First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

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Afterlife Whisperer

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First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post29 Aug 2017


I was the first 2 Chinese in the world to join BKWSU in 1979.

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post29 Aug 2017

Welcome to this forum ... without a deep respect. Please excuse me if I copy and paste your introduction to the video from Youtube. (Tell me to delete it if you wish).

That's quite a story you've got to tell there, and you are not the first person to flag up Dr Nirmala's conduct.

500k Malaysian Ringgit equals $117,000 USD ... I see their "long con" fraud is working very nicely from them. What a terrible shame that money could not have gone to a genuine charity instead of fueling their ambitions.

I don't know if you know our work, we've disclosed their knowingly hidden and false history, one in which it turns out "Shiva" did not appear until after 1955 or 1956, meaning the entire Adi Dev version of history is bogus and misleading. The important issue of this being an exposure of their lack of ethics, dishonest and deeply entrenched psychological denial.

I've often wondered how Chinese people respond to BKism, highlighting the ridiculousness of BK claims contradicting Ancient Chinese history and, indeed, the complete *non-presence* of any cultural references even to the existence of China and Chinese culture/philosophy etc within BKism. It is as if 20% of the world population just does not exist to the BK god.

How are the BKs spreading within the East Asian Sinosphere? How do the BK leadership see and related to the people and culture, what explaination do they offer to the above?

And, please tell us more about your runins with Dr Nirmala and the Kirpalani Klan.
Brahma Kumaris & Raja Yoga Centres are a CULT.

By Whisperer R C, who established Raja Yoga Centres (Raja Yoga) in Malaysia in 1981 and one of the World’s First 2 Chinese who joined Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU).

Why is R C writing and speaking this 28 years after leaving BKWSU?

This is R C's personal complete CLOSURE with Brahma Kumaris, Twin Soul Shiva Baba (their god) & Brahma Baba (their god’s Chariot) and to expose the truth that Brahma Kumaris is a harmful doomsday religious cult.

Click here for the brief history of BKWSU:

3 Reasons why R C left the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Cult:

1. Disillusioned by the heavy-handed Organizational Politics especially by the Asian Regional Director Dr. Nirmala.

2. The lies and blind faith in the 5,000 Earth History Cycle. i.e. according to Brahma Kumaris, history repeats exactly the same way every 5,000 years! I only need one fact to dispute this dogma – just look up to the night sky and everything in the sky are in the past from less than 1 second to 13 billion light years away.

Brahma Kumaris follow many grandiose but twisted links to Hindu Gods and Goddesses of the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana references.

If Shiva Baba is a soul albeit he claims the Supreme Soul but as long as he is a soul he is subjected to physical laws.

No human or soul can be God.

Therefore, R C concludes that Shiva Baba is not God which is not subjected to Time, Space, Weight. Shiva Baba is a human soul.

(NOTE: do not confuse Shiva Baba with Shiva who is a Hindu god).

3. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University destroys marriages, relationships and basic normal lifestyle.

7 Reasons Why You should NOT join Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) & Raja Yoga Centres:

1. BKWSU is a religious doomsday cult.

2. The Maryadas or Discipline Laws are too strict i.e. celibacy, no food except from BK students, 4am Yoga, sleep by 7 or 8pm. You literally have no life outside BKs.

3. You are only as good as how much service and money you give to the institution (‘Yagya’). They won’t take care of you when you grow old unlike some religious organizations.

4. Strict Absolute Abstinence is 1 of the 27 Big Karmic Debts.

It is not service, it’s slavery to a cult.

5. BapDada’s teachings are not the truth. Shiva Baba is a fake god (note I did not say Shiva is not a Hindu god).

6. The heavy-handed Organizational Politics (see above).

7. BKWSU destroys marriages, education, and normal living (see above).

Whisperer R C's Expert Prognosis:

"I do not recommend Raja Yoga even though it is a well respected United Nations NGO, and gets massive global donations from rich patrons (for example Vincent Tan’s Berjaya Foundation gave RM500k to BKs). BKs proudly claim that their 7 day ‘brainwashing’ meditation courses are given free but there is a huge price BK student pay i.e. giving up on living a normal full life. Brenda calls it “Religious Karmic Debt”, one of the 27 Big Karmic Debts.
I write and speak the TRUTH.

