New timeline for the Golden Age

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New timeline for the Golden Age

Post09 May 2017

During the last Milan in Mt Abu, on April 10, the buzz was:
    1. Golden Age to arrive in the next 2 years.
    2. The new political environment, with Modi as the Prime Minister and Adityanath as the new Chief Minister of India's most populous state, is a harbinger of the imminent Golden Age.
    3. Brahma Baba to take birth in 2 years.
    4. Talk of physical Destruction seems to have receded.
    5. There was also some talk about Mama, which I forget.
    6. It was unclear whether this was the official line or that of an individual group.
In this talk, BK Shivani sends mixed signals:

In her reassuring voice, first she says that the Golden Age has already begun, then shifts to saying it will begin as soon as the people banish negative thoughts from their mind, but finally concludes by saying that it has already begun. Not sure when was it recorded, but the video was posted on Youtube in Feb 2017.

So it would appear that there is no single coordinated message.

Meanwhile, BKs seem to have had some success in the Far East. I saw a program which could have been in Mandarin or Vietnamese (I couldn't tell).

We know that their dates have moved, and the Golden Age is always around the corner. I wonder whether there is a precedent of something similar in another organization - in which the predicted end does not arrive but the organization keeps going strong. I guess the Church would be one.

One concern I have is that BKs could be hurting the civilizational fabric of India in the long run.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post09 May 2017

Arbit wrote:During the last Milan in Mt Abu, on April 10, the buzz was:
    1. Golden Age to arrive in the next 2 years ... Modi as the Prime Minister ... is a harbinger of the imminent Golden Age.

Thank you, I appreciate the updates on the most BK recent nonsense.

They were using the "two years to Destruction" rubbish when I was a BK in the early 1980s ... 35 years ago. They were using it in the 1940s ... 75 years ago. Last time it was President Kalam, "the Missle Man" who had them excited.

Guess what my prediction is that they will be exploiting people with in 2036 ... yes, you guess it! "Two years to Destruction".

The Jehovah Witnesses are the most obvious case but even they did not make as many claims. We have a few posts about all the different cults who have used the same meme in the 'All and Anything' forum.

Perhaps the most telling prediction is
3. Brahma Baba to take birth in 2 years.

That suggests that they are mentally preparing everyone for Gulzar's death and losing BapDada and her role as a "spirit medium". I suppose they will use the excuse of BapDada reincarnating as Krishna as the reason. As usual, the mathematics don't work out ... it means he will only be 17 years old for being crowned as Emperor Narayan and the start of the Golden Age. Is there any more rumours about training up new spirit mediums for "God"?

Who was this saying it ... there's a Brother up in Abu, Surya is it? who is famous for saying whatever comes into his head.

Shivani is a flake what she says in not Shrimat. It's just advertising. I've seen/read that interview ... it' actually contradicts Gyan but do they care ... "as long as it sells and gets the bums on seats" what does the middle management care. As long as it keep the cash registers ringing and people buying the product ...

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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age-Interpretation of Video

Post09 May 2017

Sister Shivani has explained the ways to develop deity virtues, so that souls become worthy of starting the Golden Age, that also in a "Subtle" or mental manner.

She claims that no one knows when physical or actual Golden Age will begin. In fact, she has clearly stated that since souls are not free of vices yet, there can be no - no Golden Age, with such level of preparation.

So she calls for all the souls to adopt and practice deity virtues, henceforth.

After developing all the qualities and fulfilliing the virtue requirements in this human body of Iron Age, itself. Only then can the souls can hope for the arrival of Golden Age.

The above talk has been delivered at Old Age Home near Shantivan (Talheti). Sister has tried to cheer up the old people with some hope at the fag end of their lives.


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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post09 May 2017

Yes, BK Shivani is a bit wishy washy in this talk, but at one point (21:00 to 21:40) does pacify the audience by asking them to believe that their Golden Age has started. Although the language is not this direct, that's the message.
But, I do understand that this may have been more of a pep talk than a history lesson.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post10 May 2017

Arbit wrote:... pacify the audience by asking them to believe that their Golden Age has started.

She's just flapping around in the water desperately trying to grab at straws to sustain her credibility.

The BKs have been saying things will get worse for decades ... and they keep becoming sighnificantly better on the whole.

