Cult

Remarkable day of Indian judiciary. ... 02755.html ... 22C4K.html ... ts-1742766


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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post31 Aug 2017

What Brahmakumaris relates to this?
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post31 Aug 2017

Answer : What are you doing on this forum!!!
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post01 Sep 2017

I guess the lesson is that eventually, if you are lucky, the Indian legal and political system churns into actions ... or your karma will come home to roost ... but it is not impossible to rule out that there are other political undertones to the current events. It also about the nature of power, and the business of religion in India.

Incidentally, one report states that Ram Rahim "raped a 16-year-old girl" for hours in an 1995 incident up on Mount Abu, where the Brahma Kumaris have their headquarters. So much for Mount Abu being "the most holy place on earth" and the only place "pure" enough for "God" to incarnate in person.

What a joke.

Abu's a honeymoon resort. What do people do on their honeymoon? Mount Abu is probably one of the most sexed up places in India outside of "red light" zones.

In comparison to other cults, the Brahma Kumaris have kept their indulgences fairly low key, have invested hugely in sucking up to the Establishment such as politicians and the judiciary. They have fine tuned a skilled response to controlling and sweetening up the media, local and national. I wonder where that "intelligence" came from ... I suppose partly as a reaction to the troubles it suffered - at its own fault - in the early days.

Furthermore, with all their expensive retreat properties, quasi-corporate facades, and hospital management they now have new weapons in their armoury; invitations to free retreats, "management" training, and free health services etc.

What they call "service" is really just self-service and public relations, it's not really "service" (seva) at all. It's just designed to hide their real agenda and real beliefs. I sort of disgusts me that they spend so much of their wealth doing so, and on social climbing. Chasing and sucking up to the rich and powerful rather than uplifting the poor.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of their power pyramid, the poor, the weak, the vulnerable are still exploited. Families and relationships are broken and individuals' life pointlessly consumed.

I know the Indian government has given them a little squeeze over their cash based donation system and made things a little more difficult for them in that department but I am not sure they do anything bad enough to warrant a large scale investigation.

I'd be interested to know how much money they have, and how much jewellery and gold they have in their reserves. There may be some dubiousness in all that, for example, in the way they move money around. But I suspect their wrong doings are mainly in the moral and spiritual realms and fall mainly outside of the legal system.

Removing all and any sex from their equation has removed the most likely criticism ... It's a funny thing when society turns a blind eye to all the 1,000s of broken families and young people the Brahma Kumaris eat their way through, but becomes furious simply because a few adults are turning each other on.

Al Jazeera poses a good article on the background to the social and political elements of the Dera system and quotes academics making good points, especially relating the influence of the neoliberal economic regime starting from the 1990s. I wonder how BKism has adopted to that? Perhaps the Brian Bacon "Self Management Leadership" and all the corporate consulting element arose as a response to it?
"The state is there only to look after law and order. So, in this situation, those who were already poor and did not have much resources, found this new system of [the] neoliberal economy a lot more difficult. This can be the one reason they go to dera ...

Dignity, social support, medical help, and food security. These are precisely the things that the modern Indian state - at least in its Haryana/Punjab version - refuses to offer to the people ... The deras here seem to go beyond providing people with mental succour and start providing those services that should have been given by the state."

But as deras grew rapidly in the past two decades, political parties started to make the rounds of these communities to gain electoral support. Political science professor Jagroop Singh Sekhon, from Guru Nanak Dev University, has called deras the "ATMs of vote banks".

"Once babas become powerful they attracted [a] large number of people, who are not only followers, they are also voters, and that brought politicians to babas," Ram said.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017


Admin wrote:Please do not post private messages in public. "Private messages" are, by definition, private.

If you feel such messages are abusive, then raise the matter with the Admin personally, but please respect the conventions of the forum.

Thank you

- Private content removed.
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Pink Panther

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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

Dear fearless soul,

You have come onto this forum as a non-BK who has had a close friend ”stolen” by the BKs. Your anger and motivation is clear for all to see and we are glad to give you support and a voice. Your experiences help others. Many of us, including because.parmeshwar were ones who actually were part of the cult and have managed to see through our self-delusions. We all go through different stages as we exit, and I have read because.parmeshwar’s posts here on this forum as showing him work his way through different stages. His sharing of his experiences help others too.

There’s nothing in the attachment screen shots that is out of the ordinary for an exiting BK IMO, plus it is poor etiquette to publish a private message in public, probably a breach of the forum rules. If there is an issue of alleged abuse via a private message, it should go to the site administrator. However it appears to me that these last few posts are simply a matter of miscommunication , passion overriding reason,.

All that happened was b.p in one sentence questioned the relevance of the topic. Maybe he’s just as guilty of being a little abrupt, with little explanation or clarification either. His may’ve been a clumsy way of asking you to include in your post what the connection is between the story of Rahim and the BKs. I think that is fair enough, otherwise people will post any article on any matter that excites them, a bit like Facebook, without saying why exactly we should pay attention to it among the hundreds of other stories vying for our attention.

Consider that b.p may not have been asking as a negative criticism but was clumsily asking for a kind of explainer from you for the general readership (many more people read here than post here) who might not see what parallel there is between a corrupt and narcissistic male rockstar rapist guru and a cult led by aged spinsters and emasculated bachelors.