How to Escape Religious Cults:

● Get help from a psycho-therapist.
● Run away, hide, and lay low for a while under the cult leaders’ radar.
After missing from them for a few months you become no longer important to them as there are many other straying and backsliding sheep to worry about.
● Share quietly with your family or close friends whom you had left behind – I ensure you they will take you back anytime like a Prodigal Son.
● Have courage to admit that you wasted your life, time and money on the cult, and declare openly that you have left the cult.
● Be a beacon of light for other cult followers to leave the cult.
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Mr Green


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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post29 Aug 2017

Good work whisperer

Afterlife Whisperer

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

ex-l wrote:Welcome to this forum ... without a deep respect. Please excuse me if I copy and paste your introduction to the video from Youtube. (Tell me to delete it if you wish).

That's quite a story you've got to tell there ...

Hi ex-l,

First of all, I must apologize to 'barge' into this website without any warm-up intro of myself.

And I am a newbie here haha.

Tom, my Brother, told me about this website in 2006. I followed some forums for 1 month or so without posting any comments. I did notice the some prominent and active commentators such as yourself (I like your Angel Wings pic), and Mr Green (with the flashing eyes and hood).

I thank you for supporting and soft-publicizing my website, fb, and Youtube.

I need ALL the help and support from you and this forum members I can get right now because I expect a big backlash from BKs in Malaysia, Australia, India (for starters) for revealing Shiva Baba as a fake god, and the open fact that Vincent Tan Berjaya donation of RM500k to BKs. Actually Berjaya Corp is my client and I personally know the Head of PR-CSR of the Berjaya Foundation.

If I wanted, just one expert word from me, BKs will get NO more donations from Berjaya. So I do have some cards up my sleeve if BKs get nasty.

Oh one thing, I prefer you not insert me as a "Roman Catholic". I am not a Roman Catholic, my late wife Brenda was born Roman Catholic.

My late Dad and my Mum are Roman Catholics. I went to a Roman Catholic La Salle Brothers St. Michael's Institution and St. Kevin's College in Melbourne. I do respect Roman Catholics.

Yes, tell about the eternally repeating 5,000 year cycle to the Chinese who has a longer written history of 4,000+ years. That's why it was very hard to convince the Chinese but Tom & I did convince many Chinese to join - I think simply by being good role models, rather than pushing the false 5,000 year doctrine.

Since Sister Maureen left Hong Kong Centre around 1995 because of a nasty internal politics & Chinese Mutiny together with an Australian Sister (name forgotten), service to the 90% Chinese Hong Kong had stagnated. I think China service is quiet.

Back in Malaysia, both unpopular the Head Brother Letchu & BK Meera made service much more racist, and pro-Indian than Tom & I service years.

Singapore under Sister Bharati was always slow. She hardly had fire in the belly. Dozing off while giving dhristi haha.

Since our time of establishment in 1981, Malaysia has consistently been the most successful Raja Yoga Centres in the whole of Asia outside BK Indian service, with many solid Professionals especially in PR like Sister Bridget & Sister Bhajan. Hey Tom & I established a solid strong foundation for BKs.

As for Dr. Nirmala, Winter will be coming to BKWSU if she takes over Dadi Janki. She will make it much harsher than the late loving Dadi Komarka.
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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

Afterlife Whisperer wrote:First of all, I must apologize to 'barge' into this website without any warm-up intro of myself.

Barge away ... we like straight talking and upfront behaviour. It's good therapy after being in the BKs with all that "royal" behaviour business ... aka, submission to their terms and conditions.
Oh one thing, I prefer you not insert me as a "Roman Catholic". I am not a Roman Catholic, my late wife Brenda was born Roman Catholic. My late Dad and my Mum are Roman Catholics. I went to a Roman Catholic La Salle Brothers St. Michael's Institution and St. Kevin's College in Melbourne. I do respect Roman Catholics.

I did not know any of that.

Actually, it was a fault with the forum's software. I put in 'R' followed by 'C' or 'Cs" and it automatically changed it to Roman Catholic. So, my apologies, but it was unintentional. But perhaps still a useful mistake as it give some context for how you might have been sucked into BKism in the first place.
Back in Malaysia, both unpopular the Head Brother Letchu & BK Meera made service much more racist, and pro-Indian than Tom & I service years.