What the BKs used to/actually teach is that all souls have their own "Golden Age" numberwise ... as in a 1, 2, 3 or 4 birth soul taking birth at this time - the BKs Iron Age or "Fag End of Hell" must have their own mini-golden age. This is how they used to explain the wealth and development of civilisation in the West ... Westerners being "new souls".

What she is spouting is nonsense from a BK point of view ... a corporate lie to look good on TV ... because according to BKism *everything* must and will be destroyed.

How can it be Golden Age ... when it is about to be nuked in two to three years - as per other recent classes coming out of Abu - and sink below the waves along with 7 billion corpses.

Shivani is an idiot even by BK standards. A dishonest idiot too. She seems to be making that terrible PR mistake of believing in her own bullsh*t.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post10 May 2017

4. Talk of physical Destruction seems to have receded.

They are back-peddling hard and fast when it comes to Destruction. They are doing everything in their power, especially in the West, to shift the language to ”Transformation”.

So, if you find any BK denying Destruction and insisting it's ”Transformation", ask them ”Does that mean that all of the world’s population today, their children and grandchildren too, will be in the Golden Age?"


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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post01 Dec 2018

If each age seems to be connected to an astrological sign but no astrological sign is perfect, how can one of them contain a "Golden Age"? The Age of Aquarius would be full of information and less illogical emotional bias but that could also make things more neutral and some people do not prefer straight forwardness and equality as much?
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post01 Dec 2018

The easy answer is, BKs don't believe in astrology or cosmic time. They use a very few astrological references metaphorically, but is it. Omen of Jupiter (for which they mean their god spirit), or something, and that is it.

The BKs have been preaching the start of the Golden Age in 2036 for decades. By which time, Lekhraj Kirpalani has had to have been reborn as Krishna, grown up and crowned as Narayan on day 0:0:0 (meaning he is alive today somewhere); civilisation and humanity have to be wiped out by nuclear war and natural disasters; all other continents except for India sink below the oceans; and then India be rebuilt into a Golden Age heaven on earth complete with nuclear powered, mind controlled, flying machines.

All within 18 years.

It's a miracle how they think it will happen, given that they cannot even build a working sewage system in Delhi today.

And, of course, it would not be the BKs who are doing the manual labor to make it all happen. Everyone is going to serve them!
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post02 Dec 2018

The ”traditional Gyan” taught by the BKs since the late 1960s is that 2036 is to be the date that Krishna marries Radhe (K&R) and they are crowned "Empress Lakshmi and Emperor Narayan” (Lakshmi and Narayan) marking the official beginning of Sat Yuga, the Golden Age, and end of Sangam Yuga, the Confluence Age.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this conflation of Krishna & Radhe with Lakshmi and Narayan is a uniquely BK confection.

It is based on a reference to "100 years of Brahma" in some scripture somewhere and the 100 years begins at their official dogma of when ”Shiva” entered Dada Lekhraj (DL) and he became ”Brahma” - although this version of history events was not what they believed at the time in the 1930s or 1940s when they said DL is God who is named as "Prajapati God Brahma" in their early literature, posters. correspondences etc.

They taught that K&R were to be married when they were 21 years old (I think, or maybe 20?) so by 2016 Brahma would cease to be in the Subtle Regions to incarnate in 2016 into the foetus of Krisna’s mother (who was the reincarnation of Mama who would die soon after childbirth to be reborn as Radhe and marry Krishna, i.e. Krishna marries his mother! - another example of some perverse relationship between DL and Mama).

This also leads to complications around how may births Mama had because she died in 1965 so she’d be 51 yeasr old in 2016 ...

Whatever bull dust they come up with - their numbers can never add up without ignoring some hard fact or other.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post02 Dec 2018

Pink Panther wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this conflation of Krishna & Radhe with Lakshmi and Narayan is a uniquely BK confection.

I think so.

Is it not just another case of them grabbing every "bestest" marketing term or idea, from every other religion out there, in order to attract their devotees? Then a putting down of every one else in the spiritual pecking order below them.

Does it not suggest a certain deeply rooted egocentricity or conceit in their founders?

"We've got Krishna, Radhe, Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, Shankar, Lakshmi, Narayan, they're also Jagatpita, Jagatamba ... we'll say Rudra is really Brahma, Durga is really Radhe, change Prajapati to Prajapita (no one will notice) ... and make Shiva something different from Shankar (because we cannot have naked men running around) ... and we'll all be the Christian angels, and everybody else below us."

