My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

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My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post04 Jun 2017

I am also facing shocking experiences of my life. My wife is under extreme influence of BKs. She goes to a center which is almost run by Sister Shivani's mother.

She has not allowed me to touch for last 1 year and resisting for last 3 years. In fact, she is OK if I go to outside which in-turn increase more social problems.

She is saying your are doing bad karmas which affect you only. I tried everything but no hope. I have 2 kids to whom I love the most so unable to leave. However, I am living a depressed life.
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Re: My experience of 6 years as a BK & then left it (ex-BK n

Post04 Jun 2017


Call this man and Complain strictly, ask immediate solution from him.

Karuna Shetty 09414193999
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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post04 Jun 2017

Sadly, this is, of course, normal interference from the Brahma Kumaris. They have been doing it for decades. It is not "extreme" to them, it is the norm.

The first thing to do is protect your family's money and property otherwise it will all end up in the BKs bank account and be spent on feeding them and chasing VIPs. Your wife will be turned into an unpaid worker for them.

Your wife has, in essence, finished your marriage and been "unfaithful". She has fallen in love with another ... only in this case, it is not unfaithful to another man but a "god spirit" or the spirit of the decease founder Lekhraj Kirpalani. She and they will say it is "The One God Father Supreme Soul" etc ... but it is highly unlikley it actually is.

How old are your children?

If it is possible, quietly and without discussion, create some legal document which protects all your property and wealth etc, for example, a trust. She may try and divorce you and take it away from you because she has the children. Then it will go to the BKs, e.g. the house will go to the BKs and she will become a servant/housekeeper within it. They do this by being unreasonable until the point where you are provoked to anger etc, and then use it against you.

Don't give her money that she can give to the BKs. Keep good household accounts to make sure other things are not being given to them, e.g. bulk food, electrict equipment etc.

Move home to somewhere far from a BK centre so she cannot attend. Again, don't connect it to the BKs.

Be very careful that she is not sucking the children into the cult. Keep her and the family occupied on other things.

BKism is highly addictive and the brainwashing corrodes whatever rational thinking process she had before. Think of it as if you were dealing with someone addicts to a powerful drug. You can attempt to speak to her rationally about the unlikeliness of BK teachings being true ... but once someone is addicted, they lose their rational abilities. The BKs soon convince them everyone else is ignorant, deluded or evil.

The BKs will try and feed her their "drug" via phone, emails and text messages to keep her addicted, try and cut them off. You may succeed is approaching the centre directly and telling them to stop interfering with your family etc ... (read Fearless's experience of how they respond to that).

Yes, pressurising the leadership. But be prepared for them to lie to you and try and manipulate you into joining.

Step back and look at how and why she became hooked.

Who introduced her, what was going on at the time, i.e. what personal issues were she looking to escape from?

If it was a family member or an friend, try and cut them off from her.

You will need to study up a little about BK teachings to understanding how her head has been turned.

Do not fall for the con that BKism is just another branch of Hinduism, and that given to the centre is good karma etc etc etc


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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post04 Jun 2017

Hi. I am 40 and children are 13 and 5. I tried all what you are saying.

I went to center and talk to Sister Shivani's mother. They are saying, "we are not teaching this and that". But no result. She is now heavily influenced by her.

She is ready to give me divorce however she is saying, "agar aapki aatma tript hoti ho ya aapko khushi milti ho to jao". I want to stay with my kids, however, I am unable to live like this. The entire focus is loosing. The house almost belongs to her.
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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post04 Jun 2017

trueyogi wrote:she is saying, "agar aapki aatma tript hoti ho ya aapko khushi milti ho to jao".

What does that mean in English? Thanks.

They are being dishonest when they deny this state is a natural consequence of their teachings. It is exactly what happens and has been happening for decades all over the world. They know this. They encourage it. And then they exploit the follower.

What do you mean the house belongs to her?


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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post05 Jun 2017

I am sorry for trueyogi.

It is true that they have been doing so for decades and they call it "service to humanity". Moreover, if you go deep into them, and study the lives of those running the centres, many Brothers and Sisters are now united (like husband and wife in the real world), and at the same time running the centres together. The centres are now their business point. They extract money, material, free labour from the followers and keep them under their thumb in the name of service.

Those who are married legally and traditionally are made to feel inferior because they are filthy shudras. The only way for them to get purified is to do service either by money or free labour. The material supplied by them becomes the property of centre and thus of centre-in-charges.