Do the Indians look down on Far East Asian "Orientals" (to try and define terms for the sake of conversation).
Singapore under Sister Bharati was always slow. She hardly had fire in the belly. Dozing off while giving dhristi haha.

Yes, there you go ... one of the big problems with the "job for life" approach of BKism. Little quality control. Position is more about submission and conformity and helps if you have some money behind you. Quite a few Brothers have been burnt out in service, done all the hard grunt work, and then deposed only to be replaced by a "reliable" Indian Sister. It's part of their corporate branding. I am thinking of the USA, Southern Africa, Australia perhaps. Elsewhere. I suppose even Surya in Germany, the first Western BK Brother. You might remember him.
As for Dr. Nirmala, Winter will be coming to BKWSU if she takes over Dadi Janki. She will make it much harsher than the late loving Dadi Komarka.

I was not aware that she was in the running for the leadership. She's been fairly invisible to us over this side of the globe, and I heard not too greatly welcomed or respected in Australia where she was sent to.

I suppose given their "seniority" is everything approach to authority, they might feel they have to "give her respect" by allowing her to have a shot at being the face of the show? But she only came into the BKWSU in 1962. I suppose actually having met Lekhraj Kirpalani in real life might also go in her favour.

The only thing I know about her is that she should not be trading on her "doctor" status as her license must have run out 40 years ago, or more. There are laws in the West about who can call oneself a doctor.

Please tell us about the "mutiny".

Did you ever have anything to do with the Japanese BKs? Japan appears to have been very hard ground for them too, despite being the first place they went to promote themselves in the 1950s. A meeting with only a handful of people, it has to be said.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

A.L. Whisperer,

Welcome to the global community of those who have greatly contributed to building the BK brand name and then left in the cold with the remains of their life energies. Though we all individually have one life energy and it may be more than 50% sucked out by an organization like the BKs, it can be replenished and we can move on with life, a happy life much better than the BK experience.

Thank you for your You Tube video. It great to see you much wiser and reaching out to be your best. I disagree with one claim in your video. It is a great mistake for you to think and feel that all of your herculean work for the BKs, including your monetary investment will go to waste. The rewards or gains of your work will or may not come from the BKs, but for sure those fruits will be there for you at a time when you least expect them and from unexpected sources.

I do remember you and Tom from my visit to Abu in 1979/1980.

The BKs do not have a monopoly on Almighty God or the Great Spirit.

Keep on walking with enlightenment.


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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

One thing Whisperer. Brahma Baba/Shiva Baba predicted Destruction coming in 1976 not 1986 as you say in video. Though others in BK group predicted 1986, and other years too. 2012 was advertised in BK programs on Indian TV as 'The End,or a New Beginning".
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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

leonard wrote:One thing Whisperer. Brahma Baba/Shiva Baba predicted Destruction coming in 1976 not 1986 as you say in video. Though others in BK group predicted 1986, and other years too.

I can confirm that during Whisperer's early years, the Murlis specifically identified 1986 and 1986 to 1996 as Destruction. From memory, I cannot remember if they did so by year, but it was written "50 years for Destruction" and then "50 to 60 years" for Destruction. It was also on "teaching" materials and what we were taught to teach ... 100 years for Confluence Age.

I suppose the BK have removed that too by now?

So whether Lekhraj Kirpalani/Shiva said that or whether it was just human BKs who were doctoring it, I cannot say ... we did not realise what they were doing it, who was doing it, for what reasons or under whose guidance, and there was no discussion of it ... we understood "God" had said it.

And remember, before that 1950 and WWII had also been identified as the time for the final Destruction.

You manage by seeing things in a positive light, Guptarati. I accept it is a healthy hope to take. From a personal point of view, I am not sure if I share your faith in karmic rewards. They may well be true but I think the better message is to get across the futility of throwing away your life, money and property on feeding the BK machine, and how it leads one into a bankrupt worldly position that leaves one even more vulnerable and dependent on them, even just for simple social connections. I think lots of bankrupted ex-BKs remain hanging around BKism just because they have no where else to go, no one else to be with and no shared story that binds them to other members of other human societies.

In this case, in getting out the warning, I would drop the faith element and look at the purely materialist element of it, e.g. no education, stunted career, stunted social connections, emptied bank accounts, lack of social position etc.

You, I understand, did not fall prey to many of those; many other ex-BKs did. Especially those who surrendered the most, e.g. centrewassis etc.