What was the Osho quote about them (I paraphrase), "able to spout absolute nonsense with utter sincerity"?

This is what they call "clarification" ... but it is the complete opposite. It's the utter scrambling and confusion.
They taught that K&R were to be married when they were 21 years old ... Lekhraj Kirpalani incarnating in 2016 into the reincarnation of Mama ... who would die soon after childbirth to be reborn as Radhe and marry Krishna, i.e. Krishna marries his mother! - another example of some perverse relationship between DL and Mama).

did not Lekhraj Kirpalani's own mother die early too?

And Lekhraj Kirpalani/baby Krishna is not going to be traumatised by his mother dying young? Whose going to look after him?

I one point I heard they'd revised the marriage age down to 18 years old ... but that's past now. I am sure the marriage age was much older when we were BKs and Destruction was supposed to be in 1986. I wish I remembered, and they don't document their changes.

Weren't they suppose to have their first children when they were 70 years old?

And Radhe supposed to have been reborn into a Nepalese royal family (before one of the royal family machine gunned down the rest of the royal family in 2001). They buried that theory quick. It's laughable.

For a cult that was started by a businessman, who one presumes was therefore good with figures, the BKs' mathematics *really* sucks. It just does not add up ... but no one questions or challenges them over this and, of course, it's not all written down in one single book and taught at one. These are all just "mystical" snippets that get dropped into conversations, or senior Sisters' classes, to excite and enthrall the followers with their mysterious fairy stories.

Especially for Westerners who have not got a damn clue about real Hinduism in the first place.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post02 Dec 2018

As entertaining as the latest conspiracy theory!
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Mr Green


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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post06 Dec 2018



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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post02 Apr 2019

ex-l wrote:What was the Osho quote about them (I paraphrase), "able to spout absolute nonsense with utter sincerity"?

Intresting! ... by the way, based on above inputs, I found this info on Osho's views about Brahma Kumaris. Hope it helps truth seekers in this forum. We very rarely see Indian spiritual leaders expressing their true views on other organizations.

The BK topic comes as third question at the bottom of page 7 and the reply by Osho (Rajneesh?) spreads across page 8,9, 10, 11 ... The website asked for some kind of registration to continue further reading, which I might do some other day.

My wife has become a Brahma Kumari with the Raj Yogis of Prajapita Brahma in Mount Abu.

It is hard for me to accept her way, especially her ideal of purity and her believing in such things as the five-thousand-year cycle of mankind which will end in about 1987 with a big atomic war and natural catastrophies to start a new Golden Age.

What can I do?.
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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post03 Apr 2019

Rajdhani wrote:I found this info on Osho's views about Brahma Kumaris. Hope it helps truth seekers in this forum. We very rarely see Indian spiritual leaders expressing their true views on other organizations.

One amusing fact about Osho Rajneesh, who was famous for his collection of Rolls Royces, is that - like Elvis Presley - he is making more money since he died than when he was alive!

Something else the accountant wallahs in Mount Abu must be paying attention too. Apparently the cult, who like the BKs run stress management seminars for corporate clients, makes between $15 and $45 million annually in the US despite every sort of controversy from immigration fraud - like the BKs - to murder. Although he died in 1980 among controversy, apparently Osho is now worth an estimated $100 million!
"I am not making anybody head of my religion because I don't want any books to be followed by my, exploiting people in my name. I am not going to be succeeded by anybody," Rajneesh said.

"The day I am dead, I am dead."

Lekhraj Kirpalani wrote that if the End of the World did not come by 1976, the BK cult's land should be given back to the Indian government.

Lots of stories about Osho, here (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: Small-town boy makes guru: 20 part documentary).

Ma Anand Sheela, the Bhagwan's right hand woman and number two...

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Pink Panther

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Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

Post03 Apr 2019

I’ve never seen that part of that interview with Sheila before.

It was Mark Twain who said
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Maybe we can say, never be a guru to idiots. They will drag you down to their level then praise you for being their guru! Poor Osho! He could have gained a reputation as one of India’s great 20th century philosophers but his Leonian nature could not resist succumbing to the adulation of baby boomer hippies and is now known as a controversial Indian guru.

With BKs, its - take the simplest unsubtlest teachings and blend them, say they are God-given from a speechless god who chooses the barely literate bourgeoisie to speak for him, and drag people into your contagious stupor.

How do you know if someone is intelligent or stupid?
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

- Charles Bukowski

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