Consider that it is easy to misunderstand text-only based communication where we do not hear the voice tones or see body language or facial expressions. On such forums it is best to presume that what may seem offensive was probably badly expressed rather than intentional, maybe written in haste due to lack of time or other reasons. Always best unless sure to give the benefit of the doubt and to answer the content of the point factually and courteously and ignore asssumptions of motive or emotion which may be mistaken. Otherwise, one inflames the other for no benefit to anyone.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

I don't agree with you respected Pink Panther. I have seen, observed, read many existing BK's topics and comments on this forum, they were just showing their so called Gyan, which actually is "superiority complex" - by calling someone "stupid" "Garbage"!!! "Cleaning forum". Ohh, really!!!

Well, I know why I am here on this forum, no need to remind me with such explanations. I am not a person who fights and argues in PM, like that b.p. thing, instead of replying on topic because I know where my reply hit him.

No need to criticise me. Yes, you can defend that b.p.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

I think we'd ask in British-English, "how does this relate to Brahmakumaris?" which is a fair enough question.

However, this is the "Anything Goes" forum where we allow broader, related conversation that are slightly further "off topic", as in not directly about the Brahma Kumaris.

I think it would be fairest if you would just to answer how you think the story relates to the Brahma Kumaris, eg corruption with 'India/Hinduism' or 'politics and religion;, cultic similarities, discuss what the BKs should learn, and so on.

Just make whatever point you want to. No need to fight.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

It's totally hypocrisy, there's no need to remove those screenshots, but you removed it, just to satisfy such egoistic member's ego!!

Thank you for confirming actual 'truth' this way, I am very happy.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

Your ego or their ego?

You need to read the rules you signed up for when you joined this forum.

Under 7 ...
Posting a 'personal message', or email, from another member onto the forum without permission is a breach of the forum guidelines.

The reason is a simple matter of 'confidence'.

As Jesus said, "Try to treat others as you would want them to treat you".

People share very personal and private information via the private messaging system. They need to have the confidence that it will remain private ... up until the point it is abusive (including a disguised BK using to re-capture souls again).

But, without wishing to cause offence, I think the misunderstanding in this situation is yours, Fearless.

Perhaps BP could have said, "I don't think this relates to the Brahma Kumaris because ..." and explained why. But I don't think they are being particularly defensive of BKism here.
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

Mine EGO. Not that bp's

Yes, I read those rules, just now.
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Pink Panther

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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post12 Sep 2017

And maybe bp can apologise for that unhelpful PM too, and we can all get back to topic?
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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post23 Sep 2017

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Re: One more down - Brahma Kumaris cult should learn some le

Post23 Sep 2017

Note all the same equations; photographed with top political leaders and celebrities, lavish ashram, absconds or disappears at the first sign of controversy (typical of the BKs too, and did not the other guru do it too?), take big donations.

The question is, when will the Indian Establishment stop propping their frauds up and patronising them?

Meanwhile, in the UK, two Taiwanese were fined almost £15,000 for causing “untold damage” to the environment by releasing £5,000 worth of crabs and lobsters into the English Channel as part of a religious ceremony ... proving that Hindus do not have the monopoly on religious idiocy and that Buddhists can be just as dumb too.

The pair were part of a group of almost 1,000 people celebrating the visit of the Taiwanese Buddhist master Hai Tao who threw the live animals into the sea off Brighton as part of a “life release” ceremony. A ceremony I know is common amongst Chinese Buddhists who believe that returning captured animals to the wild is good karma ... even if they spend the rest of the year bioling them alive!

Unfortunately, the crustaceans were not native species and are threatening other native marine life, causing the British government agencies to have to spend thousands of pounds in an attempt to recapture and kill them!!! They are offering fishermen a special bounty to reel them in again.

The poor animals now have to go through the stress of being captured to be killed twice, frozen, shipped from the USA to the UK ... then the alien fish go on to decimate local fish stocks ... and the killer fishermen get paid three times!!! Twice to capture them and once for chartering three boats. Of course, a Chinese wholesale fish supplier, SeeWoo in Greenwich, south-east London also made £1,000s out of the deal.

I make that about £25,000 in total to earn ... exactly what good karma?

No one has asked the lobsters how they feel about the entire experience.

So why is the "master" was so "masterly" did they realise what was going on and stop it!!!

animals-flirt-flirtation-lobster-fresh_lobster-fresh_food-bwhn968_low.jpg (60.93 KiB) Viewed 30229 times

This is not the only such story I've heard ... the Taiwanese Buddhists seem to be in on a huge rake off of the nation's extremely successful capitalist system. Another "Master's" followers in the UK spent £1,000,000 to hire a top music venue and promote his visit ... only for a mere 200 people come to see him. Most of whom already knew him.

Another quasi-Buddha, "Supreme Master Ching Hai", who goes on about saving the environment, had an artificial island and a 330-foot long boardwalk created in a national park that then cost $1 million USD to remove because it was illegally constructed. National Park workers had to replanted between 400 and 500 mangrove trees in the area once covered by the illegal boardwalk, and the private property owned by Ching Hai was seized by police and sold at auction to pay for the damage.

But they are all "Supreme This" ... "Divine That" ... "God's Direct Contant" ... "Sri Sri" Masters!

Master idiots or master conmen and women?

It seems the only job requirements of being a master is to wear a funny hat or costume and have photographs of oneself taken praying. Once you've made your name, there's as much free sex, property deals or seafood as you can eat.

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