I wonder how East Asian "Oriental" culture - which is often described as a compensatory culture* - relates to BKism and how or if it was vulnerable to or defended from BKism.

* by "compensatory culture" I mean, it does not have the same foundation of "charitable" culture as Christian societies but that exchange is done with a degree of mutuality, e.g. binding by giving to get back. Nor do I know if it has the same blind faith in karma that allows Hindus to be milked by them.

Afterlife Whisperer

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post30 Aug 2017

Mr Green wrote:Good work whisperer

Hey thanks Mr Green

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post31 Aug 2017


I fully support you idea about the message to assist ex-BKs and BKs who were drained of all resources by BKism. I do differ with you on the practical applications of faith and the powers of faith.

During the early 1980s the funding support for a BK on a scholarship was almost reduced to zero. The person was able to maintain a part-time job and was not expelled from medical studies. The person did not seek nor was the person ever given financial support from the center he played a major role in establishing. One weekend morning his landlady, an Anglican Christian who lived with her husband on the first floor, was knocking on his basement apartment door. He was afraid she would demand apartment rent and give him eviction notice. Instead, she greeted him with a smile and a tray of vegetarian foods. She pleaded with him not to starve, but to seek the help of her family.

The BK along with other students from his country received a scholarship from a US-based international agency that paid all owed tuition and outstanding stipends. The BK was able to pay his landlady 10 months of unpaid rent a sum of $ 1,500.00 US. His landlord and landlady treated him like a son, family member, though they were fully aware that he was a practicing yogi and they were Christians from the Bible Belt of the USA.

The BK became a doctor and scientist, and today does charity work with teenagers mentoring them to become doctors and scientists. About twenty years prior, he was abandoned by the BKs in a manner similar to an undesired pet or a pet with a communicable plague.

Instead of going to the NYC centers to be verbally abused and insulted by the likes of Mohini Panjabi, he worked in clinics and on weekends would spend hours meditating in Central Park. He also fasted as he meditated and was shown that his destiny was not to be a clinician, but to be a medical scientist. He was accepted for graduate studies in public health at an Ivy League university and granted a full scholarship by the US Department of Defense, the folks regarded by the BKs as the Yadavas.

Afterlife Whisperer

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post31 Aug 2017

I’m still newbie here on quote and \ quote – so I just my response in one quote, sorry.

Hi EX-I,

I really like your point to make wider audience references to hard-hitting material loss like bankrupted finances, education, income, career, isolation; and less of my faith element and spiritual karma reference. This is excellent usable feedback since I’m on a PR objective.

I do have something up my sleeve to "move the cheese” to the open Internet and into my sandbox, Youtube, website and

You should see some Public Notice on Tuesday.

Japan service has been tough. They put foreigners like Sister Wendy (Aussie in 80s) in charge but you really need to develop Locals as Japanese (like Chinese) follow good local role models.

The HK Mutiny was some Singaporean BK Brother Lee & his weird reclusive lokik Sister, some local Hong Kongers, and some red-haired Aussie Sister. Maureen was very affected by it, shared with me a few years after I left BK in 1989. She left after that – shame, then got into another politics situation when Maureen was in Australia ... it happens everywhere with BKs, the politics rot starts with the top.

Hi GuptaRati,

Ah, fellow ex-double foreigners travelling to Abu in 1979/80.
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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post31 Aug 2017

Afterlife Whisperer wrote:I really like your point to make wider audience references to hard-hitting material loss like bankrupted finances, education, income, career, isolation; and less of my faith element and spiritual karma reference.

I am not entirely anti- so called "spirituality" or religion, but I am very largely against any unprovable faith element. I am "pro-" a highly rational approach to them ... one that I wished I had had when I was a youngster and fell prey to them.

I do, for example, accept that there are - sometimes - inexplicable and beneficial aspects to such practises, however, they are *all* so utterly unreliable and undependable and, hence, very bad lifestyle decision to base one's existence on.

I argue that ex- and exiting BKs - myself included - need to be brought back down to earth and be "earthed" continuously, to make a habit of rationalism or healthy skepticism, in order to avoid our addiction to the unreal.

For example, in simple terms, what is a better "karmic" investment ... going to a real university and studying hard, or handing over your life and cash to a guru to be used as a slave? And what would I do if I was an 'ethical' guru, advise the former or the latter? The answer is clearly the former, but yet BKism promotes and financially depends on the later.