I recently witnessed the dispute of a follower (donor) and centre-in-charge about the use of car donated at the centre. The donor was refused the use of car as it now belonged to centre, and without the permission of centre-in-charge it will be illegal to use the car. The centre-in-charge is using the car without any hesitation with her favourite Brother, even for their personal usage, and nobody dares to question them. During vacations, her nephews/niece stay with her in the centre and they are taken to various tourist spots with this car in front of the donor of the car.

The Brother and Sister now pretend to be the king and queen and others are their praja. The duty of praja is to serve the order of king and queen without questioning them. Of Course, the king and queen have all rights to go into the personal lives of the followers.
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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post05 Jun 2017

because.parmeshwar wrote:The donor was refused the use of car as it now belonged to centre, and without the permission of centre-in-charge it will be illegal to use the car.

Typically BK ...

It's OK for them to run rings around and break the law ... serious laws like marriage fraud and immigration ... but when it's something that a center-in-charge "I-don't-like-it", all of sudden they are willing to make up and use laws to their benefit.
    Selfishness is the new Shrimat.
If I was him, I would grab my back and take it away from them. Let them fight to get it back.

Is he still a believer even after being abused ... or does he just join the long queue of abused and broken people robbed by "Baba's Angels"?


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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post06 Jun 2017

ex-I wrote:Is he still a believer even after being abused ... or does he just join the long queue of abused and broken people robbed by "Baba's Angels"?

The intoxication received through BK meditation keeps them going. The BK adherents ignore the behaviours of senior/ in-charges as they find BK meditation/Gyan useful for dealing with their day to day challenges (which doesn't help them actually but they feel so). Secondly, people come to the centres as they also need some group support to overcome their personal shortcomings. BKs make them feel superior compared to others. So for one or the the other reason people continue with BKs. Later on, they realise that they have been sucked, or they themselves turned out to be suckers for others.

In this case, he is still a regular student and the differences with in-charges is taken as part of drama.
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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post06 Jun 2017

because.parmeshwar wrote:The intoxication received through BK meditation keeps them going. The BK adherents ignore the behaviours of senior/ in-charges as they find BK meditation/Gyan useful for dealing with their day to day challenges (which doesn't help them actually but they feel so).

The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. PP: This idea is later developed further by Nietzche

But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world.

Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic (fantasised) realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.It is the opium of the people.

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

- Karl Marx - Introduction to 'A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right'1844


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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post07 Jun 2017


You are going through a tough period in life. You will have to gather strength and grit to navigate the upheaval.

Your wife is likely convinced that celibacy, and donation of time and money to BKs, will earn her a spot in a Golden Age that is about to start shortly in a few years. Unfortunately, the Golden Age is late by at least 40 years. Even if your wife knew about this, it will be extremely difficult for her to give up her belief.

You have to answer a few questions to yourself:

Physical intimacy is an integral part of marital life. On occasion, an individual can lose interest in sex, e.g., due to medical condition. Are you willing to spend a celibate life with your wife? If yes, then you must find a way to do so. If no, and it's perfectly OK to answer no, then you have some thinking to do.

You are young and it's perfectly fine to seek another life partner. Your unhappiness will have an impact on your children. You and your children might be better off with you divorced or remarried, and shared custody of children.
    1. Start protecting your money and property.
    2. Inform your and your wife's families about the situation. Be upfront and tell them about all efforts you've made to fix matters. See if your wife's parents/family can talk her out of it.
    3. Seek professional marriage counseling. Assuming you are in the city from where BK Shivani's family is, you should be able to find some. See if your wife will go with you.
    4. Start consulting a divorce lawyer.
Good luck.
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Re: My wife is under extreme influence of BKs

Post07 Jun 2017

And, be warned, the BKs do this thing where they tell the wife who is under their power, to submit sexually to the husband - but just lie there lifeless and remember their Baba - for as long as it take to wean the husband off sex.

It is not just sex, it even includes normal, simple casual affections. Even touching and, of course, there is the food issue too or not eating food prepared by "impure" non-BKs.

They will secretly advise her ... while denying it in public that they give advice on personal relationships, as we read recently ... on how to fool you into believing she is out of the BK for a while in order to try and bring you and the children into it. For example, they will tell her to go home and pretend to be normal and be a good wife, while keeping up the practise in secret.

What can you tell us about the public perception of the BKs in Shivani's family town or city. What do people really think of her and them.

There is a bit of a mystery about Shivani's marriage. BKism is very much against marriage and yet, despite her mother being involved, Shivani went to college, had a boyfriend, married him and then joined the BKs soon after.

They claim he accepts her sexless marriage and use her as a "modern" example.

You'd be doing us a great favour by exposing the truth about her as she sucks many people into the cult.

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