In a sense, I would guess most of here were falsely attracted to BKism on the ground that it was sold as reliable "spiritual knowledge" and anti- blind faith (Bhakti) ... some of us were hooked by the lie that is is entirely different and oppositional to all other religions ... but, of course, the deeper one goes into it, the more one discovers that it is just more of the same.

A cocktail of lies and blind faith, and the exploitation of mass adherents to benefit a small minority.

The danger of hanging on to the blind faith elements of BKism is the same danger of falling prey to clever con artists. It's been demonstrated time and time again by, for example, the Nigerian Advance Fee Fraudster, how once a certain proportion of people are hook to a confidence trick, they invest more and more of their money into it simply because they are caught by some mental trap.

Their investing even more, sometimes huge sums into what their friends, family and loved ones can so clear see is an obvious con, is some kind of psychological denial on their behalf. That even they realise deep down it is con, but they don't want to give up, don't want to admit it to themselves ... some strange defensive/egotistical response to realising that they have lost their money and never likely to get it back.

I really don't see any difference with BKism. I write in plain English, their leaders are a gang of con artists operating a vast and expensive fraud. And they really are, their fronts, their outer shell is fraudulent, and they are proven to be adverse to truthfulness and accuracy regardless of whatever magic existed or exists within BKism.

I wonder, given the Oriental vice of gambling, if they would be prone to being trapped by the Brahma Kumaris long con? What types of the Chinese diaspora are hooked by them? Why would they be attracted by the image of a "Hindu nun"?

We may have sub-consciously raised one element ... prior confusion/abuse of the soul by Roman Catholicism. An element we've noted in Western BKs.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post31 Aug 2017

Ex-I, it's good to remain grounded. My faith has as its core, decades of practical tests or real situations.

Benson had done some studies on the faith factor and documented examples in his book: Beyond The Relaxation Response. The BKs could never fool me and they tried. I read them loud and clear and could see right through them, including the Seniors. In terms of a career path, I would suggest the middle path. I pursued a career in medicine and science while walking the spiritual path. Too much academics can reduce the spirituality in any person; spirituality with no or little academic training will produce an ineffective spiritual leader.

The examples were right in front of me, though there were few among the BKs when I was initiated. These are individuals who are/were academics or intellectuals who were spiritual. There is Edgar Mitchell, Herbert Benson, John Lilly, Dean Ornish, Lewis Thomas, Jesus, and Hypatia.


I again congratulate you on your spiritual and mental rehabilitation. The 79/80 winter season was an interesting time at Mount Abu. The service in the USA was slowly expanding as were the turf wars between center-in-charge in the many states in the USA.


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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post03 Sep 2017

Hello Whisperer and ex-l. Just to mention 1976 Destruction Reference from BK Publication as 1976 according to God Shiva. And yes 1986 was also talked about as you say.

Link to which says:

The BKWSU publication 'The World Renewal' promised a 1976 Destruction on page 40 of the December 1971 issue : (and of course many Murlis both Sakar and Avyakt of the period predicted the same date but have been censored as printed) 'The World Renewal', official organ of BKWSU, with a wide circulation among the faithful and the interested public, was edited at the time by spokesperson BK Jagdish, with BK Nirwair as managing editor:
    "Godfather Shiva has revealed that the destruction will take place within the next five years as follows:-
    1. There will be civil wars, communal riots.
    2. Nuclear war
    3. Natural calamities like floods,drought, famine etc.
    So God Father Shiva has now directed His children to throw a challenge that the world will undergo a transformation within the next 5 years. Believe it or not but it will be soon"."
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Pink Panther

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Re: First Chinese to join BKWSU in 1979

Post03 Sep 2017

Hi Whisperer,

Interesting stuff. I knew you and met you a few times, good to see you looking so well. I knew your Brother and his wife (ex-wife) better. In your youtube video you mention another (I think) ‘whisperer Brenda”?

Is the whisperer prefix merely an internet nickname or is there some group or something? What's it about?

Aside - I have tried to read your blog page ”My cult Confession" twice now and both times as I get near the bottom, where there’s some video, I think, it freezes my computer up completely. You should maybe run some utility over your page or ask your web host to, maybe check the ads that are showing up, they seem to have some corrupting aspect to them.

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